The Sands Of Thyme (A Tythan...

By SunWhispers

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Ethan is just your regular, run of the mill, fresh out of college 21 year old. He works at a quaint flower sh... More

Prologue- First Contact
Chapter One- Pottermore and Peonies
Chapter Two- Texts and Tiger Lilies
Chapter Three- Hangouts and Hyancinths
Chapter Four- Fluff and Foxgloves
Chapter Five- Dogs and Dianthus'
Chapter Six- Binge Watching and Belladonas
Chapter Seven- Swimming and Stargazer Lillies
Chapter Eight- Movies and Marigolds
Chapter Nine- Dinner and Dahlias
Chapter Ten- Pancakes and Pelargoniums
Chapter Eleven- A Kiss And A Kalanchoe
Chapter Twelve- Aftermath and Alyssums
Chapter Thirteen- Cake Baking and Candytufts
Chapter Fifteen- Wedding and Wisterias
Chapter Sixteen- Respec and Rudbeckias
Chapter Seventeen- Cracker Barrel and Carnations
Chapter Eighteen- News and Nepetas
Chapter Nineteen- Starlight and Sage
Chapter Twenty- Snow and Scabiosas
Chapter Twenty-One- Steam and Saponarias
Chapter Twenty-Two- Accident and Aconitum
Chapter Twenty-Two: Darkness and Datura
The End / Authors Note

Chapter Fourteen- Invitation and Iberis'

91 4 4
By SunWhispers

- The Morning After The Events Of Chapter Thirteen -

Don't you just hate it when you have a pounding headache?  And by pounding, I mean earthquake-hurricane-fire-pain pounding.

Ethan had only ever been hungover once in his life, and he had made a silent promise to himself that he would never get hungover ever again.  Looks like he broke his promise.

God, he hated being hungover.  Having to puke, take headache medicine, and try to shove food down his face all at once?  Not very ideal.

When he woke up, he felt a tremendous headache tapping against his skull, blurring everything in his vision.

As he waited for his eyes to cooperate, he noticed that he was very warm.  Very warm, and also wrapped in someone's arms.

How do we keep ending up like this, Ethan thought to himself as his vision cleared, and he saw Tyler wrapped around him.

He gave a little sigh, but a smile was already creeping into his lips, and he ended up giving out a little giggle.

As he looked around, he saw that Mark wasn't in the living room, god he probably took Jacks bed, but Jack was still there, sleeping like a baby.

It seemed like he was the only one up... which was good, because he felt like he was going to throw up, and he didn't want anyone to see that.

So, he slowly disintangled himself from Tyler, and waddled over to the bathroom.

And hey, what do you know, the first thing that greeted him as he stepped into the room was some set out medicine.

You guys are probably going to be hungover.  Take these meds, drink some water, throw up if you have to, and eat some food.

Ethan grinned at his friends thoughtfulness, but soon forgot it as he started to gag.

Once he was done with his..... business, he washed out his mouth and took the meds that were put out of him. 

Once the medicine was down and he was feeling a lot better, he walked out into Jacks living room, smiling as he saw the still sleeping pair.

Stomach growling, he made his way to the kitchen, where you could still smell cake from the day before, and got out some eggs, cheese, salt and pepper.

Fun fact about our blue boy, he can make a mean omelette.

He cracked the eggs, grated the cheese, and seasoned his mix, before getting out a pan and starting to cook.

He swore he saw a flash of green dashing to the washroom, meh, may have just been his imagination.

But, when he checked over his shoulder and saw Jack was no longer on his couch, he deduced that the green bean was awake.

And then there was Tyler, still asleep, his adorable hair fluffed up and his lips slightly parted.  God, he was so cute.... Ethan could feel his face heating up just from staring at him.

Oops, there went the omelettes.  He smelt the burnt smell of them, and whipped around, sliding them onto a plate as fast as he could.

Jack popped his head into the kitchen, staring at the food with delight.  "You made fooooood?"

As Ethan let out a laugh, another head piled on top of the green beans, this one the floof-topped one of Mark.

As the blue boy put the plates on Jacks table, a newcomer showed his face, yawning and murmuring "Mornin"

Ethan grinned as Tyler got up, and stumbled over to the bathroom.  Seems like all three got hangovers.

When he tall boy got back, they all sat down and started scarfing down the food.  Wowie, hangovers gave them an appetite.

Soon it was time to say goodbye, so Ethan, Mark, and Tyler gathered outside of Jacks house and waved to the green bean.

Goodbyes behind them, Tyler set off for his car, and Mark and Ethan walked off to their own houses.

As the blue boy walked, he thought about all he could remember from the night before.

Baking cake, check.  Playing games, check.  Drinking quite a bit, check.  Confessing his undying love for someone named Jim, check?

That wasn't the weirdest thing that he remembered though.  Loving a guy named Jim didn't compare to drunkenly singing YMCA and Don't Stop Me Now.

Oh, and don't get him started on the things that Tyler had said.  Let's go over the list, shall we?  Okay; "Do you think god had a giant dick?  People say all gays are going to hell, but wouldn't that be good for us gays?  Dodododododo do subscriiiiiiibe."

Those weren't even brushing the surface of comedy gold he heard, but we'll leave off at that.

He didn't even notice climbing the stairs to his apartment, or collapsing on his couch in a very awkward position.

That was, he didn't notice until a very loud version of 'Ocean Man' rang out from his phone.

Shit, he forgot that he made that Tyler's ringtone

Picking up his phone, Ethan cocked his head to the side as he read the message onscreen

Hey tesoro, so, I've got a wedding to go to tomorrow, I was wondering if you maybe want to go with me?

Ethan squealed, his face a dazzling fuschia, as he started chewing on his lip.

One and a half hours later, it was planned that Tyler would take the blue boy as his date to the wedding, yes, date.

He had no clue what Tyler looked like in a suit, and... he was kinda looking forward to seeing that.

He himself was going to wear the same outfit he wore all those years ago when him and Tyler first met.  It would be nice to wear it once more.

Ethan flipped on his tv, surfing through channels leisurely.

He wasn't sure what he wanted to do, he just wanted something to do that da-




And that's the story of how Ethan spent the rest of a perfectly good, perfectly warm and sunny day sitting inside, snuggled into a blanket, ordering a pizza and eating crap to his hearts content.

What a wonderful day.


Tesoro - Treasure

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