Final Fate

By ShamarSquire

431 65 41

In the midst of a blood bath amongst witches, vampires, werewolves and hunters of all supernatural beings Sam... More

Final Fate
Secrets revealed
The encount
Every man for themselves
Out of the frying pan...
Sweet taste of freedom
No man is an Island
The Hataclaps
Beast Awoken
James past revealed
More revealed
The Surprise Part 0ne☝
The surprise part 2
The Decision
💂All hell break loose💂
Fun and games before
Fun and games Part: 2
Unsuspected Alliance
Sort Live Victory

Finally some Fun.

6 3 0
By ShamarSquire

"You fucking twit! You really think she would stay because of some corny lines? How unbelievable?" Jack yelled as his eyes glowed purple and things in the room started to vibrate.

"Babes? Please calm down," Sam said sounding terrified.

It was like his power heightened some what. I've never seen him like that. He totally forgot he had on his mother's necklace.

Jack calmed a bit when Sam held his cheeks and kissed him slowly. He was surprised to see vases, paintings and other ornaments smashed to pieces on the floor.

"Did a earthquake happened just now?"

"Yeah man, you! What the hell was that?" Sebastian asked his eyes bulging from his sockets.

All of a sudden singing was heard.

"Did you hear that?" Sam asked.

All three marched to where the sound was coming from. As Jack pushed the bathroom door opened, they were surprised to see Maya singing and popping bubbles.

"What the fu...?" Jack blurted out.

"Can't a girl have a bath in peace?" Maya said a bit shocked to see the trio staring at her. She slid a bit further into the tub.

"I um.. I'll get you some clothes, we seem to be the same size. Jack get everybody into the dining room ready for a meeting. Sebastian close your damn mouth and go with Jack." Sam dashed out orders then spun and left the room.

Sebastian mouth closed with a snap. Yes, literally like a damn crocodile.

"Do feel at home," Jack said bowing his head. Always one to put on a damn show. Nick is really rubbing off on him.

"Coming Sebastian" he said noticing Sebastian still grounded to where he was.

"Yes! Sure he said moving off reluctantly.

Sam rushed and got Jean to help her cooked hot 'n' honeyed chicken wings, pasta and broccoli and Viennese coffee for dessert. While Sam and Jean cooked, Nick, Jake, Sebastian and Jack spoke on the information the witch gave them.

After a while everybody was invited to the table even Maya. Everybody was tensed with her presents.

"Whats she doing here?" Mike asked disgruntled.

"She's going to be apart of our pack till further notice. So pack your crap Mike!" Sebastian yelled.

"What the fuck you just let slip pass that hole in your face? Seems like your volunteering for your ass to be handed to you!" Mike ground out jolting to his feet.

"Everybody Quiet!!" Nick and Jake said simultaneously.

The room went into total silence. If a pin fell it would be heard loud and clear.

"Listen up we have some useful information that only Maya can help us with. If this information is proven invalid we won't hesitate to gut her." This was said for Maya's benefit for her to forget any silly antics.

You could tell she got the message loud and clear. Her face looked as if she wanted to sink under the floor.

Within minutes everybody started to eat. Not another word was said. Everybody savouring the delicious meal.

When they were through Max, Mike, Joe and Nick went to make further plans for the future war. Nick could smell a storm brewing.

Sebastian took Maya out to the balcony.

"You look even more beautiful under the moonlight," Sebastian whispered. She was in a red mid thigh dress with one sleeve. A black choker and high heeled mid thigh boots.

Sebastian blood boiled. He had to keep leaning on the railings to hide the tent in his trousers.

"Thank you. You sure are a set of rowdy people, Whoo!" She exclaimed letting out some of the pent up tension. Maya moved to sit on the railings. Sebastian moved over slowly and stood between her legs looking into her eyes then slowly kissed her soft, pink lips. They broke abruptly when Wayne stepped out on the balcony.

"Am really tired and have a long day tomorrow so we'll catch up then bye Sebastian," Maya said in a hurry to leave. She almost tripped over her own legs.

As soon as she was out of sight

Wayne said, "Sebastian do not let a piece of fine ass cloud your judgement man. Can we really trust this bitch?"

Wayne was shocked to find himself going over the balcony falling into the open rubbish dump below.

And that's how you take out the trash Sebastian thought while brushing his hands together.

He stretched then yawn and went to check on Maya but changed his mind he didn't want to come off too strong and wound up losing her. He went to his room instead where he couldn't stop play out all that went on between them.


I sighed taking in the fresh cool air as I stepped outside. I saw Sam leaning on the verandah railing and went up behind her.

"Hey beautiful, you ready?" I asked.

"For what?" Sam asked sounding exhausted and full of tension.

" Your surprise."

After blindfolding her I guided her while I carried a blanket and two glasses and a bottle of champagne and a large back pack on my back. Finally! Sam was in for a treat. I walked deeper into the woods until I reached a clearing with a beautiful lake. A green flat bed of grass decorated the banks on both sides. I smiled at the peacefulness it granted. The moon shun brightly. After a moment of setting the blanket and glasses. In between Sam's nagging and arranging the tent, I set out a plate of peek a boo cookies I paid Jean a fortune to make them in the morning. They had better be worth it else she'll be eating rat shit in her coffee tomorrow.

I finally pulled the blindfold from Sam's eyes. She was surprised to see the tent, peach scented candles highlighted the room. A blanket was laid out with the cookies, the champagne and glasses. Massaging oil, three towels and thermos with warm water and a basin. I even had a small Mani and pedi kit.

Sam mouth was wide open. She cooed, "How did you do all of this? Its beautiful."

After placing a small stool for Sam to sit I told her.

"Sit down Sam. Tonight is all about you my Queen."

Sam sat the biggest smile on her face. I offered her a glass of champagne and the dish of cookies. As she ate I poured the water into the basin took two towels a small and large one. I took her feet in my hands and remove her shoes.

As I soked them in foot shampoo and throw tiny balls,that swells with contact when touch water, into the basin and let Sam's feet soak.

About five minutes of us talking about all we've been through. I took one of Sam feet and scrub, rub and massage Sam's feet. Sam moaned and close her eyes.

After that feet I did the same to the other then apply foot cream. I got rid of the dirty water and washed my hands. We were half way into the champagne when I told Sam to lie down on a set of towels in the corner of the tent.

She took off her blouse and skirt and lay down. I gently added the oil then slowly massaged Sam's shoulders. I applied the right amount of pressure in the right places. Sam soon fell asleep after being so relaxed. I continued the spa treatment then lay down beside her covering us with a comforter. I stared at Sam and thought she meant the world to me. We met and things developed fast but I hope our fire never burn out. I could see myself growing old with Sam.

Sam mumbled in her sleep " I love you Jack."

I brushed her hair and smile laying down behind her spooning her butt. I quickly fell asleep. Nothing could get any better than this.


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