All My Fault... (BxB)

By Ruby_Gloom

204K 6.5K 1.5K

“Hey faggot!” I winced at the sound of the one and only star quarter back. He wasn't wrong, I was gay, but th... More

All My Fault... (BxB)
Chicks Are Crazy
Torn in two
Stolen Kisses
I'll Fight For Your Heart Seth Brogan
The Plan
Let's start over...
The Dark and Twisted Noah Sun...
Ian to the rescue!
Teaser of what's to come! (Not a full chapter)
Forever And Ever And Then Some
Almost There

Meeting The Burtons

10K 339 60
By Ruby_Gloom

Man, oh man, this was way worse than announcing it to the school, I had never been so nervous in my life!

But somehow with Seth here beside me, cradling my hand in his own, my terror went from being a domineering presence that consumed my entire existence to something similar to the after affects of a migraine; nothing more than a dull beating in the back of my head. I glance at him out of my peripheral vision and noted how he looked so cute sitting there biting his lip, unconsciously rubbing circles over my thumb. I wished I could introduce him as my boyfriend—that I could proudly announce to my parents that he was the boy who had stolen my heart.

Instead I get to announce that he's my...friend—no not that kind of friend, yeah I wish...on and on if I knew my mom. Which after seventeen, nearly eighteen years I hoped I knew my mom well enough to predict what kind of reaction my coming out would drawl from my mother. My dad, that's where the problem was. He was a great bit more withdrawn on the matter, non-commental grunts and 'harrumphs'.

Not the kind of thing you want to hear after announcing you're gay.

“Hey...Ian?” Seth mumbled beside me.

“Yeah?” I ask, almost breathlessly, was he going to say I could introduce him as my boyfriend? God I hope so it would make this go so much smooth-

“Wasn't that your house?” I glanced behind us with a muttered curse, praying I wasn't blushing as badly as I thought I was.

“Yeah, sorry, deep thought.” I grumbled, pulling a quick U-turn in the middle of our deserted street. He squeezing my hand again briefly before we pulled into my drive. “Okay, I should kinda warn you...everyone's home, and...well, it can get a little crazy in there.” He looked slightly alarmed for a moment before his eyes steeled over.

“I'm ready.” he said with a nod, pulling open his door and stepping out. I think I might really love him.


Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Everything 'll be fine, just like Ian said. I stared up at the large white Victorian, glowing with age and character with several crazy types of plants growing from the window-boxes and delicate exotic flowers growing from large piles of dirt seemingly carelessly dumped on the porch. Beside the house, leading to the back yard was a Door-Way trellis with Morning Glories, snow peas, tomatoes and green beans all dripping from the top to the bottom of it all. Dotting the front yard was squash, potatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, strawberry bushes, heads of cabbage and broccoli, a blackberry bush, a blue berry bush every fruit or vegetable that could grow in this area like vegetation-graffiti.

Back on the porch there were glass twirlers, wind chimes of all different styles and classes hanging from the porch cover—everything from seashells to copper tubes to glass bottle caps... “Wow.” I breathed.

“My mom can go a little over board sometimes.” Ian shrugged with a slight smile telling me that he loved his mom's craziness. “Come on in, and again, be warned, all my sisters are here, and I think my cousin Nico (knee-co) is too...he's a little...”

Ian trailed off but it wasn't more than three nanoseconds before I knew exactly what he had meant. Ian unlocked the front door and waved me in before him only for me to be tackled back out onto the porch with a very manly scream on my part...oh who am I kidding? I squealed like an eleven year old little girl. “Hello there!” I looked up then, now that the fear of an ax murderer having tackled me were gone, my breath was sucked out of me. This god-like creature in front of me had to be his cousin Nico and all of the sudden I didn't mind so much that he had tackled me to the ground and was holding me there. He was muscular like Ian but a bit bulkier than him, not to the point it was gross, but enough that I would never question being the uke of this relationship. His eyes were an alluring gold, like warm amber waiting to trap me, reverberating off of the dark chocolate waves that made up his hair, all that bundled in a long tan and god-like package had me drooling positively frisky. I didn't know whether to lick him or faint—all thoughts of Ian vanished in a puff of smoke, move over, hot shit, I'm in the presence of a sex god.

“H-hi.” I stuttered—my if I wasn't just all kinds of smooth as hell this evening.

“Oh, Ian, he's so pretty,” Nico purred, stroking my cheek, “can I keep him?” KEEP ME! KEEP ME! TAKE ME WITH YOU! The perv side of my mind was screaming. Then I heard Ian growl and I was ripped away from my yummy-licious sex god by a very very angry Ian and the spell Nico had cast over me popped like a soap bubble leaving me disoriented and kinda ticked off at myself.

I had been crushing on Ian for how long?


I thought so.

So what the hell had this boy done to interfere with that?

Come to think of it, how had Ian interfered with the whole Noah thing? Hmm. Food for thought. “No, Nico. Seth is taken.” he growled, and let me tell you, if looks could kill...Nico would be deader than a cute n' fluffy dinosaur.

“Oh, I think I can change his mind.” Nico purred. Erm, hello? Hi, I'm Seth, and also currently standing right in front of you.

“Thanks, but no thanks.” I muttered, inching closer to Ian. PROTECT ME SUPERMAN!!! Except then I'd be Lois Lane and in that case no. I mean, have you ever really paid attention to her? She dresses like a hoe and acts more delicate and breakable than a paper thin glass vase, it's like she's screaming at the top of her lungs “I'm an S&M hoe! Come tie me up so my boyfriend can save me! Can't you tell by his tights and tightie-whities that I ain't getting any?! Talk dirty to me and slap me, I LOVE IT AND SUPERMAN WON'T!” Oh yeah, that's right, that sexy flying fuck is playing for my team, weep with remorse, ladies. Crap, I got off topic again.

“Looks like he's not so interested.” Ian chuckled, darkly, yanking me closer.

“Ian, sweetie is that you?” a woman called.

“Yeah, Aunt Lorie, it's Ian and a really hot guy!” Nico called before Ian could open his mouth to talk. My mouth about unhinged. Oh, my god, he didn't just—did he just?

“Oh, okay, well move so they can come in, and Nico?” a man yelled back this time.

“Yeah Uncle David?”

“Leave that poor boy alone! He may not swing like that.”

“Oh, he swings.” Nico murmured humorously as Ian crushed me to his far side and nudged his way past his sex-pot cousin. “And apparently so does my cousin.” Ian didn't react to Nico's quiet commentary, but I stiffened.

“MOM, DAD, COURTNEY, MALLORY, WHITNEY, STEPHANIE, RACHAEL!” Ian bellowed just inside the door, releasing me slightly, only to grab my hand and shoving our entwined fingers in the pocket of his Letterman jacket. “FAMILY MEETING IN THE LIVING ROOM!” his shouts were answered by a chorus of 'okay's.

“I thought you only had three sisters.” I murmured as feet began to move upstairs, headed to the ancient, winding staircase.

“By blood,yeah, but their parents died in a car wreck and mom and dad were their godparents, so, now I have SIX sisters.” he rolled his eyes, huffing dramatically, making me chuckle.

First to show up was a very nice looking man with dark chocolate hair like Nico and brown eyes, but his build was just like Ian's who looked to be in his early forties. Then came a very posh hippie with Ian's coloring, tall and elegant in her wool duster, the image itself not ruined by the nose stud glittering on the left side of her face. Then came a tall, lanky girl about a year older than Ian and I with his father's coloring and another girl her age with stick-straight, flame-bright red hair, pale as the moon and gothic, her piercing green eyes staring right through me to view my deepest darkest secrets. Then his little sister, somewhere between fifteen and sixteen with pretty chestnut hair and warm chocolate eyes came bounding down with a smile on her face. Honestly she looked like the grown up version of Molly from the Original Annie with Carol Brunette. I just wanted to eat her up!

After her came another sixteen or so year old girl with long golden ringlets, halo-ing around her perfectly shaped face, pretty sparkling freckles speckled her cheeks right across the bridge of her nose highlighting her blue-green and golden spattered eyes, she was wispy and graceful like a fairy (no pun intended)...right until she tripped over air and came tumbling down the stairs, but like a flash Ian had grabbed her up before her head hit. She blushed, fluttering her sooty lashes at him, her crush so apparent I was surprised the whole world didn't know....too bad, sweetie, he's gay, I thought at her. Another girl followed after who looked almost exactly like the fairy-child, except instead of golden curls flowing down her back, it was dark red waves and instead of those alluring strange eyes they were pale green with flecks of dark stone gray.

“Seth,” he beamed, waving his arm emphatically at the motley group his family made up. “These are my parents Lorie and David, my sisters, Courtney who's nineteen,” he pointed to the lanky girl, “Whitney also nineteen,” The goth, “Mallory who's sixteen,” the Molly girl, SO FREAKING CUTE! “and Stephanie and Rachel, the twins, also sixteen.” He pointed first to the girl with the crush then her more serious looking twin. “And of course you know about Tiff, but she's staying at a friends house tonight.”

“Hi.” I said with a shy wave.

“And I'm Nico, but you can call me lover if you want.” Ian's crazy-sexy Spanish cousin growled huskily in my ear, causing involuntary shivers to run all over my body. Faster than my eyes could track, Lorie had grabbed up a rolled up magazine from the table next to her and whacked him roughly in the face with it's spine. “Ow!” he yelped, jumping a foot back.

“What did I say about scaring off Ian's friends? Seth, dear, please forgive my sex crazed nephew, we're seriously considering a steel chastity belt, but knowing Nico, he'd manage to get it off anyway. Would you like something to drink?” His mother said, smiling gently at him. Oh, I really hope she accepts that her only son was just as attracted to boys as five of her six daughters were. Tiff was still convinced boys carried cooties.

I shook my head, meekly, shrinking in to Ian's side. “Mom-” Ian began, only for Lorie to cut him off.

“Whatever it is it can wait until after dinner.”

“Oh, what's for dinner, Aunt L?”

“You!” I gasp, rudely to the strange girl that just seemed to keep popping up only to blush scarlet a second later after realizing just how rude of me that was. “Sorry, I just really wasn't expecting you to be here...” I mumbled, making her chuckle.

“Hi to you too. Most people call me Robin, but hey, You works too.”

“Robin, I swear I'm going to put a bell around your neck!” David scolded mockingly. “Ian, this is your new cousin. She's the girls' cousin here to visit from Ireland.”

“If she's visiting what was she doing in our school today?” Ian asked, exasperatedly, “and if she's been here sense last weekend, how come this is the first time I'm meeting her? Or heard of her?”

“We have mentioned her. And you haven't seen her because she likes to travel, she grew up on a caravan, so staying in one place isn't something she enjoys. As to why she was at your school, I have no idea.” Lorie explained gently.

“To see me.” Stephanie said, quietly. I swear, this girl could pass for a mythical creature with her looks and voice. Ian's sisters had a different lunch period than us and thankfully for Ian, the rumor train obviously hadn't reached them yet.

Poor Stephanie, I thought briefly.

“Well, enough talk, let's eat! I have a feeling this will be a very interesting dinner.” she giggled, grabbing a twin in each arm and skipping off in what I assumed was the direction of the kitchen.


Yes, yes, i know it's short, but hey, new chapters!!! Oh and this one is edited, i reread it and found out that I FORGOT ABOUT TIFFANY!!!! I'm a bad bad mummy.... TYA!

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