Forbidden Eternity.

By TylerNicole1x

51.2K 951 154

After a should've been fatal crash, Katie Lewis wakes up on her birthday with no recollection of the night be... More

Forbidden Eternity. (1)
Forbidden Eternity. (2)
Forbidden Eternity. (3).
Forbidden Eternity. (4).
Frobidden Eternity. (5)
Forbidden Eternity. (6).
Forbidden Eternity. (7).
Forbidden Eternity. (8).
Forbidden Eternity. (9).
Forbidden Eternity. (10).
Forbidden Eternity. (11).
Forbidden Eternity. (13).
Forbidden Eternity. (14).
Forbidden Eternity. (15).
Forbidden Eternity. (16).
Forbidden Eternity. (17).
Forbidden Eternity. (18).
Forbidden Eternity. (19).
Forbidden Eternity. (19). Katie.
Forbidden Eternity. (20).
Forbidden Eternity. (21).
Forbidden Eternity. (22).
Forbidden Eternity. (23).
Forbidden Eternity. (24).
Forbidden Eternity: (25)
Forbidden Eternity. (26).
Forbidden Eternity. (27).

Forbidden Eternity. (12).

1.6K 30 2
By TylerNicole1x


I scratch at the fountains stone structure, something to ease my boredom... here I am... again. In the space of what? Half an hour maybe... well, at least that had passed the time. The moon still high, hanging defiantly in the sky. I lean back on my elbows, leaning a leg on the stone. Jeez, boredom, even now I have nothing to do, at a frikking vampire academy! God I must be boring or something. The wind blew the perfectly cut grass, and the trees swayed with it, the smell of pine just engulfs this place. I blow out a breath in boredom. I can't, daren't go back to the dorm in case I see something that will forever scold my innocent eyes. Innocent, pfft. I run my fingers through my hair, the quiff making it stick up. Patting it down angrily I hear a distinct growl. I sit up quickly, skimming the place to see if anything's out of place. Nope, nothing. So why is my heart hammering against my chest. I stand up uneasily, brushing my bum as its gone numb. The growl sounds again, and I whip my head behind me, seeing only the flowing white water of the fountain. Damn it, what the hell is that sound? Cracking my knuckles to distract me. The growl comes again, in one continuous flow as it becomes louder and louder, as if something's coming closer to me. Okay, never mind about the sex in the dorm, just get back to the dorm, my mind screams. I walk slowly at first, looking frantically about, the growling still coming closer. The fear hammering away in my chest before it overwhelms me and I take off running, running from the growling which still becoming louder, a padding of feet on the ground is adding to the growling, not my feet may I add. My legs aren't moving fast enough, I bare my teeth and try to run faster, only making myself stumble, and something pounces on my back, crashing me to the floor. A jaw locks around my neck and paws press down onto my back. Paws? Not a vampire? What the fuck? My face so close to the mud I could see a few lady birds crawling about in the grass. The jaw stiffens around my neck and clamps down, making me scream as what seems like thousands of teeth tear through my neck. My blood flows quickly and the weight on my back jerks, then completely disappears and I take in a jagged breath, flipping myself over and trying to scramble away. When I feel it, something tugging at my mind, like a silent pull, gripping bits of me and connecting it to bits of somebody else's, making me feel more violated then I have ever felt in my life. As my mind connects with somebody - something - else's. Then a searing pain floods through my body, taking all of my concentration away to the most concentrated point of the pain, the entire stretch of my spine. I instantly know it's not like the other pains I have experienced, this is different, very different. All of the pain floods into my back and burns. I arch myself, eager to get my back away from the ground. I scream, the pain feeling like someone dragging a scalpel in intricate designs down the centre of my back. I gasp as I roll onto my side, grasping at anything to distract me, the scalpel like feeling travelling up and down my back, and the absent pulling at my mind. Breathing heavy, the cold grass underneath me prickling my bare skin, I take a peek at the thing that's howling just a few yards away from me. The creature cringing on the floor, yelping and howling as if something is causing it deep pain. The scalpel feeling disappears and I intake so quickly I feel dizzy. And everything is quiet. No rustling of the trees, no whistle of the wind. No howling of pain. Nothing, just mine and something else's breathing. Then images fly past my eyes, not images, memory's. None of which are mine, but the creature's sat next to me. How the creature prowled around the campus weeks before I got here, looking for me. How it survived solely off the forest. And many more things, flitting across my eyes so quickly I can hardly take them in. The last memory came to the forefront of my mind, watching through the creatures eyes at my running figure, knowing it had found the one person that only it can be connected to, and as it pounced on me, and the memory finished, leaving me breathless from the newly acquired knowledge of the wolf. It's a malamute crossed wolf , my mind whispers. Shadow, that's his name. I gape at 'Shadow' My mind put in, the huge wolf lying on it's stomach, breathing heavily. The top half of him pure black, while the bottom part as white as snow. I can just see his large head, his eyes circled with the black fur which is connected to the top of his head's black fur, which then carried on to the bridge of his nose, the rest pure white. One of his ears perked up, his eyes open slightly, and I gasp as I look into the sapphire blue eyes, duplicates of mine. The tugging at my mind picks up again, and I can feel him. Feel Shadow's presence. I know he's smarter, smarter than any other wolf or dog could be, smarter than any animal. Not as smart as humans, or us. Not able to speak a language or anything spectacular or ridiculous like that, but able to understand. I start, realising I used his name as if he was my first ever pet. No, in retrospect, I had used it as if Shadow, this animal was something like a best friend to me.

I sit up slowly, but even the small movement causes my back to tingle, dancing little sparks of pain going all the way down the skin along my spine. Damn it. I pick myself up steadily, realisation dawning on me. Shadow, is my animal. Feeling myself beam, looking at Shadow as he stood up as well. I feel something warm trickling down my neck, dabbing at it with my finger tips, I pull away and look at the red crimson liquid staining them. Well, Shadow could've done it in a better, less painful way. Sighing I stand up and brush myself off, letting myself mull over what has just happened, although, I am truly overjoyed to have my animal. Shadow straightens into a sitting position, ears perked up and ready for anything. He really is huge, his head up to my waist. And when he stands up fully, his body is huge too. His upper body filled out, thick and brutal so he has the stranght to take anything out, while his bottom part of his body is sleek and agile, easy for him to move more agilely and faster. A truly remarkable animal. I reach out hesitantly, afraid he might snap my fingers off or something, yet I know he won't, this animal is mine. I pet his head, his fur soft and sleek. Shadow leans into my hand. Well hell, where is he going to fit in our dorm?

As soon as I get back to the dorm, I pass Ara who gawks at Shadow and I dart into the bathroom, flinging my jacket and top off to have a look at my back, and gasping. Intricate lace like swirls in a deep midnight black colour, going down the indentation of my back, starting from a small curl at my ear, before widening into beautiful swirls at the top of my neck, not taking over the full top half of my back, staying in the centre of it cleanly, as if it dare not extend outside the skin that covers my spine, and there it travels downwards, swirls upon beautiful swirls going straight down the centre of my back, before thinning ou at the bottom to one single twirl between the two indents at the small of my back. I gasp again, wow. I quickly fumble my top back on and march outside.

"Wow." Ara mumbles, still staring at Shadow who is sitting obediently next to my feet, me sitting on the bed his head is higher than mine. I stroke his back and look at Ara.

"I know." I mumble.

"Well, he's... big." She gulps.

"Wait, are you afraid?" she looks me dead in the eye, her pixie cut all over the place from her... occurrence earlier.

"Well, he's... scary looking yano, and... have you seen his teeth yet." I shake my head.

"I've fucking felt them!" I shudder from remembering when he bit me. She chuckles.

"Well, we warned you it would happen... but... I didn't think you would get an animal... this big." She opens her eyes wider. "I mean, where are gonna keep him?" She eyes Shadow again, his ear flicks but resumes to its usual stood up stance.

"Err. I was kinda thinking maybe he could... stay in here with us?" But Ara is already shaking her head.

"How's he going to fit in here?" She asks, bewildered. I shrug.

"Please, I promise he won be bad, and he can sleep at the end of my bed." I persist. "Come on, he is my animal." I give her a puppy dog pout. She shakes with laughter.

"But... He won't fit at the end of your bed." She points out, I shake my head.

"He's not that big." Maybe just a bit bigger than a normal big wolf. "Are ya boy?" I'm already down to cooing. "OH PLEASE." I cry, after what seems an eternity Ara shakes her head.

"Fine, whatever, but I'm not cleaning up his shit." I laugh at her as she chuckles herself.

"Actually, I think he knows better than to poop in here." I scratch his back, which made him relax into my hand. I glance at the clock, which now read half nine at night. I look over at Ara.

"Oh, err. I err was here earlier..." She looks at me confused, so I raise my eyebrows to give her a clue and her face turns into mortification.

"Oh god, you didn't see that did you?" I chew my lip and nod mildly. Her hand flies to her lips. "How embarrassing." She mumbles.

"Who was it?"

"Tony, you won't know him."

"Oh, does he not go to this place?" She shrugs and scratches the back of her head.

"I don't have a clue, I only remember his name because he made me scream it-" She throws her hand to her lips again, I burst out laughing, oh jeez, as if she just said that. She starts laughing as well, joining me as her face turns a bright pink. Shadow stirs beside us but otherwise doesn't move. I wipe away the tears that have now formed.

"Well, err, at least it was good then." I say, still chuckling. I sit there amazed, at how I have found such good friends so quickly. I am, I believe, extremely lucky to have found them. I stand up and stretch, my bones popping from the movement.

"I believe I should shower, as my face and neck are still... relatively covered with blood." I reach up to my neck again, the blood more like a dry sticky patch now. Ara looks at me.

"I've noticed." Her eyes flash to black but quickly return to the normal red again... okay what was that about. I shrug it off and grab a towel, heading into the bathroom until I hear a padding of paws behind me.

"Woah, no, no, no. You stay out here boy." I shake my head at Shadow, who looks down to the carpet and stalks off. I let a chuckle escape before closing the door and locking it. The water stung my neck, damn Shadow got me good. After scrubbing (delicately around my neck) all the blood away and washing my hair, I let the warm water unknot my back. Ah, water, always a calming and soothing element. Slipping on my pyjamas, I wrap my hair in the towel and jump onto my bed, Ara standing at the window.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Shadow jumps onto my bed and flops onto my lap, making me heave with his weight, his tail hanging off the end of the bed, while his head near the head board. I must admit he is warm, comfy with all his fluffy fur. I absentmindedly stroke his back, the fur ruffling under my fingers.

"What? Oh, nothing/" She turns to beam at me, but her eyes show worry. I frown.

"Are you sure?" She nods, sitting on the side of my bed in a blur. Besides the already minute space there is now that Shadow's on my bed, I'm surprised how she can fit on it. "Its okay, you can tell me." I persist, she smiles at me.

"I wish I could." I raise my eyebrows but she shakes it off, heading towards the bathroom. "Right, I need to shower because I reek of sex." She picks her collar up and sniffs recoiling away with a disgusted face. I laugh and she waves, turning and shutting the door behind her. I lay back against the pillow, feeling my eyelids droop, I am, extremely tired. After the last few days I haven't been sleeping properly, what with meeting Daniel and everything. I glance at the clock again, late, time for sleep. I sigh happily, listening to the silent thrum of Shadow's breathing, and let my eyelids droop, feeling them get heavier I turn over and turn the lamp off. Shadow moves till he is lying next to me on the bed, me lying beside him, I pull the covers from underneath me and Shadow and rest it on top of me, what, he has a fur coat. Stroking his side as he faces away from me.

"Good boy." I smile, letting sleep overcome.


Hey, so i was thinking maybe i could put this on the watty awards? but

it depends if you all think its good enough

and, i need people to represent my character. and i have no idea who to put in for them

oh and i may also be putting up another story but i dont know yet, im thinking about it. :D it will be something

like about famous people, but i Guarantee it will be a romance, but i dont know if it should be a fantasy or not

please help :D



Fan :D Love cha x

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