Tricks and Treats

By goldenscares666

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Beware the creature that stalks on All Hallows Eve, when the supernatural roam the Earth and cause mischief a... More

01 | Chase the Black Cat to Wonderland
02 | The Sweetest Treats Come With Tricks
04 | Playing with Spirits
05 | Holiday Feast Fit For Royalty
06 | Haunting Illusions
07 | Scary Movies
08 | Devilishly Good Ideas
09 | Beyond the Grave
10 | Player Three
11 | Green-Eyed Monster
Uninvited Guest
Haunted House
Holiday History
Eternal Halloween
Pumpkin Contest
Outer World
Power Drainage
Yummy Sweets
Witching Hour
Hauntingly Good Ideas
Sweet, Candy Lips
Tricks! Tricks! Tricks!
Pranking Pranksters
That Special Time of Year
A Strange Addition to the Family
A Prosperous Kingdom
Epilogue: To the King and Queen of All Hallow's Eve

03 | Cold Autumn Nights

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By goldenscares666

•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:


Blanketed in goosebumps, I let out a shiver against the breeze and rub at my arms in attempts to keep warm. When looking up at Jack, I don't find him as distressed by the cold night; rather, he was happily munching down on the candy he gathered, seeming to be in his own little heaven. If I recall correctly, the mausoleum was nice and warm, oddly enough, as if a fire was roaring in a cozy fireplace, though I don't recall having seen one in there.

"Jack, it's getting a little chilly out here. Mind if we go inside?" Teeth halfway sunken into a chocolate bar, the strange being gazed down at me with a hum before smiling and biting down on it completely with a soft crunch. The blonde then jumps down from the headstone, kneeling beside me with a hand outstretched.

"As the lady commands." He giggles as a smile unknowingly appeared on my lips as I placed my hand on his palm to be pulled up from the ground like a plucked flower. We're sure to pick up our candy and any wrappers before heading in. All was dark until the candles suddenly lit on their own, welcoming us in as Jack escorted me to the table, where not one thing was out of place.

All the food still looked delicious and fresh, as if it were just made only seconds ago, some even appearing steaming hot. While I debated the thought of choosing something to fill the plate in front of me, something soft was draped over my shoulders and wrapped around the front of me by the figure standing behind. It was a blanket made of felt in a light shade of orange printed with black bats. The very hands which placed it on me rubbed at the fabric over my arms to warm me faster, though the touch was actually very light and tender. Again, a smile touched my lips as I thanked him and took a corner of the blanket in my fist to pull it tighter to me. I could not tell if I was blushing or not, but the action certainly made my gut flutter. After giving me a final pat on the shoulder, Jack seats himself across on his extravagant throne.

"So, was that a fun night or what?" He asks, genuinely curious as he leaned forward on his elbows, his grinning face sitting atop his hands. I can't help but agree, nodding in response with a light smile of my own. Though the night was certainly strange, I did enjoy myself. My answer seems to excite him.

"I will say I had my doubts at first, but you're not so bad. Thank you for tonight. You're the first person who hasn't told me I'm too old for Halloween this year, so I really appreciate it," I admit sincerely, causing the boy to gasp loudly in offense.

    "Too old for— WHO IN THE WITCH'S CAULDRON TOLD YOU THAT?!" I flinched back at his fiery tone as the candles flared to match his rage, not expecting such a passionate response and looked down as I fiddled with my fingers under the table. His gaze softens as he leans back in his chair after realizing he had frightened me unintentionally, making it easier to answer him.

"Everyone, really," I mutter, sighing softly as I avoided his eyes.

"But, why?! Halloween is the greatest night of the whole year! The parties, the decorations, the ghost stories, the candy for hell's sake! It's fun for all ages! No one should be dissing it!" Puffing his cheeks like a child, the boy huffs and crosses his arms. It was kind of... Cute actually. However, I can see why he's upset. I mean, he did say he is the King of Halloween, didn't he? That's basically an insult to his holiday. To be honest, I was skeptical about that whole title at first, but after witnessing what he could do with my own eyes, am I really in a position to doubt that? He's certainly... Something, right? "Honestly! Humans these days! No wonder spirits are low. It only takes one rotten apple to spoil the whole bunch."

    "I'm used to it already." My hungry stomach leads my eyes astray to a purple, glass pedestal holding a whole pumpkin pie. Unable to keep to myself any longer, I dare to take a slice, examining it closely after putting it on my plate. I didn't see anything wrong with it, so I guess it should be okay.

    "That doesn't make it right!" Jack shouts, slamming his hands against the table and making the candles go haywire again. Muttering incoherent profanities under his breath, the magician leans over the table to grab himself two slices of the pie I had taken from and stabs his fork harshly into it. As he stuffed his mouth, he rambled on, presenting his lack of manners yet again. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to bring Halloween spirit to the world by myself? Then, to have it squandered by a bunch of adults, like it's nothing! I'm a damn dying holiday!"

To my shock, his anger morphed into sadness as his shoulders slumped and a frown tilted his lips as he poked at his meal with a cheek smashed against his fist to hold up his head. Surely, that's not true, right? I'm sure there's lots of people enjoy Halloween... Then, why would he look so upset? I didn't want to ask more about it, seeing as he was already down in the dumps. No reason to push it out of him if it would only make it worse. Besides, the face he's making is breaking my heart. My attention is drawn when he checks the time on his pocket watch, making me wonder what reason he had to keep track so often. My curiosity only grew when he ran a hand through his hair with a look of disappointment before putting the clock back into his pocket.

    "My, how time flies. I'm afraid there's only an hour left of my party." He pouts.

"Oh, is something wrong with that? Did you want me to stay?" I wouldn't mind. It's not like I could go home right now anyway. A chuckle catches me by surprise, as it wasn't so joyful as his other ones. Mild amusement laced with sadness would be a better description of it.

"Now, that would be nice, wouldn't it? But, I'm afraid this night will have to end sometime. It's been so fun spending time with you. Ah! I know! How about a parting gift?" Finding his smile again, Jack stands abruptly.

"A parting gift? Oh, no, you don't have to give me anything, really." I waved a hand around frantically to further express my objection. His company had been plenty, so I didn't feel like a gift would be necessary.

    "I insist!" His hands clasp together with a loud crack then part to reveal a cloud of green smoke which billows and curls out towards me, carried upon his breath as he blew at it. The smoke stops in front of me, replacing my, now empty, plate with a box after it fades. The container is wrapped in glittery paper with pictures of pumpkins scattered around and a gorgeous, black, lace bow on top. The creature watches with anticipation as I tear at the covering a bit cautiously, not knowing what could possibly be inside.

To my surprise it wasn't anything I was expecting. There was no monster to jump out and scare me, nor was the box filled with sweet treats, like candy. It was a crown, not made of plastic or cardboard like you'd see in any costume shop, but rather, one comprised of pure gold and authentic gems cut in the shapes or orange pumpkin's and purple bats. It was not anything bulky, more like a tiara, honestly, but when I picked it up, it certainly had some weight to it.

"Beautiful," I mutter, eyes lighting up at how the gemstones sparkled under the candlelight as I turned the crown this way and that to admire it. Jack giggles gleefully and claps his hands while hopping up and down.

    "Congratulations! You are officially the Queen of Halloween!" At that, I choked and stared over to him while stumbling over my words.

    "Q- Queen?! But, you're supposed to be the King, aren't you?" My stomach sank with dread, silently hoping that this wasn't some weird marriage proposal. Jack laughs, unfazed, as if the thought of that never occurred to him.

"Yes, indeed! Oh, don't look so spooked. It just means you have a place at this table every year from now on! We can have another party next year and have even more fun!" I was motionless as he pulled me into his arms for a tight hug before soon pulling away to pat my shoulders. "You should feel honored! Nobody has ever been crowned before, except for me, obviously." I gave a small laugh when he winked and looked down at the crown again, feeling relieved.

"You're really sure I could have this?" My answer came in the form of him taking the crown from my hands and setting it on top of my head after removing the hat that had already been in my hair. Jack then tosses the removed accessory behind his shoulder without care as I adjust the crown with a big smile.

    "It suits you." I thank him sheepishly, still in awe at the fact that this truly is all mine, when suddenly, he let out a boisterous yawn, stretching his arms above his head before rubbing his tired eyes. The sound was contagious, causing me to let out a small one myself. "Since there's still a little time left, want me to take you home?" He asks kindly, bending his back in a bow and holding his hand out for me. Instead of taking it, I give him a slight frown.

"That would be nice, but actually, I'm locked out. My parents likely won't be coming back until much later, and I forgot my key."

"I'd offer to let you stay, but unfortunately, come midnight, the portal between our worlds will shut. If you remain here, you'll be stuck for another 365 days until next Halloween." My eyes bulged at Jack's claim as he stood straight and brought his hand back to his side, a sad smile present on his face.

'So, that's why he's been checking the time.' My heart sunk a little. I would've liked to stay a bit longer. Jack seemed so interesting, and now, I find that I might not see him again until next year. No wonder he looks so sad.

    'Where will I go, then? It's already late, and most people are in bed by now. I guess I could sleep outside. Man, I just want a warm bed.' I heave a sigh while rubbing my eyes to wake myself up a bit, causing a gentle smile to appear on Jack's lips as his fingers touched the bottom of my chin to raise it.

"I'll walk you home. I'm sure I'll be able to pick your lock." Breathing out a laugh, I welcome him to try, taking his hand this time when he offered and linking our arms as we exit the mausoleum with Whiskers following closely behind. I find my head gravitating towards his shoulder as a wave of drowsiness hit me, but he didn't seem to mind; in fact, he laid his head on mine for a time until we made it to the house. Jack hums while examining the lock, squatting down to be eye-level with it before placing a finger over the keyhole. A victorious smile crosses his lips at the sound of a click before bouncing back up and opening the door for me. "See? Told ya I could do it."

Chuckling, I step inside, and he follows me in all the way up to my room. It's decent in size, and I was thankful I didn't leave it messy, though there were some things strewn about here and there— Nothing I'd be embarrassed about. The furniture is all made of light wood; the full-sized bed is dressed in cozy, white sheets with a terracotta-orange comforter laid on top, and the walls are all plain white, while the carpet is beige. I set my candy bucket on the desk before looking for a change of clothes in the dresser as Jack and Whiskers make themselves comfortable to wait for me.

As I do so, the blanket on my shoulders falls off, but I don't bother to pick it up on my way to the small, connected bathroom in my room, where I quickly change into the pajamas and wash my face. When I open the door, I see Jack's makeup had all disappeared, though his outfit was the same. Even his eyes had gone back to their usual red. As for the cat, he was splayed out comfortably over the boy's stomach being pet by his owner's hand. He looks to me as I place the beautiful crown on the nightstand before dropping down beside them on the bed with a happy smile on my face.

  "I'll see you again next year, right?" Jack questions in a soft yet hopeful voice, to which I respond with the nod of my head.

  "Can't wait." His own smile seemed to grow wider as Whiskers transferred over to my lap, making the strange boy giggle.

  "Someone looks comfortable." He gives one final pet along the cat's long back before making me jump a little with a surprise kiss to the forehead and getting up. Stunned, I bring a hand to where his lips had touched as he shoved his hands in his pants' pockets and said, "I bid you goodnight, Y/N. I'll see you soon." I sat up quickly, my face full of disappointment. For some reason, I didn't want him to leave. I don't know why. It isn't as though I've known him long, and yet, there's something very comforting about his presence now. All unease that I had in the beginning of the night was now long gone. I felt as if I had a new friend, but now, he'll be leaving for such a long time.

  "Aren't you taking Whiskers with you?" On his way to the door, Jack looked over his shoulder to face me, smirking.

  "Someone needs to stay behind and protect the Queen of Halloween." When his foot hit the blanket I had left on the floor, he bent over and picked it up before returning to the bed, beside me, where he proceeded to wrap the warm fabric around my shoulders. I was still as he leaned in towards my ear to whisper, "Please, never forget about me, okay?" His tone was so soft, so serious, I could only imagine how shocked he was when I let out a small chuckle.

   "It's a little hard to forget about someone who charred my neighbor's face for sweets." Jack giggles along with me before that tired looked returned to his eyes once again as he checked his pocket watch for the time. A frown appeared as he closed it and put it away.

  "I'm afraid I must go now. I wish I could stay longer." He leaves the bed for the final time before shutting off the lights for me and heading for the door. "Goodnight, Sweetie."

  "Goodnight, pumpkin," I retort jokingly as I lie down to sleep, masking my sadness to the best of my ability. This makes him laugh as the door shut behind him, allowing me to let my expression droop as my eyes closed. I won't be able to see him for a whole year, however, I can't help feeling excited to meet him again. I can't even begin to imagine what it will be like. I drift off to sleep, dreaming of magic and extravagant parties full of tricks and treats, an array of fantastic wonders and the most fun I've ever experienced.

'What a wonderful Halloween.'


"Until next year, Sweetie."

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