Blazes of Temptation- Book 2

By LauraEBrown

264K 10.1K 594

***This story contains Mature Content*** -------------------------------------------- She wouldn't want out... More

Before Reading
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
After Read

Chapter Twenty Four

5.2K 218 11
By LauraEBrown

Some time, in the middle of the night, I stir and wake up, finding myself in Andrew's arms, completely secured, in the middle of the ocean, not far from land, of course.

I look around myself, finding everywhere dark, except the shadows of the moon inflicted on the object inside the bedroom cabin. Looking over my shoulder, I find Andrew deep asleep, a look of satisfaction splashed on his face.

Wiggling out of his brace, I stand up, looking as naked as I have slept. Stretching my hand, I try to find my newly bought silk robe. Finding it, at last, I wrap myself in it, before setting for the door. Walking out on the deck, I stand there, basking in the dim light of the moon. The ocean looks calm and beautiful as ever. Walking toward the railing at the con, I brace myself and lean over, looking at a meaningless point in the far.

Almost a year ago, I was sitting in my little apartment, listening to my favorite jam, deaf to what's happening out of my little bubble. Now here I am, suffering from a stalker who wants to kill me to get revenge from Andrew, from a crazy Ex-girlfriend, who is obsessed with Andrew, with a Daddy who is glad to bring him down, from our own torment of feelings and the pain of the secrets of the past. It's a maze, a mad journey, one that I will gladly take again if it means I have to have Andrew.

These past couples of days have been brutal, on both of us. But as days passed, I start seeing a change in Andrew. He's no longer the man I met him in that business room, who made sure to acknowledge my embarrassing move of drawing him, in an explicit way, might I add.

Remembering our moment, when he caught my paper of ridiculous drawing in the meeting, I smile. I still have the paper. A memory of ours.

"Hey," Andrew's sleepy voice comes from behind me. Turning to face him, I watch as his naked form approaches me.

"Did I wake you up?" I ask him as he comes and braces me in a hug, allowing my head to take a rest against his shoulder.

"No, baby," he replies. "What are you thinking about at this hour?" he asks, as he turns us around to face the ocean.

"Us," I reply.

"What about us?" he asks.

"I was just thinking that how much we have changed since we met each other. I was thinking that this is not a normal relationship at all. But I would do it all again if it means I will meet you,"

"You've changed me. Sometimes, I ask myself how my life would have been if I hadn't met you. The answer comes the same. A void. Darkness." He kisses my hair.

"I love you,"

"I love you too, Laura Brown," he says.

We stand there in silence for a few more minutes, before Andrew guides me toward the cushioned deck where I sunbathed in the morning. Laying us on the soft pillows, Andrew takes a blanket out of a hidden storage and drapes it over us.

Staring at the sky full of stars above us, I cuddle in his arms. Shortly after, we both fall asleep.

Rubbing my eyes, stretching my hands over my head, I sit up and look around me. Everything is the same, except the shades over my head, covering me in its shadow, protecting me from the blazing sun.

"Good morning, Me Princess," Andrew says, walking out of the kitchen cabin with a tray in his hand shortly after.

"I hate that name," I glare at him.

"And I just love the way your cheeks get this color on them when I call you that," he replies cheekily, observing me closely. He sits down next to me with the tray placed between us. "We were supposed to do this in the bed, but I guess we're still in bed." He looks down at me.

That is when I realize that I'm naked under the robe, which is slightly open, showing my breasts. Closing it, I look at Andrew only to find him naked too. Except, he's bold enough to show his birth suit in the light of the day.

"People are gonna see us," I tell him, looking around worried.

"Nobody can see us. I've faced away from the boat, don't worry," he says, laughing at my reaction. "Besides, I think you're more beautiful when you're not wearing anything," he leans over and opens the robe, before dragging it over my shoulder and baring my skin. I don't fight and let him do as he pleases.

After the brief breakfast, which Andrew had assembled with the ingredients in the fridge and the cabinets, I start on cleaning up while he goes to the Captain cabin to make the yacht ready to take off. After cleaning up and getting rid of the paper plates, I set off to our cabin to get sunscreen and walk out with a robe longer to cover my legs, so I wouldn't get sunburned.

When I reach Andrew, I find him occupied by the system. Opening the bottle of sunscreen oil, I fill my palm and put it over his shoulder. He tenses at the sudden touch but eases up when he turns his head to look at me, lips smiling, eyes hidden under his sunglasses.

Smiling back at him, I continue my work of spreading sunscreen over his back and shoulders. And god knows how much I'm enjoying myself. When I'm done with this back and shoulders, I guide my hands over to his front, in a way that I am hugging him from the back, while my hands are exploring his front.

When I start pulling away my hands, he catches them in one move of his,

"Keep them there," he demands.

Happy to oblige, I obey him. In a matter of seconds, the yacht starts moving and the sudden movement makes me clutch to Andrew harder, all of which, displays a grin on his face.

As we slice through the ocean, I look at my left and the beach changing from rocks to sand and sand to high rocks. Most parts of the seashores are rocky and dry. Some of the beaches are pretty packed with people enjoying their weekend. Smiling sadly, I wonder if we could ever have that kind of calmness, but then, our lives wouldn't be exciting.

"Look, after this land, we have Long Beach," he shouts for me to hear, "and over there," he points somewhere to our right where a sign of land is barely visible, "is the Santa Catalina Island. Behind it, it's San Clemente Island," we move for a few more minutes, after which the island he pointed appears clearer. "That's Huntington Beach and after that, we have New Port Beach, that's where mostly rich people buy a beach house. The prices are super high for a small house,"

"Uh, you're a rich man, too," I remind him,

"Yeah, but I never wanted to waste my money on buying a house I would barely go." He says, laughing at his joke.

I roll my eyes and put my head on his shoulder.

"Do you wanna go in the bay?" he asks,

"We can do that?"

"Of course," he confirms before guiding the yacht over to the entrance. As we enter, I look around at the hundreds of boats, either moving to staying put. It's like a parking lot. Each house has drawn a line in the water to berth their boats. It's too dense and compacted.

"I can clearly see why you don't want a house here," I say. "It's too small for your taste,"

My saying makes Andrew laugh while shaking his head. We take a small ride in and turn around and exit the way we came in. We continue our sightseeing for a few more minutes before Andrew stops the engine and settles the yacht.

"Are we stopping here?" I ask.

"Yeah, we're supposed to meet someone," he takes out his phone.

I look down at my robe, which is covering my naked body. Andrew is comfortably in his shorts.

"Should I go change then?"

"No, you're fine." He kisses me on my forehead. Turning back to his phone, he focuses before greeting someone. He asks them where they are and how long we should wait, after which he gives them the location we're staying. Walking to the railing, I look at the beach before us, narrowed between two huge black cliffs with waves crashing angrily at them.

Andrew disappears through the stairs leading down after he finishes his phone call. I'm a bit curious as to what is his next plan for us, but I don't want to ask him because I want him to know that I trust him and I don't care what he does, where we go, I just want to spend my time.

As I observe the children playing and the adults, soberly sitting on the sand, I couldn't help the grin on my face. Pretty sure, many of them can see us from their distance just as I can see them.

Andrew comes next to me, smiling down at me.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" he asks,

"Yes, very much. I just wish that you... would be wicked with me more. You know I don't mind if we... make more love," I bite my lips. He chuckles, shaking his head.

"We'll see about that," he says. "Here they are," he says, pointing his head toward the shores.

When I follow his gaze, I find a huge yacht, scratch that, it's a ship, of some sort, I assume. The white pearl boat gets near to us at a speed, which is slowing down.

"Come on, we're moving aboard," Andrew grabs my hand and guides me to the deck where he lets go of my hand to open a part of the railing, like a gate. The other ship, yacht or whatever that is, which is taller and larger than us, does the same and extends a large rectangle metal over to us. Andrew does a job of securing the extended metal.

Covering my eyes, I look at the board of the other ship and watch as Arnold appears and walks on the metal joined our ship and seconds later, he's on the board.

"Hi, thanks for doing this," Andrew says first, shaking his hand.

"Of course. I don't have anything else to do other than to take care of boats," he says. His eyes switch to me and he nods at me, "Hello Laura,"

"Hi," I wave at him.

"So you'll return her," Andrew asks. By now, I know Andrew refers to the yacht as her, as if it's a person. Oh, men and their obsessions.

"Yes, I'll return to garage, safely," Arnold, adds,

"Alright, we're gonna go then. Take care," Andrew nods at him before coming to me and grabbing my hand in one, carrying our bags in the other, as if it doesn't weight at all.

"Is this yours too?" I find myself asking as we pass between two boats.

"No, I rented it for the night." He responds.

We step on the boat finally and Andrew puts the bags on the deck.

"Why would you do that? We were perfectly fine with yours," I raise an eyebrow.

A steward walks toward us. His attire, like a flight attendant.

"Hello, Mr. Martinez, Ms. Brown, welcome aboard. I'm Jesus, your head steward. I can take care of your bags if you don't mind." The man speaks with a Spanish accent. His black hair shines under the sun. His tones skin gives him a handsome look.

"Thank you," Andrew says as he nods his head at him

"What time would you like your lunch, sir?" he asks,

"Twelve would be good," Andrew says.

"Very well. Snacks will shortly be here," he says before disappearing with our bags.

Turning around I observe around us. The sight of the big pool ducked in the middle of the deck catches my eyes.

"There's a freaking pool in this freaking thing," I exclaim.

Multiple white lounges are surrounding the round pool area. There's a designated seating area just in the bow of the ship where a table is set up. Towards the end of the boat where two-story cabins are, a set of round leather sofa is placed. On the table, many drinks and refreshments are awaiting us.

"This is literally a hotel," I say.

"Do you like it?" he asks as he puts his arm around my waist and leads me toward the shaded area where the sofas are.

"Are you kidding me? How can I not? Thank you," I go to my toes to kiss him on the cheek. He blushes slights but does a good job at hiding it. Oh, my cute, handsome lover.

We spend what was left of the morning in the swimming pool, in each other's arm, barely even swimming. A small table, low enough to be able to reach it from inside the pool is placed next to us with fruits, drinks, and pastries. Before the lunch is brought to us, I believe I have eaten enough to say a small grain of lunch is too much.

Yet sitting next to Andrew, who keeps brushing my naked thighs, putting food in my mouth, kissing me after, I find myself hungry. True to his word, Jesus and the rest of the crew, a woman who does the cooking and preparations, and a caption that is in charge of our wandering sail, have disappeared since our arrival, giving us some private time.

I drink the last drops of my wine and sit back, enjoying the view. Apparently, we are going around one of the islands.

"This is amazing," I tell Andrew as I look around us. "Thank you again. It's refreshing to spend some time alone with you, you should have gone this much extreme, but thank you. This is amazing," I repeat myself.

"I was going to do it someday, you know, regardless of this thread or not. I wanted us to be together, away from the world. Every time I wanted to do so, something came up, or I wasn't certain. I just..."

"You what?" I lean closer, curious.

"I wasn't sure about my feelings, I mean, I was, but I didn't know how to tell you, how to express myself, and I wanted to do this when you are sure of my feelings. I guess this whole scenario just gave us a way out. I just don't know if I should be glad or not," he has taken off his shades, per my request. I wanted to see his eyes. The source of life and love.

Now, looking at him as he looks back at me adoringly, I can see the familiar feelings on which I was contemplating too not a while ago.

"Well, I can tell you that I'm glad it happened. You just needed a trigger. That's it," I smile. He smiles back.

Jesus comes back with a woman who I was introduced a bit before lunch as to be our chef. I thank her for the delicious food before they proceed to take the lunch.

Andrew takes me away from the table and toward the sitting area on the upper deck, with the most beautiful view. With this much height and no interference, I see everything clearly, even the invisible line where the sky meets the sea.

When we sit down, Andrew reached down to grab a black wooden rectangular shape box from the ground. Opening it up, I recognize the box as backgammon. It's been a long time I've seen one.

"Have you played before?" Andrew asks as he puts the chips in their correct order.

"Not really. The last time I've actually seen backgammon was about five years ago or something when my Uncle used to play with his body," I reply.

"It's easy. I'll tell you the rules. Just don't think of cheating, because I'm a master at this. Remember the gambler," he tries to show me a scary face but the twinkle in his eyes gives him away.

"Never thought about that. You're the best at everything," I admit.

He starts explaining the rules thoroughly and bit by bit. Putting one dice before me and one before himself, he nods his head toward me. I grab the dice and let it slip through my finger casually. The dice stop with number four facing up. Andrew takes his dice and gives it a good shake with the dice cup before letting it fall on the board. The dice comes down as straight six. Well, I guess that explains this Lucky son of a b*tch!

Andrew keeps his gloating emotion at bay and starts moving his chips. We take turns accordingly until we are left with the majority of my chips still out of the final square and minority of his already gone.

"Best out of three?" I find myself asking since I can already tell I'm losing.

"Whatever you say, princess," He replies without looking up at me.

"I don't know if you're trying to annoy me or gloat, but it's working," I cross my arms across my chest and sulk at him.

When he singles one of his rows, knowing well that I have a chip stuck in his square and he has no choice. Grabbing the dice and dropping them in my cup, I close my eyes and blow on them.

Dropping them with my eyes still closed, I hear Andrew chuckle low. When I open them, I see my dice are not only matched but they're also four, the number which I believe Andrew wished I wouldn't get.

"On the other hand, I think we better stick to one game," I say as I take my moves.

"You wish. Just watch me."

He takes his chip and hits two of my chips on his way back. I look down, feeling deceived and defeated.

"I'm bored, I want to do something else," I confess, standing up and knock the board, sending the chips flying all over the place.

"I told you don't cheat." He says as he stands up too, charging for me. Giggling, I set off toward the end of the deck where stairs lead down toward lower decks. "Come here, you little minx,"

In one motion, he grabs me around the waist, raised me up in the air and swings me back toward the deck. Dropping me on the cushions, rather savagely, like the caveman he is, he lowers himself on me.

"No," I yell, laughing.

"Oh, yeah, you had it coming," he says roughly, as he starts kissing me on my neck, licking, sucking.

Pulling the robe tie off its hanger, he takes it off, opening my robe and exposing me to himself. Wrapping the tie around my wrists, as I wriggle, he then ties it to the railing above my head. Now hopeless under his command, he starts un-wrapping me as if I'm a Christmas present for him.

"Andrew, someone may come up," I look around us, worried. Whether this was intentional or unintentional, the captain has chosen a quiet and empty area to cruise.

"No body's coming here. As long you keep quiet, so shhh," he whispers against my lips.

I moan as he continues kissing me. As the sun shines above us, and the humid water of southern California is hitting us, it could not get any hotter. At least that's what I thought until Andrew starts surging hot liquid sensations through my veins.

Untying the lace of my bikini with professional skills, he exposes the rest of my body as well.

"You asked for dirty. How far are you willing to go with me?" he leans down and whispers the question in my ear.

Breathless and unable to answer him, I stare deeply into his eyes, opening my mouth slightly, sighing and moaning. Since my legs have their freedom, I don't hesitate to wrap them around him. He reads the sign as a yes and smirks down at me.

"I love you," he stares down and starts paying exceeding attention to my breasts. Sucking them, playing with my nipples, he tortures my body and me.

"I love you," I manage to mutter the word, but the outcome is nothing but a mere whisper disappearing through my moans.

As I close my eyes, focusing my attention on the thrilling sensation he's inflection through me, I hear a rustling of clothes. Seconds later, I find a hard muscle, toying with me... down there! Biting my lips, I lift my hips. The anticipation is too much. Andrew keeps teasing me by pretending he'll take me, but the more time passes and as he keeps playing with my nipples with his mouth and toying with my ladyhood, the more I realize what he really meant by wickedness. I try to punish my own eagerness and obey as his leading. But the pressure of the need of a release is too much to be ignored and meddled into submission.

"You know why I'm punishing you?" he asks.


"Because you've been a bad girl. It's long overdue for your punishment, do you agree?"


"Oh, you should. I'm going to ravage you. Take you. Punish you. And when you think you've had enough, I'll start all over again."

"No!" Apparently, that's the only word I can say. My vocabulary is coming short against his torment.


Turning me around, he spanks me. Startled, I jump away slightly. However, he catches my hips in his big palms and lifts me, so I am facing down, hips up, ass in the air, waiting for his attention.

He inflicts a few more blows on my cheeks, before smoothing the burning feeling with his hands. He chuckles as I inch closer to him. Pushing inside me all of a sudden, he takes me off guard, and I find myself wanting to get away. Gripping my hips tightly, he keeps me in place as he, in his own words, ravages me.

I let out a yelp when he hits that favorite place, the G-spot. Putting his palm over my mouth, he leans over my back,

"What did I tell you? No shouting," he spanks me with his other hand. "Don't come unless I tell you," he orders.

The pressure builds up and I find myself wanting to let you. Oh, I really want to let go, but I don't want to disappoint him. Gulping the yelp again, I breathe in and out.

He releases in me with a few small pushes, without telling me to come. When he removes his hand from my mouth, I lick my lips, and gather my strength,

"I didn't come, you savage," I insult him.

"Oh, but didn't you know that bad girls are not allowed to come?" he says, his voice cruel.

"NO!" I wiggle my hips, adding pressure to my ladyhood, closing my legs so I wouldn't let go.

"Oh yes. Now let's start over again." He says before pushing into me again. I open my mouth to scream, but I think twice. We don't want the crew to look at us, knowing what we were doing up here. Not that they don't know already, anyway.

Lying down on the cushions where we finally settle down after making love three times straight without any release and one big round with a striking release, from my part, of course, we watch the sunset.

"It's beautiful up here," I tell him.

"Yeah," he agrees. He kisses me on the forehead. "I hope you're not tired because we have more plan for tonight,"

I only laugh at him.

"I take that as a no," he toys with my hair. "Why don't you go and change in our cabin and then we have dinner,"

"Yeah, I should probably do that," sitting up, I gather the torn garments around us, mostly my clothes. Wrapping the rope around myself, I set for downstairs and into our cabin, the master bedroom with a huge bed in the middle and a bathroom connected.

Opening the door, I find a beautiful dress spread over the bed. A black embroidered with flowers and twinkles evening gown. Holding it up, I observe with a skirt. A beautiful sheer cloth that trails behind. The open off-shoulder neckline is elegant and unique. I find a pair of black high heels to go with the dress, sitting next to the bed.

Next to where the dress was, a note with neat handwriting is placed.

I hope you like the dress. I can't wait to see you in it.

Waiting for you outside. I'll be the one in a suit and tie.


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