Say You Won't Let Go

By StrangeBlob

356K 9.7K 2.6K

I've always lived with my mother and sister. But things happen, lives change... People change. Best ranking: ... More

The News
The Flight
A Reunion
The New School
Beautiful Days & Ugly Assumptions
The Girl With Emerald Eyes
Dancing Under The Moonlight
Cookies & A Movie
Jerks & Rumors
Broken Eyes
Dinner Disaster
The Troublesome Adventures
Fights & Gazes
Wrong Doings & Wrong Words
Her Marks
After School
A Realization
Labs & Conversation
Truthful Lies
Words On The Lockers
The Question
The Final Words
Momentary Peace
The Fatal Answer
Running Free
The Empty Gun & Broken Bullets
Smiles & New Information
The Coward & The Hero
Flirting & Worry
Trust & The Stumble
The Reason Behind It All
The Demons Of Her Past
Dinner & Explanations
Friends & Their Advice
The Effects Of Emerald Eyes
The Truth Always Comes Out
Bathroom Stalls & Changing Times
Quiet Night
Revealed Secrets
The Gift Of A Lifetime
Past Reasons & Transparent Emotions
What Happened In The Past
Home & Stories
Traditions & Mistletoes
Lunch Dates & Mistakes
Little Sisters
Purple Roses & Row Boats
The Strongest Of Them All
A Summer Night

Cookies, Pizza & Grins

5.9K 172 40
By StrangeBlob

"So, what are our plans for today?" Lauren hums, swinging her arms as we stroll to her house. She seems slightly nervous, but if I didn't know her the way I do, I wouldn't notice it.

"I'll ask my dad if he can order us pizza or something." I shrug, smiling softly to try and silently reassure the green eyed girl.

"Mm, pizza sounds good." Lauren shares wistfully, a smile tugging on the corners of her lips. "You know what I've been craving?"

"What?" I reply, curiosity dripping from my tone. I want to be the best host for Lauren when she is my guest. I want to treat her.

"Cookies." She answers, mischief gleaming in her deep eyes, pooling along the edges as hope.

"God, Lo. Now I'm craving them." I playfully shove her side, making her sway to the side gently. She giggles, flashing me a broad grin.

"Do you think we could bake some? I mean, if it's cool with your dad." Lauren suggests, dipping her head.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind." I assure her as we approach her house. I follow her up her front step but when she turns around and sees that I'm still behind her, she freezes.

"Wait," she says, her tone urgent. She puts her hands out flat in front of her and I. "Just... stay down there."

"Al...right." I drawl, stepping back down, distancing myself from the door by a few feet, and clasping my hands together in front of me. "I'll be down here."

"Thank you." Lauren hums, digging out the keys to her house and unlocking the door. She hovers near the frame, not entering her house. "Hey, Mom. Uh—"

"Come in, dear." A feminine voice hollers from inside the house. "Don't be stranger."

"No, it's just that I was wondering if I could hang out with my friend." Lauren asks awkwardly, her features holding anticipation.

There is a pregnant pause. "Which friend?" The voice, I'm guessing is her mother, inquires, her tone cold.

"Camila." Lauren reluctantly replies, grimacing as she says my name. It shouldn't hurt as much as it does. Why does it look like she is in pain?

Lauren's mom scoffs. "Bring her in. Let me meet her."

"Maybe next time." Lauren stutters nervously, wringing her hands. "We are... in a rush."

Another pause. "Camila?" She hollers louder than normal. Lauren's face reflects pure terror at the sound of my name coming from her mother's mouth. "You out there?"

I cough sheepishly, hugging myself. "Yeah?" I answer back, getting on my tip-toes to peer into the house. I, however, can not see Lauren's mother.

"Are you two in a hurry?" She asks, her tone light and innocent.

Lauren whips her head toward me, pleading written all over her face. Fear glazes her eyes and she bites down on her bottom lip.

"Yes, we are." I lie, clenching my teeth. "My father is waiting for us."

"Hmm," the green eyed girl's mother grumbles. "Alright. Have fun. But not too much fun, Lauren." She emphasizes her daughter's name in a way that makes a chill run down my back.

Relief, like color, melts across her face. A crooked smile takes the fears' place. "Okay, Mami. I'll text you when we start home."

"You best."

Lauren happily hops off the front step, joining me at my side. "Come on, Camz. Let's go."

We start down the sidewalk, keeping, at least, a foot's distance between us. Sometimes, I'll sway closer to Lauren and her body will go rigid. I have to remind myself that she needs space and that she still isn't completely used to me.

"Are you sure that your dad will be cool with me coming over unexpectedly?" Lauren suddenly pipes up, worry controlling her features.

I laugh softly, nodding. "He loves you. When you weren't coming over, I think he missed you more than I did—and that's a lot." I assure her, smiling tenderly.

"Good to know." Lauren chuckles, casting me a shy smile. This action causes my stomach to flip and my heart to flutter.

Our strolls turns silent. No one talks and no one dares try to make talk. The air becomes thick with tension.

"So..." I drawl, earning Lauren's previously distracted attention. "Did you hear about Ally?"

"And Troy?" Lauren follows up. I nod in confirmation and Lauren face brightens. "Hell yes, I did. Dinah told me. I'm so happy for them; they're so cute."

I find myself smiling at Lauren's enthusiasm for our friend and her new boyfriend. "God, they make me feel so single. I see them around in the hallway and it makes me want to throw up—in a good way."

Lauren laughs gingerly at my comment. "Aww, Camz. I don't know why you're single. You're so sweet, beautiful, kind, brave, and honest..." Lauren's sentence trails off wistfully. She then coughs abruptly, blinking rapidly.

"If you think I'm all those things, why don't you just date me?" I joke, laughing to myself. My laughter dies once I see Lauren's face go cold. Her features become rock and her smile disappears as if it was never there. "Am I really that bad?"

"No, no. Of course not. It's just... it's stupid." Lauren dips her head, her cheeks red. "I don't really want to talk about it."

"Oh." I breathe, nodding respectively. "That's fine. We don't have to talk about it. It's okay."

"Thank you." Lauren smiles weakly, the sunlight catches her eyes and they gleam under her dark brown hair.

"You're welcome." I hum softly, tilting my head back and forth rhythmically. We reach my house, stepping up the first step and pulling through the unlocked door into the warm house.

"Hello, my Mila!" Alejandro calls out cheerfully when he hears the door close behind us. "I'm super glad you're home. Just what I've been needing. A bit of happiness from my daughter."

He comes walking into the hallway, his face looking extremely tired. It takes me by surprise and I wasn't expecting the blunt sorrow lingering in his features. His eyes then land on Lauren who is currently not paying attention while she places her backpack near mine on the floor.

"Lo..." I try to get her attention for my father but now she is slipping her shoes off. She does hum in acknowledgment and when she is done, she looks up at me with a blank expression.

"Yeah?" Lauren asks, totally not acknowledging that my father is in the room. I smile sheepishly and point to my dad. Her eyes shift and a humorous smile appears on her lips. "Oh. Hi."

"Nice to see you again." Alejandro dips his heads, smiling. "Make yourself at home." He pauses, gesturing around. "Make it your home, if you'd like. Stay as long as you'd like. You make my Mila happy and, therefore, that makes me happy."

"Well, alright." Lauren giggles, casting a shy smile over to me. I feel all the heat in my body turn into embarrassment and blotch along my cheeks.

"Thanks, Dad. Love you, too. Please, order pizza and we are going upstairs before you can embarrass me anymore!" I say very quickly, grabbing Lauren's wrist and running upstairs with her.

"Whatever you say, mija!" He calls up to me before we can get into my room. Lauren shuts the door as we enter. I cast her a confused glance and she shrugs sheepishly.

"I don't like open doors." Is all she says before she allows her eyes to wander my bedroom. She takes in my furniture, my window and drapes, and whatever else her stunning eyes can scan.

"I know it isn't much." I frown without displeasure. I very much like my room; it's cozy and reminds me of home—the opposite of Seattle.

"I like it." Lauren decides, sitting down beside me on my bed. She keeps her hands clasped in her lap and seems very reserved. I nudge her softly and scoot closer.

"Hey," I smile tenderly, catching her eye. "I don't bite."

Lauren laughs, relaxing her body. "I know. I'm sorry. Just natural reflex, I suppose." She sighs, and it is full of sorrow, but not how it used to be. Before, she would exhale sadness and breathe it back in, but now, she is only exhaling it. She breathes in what she needs to heal.


"What kind of cookies do you want to make?" I ask suddenly, lifting an eyebrow expectantly.

Lauren opens her mouth to respond but then closes it and says something else. "What is your favorite kind?" Lauren hums.

I shove her side gently, rolling my eyes. "I asked you first. Answer my question. You're my guest, I'm supposed to cater to you."

"Alright. Alright. Uhh, I enjoy sugar cookies and chocolate chip." Lauren lists, shrugging. "You can choose from those two because it really doesn't matter to me."

"Chocolate chip." I grin widely, which causes a smile to appear on Lauren's lips.

"Awesome," Lauren exhales, running a hand through her hair. "I'm super excited."

"Me too." I share, nodding.

Lauren then grows silent, her face falling. She blinks a few times then lifts her chin and the shadow of a smile crosses her lips. "Tell me," she says softly, her voice like honey. "Your mother? Seattle?"

"Oh." My grin disappears. Lauren can tell that she's upset me. Her eyes grow tenebrous and her bottom lip quivers into a pout.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean"—she rests her hand on my forearm—"to strike a nerve." Her dark brown hair tumbling over her face creates a stencil for the light to shine through and reflect off her eyes in a pattern of bright lines.

The second her skin comes in contact with mine; her touch electrifies my body. Now, my heart is racing and my temperature is blazing through the roof. I try my best to hide this, however, but Lauren removes her hand almost as quickly as she placed it.

"It's okay," I assure her, smiling weakly. "It's just that I haven't talked with my mother since she made me move here."

"She made you move here? Man, that's messed up." Lauren furrows her eyebrows, her lips parting ever so slightly.

"I suppose." I sigh, shrugging. "I'm over it now. I have you, Dinah, Normani, and Ally now. What else could I want?"

Lauren doesn't respond, she just smiles at me. This isn't her usual smile, however. Her eyes gleam with a different emotion and it's like her smile is trying to tell me something she could never utter.

Before I can do anything, Alejandro calls up to us. "Pizza is here!"

Exchanging a glance, we both jump up and race out of the room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen.


"I'm surprised they don't make banana pizza," I think out loud, gazing up wistfully before looking forward at Lauren who is holding back laughter. "It would be so good."

"I'm surprised you haven't invented it yet." Lauren giggles, taking another bite of pizza.

"Pfft," I scoff, shaking my head. "Like I have time for that. I'm so busy, I could never fit it into my schedule."

"Okay, Miss All-I-do-after-school-is-look-depressed-as-I-listen-to-my-music-and-stare-at-the-wall. Whatever you say." Alejandro retorts from the living room, making me roll my eyes.

"Did I ask you, Dad?" I make sure to put emphasis on the fatherly name. Lauren laughs, smiling into the living room.

"Nope," he answers quickly, getting up as his eyes scan his phone. "But I have to go. Sarah needs me. I'll be back. Can you two handle yourselves?"

"Yes," I nod eagerly. "We are going to make cookies."

"Oh god," Alejandro rubs his temples, looking stressed. "Lauren, please refrain her from using the oven, microwave, blender, toaster, and the fridge while I'm gone so my house isn't on fire when I get back?"

"Rude." I mutter, crossing my arms defiantly.

"Definitely will, Mr. Cabello." Lauren giggles, side-eyeing me. I gape at her acceptance to his words. She just gives me cheeky grin. What a dork.

"Thank you." He opens the door and says before he closes it, "Oh, and call me Alejandro."

I finish my pizza, cleaning my hands with a napkin before resting my head in my palms. I stare straight at Lauren, my face emotionless.

It takes a while for her to notice but when she does, she slowly brings her eyes up to meet mine. Hesitation dances in her pupils. When we connect gazes, I smile softly at her.

"Hi." I say.

"What are you doing?" Lauren asks, ignoring my greeting and swallowing whatever was left in her mouth.

"Waiting for you." I hum, shrugging carelessly. "So we can make cookies."

Oh, yes." Lauren grins, finishing her last bite of pizza. We clean our hands and place our plates in the sink. She pulls out her phone, searching up a recipe for cookies.

I rush to her side, leaning against the counter with my phone loosely grasped in my hand. "I bet I can look it up quicker than you can." I dare her, the left corner of my lips twitching up.

"In your dreams, Camz," she turns phone around to reveal a recipe she has already pulled up. "Already beat you."

"At least, I tried." I pout, switching my phone off and shoving it into my pocket. Before it can totally shut off as I put it away I can briefly see Dinah's most recent text message.

1 minute ago: Cheechee: Why aren't you responding to my messages? Busy? ;)

God, she's a pain in my neck but I love her. While I was reading my text, Lauren had
been going through cupboards for the things we need.

"Where do you keep your chocolate chips?" Lauren asks, rummaging through some lower drawers.

"Um," I move over to the freezer, opening the door and pulling out the yellow bag of chocolate chips. I set them on the counter loudly. "The freezer. Where else?"

"Weirdo." Lauren says but casts me a grin, nevertheless. She has found the rest of the ingredients from her recipe.

"How can I help?" I pipe up, popping up at her side with a wide and enthusiastic grin. Lauren hands me two eggs before she drops down and searches for a bowl in the cabinets.

"Hold these." Is all she says, her eyes scanning for a bowl.

"Or I could get you a bowl." I suggest, moseying over to the cupboards near the fridge. I get on my tip-toes to open the door and grab out a blue bowl. I set it on the counter, giving Lauren a pointed look.

"Alright." Lauren shrugs, standing back up. She grabs bag of flour while I crack my first egg against the edge of the surface. It cracks perfectly, dropping into the bowl and everything so, naturally, I throw my arms out in glee. My hand then hits against something and Lauren lets out a yelp.

"What is—" my words die away as I turn to look at Lauren. Her face is coated in flour and her eyes are shut tightly. A grimace is adorned on her face. I feel my heart sink. I've blown my second chance, haven't I?

"I'm so sorry!" I gasp, trying to dust off some of the white powder. I'm afraid she is going to snap at me but she just lets out a small laugh and puts a hand on my hand which is resting on her cheek.

"It's fine, Camz." She grins, wiping some off her eyes. She blinks them open, the emerald green constructing with the white on her face. "But here..." She smears her hands on her face, grabbing onto my hand before I can run away.

She rubs her dust covered hands on my face, leaving some flour along my skin. I giggle, trying to worm out of her grip. "Stop." I laugh, grinning.

"No," she beams, wrapping an arm and eventually her other arm around me waist. She presses my back against her torso and continues to smear the flour on my skin.

"This isn't fair!" I holler out, giggling, nevertheless.

"Life isn't fair!" Lauren retorts, burying her face into my neck. I feel goosebumps dance down my arms, making my body stiffen slightly. But if Lauren notices, she doesn't say anything.

"Let me go!" I complain half-heartedly, giving up on wiggling away from Lauren.

"Fine," Lauren unravels herself from me, much to my secret displeasure. "But only because we are equal now."

"Okay, Miss I-can't-take-one-hit." I tease her, winking as I crack the last egg into the bowl.

"Be that way, Miss Gets-so-excited-about-everything-and-can't-control-it." Lauren retorts, dumping out a cup of flour and pouring it into the bowl.

"Mine was better." I shrug one shoulder, fishing a spoon it of the utensil drawer. I proceed to bop the spoon against Lauren's cheek. "Hey, knock knock."

"Who's there?" Lauren hums, measuring out some sugar. She turns to the side to check in the light and as she does that, I throw my hand into the open chocolate chip bag and steal a few.

I quickly swallow the chocolate chips. "I'mma spoon."

Lauren rolls her eyes and dumps the sugar into the bowl. "I'mma spoon who?"

"I'mma spoon you!" I giggle, stirring the ingredients together.

Lauren's cheek turn pink as she pours a teaspoon of vanilla into the bowl. I stir it in. "You're such a dork, Camz."

"But you like it." I grin, watching Lauren from the corner of my eye. She turns around to grab something so I sneak in a handful more chocolate chips.

"Believe whatever you'd like." Lauren says. "Whatever keeps you happy."

"You keep me happy." I hum, feeling Lauren's warmth on my side again. She takes the small slice of butter she cut off from our butter dish and plops it into the mix.

"I do?" Lauren asks, leaning forward to watch me stir the butter in. My arm is beginning to get tired so I switch arms.

"Of course." I smile at her, earning a delayed, shy smile in return. "You're my friend."

It hurts more than it should to say 'friend'.

"You're sweet." Lauren says softly, but something is missing. She's not putting everything in her words.

"Not as sweet as these cookies." I beam, excitedly eyeing the cookie mix.

"Almost as sweet." Lauren winks, a wide grin on her lips. She reaches for the bag of chocolate chips and frowns when it's lighter than before. "What happened?"

I dip my head, ashamed. "I got hungry."

Lauren laughs, dumping the rest into the mixture. "Oh, Camz," she sighs. I smile, stirring the chocolate in.

"How are we supposed to ball them up?" I ask, reading over her shoulder as she scans the rest of the recipe.

"Like this," she sets her phone down, returning to the bowl. She picks some of the mixture up and rolls it in her hands. She then sets it in the middle of my hand. Her fingertips brush against my skinI feel my face grow warm..

"Oh." I breathe, putting the ball down on the tray Lauren previously pulled out.

We continue to ball up the mixture and fill up the tray. I pick up the tray to put it into the oven but Lauren steals it from me.

"I don't want you hurt." She says, kneeling down and popping it into the oven.

I don't reply, but the small smile on my face says enough. After she closes the oven, she casts me a shy grin.

And it's definitely sweeter than the cookies.


A/N: hallo! I know... late again. This time, it isn't my fault! (Yes, it is.) I updated my iPad to the new update and now the note app (what I write on) is super confusing and laggy. Ughhhhhh. So that made this slower. I finished writing it on my phone, which was quicker anyway.

Anyway, I hope you liked it. If you did, please star it. Thank you so much and have a marvelous day!! I love you :)


(P.s: I didn't edit this chapter either so if you notice any terrible mistakes, please tell me. Thank youuuu!)

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