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By Sessakag

42K 1.5K 2.1K

New danger is on the horizon for the shinobi world. Naruto, a celebrated war hero, finds himself, once again... More

The Beginning
Man Up
Love At Last
Creeping Darkness
Sixth Sense
Loving Gem
Carnal Climax
Right Place Wrong Time
The Otsutsuki
Frigid Confrontation
Desert Nightmare
Just a Cold
Big News
Uncomfortable Reunion
Party Planning
Love and Drama
A Deity Speaks
Akechi Village
Childless Clan
Anything But Orange
Drunken Antics
Entity 504
The Fodder
Restless Night
Endless Worry
Lean On Me
The Final Entry
Don't Like It? Fight ME!
The Truth
Preparing For Tomorrow
The Uzumaki's
Honeymoon Adventure Part 1

Blooming Flower

1.6K 39 28
By Sessakag

Chapter Thirteen

Blooming Flower

January 1, 2009

It was a dark and chilly night in the festive village of Konoha. Laughter and excitement swept through the busy streets. The people of the Leaf celebrating the coming New Year with more vigor than previous years. Having been through the destruction and reconstruction of their home and the agonizing tragedy and devastation of a bloody war, the citizen were hoping, wishing and determined to see happier days to come their way.

Outside a spacious, high rise apartment, the distant explosion of fireworks and the jovial, and in some cases, drunken, cheer of revelers was muted not only by the separating walls of the lodging, but also the loud, and heated argument currently taking place within.

Breaking in the New Year with drinks, merriment and a competitive game of cards, the evening had began with celebratory shots of sake, some hilarious discussions of New Year's resolutions and the excited count down to midnight.

After, the party guests had broken into two groups of guys and girls.

While the females of the gathering had taken to chatting quietly and sipping sake, tea and coffee at the dinning table, the males had decided to take part in a card game of luck, skill, and apparently shameless cheating.

Four ninja sat around the coffee table in the middle of Naruto's living room, two of which were yelling animatedly at each other, disputing the outcome of the game. The blonde host of their New Year's party looked seconds away from flipping the low sitting piece of furniture and sending the pile of playing cards scattered on its surface flying around the common room.

"That is bullshit Kiba!" the frustrated genin shouted, "I saw you slip that card out of your sleeve!"

The guilty Inuzuka glowered at the barking teen.

"Don't get mad at me because you don't know how to play!" he blustered, "You played the wrong card and got annihilated! Learn how to play the game, douche!"

"Wrong card my ass!" Naruto negated, pointing at the offending card on the table, "I watched you slip that card out of your sleeve! You're a cheater! I won fair and square, 'ttebayo!"

"What a sore loser," Kiba dismissed, "I won, you lost. Tell him Shino."

"Naruto is correct, Kiba," Shino interjected, "Why? Because I also observed you slipping it from you sleeve."

Kiba glared for all he was worth at his impassive, often ignored teammate, tossing his cards on the table with a growl, arms crossed as Naruto reached forward to collect them in triumph.

"Cheating bastard." the mollified Uzumaki needled, shooting the sore loser a smug look.

"Whatever. Shuffle, deal and shut the hell up," the Inuzuka grunted, leaning forward with a determined glint to his eyes, "I don't need to cheat to mop the floor with you."

Naruto pursed his lips in doubt as he shuffled the deck and began to distribute the cards around the table again. Once finished, he picked up his cards and looked over his arsenal, moving around assets and disposables. Kiba grumble under his breath at the pieces of laminated paper in his hands. Shino displayed no outward reaction as he studied his, while Lee looked ready to declare himself the winner before it started.

The guys settled into the game, peacefully tossing cards on the table. It'd be a while before things got fired up again, so the curious genin took advantage of the calm before the screaming matches began anew and glanced over at the kitchen table.

"So what's going on with Sai?" Naruto called out to Ino, "Haven't seen him in a couple of days, dattebayo. He on a mission?"

"I don't know to be honest," Ino admitted, sipping from her saucer, "He can't really talk about it, even with me. He came by my place to let me know he'd be busy for a couple of days but didn't really go into what he'd be busy with. Your guess is as good as mine."

"Hmm," Naruto hummed, playing another card.

If Ino didn't know, then it was pretty much a lost cause to ask anyone else. If anyone would know what was going on with their socially awkward teammate, it would be the robot's girlfriend and while Ino didn't usually blab anything dangerously sensitive that could land her in hot water, the gossiping Yamanaka was usually a hotbed for information not readily available to the public and more than willing to pass on what she knew to her fellow friends.

He doubted Kakashi-sensei would tell him anything considering his old perverted teacher was being so damn tight lipped about everything.

"By the way Naruto, your exam is coming up soon isn't it?" Tenten asked.

Butterflies tickled his insides. The eighteen year old genin was becoming increasingly uneasy the closer the impending appraisal of his fitness to wear the title jonin came. His rigorous studying and his girlfriend's gentle but firm tutoring would all be put to the test in one all or nothing showdown. While he felt a bit better about his chances now, than he had last year, the mere mention of the examination was enough to break him out in a cold sweat.

"Y-yeah," he replied, staring a hole at the cards he held, "January 8th."

He swallowed, the looming date made more real the more he said it. In a matter of seven days, the first steps in reaching his ultimate goal would be before him.

"Whelp, guess another year of being a genin is in your future," Kiba poked, "should I bring a mop to wipe up your tears after?"

"You wish!" Naruto responded, nerves banished in the face of the irritating comment, "You can bring a mop for yourself because I guarantee you'll be a chunin longer than I was a genin!"

Kiba merely rolled his eyes.

"Boy you sure are cocky. You do know it takes more than a few tricks during a war to become a jonin," the feral chunin dismissed, "You ain't got what it takes."

Blonde brows twitched.

"Temae..." Naruto growled, glancing away from his cards to level a fierce glare at the badmouthing mutt, "You think the future Hokage doesn't have what it takes to pass a stupid- get that card out of your sleeve Kiba! You damn cheater!"

Exam forgotten, the two launched into a new tirade of accusation and denial, one that culminated in the twice caught Inuzuka flipping the wooden table, launching cards all over the tastefully decorated living room. Shino watched the two quietly, murky sunglasses gleaming, a card fluttering and resting atop his dark bushy hair. Lee stood torn between cheering on the passionate battle and pouting over the wining hand he'd had before the abrupt ending of the game.

"Those guys." Sakura sighed in exasperation before taking a sip of her coffee.

Hinata giggled behind her hand at the two, setting down her tea to watch the exchange. Now that she was sure the two weren't really serious in their shouting matches, the quiet Hyuuga often found the back and forths amusing.

Ino stood, clapping her hands for attention and order.

"Alright guys, time to find a quieter activity. Pick the cards up, fix the table and we'll find a movie to watch." the flower shop owner announced.

Several minutes and further arguments later, the group decided on a simple action film and settled in to watch. Shino sat in an adjacent easy chair, Kiba lay on the floor with his back propped up against Akamaru on one side of the coffee table while Lee sat on the opposite side. Ino, Tenten and Sakura had taken up two thirds of the plush couch, while Naruto held Hinata cuddled in his lap, her cheeks bright but the expression on her face shining with contentment.

Naruto made no moves to hide his own peace and tranquility. The affectionate Uzumaki wrapped his arms about his lover, his fingers entwining with hers, and reclined further into the corner of the couch, the position forcing her slight form to rest more heavily against him.

Sakura and Tenten rolled their eyes at the lovey dovey picture while Ino grinned.

Naruto wasn't phased in the least. He was just happy to have Hinata with him. After that embarrassing night, his lover had been pretty busy, her time and attention focused on the final odds and end of event planning for the traditional New Year's celebration for the Hyuuga Clan, one Naruto had been invited to.

Though he would hardly call it much of a celebration.

The Hyuuga New Years "party" had been stuffy and rigid. Though dressed formally and appropriately, the blonde hero had felt like a fish out of water among the sea of stoic faces and painfully polite conversations.

Not a single laugh had disrupted the subdued room, not a single voiced raised in excitement, just a low hum of bland conversation. He'd felt clumsier than a drunken Lee in the middle of a china shop and more claustrophobic than an expanded Choji stuck in a cardboard box.

The uncouth nin had been afraid to breathe for fear it would be too loud in the depressive atmosphere. Sensing his disquiet and awkwardness, Hinata had asked her father for the two to be excused, claiming a headache. Even Naruto had seen the Clan Head hadn't believed the tale. A short moment of silent staring had ensued between father and daughter before the elder Hyuuga had inclined his head in acquiescence. Glad Hiashi hadn't balked at letting the teens leave early, Naruto had nearly sprinted for the exit in his desire for freedom.

After Hinata had changed into something more casual, the two had made their way back to his place to celebrate the New Year together. On the way, they'd been spotted by the group of chunin leaving a BBQ restaurant. Naruto, not one to miss an opportunity to bask in the company he had longed for as a child, had invited the collection of nin to his place for the New Year count down.

A decision he was glad he'd made.

The orphaned Uzumaki had never felt so warm, so loved and had never had so much fun. It was a stark contrast from the silent New Year's he'd passed.

Even last year had been bleak.

Hinata had had to host the Hyuuga New Year's party/private memorial for Neji while his other friends had all been with their respective families, some of which were dealing with the first holiday without their loved one for the first time.

Naruto had understood that they had things the had needed to do, healing that they could only do with family.

But it had hurt.

Last New Years in a new place with nothing but his old friend loneliness for company had been painful.

The ugly quiet eating away at his soul.

Gentle lips pressed against the silky crown just below his chin, his arms tightening a fraction. Hinata returned his cuddle, nuzzling the hoodie encased chest she rested against. Naruto inhaled her familiar floral scent, the delicate, unique fragrance soothing and comforting.

Their union felt surreal to him at times. The melding of their hearts and souls something that left him reeling, yet desperate for more. He felt complete in a way he hadn't known he could feel, so full of joy with her by his side.

He was tumbling into a new level of connection.

Falling deeper and deeper in love with each passing day.

It was scary.


Overwhelming and welcome.

Not just his relationship, but those he'd come to care for. Sakura, Sai, Ino, and everyone else, hell, even that mutt Kiba, they were all becoming closer. The friendship they shared deepening and expanding into something he'd thought he could only have with Sasuke.

A deep bond of trust and affection. With the coming of a new year, he had more than he'd ever had.

This year, he had her to banish the loneliness.

Friends to keep the terrible memories of cold silence at bay.

It was with these powerful, tumultuous feelings churning in his gut that the emotional blonde thanked and said goodbye to his friends with ending of the movie. After he shut and locked the door, he moved back to the living room and sat heavily on his couch, fighting to control his emotions.


He turned, looking curiously at the woman next to him. Gentle arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, pulling him down into a soft embrace. The confused blonde found himself nestled between two cushiony mounds.

He blinked, cheeks heating slightly.


Soft hands caressed his short locks, smoothing down his back, the touch reminiscent of that night she had sat by his side and bore his grief over Ero-Sennin.

"You were feeling sad, weren't you Naruto-kun?"

He froze, eyes wide as she spoke softly above his head.

"It's still hard for you, isn't it...to be remember the holidays you spent alone."

Naked pain gripped his heart. Cerulean orbs shimmered.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be with you, last year. I know it was painful for you."

The gentle glide of her fingers down his back was chipping away at his control, threatening to unleash the flood gates barely held in check. His arms wrapped around her comforting form, his grip just as tight, just as desperate as that far away night.

"It wasn't your fault, don't be sorry...I..." his lip trembled, "I...I'm not...sad...I..."

He blinked back tears. He wasn't sad.

He was happy.

So happy that his chest hurt. He wanted to tell her that. To put voice to the confusingly painful combination of the overwhelming elation he felt that he was swamped in a sea of acceptance and love while at the same time the contrast of this day last year compared to now added emphasis to the unbearable isolation in a way that hurt him. Emotion clogged his throat, the words he wanted to express stuck on his tongue.

"I'm glad you're happy, Naruto-kun."

His eyes closed, the gentle beat of her heart thudding against his cheek. His arms tightened, his embrace uncomfortably tight a few seconds before he untangled himself from her arms.

His kiss was tender, the melding of lips gentle and full of emotion.

Calloused fingers smoothed over the warm, silken surface of her cheeks, tracing over her delicate jaw and down her throat. Her sigh of contentment puffed against his lips, her own arms winding around his neck, gentle fingers tunneling through the shortly trimmed strands.

His palms moved over her slender shoulders, the caress unhurriedly sliding down her spine.

His tongue traced the plump edges of her lips, then spread them with a gentle glide. The slow tangle of tongues brought heat to his groin, his libido stirring with each stroke.

His light touch moved to her waist, over her hips and beneath her shirt.

Lust slammed into his brain as his hands cupped the fleshy mounds filling her bra, his tongue laving the curve of her neck. The night of their first lovemaking came back in a rush. The memory of her soft thighs gripping his hips arose. A small shiver crawled up his spine as he relived that passionate introduction of sexual intimacy. The excited blonde could almost hear her cries all over again, the surprisingly erotic sound of his bed creaking with each desperate lunge of his body, the mind numbing bliss of pounding himself to soul shattering orgasm and emptying the pent up tension of his balls into the snug wet clutch of her body.

A harsh breath left his lungs, escaping through his nose.


He pressed his lips tightly to her flesh, his brain frantically reaching for the advice Kiba had imparted.

"Think about something else until you can calm down."

'Something else. Think about something else. Something else. Something else...'

Naked breast tipped with coral nipples flashed before his minds eye. Blood rushed to his cock, the sudden hardening of his flesh painful.

'NOT THAT STUPID!' he barked at himself, fingers twitching against the silk covered tits beneath his palms, 'Something else, something else...'

"Naruto-kun." she sighed, pressing her own lips to his jaw.

Need tightened his gut, the throbbing of his sex clouding his mind. His mouth sought hers in an aggressive sucking of lips, easing her back into the softness of the couch cushions. Her legs parted in welcome, enticing him to settle between them, the invitation one he accepted without a second thought as he wedged his lower body in the cradle her thighs formed. The thin fabric of her leggings left her little protection as he pressed his aching length against her, rocking his hips forward and back, the friction forcing a moan from her lips.

The horny blonde panted softly between the wet meeting of lips, humping against her body, each thrust sending shards of pleasure creeping over his skin. His hands roamed her voluptuous body, reaching under the waistband of her leggings to enjoy the velvety satin of her skin and the sensual roll of her hips as she returned his fevered thrusts with her own.

Her hands reached beneath his hoodie, yanking at the thick cotton until he relented. Levering himself up, he ripped both the hoodie and undershirt from his body, leaving hard muscle and tanned skin to her exploring hands.

Her hands on his body was heavenly and unfamiliar. Her touch was light, hesitant even.

The uncertainty triggered the switch in his previously lust saturated brain that allowed for rational thought. He watched with hooded lids as her fingers slid over the curve of his obliques, down, then up the ridges of his abdomen before traveling up to caress his chiseled pecs, the rose quartz dangling between the valley they formed.

Her face was beet red and she was avoiding his eyes a bit, but she seemed more than a little curious about his physique.

His vow of gentle lovemaking returned, clearing some of the urgency from his head.

His hands took hold of hers, and he pressed his lips to her fingertips. He was going to be gentle with her if it killed him. Reaching down, he scooped her up and against his bare chest, unable to suppress a grin at her squeal of surprise.

"N-Naruto-kun, what are you doing?"

"Moving us somewhere more comfortable." he explained.

He deposited his precious burden with care onto the turned down sheets of his bed, then followed her down. He settled again between the warm welcome of her thighs and kissed her, loving her mouth with gentle thoroughness.

He pulled back moments later, determination and purpose settling his raging hormones, replacing the burning flames of need with steady embers of arousal.

He touched soft fingertips to her glistening lips, then over her cheek.

"Hinata, I know I was kind of...rough our first time, and I was being really selfish too," he murmured, a flush, half arousal, half embarrassment, spreading over his cheeks, "I don't think anything has ever felt that good before but I know it didn't always feel that way for you, so tonight, I want ...I want to make you feel good too. I want to learn what makes you feel good so we both enjoy it, not just me."

Her own blush deepened as he spoke.

"If you...If you don't mind, that is. I don't want you to do anything you aren't comfortable doing."

She nodded, too shy to give to voice her agreement, then shifted on his bed.

His Adams apple bobbed.

Intense ocean orbs watched as she sat up and with slow, bashful movements, she undressed, dropping each article of clothing onto his bedroom floor. The slight jiggle of her tits, the creamy smoothness of pale skin, and the bare flesh at the apex of her thighs left his mouth dry.

He swallowed again when she lay back against his pillows, moon colored eyes watching him from beneath thick black lashes.

Seeming unable to help herself, she brought her arms up, forearms covering her nipples as her index fingers bumped together in her familiar display of nerves and anxiety. His dogged stare roamed the many peaks, curves and valleys of her lush form, fighting the urge to spread her thighs, join their bodies and rut like an animal in heat.

She had an amazing body.

He took in a long, deep breath, then let it out slowly.

'Alright, don't screw it up, 'ttebayo. She's giving you the chance to make it up to her. Remember the stuff that mutt said.'

Naruto replayed the advice he'd received.

"Flowers are delicate, you gotta be gentle."

'Gentle...Gentle...' he repeated.

His touch was feather light, gliding up the pliant flesh of her thigh, over the arch of her hip and up her sides.

She giggled as his fingers passed over her ribs.

Amusement coiled in his chest, and he fixed his face into one of feigned irritation.

"Oiiii, Hinataaa, this is serious," he intoned with pursed lips, running his fingers again over her ticklish ribs, "This is no time to be giggling."

She jerked, a snort leaving her lips. She gasped, covering her mouth in surprised embarrassment at the piggish sound. Naruto felt his lips stretch, a chortle of hilarity leaving his mouth.

"N-N-Naruto-kun!" she stammered as his expression contorted into one of mischief, his face more sly fox than human, "D-d-don't you d-d-dare-"

Her words fell on deaf ears. Her childish lover dove for her ribs, tickling her until she snorted and squealed, his fingers dancing over her rib cage until she pleaded for mercy, then tickling her until she shed tears.

Naruto sat back on his knees, watching while she panted softly, cute giggles still tumbling from her lips. Merriment left him as his gaze traveled over her body, lighting on the engorged nipples of her uncovered breasts. Desire pooled. Drawn in like a moth to a flame, the young Uzumaki moved forward, hands sliding up her belly then to the mounds of flesh that jiggled hypnotically with each of her softly drawn breaths.

Heavy lidded pearlescent eyes met his, mutual lust reflecting. His thumbs slowly rolled the hardened peaks.

"Naruto-kun...mmmm..." she moaned.

The hushed words brought sweat to his brow and called attention to his still aching body. He ignored the discomfort in favor of drawing another sound of pleasure from her lips. Her body arched as he tweaked her nipples, tugging softly.


Turned on, he leaned down to capture one of the delectable tips, sucking firmly and running his tongue over the sensitive nub.

"Naruto-kunnn, yessss." she groaned, her fingers running through his hair.

Enjoying her gentle strokes, her breathy moans and the sensation of her nipple on his tongue, the exploring blonde settled in to suckle his lovers tits. He laved one distended bud, before moving to shower the other with the wet affection of his eager mouth.

"Naruto-kuunn," she pleaded, "touch me..."

His hand slid down her body and between the soaked folds of her pussy. Heat lashed his spine, air seizing in his lungs as his digits slipped against the moist hood of her clit.

She gasped, thighs closing around his arm.

Her body bowed from the bed, thrusting into his curious fingers.

"Naruto-kun...oh please..."she whined softly.

He swallowed in an effort to moisten his suddenly dry mouth.

'Calm down...calm down, 'ttebayo...'

He kissed her lips, drawing her panting breath into his lungs while his fingers moved, gently rotating her clit. She moaned into his mouth, her tongue slipping a little frantically over his as he fondled her sex. He moved back to her nipples, slathering his tongue over the peaks.

Her heated moans of ecstasy filled the room while her body wept with pleasure, the hot fluid coating his fingers.

His dick hurt, his balls screaming for release.

Through the haze of lust slowly overshadowing his thoughts, Naruto again called upon the Inuzuka's words.

"Pay close attention to a flowers needs, otherwise it won't bloom."

Naruto tugged softly at her nipple, increasing the speed and pressure of his fingers.

"Oh God..." she groaned, her hips meeting the new pace, her clit throbbing beneath his touch.

Sensing the coming storm, he tugged again, flicking her other nipple with his tongue. Her fingers gripped his shoulders, her body twisting. Excitement of the impending climax left him panting, sweat lightly coating his skin as he pleasured her.

"I'm going to cum, oh God," she whispered, voice raising several octaves, "Oh...ohhhhhhhhh, Naruto-kuunnnnn...pleaseeee."

She fell silent, leaving only the low sounds of his wet fingers stroking moist flesh and the loud smack of lips at her breast. Her fingers dug into his damp flesh as a scream of rapture tore from her chest. She spasmed, pressing her nipple deeper into his mouth, his fingers tighter against the slippery bundle of nerves.

"Ohhhhhhhh, yessssss." she gasped, pumping her hips.

Naruto released her nipple with a loud pop, watching her face as orgasm tore through her, his fingers stroking the quivering flesh between her thighs.

It was the most erotic thing he had ever seen.

He pressed his lips to the underside of her jaw, her hoarse cries becoming soft mewls as her climax quieted. He slowed the stroke of his fingers to soft petting, enjoying the random spasms of her oversensitive body.

He kissed her lips, then pulled his fingers from her wet folds.

She shivered, a low whimper puffing against his mouth.

His body hurt.

His cock hurt.

But he felt good, watching her orgasm stoking the lust pounding through his veins. He lifted up and reached into his bedside table for the condoms he'd purchased days ago and made short work of his sweats. Having practiced ahead of time, he slid the sheathe on quickly, then moved back between her spread thighs, his breathing ragged.

He wanted her to explore him too, wanted her to touch him the way he had her, but he couldn't take another moment of torture.

His body was screaming for relief.

Her fingers were gentle, encouraging as they slid up his muscled biceps as he positioned himself at her soaked core.

"Make love to me, Naruto-kun," she murmured, pulling his head down for a soft kiss.

With the infinite care he hadn't been able to exhibit their first time, he united their bodies, his throbbing length spreading tight wet flesh. He groaned into her mouth, swept up in sensation, ecstasy skating up and down his spine. Goosebumps pebbled his skin as he slid deeper, the snug channel of her body parting reluctantly for his cock.


Hot, slippery heat engulfed his sex.

Rough hands gripped her thighs, spreading the pliant limbs, his chest heaving as he pressed into her body, desperate for her to take more of him, all of him. Sweat rolled down his temples as he held on to his control by a single thread. He closed his eyes, reveling in the feeling of parting her body with his own, the slow entry unbearably good.

He pressed a soft kiss to her mouth when his sheathed sex met her womb.

Gentle hands caressed his back, sliding over his damp flesh as her tongue tangled with his. He made slow love to her mouth until need hammered his body.

His hips retreated, his dick sliding along quivering wet walls before sliding forward, impaling her again on his hard cock.

He shivered, his grip tightening when their groins met.

The aching blonde thrust again, wrenching a moan from the female beneath him. The gentle hands that had caressed him softly moved to grip his forearms, squeezing tightly as he began an easy pace of thrust and retreat.

Heavy lidded blue eyes strayed to the joining of the bodies, gaze rapt on the glistening length appearing and reappearing. He moved as slow and as gentle as his body would allow, each stroke bringing him closer and closer to zenith. He panted harshly, the measured flex of his hips torturous.


His eyes shot her face.

The last piece of advice, this one from Choji, flittered through his brain.

"And don't think after one bloom its over. Flowers can bloom more than once. And there's more than one way to make a flower bloom."

Intense cerulean eyes watched the pale beauty contorting beneath him, her head twisting against the pillows. Her pupiless eyes were closed, her face contorted in ecstasy.

Her chest heaved, tits bouncing, as she raised her hips to meet the steady pounding of his sex into hers. Blunted fingernails dug into his straining muscles. He knew what was coming, could feel the gradual tightening of her pussy, the fresh fluid coating his cock.

His dark haired lover was on the brink of cumming...and from the sound of her cries, the frantic thrust of her hips, it was going to be a big one.

Turned on, her gripped her love handles and increased his pace, fucking her in earnest. Lust crashed into him, dragging him beneath a tsunami of frenzied need. His own climax loomed, hovering at the base of his spine, threatening to send him over the edge at a moments notice.

"Na. Ru. To. Kunnnn," she chanted as he slammed into her, "oh. Oh. OHHHH!"

Her body detonated, spine arching, fingers clinging painfully into his flesh. The clutch of her core clamped down hard, ripping the hovering orgasm from his body. He lunged against her, rocking the bed with each frenzied thrust, his toes curling in ecstasy.

"Hinata," he howled, rapture careening though his trembling body.

He had never felt anything like that in his entire life. Her body was milking him, jerking fiercely at his ejaculating sex, squeezing orgasm from his body. His eyes rolled, darkness lapping at the edge of his vision while he pounded mindlessly into the tight hole attempting to rob him of his soul.

The shuddering blonde mashed their groins together, head thrown back in ecstasy as euphoria bloomed, quieting the blood rushing through his veins.

Damp thighs slid along his hips, feminine calves wrapping around his waist. Hinata wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him into her embrace. He went eagerly, their sweaty bodies melding as their breathing slowed.

For long moments, he lay comforted in her arms, the quieting of the room and soft flutter of her heart lulling.



Peace washed over him as she stroked his hair, placing the softest of kisses to his damp crown and for the second time that day, tears burned his eyes.

He lifted his head, his emotional blue orbs shimmering.

"I love you, Hinata," he whispered, "I love you so much."

Her own lilac eyes spilled over, her trembling lips pressing to his.

"I love you too, Naruto-kun," she declared just as softly, "With all my heart and soul."


January 16, 2009

"So what's up, Naruto?" Ino questioned from her place between Shikamaru and Sakura, "What's so important that we all had to meet here so quick?"

The normally energetic, happy-go-lucky genin looked almost terrified. Reaching into his hoodie, he pulled out a sealed white envelope bearing the Hokage seal.

Four pairs of eyes widened at the damning piece of mail.

The group of five had met up at a local tavern at the knuckled headed hero's request. The orange ninja had already been seated at a table, sake and several saucers in the middle of the dark brown surface. They'd taken a seat around the table and waited for him to speak. After long minutes of silence, in which the teen had sweated and fidgeted, Ino had finally probed the distressed adolescent into explaining what was going on.

"N-Naruto-kun, is that..." the wide eyed Hyuuga seated next to him trailed off.

The blonde nodded, his own blue orbs wide.

"I'm scared to open it," Naruto admitted, tossing it onto the dining table and placing his chin on the hard surface, his hands twisting his sun-kissed locks, "I failed the exam, I just know it, 'ttebayo!"

The despondent shinobi had been stressed out the moment he'd stepped into the room with the proctor overseeing the written portion of his exam. With each passing day as he waited for his results, the ugly, nauseating tension had increased, twisting his gut into a pretzel. Hinata had done her best to calm his fears but the overtaxed Uzumaki had refused to be calmed, bemoaning his scatter brained mentality.

"Naruto-kun, don't say that." his girlfriend comforted, her pale hand stroking his back.

Ino reached for the envelop.

"Now just hang on before you get all worked up," his fellow blonde said, "you've been studying hard with Hinata and your girlfriend is one smart cookie. Do you honestly think that, with all the hard work you've put in, that failure is something that's even remotely possible?"

"I'm going to have to agree with Ino-pig," Sakura concurred, ignoring her best friend's glare, "You've been working way too hard to fail. At least wait until you've read the results before you fail yourself."

"What a drag," Shikamaru sighed, "Just open it, Naruto. Not opening it won't change the results."

"No way!" Naruto exclaimed, "Somebody else do it and just...break it to me gently. After, you guys are either gonna celebrate with me and have a couple of drinks or watch me drink away my sorrows, dattebayo."

Ino sighed and began opening the sealed letter.

Naruto turned and buried his head in his girlfriend's bosom.

"Dear participant, blah blah blah," Ino read aloud, "...congratulations, you have passed the physical and written exam and are hereby promoted to the rank of jonin effective immediately. Please report-"

"Wahooo!!!!" the newly appointed jonin cried, launching from his chair, the wooden piece of furniture crashing with a loud bang to the tile floor, "I passed, 'ttebayo!!! Wahooo!!!! I'm gonna be the greatest Hokage that ever lived! BELIEVE IT!"

"N-Naruto-kun," Hinata implored, tugging at the hoodie of her shouting boyfriend as more customers turned to look over at the commotion, "Not so loud, people are staring."

"Woooooooooo!!! Drinks on me tonight!!!" Naruto declared, the crowded tavern cheering, unaware the excited nin hadn't exactly meant them as well.

Several hours and a tavern full of drunk strangers later, at the expense of the wasted blonde, Naruto and his group stood in front of the drinking hole. The plastered Uzumaki was currently resting heavily against Hinata, his flushed face buried against the hollow of her neck and shoulder, arms wrapped around her in a wilted hug. Sakura and Shikamaru held up a limp and babbling Ino, her arms hanging listlessly around their shoulders.

"Noooooo, Saiiiiiii, downt pusht paint thereeee," she slurred.

"Jeez, Ino-pig, I do not want to hear about you and Sai's kinky bedroom games," Sakura muttered, "we'll see you later Hinata, good luck with your drunk."

"Mmmmm, Hinataaaa, you shmell sho gooooodddd," Naruto hummed and the dark haired Hyuuga waved.

"Later." Shikamaru said as the trio turned and headed in the direction of the mumbling Yamanaka's apartment.

"Come on Naruto-kun, time to go home." Hinata giggled when he nuzzled her skin.

"Hinataaaa," he sang, his movement clumsy as she guided him down the street, gripping the limp arm he had draped over her shoulders.

"Yes, Naruto-kun?"

"I passhed my test."

"Yes you did, and I'm very proud of you. I knew you could do it."


"Yes, Naruto-kun?"

"Imma joinnnin now."

"Yes you are, sweetheart." she chortled as the passed beneath a bright street light.

Their pace was slow, Naruto weaving even with her guidance.


"Yes Naruto-kun."

"I loooooveeee youuuuu." he declared, rubbing his cheek against hers.

She laughed.

"I love you too Naruto-kun."


May 17, 2009

Naruto stopped. Curious blue orbs moved over the surrounding forest.

Tall, gently swaying trees, happily chirping birds, and lush viridescent grass beneath a cloudless ocean sky filled his field of view. Nothing to suggest anything sinister lurked, quite the opposite in fact.

The hair at the nape of his neck stood on end.

A low wail, just barely within range of his hearing reached his ears. The muted screaming sent chills up his spine. The terrible screeching was without direction, vibrating in his ears from everywhere and yet nowhere. Even still, the cautious jonin slipped into senjutsu, closing his eyes and probing the kaleidoscope of energies around him until he found it.

Within the bright, vibrant flow of energy, was an anomaly, a blankness bending and contorting, disrupting that flow.

That emptiness he'd sensed only once before.

Blonde brows wrinkled as he tried to focus, concentrating on tracing the distortion and pinpointing its origin.


He reached out, entwining his own chakra in the flow around him, seeking the twisting void. It moved, skating away from the warmth of his unique signature, leaving bone deep coldness in its wake. Naruto pushed further, expanding his reach in every direction, determined to connect with the frigid energy.


The low howling decreased further, the sound a mere tickle in his ears, the void fading just as abruptly.


His eyes opened, blinking at the small hand waving in front of his face.

Tani Nakamoto stared up at him, her honey brown eyes slightly worried. The twelve year old genin brought her hand back to her side, dark green brows wrinkled with concern. Tani was a petite young girl with olive skin and a short bob of deep green hair. The pre-teen kunoichi had a quick temper for her teammates and a childish crush on her instructor.

"Are you okay, sensei?" she asked.

Normal procedure entailed at least a year of experience before being assigned a team of genin. With the current, diminished state of Konoha's armed forces, that time frame had been shortened and the newly appointed jonin had had a six month crash course of learning what his new rank entailed crammed into just two months before being assigned his own team. Two weeks in, and the harassed blonde had finally found his footing with his new position as leader.

Sort of...

"He's fine," came a bored reply, "Probably just day dreaming about Hinata-san again."

Naruto felt his brow twitch at the comment.

His student wasn't completely wrong to make the assumption. The jonin instructor had gotten caught more than once mooning over his significant other, especially when he opened his bento to Naruto shaped onigiri with his pickled vegetables, grilled fish and carefully wrapped sushi.

His annoyed gaze moved to the adolescent speaker.

Thirteen year old Sanzo Kurisu leaned against a nearby tree, thin arms crossed, forest green orbs fixed on the soft sway of leaf filled branches above head. The mischievous, and quite often sneaky trouble maker was of average size for his age, his dark hair shaved on the left side of his tanned cranium and hanging just slightly over his right eye on the other.

The genin never wasted a moment to tease his new team leader.

Naruto had had his hands full with the lovable brat, his pranks and tricks bringing back the blonde's memories of his own past as a prankster. Since deeming the group ready for active duty, the two had a sort of undiscussed truce, leaving his impish student with little to do but needle his instructor with sly comments since giving up his shenanigans.

"Was that senjutsu, sensei?" Seinosuke Kato questioned, his amber gaze sharp.

On the taller side of the spectrum, the curious, mild tempered genin moved closer to his sensei. His silver hair was cropped close to his head, the metallic color more striking against his mocha skin. With the gaze of a hawk, the thirteen year old missed little on the worst of days. While he often times demonstrated a lazer like focus when a task was at hand, the youth was also quick to laughter and wasn't afraid to goof around provided such actions didn't hinder his ever growing thirst for knowledge.

"Psh, I doubt it," Sanzo scoffed, pushing away from the tree and folding his arms behind his head, "This is a D rank mission, what the heck would he need to be in Sage Mode for?"

"Being on a D rank mission doesn't mean we're safe, Sanzo," Tani argued, her small fist on her hips, "If that were the case a group of genin wouldn't need to have a jonin assigned in the first place, right Naruto-sensei~"

Sanzo rolled his eyes at the sing song, overly sweet way his teammate called his team leader's name. Naruto nodded, his gaze moving again over the landscape before returning to his students.

"The simplest mission can change in a heartbeat," the blonde explained, "one D mission can end up becoming an S rank."

"My father told me about that!" the female kunoichi gushed, "It was in the Land of Waves, right? They named a bridge after you, didn't they sensei?"

A bit bashful at the reminder of his fame, Naruto rubbed the back of his neck.

"Uh yeah." he confirmed.

"That is so cool. Naruto-sensei is amazing."

Sanzo pursed his lips at that.

"As amazing as my big toe," he commented, "I don't see people running to name a bridge after it."

"Oiiiii..." Naruto muttered, brow twitching a bit harder.

"Are we in danger, Naruto-sense?" Seinosuke asked.

"No, I just wanted to make sure our path was clear," the jonin negated, "these woods are known for being full of bandits that set up ambushes to steal petty cash."

The group of inexperienced ninja seemed to accept the constructed explanation. The woods were in fact known for robberies, but he wouldn't have activated Sage Mode for something so trivial. His students needed real life experience of what it meant to be a shinobi and that meant he'd have to let them find their footing and gain some hands on experience of hand to hand combat.

Trekking through the dense forest that was often full of criminals without giving them the benefit of knowing who or what was inside of it would keep the novices on their toes and force them to rely on their instinct and sensory skills.

Naruto adjusted the pack on his back, signaling the group to move again. He didn't hear the noise anymore, and he wasn't able to track it just yet. For now, they'd continue on the mission as planned, but the cautious blonde would have to keep an eye out for anything that didn't feel right. While he was still new to his position of leader, he took the responsibility seriously.

He was in charge of three young lives.

Failure on his part could cost more than a few bumps and scrapes.


I was really feeling this chapter for some reason. Hope you all liked it too. Let me know your thoughts on how the story is going so far and I'll see you in the next one. Oh and another chapter for "Secrets of Hidden Leaf" is in the works, I haven't forgot I assure you, and I'm doing some revision on my other story "Cold" now that I'm not so buried in my depressive funk anymore, so those that read that, I haven't forgotten about you all either.

I think that's it for now. Please review!



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