Love&Basketball (Camren)

By CC__5H

403K 8.2K 2.2K

《CONVERTED》to Camren Camila Cabello a teenager about to begin her senior year has been dating her boyfriend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 9

8.9K 211 29
By CC__5H

~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

that we get to spend time together austin.." camila sweetly told her boyfriend as they stepped out of the car at the same park lauren and dinah had arrived at just minutes earlier.

"Anything to make you happy babe..." austin replied with a sweet smile as he began to walk her to a bench so they could talk. Unfortunately the only seats were a few tables next to the basketball court.

Austin frowned. "These guys...Don't they have anything better to do then play this stupid sport everyday." he stated in an annoyed tone as they made it to a table. He wasn't exactly pleased that they would have to watch a bunch of sweaty guys run around, but he didn't have much of a choice since this was what camila wanted to do.

The brown eyed girl shrugged at her boyfriend, she already knew he wasn't a fan of basketball, but he would live after all he just had to sit and watch. Camila was a bit surprised as she noticed two familiar girls on the court.

"What is that idiot doing..she's going to get herself hurt out there." Camila said out loud as she saw lauren talking with the group of people clearly getting ready to begin a game.

This caught austin's attention as he looked in the direction that camila had been. "Who are you talking about? Do you know somebody out there?" he questioned in a suspicious tone which camila automatically picked up on.

"Nobody that I know personally...I just see someone from our school's basketball team that got injured in the championship game a few days ago..I just didn't think it would be smart for her to be out playing all ready." Camila lied feeling ashamed as soon as the words came out of her mouth. This was the first time she straight up lied to austin about her relationship with lauren, she usually just didn't tell him anything or let him think whatever he wanted.

Austin gave an uncaring nod. "Why do you care. If she wants to get hurt, then that's her problem."

Camila bit her lip, wanting to scold lauren for being so reckless, but decided to bite her tongue for now as she agreed with austin.

It took only five minutes for the teams to be picked with dinah, lauren, Becky and two random other boys on one team and another five players on the opposing team.

"You guys get ball first." Lauren stated in a commanding tone. It was pretty obvious she was confident in her abilities as dhe seemed to radiate confidence as she walked around the court and everybody seemed to respect what she said. "Let's go!" Lauren screamed signaling the start of the game.

The opposing team was quick to inbound the ball and bring it up court.

"Give me that." Lauren cockily stated as she pick pocketed the ball handler with little difficulty.

The boy who had gotten the ball stolen from her quickly recovered and got in front of lauren to prevent a easy lay up. Lauren slowed down as she waited for the rest of her team to come up court.

"Iso." Lauren said. "I want to get a little warm up."

Dinah laughed as she motioned for everybody on their team to come to the left side of the court leaving lauren alone with her defender on the right side.

"D her up!" Someone of the opposing team shouted towards lauren's defender, not wanting lauren to get to the rim easily.

The boy listened as he got as close as he could to lauren without fouling him.

"Oh so you want to do this..." lauren said her competitive nature coming out as she backed up to try to gain some more space.

"You're not going to score on me." Her defender said in a competitive tone.

Lauren didn't reply as she gave the boy a baby crossover testing if he would bite on it. The boy stumbled a little bit, but still managed to stay with lauren.

"Oooh, so you think you can guard me." Lauren said in a cocky tone liking the vibe his defender was giving him.

Dinah laughed. "Lauren! Stop talking just score we don't have all day." She shouted towards her friend. Lauren could be a real asshole when she was playing street basketball she tended to talk a lot of trash.

Lauren's defender looked over to dinah for only a second and that's when lauren made her move.

She quickly faked left and then went right. Her defender managed to follow a few seconds later, but lauren moved the ball behind her back quickly changing her direction to go left. The defender struggled a bit to keep up as lauren hit him with the quick series of moves, but still managed to stay in front of the girl.

Lauren then backed up a bit surprised that the defender kept up with her. This was obviously a decent player. She'd have to show her something good. Without saying a word lauren began to drive to the basket with the boy pressed closely up on her. Lauren wasn't one to give up easily as she spun around the defender in one motion finishing the shot with a beautiful finger roll.

"Great move!" Camila screamed surprising austin as he had been in the middle of a sentence.

Camila blushed as she realized what she had done. She was suppose to be spending time with austin, but now she had just let it be known that she had been watching the game more than she had been listening to him.

Austin frowned as he realized where his girlfriend's attention had been. "Camila...Didn't you say you wanted to talk, why are you paying attention to that game."

"I'm sorry...I was just curious about if that player I had told you about would be able to play." Camila replied not exactly lying.

Austin sighed as he began talking again deciding to ignore camila's outburst.

"Better double team me. I promise I'm just getting warmed up!" Lauren cockily stated as she began to run back on defense giving dinah and the rest of her team a high five as they ran past each other.

"Luck." Lauren's defender countered as he dribbled the ball up court.

The guy soon decided to pass it to the man that dinah was guarding. "Come on dinah, think you can guard me?"

"Come on!" Dinah replied not falling for the taunt.

The boy smirked has he began to dribble around the court trying to make the best play. He frowned as he realized dinah was playing great defense there wasn't much to do. He would have to pass. He looked towards a teammate and threw the ball towards him.

"Thank You!" Lauren shouted as she intercepted the ball in the passing lane and began the fast break.

"Behind you!" Dinah shouted following lauren as she had also known lauren was about to steal the ball the second the guy looked at his teammate.

Lauren understood what dinah wanted her to do as they got closer to the rim. Without any words being said lauren threw the ball in the air making it bounce against the backboard and then towards dinah.

Dinah smirked as she jumped and grabbed the ball and slammed it into the basket making sure to use as much strength as she could. She did a small pull up on the rim before allowing herself to drop.

"Let's go!" Lauren screamed with a toothy grin as she and dinah high five, hype about their last play.

Camila jumped out of her seat as she saw the play. That was something that she had only seen pros do in all star games. Dinah and Lauren were definitely used to playing with each other since they had did it so easily.

Austin felt anger appear this time as his girlfriend for the second time showed where her attention was. "Camila I could have went to practice if you were going to ignore me to watch a bunch of sweaty guys play a stupid game." He said in an annoyed tone.

"I'm sorry austin, but didn't you think that was cool?! I mean lauren and dinah are way better than average high schoolers!" Camila said in an excited tone, her excitement blinding her to austin's annoyance about the situation.

"No and I don't care! And why are you talking like you know them personally!" Austin inquired narrowing his eyes.

Camila quickly realized her mistake. "I mean, they are both on the basketball team it's only natural that I know their names..." She lamely said.

Austin groaned before he stood up. "Let's go. If we're going to talk, I don't want that stupid game to distract you." he said.

Camila frowned, she really did want to talk to austin, but she was also extremely curious about lauren and dinah's game especially because it seemed like there were going to be a lot of cool plays.

"Come on austin..We can sit here. I promise I'm listening to you."

Austin sighed as he sat back down. "Alright camila, but if I feel like your watching the game again I'm going to go to the club meeting." he said bluntly wanting her to understand he was serious about it.

Camila nodded her head hoping that she wouldn't get distracted openly by the game any more. She frowned as she watched lauren do a 360 dunk. She was pretty athletic, she had good ball handling skills, and she could shoot. No wonder why she was the best high school player in the country. The girl groaned inwardly. It was going to be really hard not to pay attention when lauren was showing off everything in her arsenal, the basketball lover inside of her just made it hard to ignore.

14 to 4..

Lauren's team was dominating.

"Weren't you suppose to be injured lauren...This is bullshit.." The guy who had been guarding lauren complained. Laurem was completely playing with him.

Lauren had only scored 6 points, but she was doing whatever she wanted on the court and she was getting her teammates involved. She was able to get to the rim whenever she pleased and always found the open man for easy buckets. To add to her brilliance on running the offense she was like a hawk in the passing lanes. She made you question every pass.

Lauren chuckled as she dribbled the ball. Her eyes drifted a bit to look at the crowd who had been watching. A lot of girls were cheering for them, while the dudes were getting hype by every play that happened. Lauren's eyes widened as her eyes found a table.

It wasn't the table that made her eyes widened it was the two people sitting at it. Her eyes briefly locked with camila's and she gave her a look that clearly said "Why are you playing." It was obvious however that she didn't want austin to see the exchange as she quickly looked back at her boyfriend continuing the conversation they were having.

Lauren smirked. Since camila was watching she would have to show off. "Come on." She taunted her defender causing the boy to sigh. He couldn't keep up with lauren's dribbling moves at all it was like the girl had the ball on a string and could do whatever she wanted with it.

The green eyed girl began bouncing the ball quickly back and forth between her legs as she contemplated what she wanted to do. Her defender backed up a bit prepared for anything lauren might do.

Lauren smiled as she thought of something she quickly bounced the ball around her defender, but she let the ball smoothly bounce between the defenders legs making it look like the ball had gone around him when in reality it had bounced right back to lauren. The defender turned around in hopes of getting to the ball before lauren only for his eyes to widen as he realized the ball wasn't there. He quickly turned around and reached his hand out only for lauren to do a crossover causing the boy to fall to his knees.

"Ooooooh Nooooo!" Dinah screamed with a large smile as she saw the boy fall. Her reaction was mimicked by a lot of other players and watchers as lauren did a reverse dunk at the rim.

She quickly looked towards camila giving her a quick wink before Becky ran up to him extremely excited. "That's what I'm talking about!" Becky shouted as she pushed lauren playfully.

"I told you! Nobody on this court can guard me!" Lauren shouted in an extremely cocky tone as the crowd hyped her reaction up. This was why she loved basketball. There was nothing else that ever made her feel so alive.

Camila smiled a bit as she saw lauren wink, but her attention quickly turned to austin and her worst fear was instantly realized.

"Did she just wink at you?!" Austin questioned his voice coming out harshly.

The brown eyed girl quickly tried to come up with an excuse. "It was your imagination..Why would somebody I don't even know wink at me?" she questioned hoping that austin would accept her answer.

Austin didn't reply as he stood up causing camila's eyes to widen. "Austin, please don't do anything crazy."camila begged as she stood up following her boyfriend as he walked towards the basketball court.

Camila grabbed her boyfriend's arm trying to prevent him from going any further. "Austin your overreacting! He didn't wink at me." Camila tried to convince him.

The boy didn't stop however as he walked onto the court causing the game that was going on to stop.

Dinah was the first person to confront austin. "Hey dude, we're playing a game here get off the court." She commanded in a masculine voice.

Austin didn't acknowledge her as his eyes went straight to lauren. "You! Why were you winking at my girlfriend just now." he questioned as he walked closer to lauren prompting dinah to get in front of her.

"Hold on there. Get off the court, your not gonna be starting any drama here." Dinah said seriously. She had a good head over austin so the boy found himself looking up to her.

"This has nothing to do with you. I'm just asking your friend a simple question. Why were you winking at my girlfriend." Austin informed dinag as he walked around her and repeated his question to lauren.

Lauren didn't show any emotion as the boy walked towards her. "I don't know what your talking about." She replied before she turned her attention to camila. "Although I can understand why you would feel a bit threatened if I did wink at your beautiful girlfriend." Lauren finished.

Dinah immediately jumped into action as the words came out of lauren's mouth. She couldn't believe that she would purposely try to start a fight. That wasn't lauren like.

"What was that?!" Austin shouted as dinah grabbed his arms.

"Austin stop it! This is stupid, let's just get out of here!" Camila begged her boyfriend not wanting him to get in a fight.

"Come on man I was just joking. I didn't wink at your girlfriend." Lauren suddenly said as she smiled and walked up to austin.

Austin snatched his arms away from dinah as he glared at lauren. "Don't even look at her, you hear me? I don't even want you to think about looking at her." Austin said seriously as he turned around and walked off the court grabbing camila as he did.

Camila gave one last look to lauren who stuck her tongue out at her causing her to return the favor. She was glad that the worst possible outcome hadn't happened.

Most of the boys on the court saw the exchange between camila and lauren and began to laugh at how unaware austin was.

"Jesus laur what was that!" Dinah laughed as she wrapped an arm around lauren's neck. "I thought you would never fight over someone, but I swear for a few seconds I thought you were about to over camila." She said as austin and camila left the park.

Lauren shrugged her shoulders as she spun the basketball on her fingers. "I was thinking camila just might be worth that fight." She replied after a few seconds surprising dinah once again.

"Oooh, so lauser does have a crush?" Dinah laughed as she gave a knowing smirk having seen their chemistry for the past week.

"I don't know. If anything I'll admit that i'm interested ok..." lauren replied finally admitting her growing feelings, contradicting her words during lunch. "Come on guys. Forget all that just happened. Let's finish this game." She finished.

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