Resistance// b.blake [DISCONT...

By karaDAMNvers

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⊿ Cast list *
⊿ Prologue *
⊿ Part one *
⊿ 1|| From The Stars To The Ground *
⊿ 2|| the Skywanker and Rebel Dweeb *
⊿ 3|| A full 360
⊿ 4|| the failed rescue mission
⊿ 5|| people aren't panther food either
⊿ 7|| emotions, terrible things that cause a world of pain
⊿ 8|| don't know what hurts more, fighting or the acid fog
⊿9|| half naked encounters and hangings
⊿ 10|| unanswered questions and new Earthlings
⊿ 11|| Carry On, My Wayward Son
⊿ 12|| kisses and competitions

⊿ 6|| you get a threat! You get a threat! You all get a threat!

353 12 7
By karaDAMNvers

"You can't just throw promises like that around if you don't completely and utterly believe in them."


Jessica was tired.

When the group started going back to camp, everyone was drained from the day they had so they decided to rest for a little. They had found a big enough space for to for all of them and everyone was resting against the trees, silent except for the small moans coming from Jasper and the very talkative Jessica and Murphy.

"How can you still look beautiful with dirt and blood smeared on your face?" Murphy says, chuckling, as he smiles at her. (A/n: cringing so hard)

"It a gift, babe. Just like how you manage to get everyone to hate you." Jessica laughs at the face Murphy makes in response.

"Ain't that right." Bellamy's comment is followed by Murphy rolling his light blue eyes.

"What's right? J being blindly beautiful or everyone hating me?" Murphy blurts out.

Jessica laughs again, before saying "Both." A smirk on her face as Bellamy stares at her for a few seconds before lowering his gaze to the dirt.

Bellamy hasn't said anything directly at Jessica since earlier that day and honestly, Jessica was a little upset. Although they had only had a few encounters, most unhappy, Jessica still felt a connection to the curly haired man.

But she had her people and she certainly didn't need Bellamy to be a part of that.

"Hey Jess, can you come over here?" Clarke says, brows furrowed, face filled with concern and worry. Jessica hurriedly got up and walked over to where Clarke was sitting, a good couple feet away from the rest of them, careful to not put too much pressure on her right side since it still occasionally hurting.

"If you keep doing that face, it gonna get stuck like that." Jessica said, smiling brightly at the blonde. Clarke looked up her, tears shining in the blonde's eyes.

"Jess, I don't know if I can do this. I- I don't know what to do and everyone's counting on me. Always looking at me and-" Clarke's whispering is cut off when she sees Finn look over at them, she sends him a small fake smile before looking back at Jessica.

Clarke breathed out a shaky breath as Jessica crouched down in front of her. "Look, you are just about the strongest person I'be ever had the pleasure of meeting. Clarke, you can do this. You can do anything you set your brilliant mind on. And we don't know what else is coming our way but just know..." She wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders as Clarke leans into her. "That I'll always be right here for you."


"Who's hungry?!"

Bellamy's shout echoes through the camp of delinquents as he turns around and faces Jessica, a smirk on his face. Cheers immediately erupt from the crowd and a few people from Bellamy's circle come up to pick up the panther.

Jessica stares back at Bellamy and keeps her face blank as she says, "Tell me when the food's ready."  She quickly walks around him and towards the drop ship where she saw Clarke and a few others take Jasper.

Jessica admired the sunset shinning bright; an array of purples, oranges, and blues sprouting from behind the line of trees that caused her to slow her pace so she could properly look at them. Jessica was a couple feet away from the drop ship door when a small hand grasps her forearm.

"Hey!" Harper says, pulling in Jessica for a tight hug. Jessica fondly returns the hug before pulling away, smiling. "I saw them carry Jasper in, how is he?"

"Not so good Harp." Jessica says, her face falling and drawing together in worry. "He was shot through the chest. How can someone survive that?"

"Have hope, Jess. He is going make it."

"Don't jinx it." Jessica says, faking a mad face. Harper laughs before shaking her head and saying goodbye. Jessica smiles at the girl's retreating figure before turning around and entering the drop ship.

Jessica dashes up the first ladder and sees Jasper laid out on the second floor. Beside him is Clarke and Octavia, Clarke checking his vitals and Octavia holding the boy's clammy hand. Standing above them is Finn and Monty sits in corner of the room farthest away from Jasper, a distressed look on all of their faces.

Jessica decides to just sit down against wall and wait.


Somehow, Jessica slept through the rest of the night. Before she did, since Bellamy had failed to tell her that the food was ready, Finn snagged her a piece of panther and Jessica once again called him her hero.

A little after mid-night, Jessica awoke to the loud moans that were erupting from poor Jasper. Jessica gently rubs the sleep from her eyes before getting up from where she was laying. A blanket was placed on her sometime during her sleep and Jessica made a mental note to find out who did it and thank them.

Plopping down in front of Jasper, Jessica crosses her legs and combs her fingers through his hair, trying to calm him. She nods at Clarke who is sitting on the other side. Clarke has her fingers pressed into Jasper's neck while looking at her watch, muttering something as she pulls her hand away.

"Go back to sleep!" Jessica hears from down below. She glares at the floor for a few seconds before returning her attention to Jasper, who started moving.


"You shut up before I shove my foot up your ass!" Jessica yells back, voice slightly raspy.

Clarke leans in close to Jasper, completely ignoring the small screaming match going on, and says to him, "Don't listen to them. You're gonna make it through this. I promise."

"Are you sure you wanna promise that?" Jessica says to Clarke. "I mean, that's a pretty big promise to make. That's one of my brothers, Clarke. He's been there for me since the day we met. You can't just throw promises like that around if you don't completely and utterly believe in them."

"Well Jess, guess what." Clarke says, her gaze intense as she reaches over the sick boy to hold the brunette's hand. "I promise."

Jessica releases a breath and smiles at her, giving the girl's pale hand a squeeze. "I'm gonna get some clean water. Keep an eye on him?"

"Always and forever." Jessica whispers, a soft look on her face as she looks at Jasper and then at the sleeping Monty across the room.


The night went by with even more complaints from the other delinquents which were followed by various colorful threats from Jessica.

The following morning when Jasper was sleeping as peaceful as he possibly could, Jessica went out to find something to eat.

She walked straight through the camp and out into the dense woods, not before grabbing a couple knives of course.

As Jessica walked through the thick forest, she couldn't help but marvel at the small knives. One was pieces of scrap metal put together and sharpened; the other, a silver knife with an intricate pattern drawn onto its handle. The knives were totally different but both were deadly, in the right hands.

Jessica grew weary of wandering around the woods after she caught a small rabbit, catching it by throwing her silver knife straight into its eye. As she neared the camp, she heard Jasper's moans, loud and clear.

She winced, not being able to image the pain he was going through besides she herself having gone through something similar. But her's never hurt that bad. Might be because she was used to the pain and Jasper, well. Jasper was certainly not used to pain.

"That damn kid; always messing with my head." Jessica immediately knows who it is and swiftly walks through the trees and towards the voice. She reaches a clearing and quietly lays the rabbit beside a tree. She looks up and recognizes Murphy and the back of Bellamy's curly head in a group surrounding a tree with a target on it.

"He's not gonna last much longer. Better find a new excuse." Bellamy swings his arm back to throw an axe and Jessica rips it out of his hands, throwing the man off balance.

"Actually, Barfamy" Jessica says as the group of males turn around to face her. "Jasper isn't going to die until I let him die. And that's never going to happen."

While she stills has the attention of the group, she rapidly throws the axe towards the target and hits the dead center. Jessica purses her lips before turning on her heel and walking to Murphy's side. From behind her, she hears Bellamy say, "Now that's how it's done." 

Jessica stops besides Murphy and smiles down at the ground before she hears her name and Bellamy's called out.

"Yes?" She says looking up to face the boy who approached the group.

"We searched half
a mile in all directions. No sign of Trina or Pascal."

Jessica laughs loudly causing everyone to look at her once again. "Who the hell names their kid Pascal?" Jessica wheezes out, laughter coming from her every word.

The glares coming from most of the boys make her laughter stop and she mutters an apology. From beside her, Murphy says "Visit your special tree when you were out there?"

"Atom took his punishment. Let it go." Bellamy said, his voice sounding like that conversation was over.

"Special tree? Punishment? What- why would he be punished?" Jessica says looking at the boys around her.

"Oh right, you were asleep when this happened. Bellamy found out that while you guys were out looking for Jasper, Atom was making out with Octavia and so he tied up Atom to the tree for the rest of the night as punishment." Says one of the boys whose name Jessica wasn't sure of. She swore it started with an M.

"Bellamy did what?" Jessica said in disbelief. She turned to her side to look at the man, hands on her hips. "Bellamy what the hell! You can't just tie people up because they do something you don't-"

Bellamy's hands cut her off. One hand firmly planted on top of her mouth and the other wrapped around her waist and pulled her towards him. Jessica struggles against his hold but when Bellamy begins to lift and vigorously shake her, she stops, panting from behind his large hand.

With his hands still firmly placed on her, Bellamy gently whispers into her ear "Shush, Cupcake. Let's not jump to accusations now. We can talk later if you want but right now, I want to hear what Atom has to say."

"Alright, man. Let her go, she's calm." Murphy says irritably and Bellamy's hands loosen from around her. Jessica throws his hands off and is pulled into Murphy's chest, muttering things about Bellamy needing self-control.

"It could be grounders." Atom says, sounding uncomfortable.

"Yeah or they could be in pound town.  Lot of that going around lately." Murphy's voice vibrates in Jessica's ear and she rolls her eyes at what he said. A loud moan coming from Jasper causes Jessica to finally push herself away from Murphy's warm embrace.

She releases a worried sigh before returning her attention to Atom who started talking again. "Look, Bellamy, Jessica. People are scared, and that dying kid, he's not helping the morale around here."

"He's not dying!"

"Morale will go up when I find them more food."

Jessica and Bellamy reply to Atom at the same time. Jessica turns her glare from Atom to Bellamy and Bellamy swallows hard, his Adam's apple bobbing.

"And what do we say when they ask about Trina or Pascal?" Another delinquent whose name Jessica also doesn't know says.

"Nothing, you idiot. If you don't want to scare them, you don't say anything." Jessica says, an incredulous look on her face.

"Yeah, she's right. It's possible they're just lost. We'll keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later."

"Yay! We're going hunting!" Jessica says a smile on her face as she whips out her knives. The group begins to walk towards the woods as she continues. "I've been practicing."

"Let's go kill something." Murphy says, putting a hand on her back.

"You're not going." Bellamy says, pushing Murphy back, away from Jessica. "I need you to stay here. If the grounders are circling, we can't leave this place unprotected."

Jessica stops, eyebrows furrowed as returns her knives to the covers she made for them earlier while she was wondering.

Murphy tips his head up to the sky before saying "Fine. Somebody better tell Goggle Boy to keep it shut."

"Murphy!" Jessica yells at him. Murphy raises his hand in surrender before turning around and walking back into camp. Bellamy turns to face Jessica as soon as Murphy is out of hearing range.

"What?" Jessica says crossing her hands over chest.


"Say it, Bellamy. You have this look on your face like you have to tell me something, so say it." Jessica says walking up to him, poking a finger into his chest with the last two words.

Bellamy chuckles before saying "Cupcake, are you sure you wanna be out there hunting with us?"

"Yes I'm sure, Barfamy. Stop being so worried. I already caught a rabbit." Jessica says before dashing over to the tree and grabbing her rabbit. She holds it up to him, a smile wide on her pride face.

"Okay then." Bellamy says, a small chuckle coming out of him. He starts walking after the group and then he turns around, gesturing for her to follow. Jessica dashes over to Bellamy, throwing the dead rabbit into his strong chest.

"But I should warn you, Bellamy." Jessica says, walking ahead of him. "I'm probably gonna take my shirt off at some point."

She quickly looks over her shoulder at Bellamy and sees a smile flicker across his face, so small it might have been her imagination.


Hehehehhehe. I liked this chapter.

Sorry it took so long I was-

Actually I don't have an excuse but sorry!

This chapter is dedicated to @mikaelsonsalvatore who commented a while back.

Hope everyone liked this chapter.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share.

Comments about how I'm doing will be very appreciated.

Oh yeah, can you guys check out the other books I started, that would be great.

They're mostly TVD fanfics lolololol.

Love, Daisy.

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