Resilience | Marvel

By SunflowyrOfficial

197K 7.9K 2.3K

Peter Parker gains an internship with a certain billionaire. He is taken under his wing. Will his web of secr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Update/Social media.
I'm back, and sorry
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Big announcement: 40k READS!!!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (I have returned from the void)

Chapter 15

6.4K 304 59
By SunflowyrOfficial

A/N I love you all, I hope you enjoy. It took me forever o get to writing this. I'm so sorry. Please check my previous update if you haven't already for a crappy excuse.

Peter made his way out the door first he was blinded by the sunlight which was still high in the sky. Tony crouched down at the passenger side window and said something to Happy. He nodded and turned to Peter.

"Happy's gonna take us." He told the distracted teen.

"I can get there myself." He glanced at his watch and tried to calculate how long it would take him to get to the hospital. He wasn't wearing his suit. So his web-shooters were basically useless.

"It'll be quicker if you just get in." Tony stood, the door open for Peter to climb in.

Peter agreed and got in, sliding over to make room for Tony. Tony got in beside him, the door slammed shut as he fastened his seatbelt.

"You should probably buckle up." 

The car sped down Fourth Avenue as Peter grew increasingly nervous. He just wanted to be there with her, holding her hand. As he was staring out the window, the buildings outside melted away.

He was in the living room to their apartment. It had been a week since the funeral. Seven year-old Peter was sitting by the window, watching a pigeon on the windowsill hop around, flicking its head around. He felt a hand gently touch his shoulder. He turned to see Aunt May crouch down beside him. She looked out the window like he was and watched the bird.

"It's alright to be sad. And when you get done being sad, we'll be right here waiting for you." Peter smiled, thankful to have her.

He realized, It was the first time he'd smiled since his parents died. Tears fell from his Aunt's cheeks. Peter didn't know it then, but they were tears of joy.

He was taken out of his memory by Tony telling him. "I'll be in the car."

They were parked in front of the hospital, Tony was already out, with his hand outstretched. Peter stepped out onto the pavement. Closing the door  behind him.

"I don't know if I can do this alone." He wrung his hands.

"Hey, I'll come in with you if you want."

"No that's not what I mean. If she dies I'll be all alone." He sounded so hopeless. Tony's heart shattered.  He wasn't sure how he could comfort the kid.

"She's not going to die, I've met her, she's a tough gal. She'll make it." Peter was trying hard to believe Tony, he wanted to with all his heart and soul.

Peter was easily able to get her room number from the front desk and Tony followed close behind as they raced down the halls

The door creaked and clicked shut. Aunt May was cradling an urn in her arms. She had long since stopped crying. Peter gave her a long hug and they stayed embracing for a while. But it didn't help ease either of their heartache. 

Peter gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked down the hallway towards his room, each step made his feet feel heavier. He got inside his room and shut the door, immediately collapsing against the wall. As the tears he was trying to choke back spilled warm onto his cheeks, he pulled his knees closer to his chest and sobbed, not giving himself a chance to catch his breath. 

This was your fault, if you hadn't been so selfish, Ben would still be alive.

You could've stopped him.

You don't deserve to be sad, you killed him.

His throat burned and his eyes stung as he tried to muster the energy to stand back up. He leaned against the door and heard May sobbing from the other side.

It's your fault she's crying.

You're no hero.  

You looked her in the eyes and lied straight to her face.

You don't deserve your powers.

He propped himself up against the wall, he made his way back out to the dining room. May was flipping through a photo album. She saw him and he laid his hand on her shoulder

"Remember this?" She pressed her cheek on his hand and smiled. Showing him a photo. Uncle Ben with a pink stain on his shirt, and a giggling 8 year old Peter Parker.

"Coney Island, yeah, he bought me a strawberry ice cream cone, I hadn't even taken two bites and I dropped the cone onto his lap. I thought it was the funniest thing in the world."

"He walked around for the rest of the day with a bright pink splotch on his shirt. When I told him to just buy a t shirt at a gift shop, he said 'he thought pink suited him better.'" The smiles made them feel a little better, at least for the moment.

Peter nervously approached the door to 268c. He heard the beeping of a heart monitor and was scared to open the door. He slowly pushed it open and felt smaller than ever as he saw May laying peacefully asleep, an oxygen mask over her face. But she was stable, she was alright. 

The blankets looked thick and scratchy, he noted as he slowly walked over to his resting Aunt. Her hands seemed especially old and veiny with an IV coming out of one of them. He grabbed her hand and could finally breath at the confirmation of her warm skin, she may look dead, but he could finally know for sure she was going to be okay.

He sat down in a chair and kissed her free hand as he laid his head down beside her. Tony watched from the doorway and truly saw how much this teenager cared about the only family he had left.

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