Thick thighs {Completed}

By Misguided_Angel843

608K 24.6K 7.6K

If you didn't know before know now that thick thighs drive the boys wild. Kayla didn't quite understand that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author Announcement!

Chapter 11

16.6K 771 212
By Misguided_Angel843



I was confused and mad as fuck right now. I left Kayla alone for five minutes. Fucking five! I even told Shawn to watch out for her since I would be outside. Shit, I didn't even make it outside. I heard screaming and crying and I turned right back around. Kayla looked so traumatized. The shit hurt me because she was just happily drunk in my arms. I don't know if it's because the tears were messing with her vision or not but she wouldn't even let April or Shawn touch her. But I was able to get her out of there.

"Damn what the fuck happened?" Shawn asked while looking pissed. We were driving back to their apartment. Kayla was asleep on my chest and stirred only a little bit every once in a while.

"I don't know," I said. I was livid but at the same time I was confused. I didn't know what to feel to be completely honest. I know one thing. I was mad at myself for leaving her alone. I told her to stick by my side but I ended up leaving her.

"I-I think I know," April mumbled.

"Then what?" I said a bit in irritation.

"Chill," Shawn said glaring at me through the mirror. "What happened April? Cause I know you were with me the whole time."

"It's not as much as me knowing I just have a hunch. It may have something to do with...Chris."

"Chris." My voice was flat and deep with an undertone of rage. My entire body was stiff and on edge. "Why Chris?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I wanted Kayla to open up to you about it because it's her business not mines. I didn't know the extent of what he's been doing to her. All I know is that he harasses her a lot. I want to say that's what he did here but it seems that that's not the case. It seems a lot more serious this time around."

"What is up with her and him?" My jaw clenched so tightly it felt like my teeth were going to crack.

"I don't know the full story. She never told me the details but something went down freshman year between her, Josh and Chris."

"Josh? He knows what Chris does to her?" She nodded. That made me even more pissed. I shouldn't have stopped at a broken nose. I really should've broken every goddamn bone in his body. We finally pulled up to their apartment. I carried Kayla up the stairs and to her room. I was going to leave and let April clean her up but she gripped me.

"Don't go," she mumbled.

"April is going to clean you up baby girl," I tried reasoning.

"Don't leave me," she said in a strained voice.

I sighed. "I'll do it April."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. She won't let me go so I don't have much of a choice."

"Okay," she said leaving and closing the door.

I sighed. Lord give me the strength. I ran her a bath and went to find some clothes to dress her in. Kayla was a bit more awake but groggy. I was able to get her to wash herself but I had to dry her off and dress her. I tried so hard to control myself. The hardest fight I've been in. I put Kayla to bed and was about to leave. "Andre," I heard someone whine. I turned around and Kayla was sitting up in bed with tears in her eyes. "Don't go."


"D-Don't leave me alone again," she cried. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest when she said that. I did leave her alone and that bastard Chris did something to her. "I-I feel s-safer with you," she mumbled.

"Okay," I said. "I'm going to get some clothes from Shawn then I'll be back."

"Be fast," she said.

I nodded and walked across the apartment to April's room. I really wanted to run out of this apartment and beat Chris's ass but Kayla was traumatized and needed me right now. I came to April's door and heard murmured talking and some sniffling. I knocked on it softly. "Come in," a soft voice answered. I opened the door and Shawn was holding a crying April.

"She good?"

"Just upset," he said. "She thinks it's her fault."

"Isn't it though? I kept her secret for so long. And I dragged her out of the house when she's supposed to be healing herself. This just set her so far back. It's my fault for-"

"Stop that April," I said. "It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. You hear me? You were being a loyal and good friend. You didn't know the extent of what he was doing to her. Shit, none of us know. Yet. Don't even sweat it because trust me, that ass is mines when I see him. And that shit is a promise."

"Don't even sweat it babe. We got this alright? You just be there for her like you've been doing."

She sniffled. "Okay."

"Aye I need some clothes."

"Third drawer," Shawn pointed to the dresser. I walked over and grabbed an extra pair of basketball shorts. He also have a pack of new underwear which I took. I nodded to him before leaving.

I walked inside of Kayla's bathroom for a quick shower. I then found an extra toothbrush in her cabinet to brush my teeth. I walked inside her room and Kayla was fighting sleep. I couldn't help but chuckle at her body swaying back and forth. "I'm here now short stuff," I said, scaring her a bit. "You can go to sleep." I climbed in bed next to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my face into her neck. "You're safe." Her breathing evened out and she was fast asleep. I really wanted to get my hands on Chris but I have to wait. I need to know the full story behind them.


My head felt heavy and my brain was like in a foggy mess. I don't think I'm hung-over. I remember what happened last night. I felt sick when I thought of what could've happened between me and Chris. I gripped the sheets as a few tears escaped. Will I truly never get rid of him? Is this what my life is supposed to be like for now on? I really am trying to move on but it's like he won't let me. It's like he's punishing me for the past. I suddenly felt movement that scared the hell out of me. "Ah!" I jumped when a hand came to my face.

"Chill Kayla," a deep voice said from behind me. I wiggled my way out of their embrace and fell off the bed. I heard someone chuckle from the bed. "I told you to chill short stuff."

"Andre?" I looked up at him a bit confused and dazed. "What are you doing here?"

He swung his legs off the bed and peered down at me. "You begged me to stay and keep you safe." My face ignited in flame. I did do that huh? "Kayla," his voice was flat and very hard. I looked up at him nervously. "What happened?"

I panicked at the question. "I-I d-don't-"

"Kayla." I flinched at the coldness in his voice. "I want to do everything humanly possible to keep you safe but I can't do that if you don't tell me the truth. I don't want to hear any more of your bullshit ass lies." He leaned down to my face. I was frozen in fear. "What did Chris do?"

My eyes widened. "How did you-"

"April told me. He's been harassing you since freshman year right? Ever since some shit went down with you, him, and Josh right? Kayla I want you to go at your own pace with things but enough is enough. You need to tell me what the fuck happened and what's going on now."

"A-Andre," I mumbled as tears escaped. The weight on my heart became unbearable. I just started sobbing. "I-I-I j-just want to b-be f-free," I stuttered.

"Then let me help you." His voice was soft and reassuring. "I'm willing to go to war for your freedom Kayla. You just got to let me in."

I believed him. I don't know why but every fiber of my being was screaming for me to believe him. To finally open up my heart. Maybe it's the alcohol in my system. Maybe I'm just stressed and overwhelmed. I don't know what it was. But it made me face the reality of my situation. I needed help. More than ever. I can't keep living like this.

"O-Okay," I sniffed. "My heart is so heavy. I can't take much more of this." I looked up at him with tears blurring my vision. "I made a terrible mistake that'll haunt me forever. You see, Chris...Chris recorded me...and him." I started sobbing harder.

"What?" His eyes widened.

I sniffed and hiccupped. Stop crying, I mentally chastised myself, I have to be strong. "Freshman year was the hardest year of by far. I blindly followed Josh to this school in hopes of keeping our fragile friendship alive. It didn't work. He drifted away from me and I did everything I could to keep him by my side. But it was no use. I grew depressed and had no one. Then Chris came along. He was so...nice and charming. He made me feel special. We didn't officially date but I didn't care because I felt so different with him." I sniffed and rubbed my nose. "Somewhere down the line he invited me to his dorm but I had to sneak in. now that I look back at it, that was a sign of him being ashamed of me. We were just sitting around relaxing, having a good time. He started getting touchy and I was uncomfortable at first. I told him no but he wouldn't take no as an answer. He told me I had to sleep with him to prove I liked him. I was so afraid of losing him that I gave in easily. It sucked. I didn't even like it and ended up regretting it soon after. Right after we finished he showed me the camera and all of his friends came in the room." I felt my throat clogging up. Tears burned my eyes as the memory of that day still played in my head. I felt strong arms around me and opened my eyes. The fire in Andre's eyes was terrifying and yet so calming at the same time.

"What happened next Kayla?" His voice was deep with sorrow and anger. "Tell me."

My eyes watered. "I-I'm afraid. I'm afraid you'll leave me once I tell you."

"What did I tell you that night you were at my house? You're stuck with me. Now tell me."

I swallowed hard and nodded. "H-He threatened to give the video to site. He told me to...have sex with them or else." I broke down sobbing. The pain from that day is as fresh today as it was three years ago. "I-I had to d-do it," I hiccupped. "H-He was going t-to post it a-and my mom a-and Josh would've s-seen it." Andre pulled me into his embrace and held me tightly.

"I'm sorry," his voice cracked. "I'm so sorry you went through that. You didn't deserve it. None of it."

"Y-You believe m-me?"

"Why wouldn't I believe you?" He gave me a questioning look.

"The guilt and everything was eating me up inside. I had to talk to somebody. I told one of my nursing professors that I trusted and she immediately reported it to the board. An investigation was done one believed me because of the first video I made with chris." I felt so ashamed and dirty for what I did.

"What did Josh do?" His voice was ice cold. I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but anger.

"H-He yelled at me. S-Said it was m-my fault and that I-I should've known better." I cried deep in my chest.

"What did Chris do last night? It was him right?"

I nodded while covering my face. "He cornered me in the bathroom. He was mad because I was with you. That day...he told me I was his pet for now and ever. Whenever I get too happy...he gets angry."

"Look at me Kayla." I did as he said. He wiped my tears away. "None of that was your fault you hear me? You were a victim of a perverted ass dude. You were a victim of your own circumstances. But you're not going to be a victim anymore. Got it?" I nodded while hiccupping uncontrollably. "I promise you Kayla, I will never ever NEVER dream of hurting you the way they did. I said I'll go to war behind you and that's no lie. You understand me?"

"Y-Yes," I sniffed. And I believe him full-heartily. I don't know why but it feels like I can trust him.

"All this shit is going to end today." He picked me up and sat me on the bed. "Stay here."

"Andre!" He walked out and closed the door. I started crying again. I don't know what's going to happen now.


I went to April's room and banged on the door. This shit has got me pissed. I was fighting against the red that takes over my vision when I get heated. Shawn opened the door looking confused. "Aye what's going on?"

"Where the keys?" I growled. I know I may sound like I've been possessed by some demon but I didn't give a damn.

"Right here." I snatched the keys from him and left. "Babe we'll be back!" Shawn rushed to catch up to me. We hopped in the car and I sped off. "Iight man what the fuck-"

"That sick fuckin bastard!" I yelled. I was dodging in and out of traffic to get there quicker. "I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill them both."

"Who nigga? What happened?"

"He got her raped! That sick perverted son of a bitch!"

"Who raped who?"

"Chris got Kayla raped freshman year. And tried to do it last night. Imma fuckin kill him. I swear to you I will."

"What the fuck?" Shawn glared.

"Yeah. And that bitch ass nigga Josh just let that shit happen. Imma kill the both of their asses." We pulled up to their place and got out.

"Don't kill em man," Shawn said. "You can't let shit fuck up what you got going on. Beat that ass quick to make a point and then we dip."

"Don't even worry about that shit." I walked up to their door and banged on it.

"Well hello," some half naked hoochie answered the door while eye-fucking me.

"Move hoe," I pushed her out the way.

"You can't just barge in here-"

"I do what the fuck I want!" I yelled. I went down the hall and kicked a bedroom door opened. Josh jumped up fast. Dude was in his underwear so I'm assuming that was his hoe.

"What the fuck are you doing here Andre?" He glared at me but looked scared at the same time.

"You dirty motherfucker! You let that shit happen to her!" I yelled.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said inching away from me.

"Maybe I can jog ya fuckin memory." I punched him dead in his face. We were in a full out brawl. I was angry, stronger, and faster than him so I got the upper hand quick. "You no good bitch ass nigga," I said while punching his face. "You let them rape her! You're the same bitch you've always been." Shawn had to pull me off before I really gave it to his ass. "Where the fuck is Chris? He about to get worse than this!"

"H-He not here," The girl said hiding in the living room. "I-I'm calling the police!"

"I don't give a damn bitch! Call Jesus if that's what you want. Tell Chris when Andre sees his ass that's it! Ain't no words being said or nothing. I want that nigga fuckin head!" Shawn dragged me out and I punched a hole in the wall. "Kayla was too fuckin good for that shit."

"I know man," Shawn said. "But I need to know what's up."

"The shit started with Josh's bitch ass. He knew she didn't know a damn soul in this school and abandoned her. She fell right for Chris tricks and he got her to make a porno and then used the shit against her to make another with his sick ass friends. And then last night he tried to fuckin assault her again!"

Shawn held a look of anger. "We'll get him alright."

"I want his ass fuckin now!"

"Let's go to the gym so you can work that shit off. You ain't about to be hulk smashing me next." Chris is one lucky bitch. But trust me, this shit is far from over. He caused her so much grief and pain. He deserves it tenfold. He deserves every inch of the rage I'm itching to give to him. Chris won't be recognizable by the time I'm through with him.


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