Queen of the Mob (complete)

By TeresaSullivan427

71.4K 2.1K 292

Rose wakes up to some news she would rather not hear, but there is nothing that can be done to change it. Fol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 31

1.4K 43 4
By TeresaSullivan427

Hey guys, this is the last chapter of 'Queen of the Mob' before the epilogue. I hope that you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Just to let you know I will begin uploading a new story on my last update of the year. If you have understood my update schedule then you know the date the new story will start. Hope you continue to enjoy my stories.

"She gave me her word as a guardian and my mother that no matter what she would never lie to me again. It took some time but I did eventually forgive her and she has never lied to me again. My mother and father did what they did out of their love for me and their fear for my safety. Just as Emily did for you."

Jill turn and looked at Emily. "I will listen to you but you must promise to never lie to me about anything ever again."

"I promise baby, I promise. Thank you so much for being willing to hear me out."

"You should thank Rose because if it weren't for her I would never speak to you again." Jill told her mother honestly.

Emily turned to me, "thank you your majesty, thank you so much."

"You're welcome Emily just don't lie to her again. Because if you do I can almost guarantee that you will never have any contact with her ever again. And call me Rose please."

"Thank you again, Rose. I will never lie to my baby again I have learned my lesson."

"Good. Jill, would you like to say hello to your big sister?"

"Yes." She sobbed.

Just then Lissa ran over and hugged Jill. The two of them stood there in each other's arms crying and swaying side to side together for a while. Before Lissa said, "the four of us should go back to my apartment and talk."

"Yes, please." Jill replied.

Before leaving all three of them hugged and thanked me. After they left I again joined Dimitri on the sofa.

"Once again, I am so proud of you my love. You handled that beautifully. Letting Jill in and letting her see that she is not the only one that had been lied to about their father. That seemed to help her immeasurably milaya moya."

"I hope so because that is not a fun feeling to have."

"I understand my love."

"I think I need a nap before we need to start getting ready for tonight."

He laughed, "I understand that too, my love. What time are your hair and make-up people supposed to show up?"


"I will set an alarm for three that way we can get a nice relaxing bath before they show up." Dimitri said as we teleported to our bedroom in our palace hand in hand.

"Thank you, Mitya."

"There is nothing to thank me for."

We stripped down to our underwear and got into our bed. Once I was wrapped in Dimitri's arms it didn't take but a few minutes until we were both fast asleep.


I woke up before the alarm. But I lay there and watched my wife sleep peacefully in my arms. This is one thing that I would never tire of was watching her sleep soundly and safely in my arms. Another thing that would never grow old to me was being able to call her my wife. As well as the mother of my children.

I never told Roza this but I had dreamed of making her my wife pretty much from the moment we met. I know she wouldn't believe me because I fought our love sooo hard in the beginning. But deep down I knew it was a lost cause because I was hers as soon as I saw her. Just as I soon found out she was mine.

I remember the first time she was in my arms. It was the night we met when I had caught her and kept her from hitting that curb in Portland. The feel of her in my arms even then had made my heart race frantically. Even in our trainings every time we touched. It had taken everything I had not to pull her against my body and kiss her beautiful full lips. Until we both forgot our own names.

When I had her pinned against the wall and she'd kissed me. I never wanted it to end. In that moment I wanted nothing more than to keep kissing her and make love to her for the rest of my life. Roza is my wild and passionate woman and I love her more than anything in the world.

The alarm brought me out of my revelry of our past.

"Roza, my beautiful wife you need to get up. We need to take our bath before everyone starts to arrive." I told her between kisses to her neck and upper chest.

She just moaned and turned over. I followed her spooning her. I started to kiss her naked neck back and shoulder to awaken her.

"Baby, you need to get up. I know you don't like having your sleep interrupted but we have to get ready for the banquet and ball."

I felt her wiggle her ass against my cock waking up another part of my anatomy. It would never cease to amaze me that the slightest touch or word from her could set my body on fire with desire.

I knew one sure fire way to wake her up.

I cupped her tummy where our children rested and ground my cock against her hot firm ass. Much to my delight she moaned and returned the movement grinding her ass against me.

"Baby, if you get up now we can make love in the tub before the others get here."

"Mmmm." She turned her head and pepped at me salaciously over her shoulder. "Go turn the water on then come get me and carry me to the tub."

This was what I had done for her on the mornings after our late nights at the academy. Which just so happened to be most of them after we had given in to our love.

Chuckling I said, "I'll be right back baby."


With one last kiss to her shoulder I got out of bed and went to turn on our bath. I made sure it was at our favorite temperature and about an inch deep before I went back to our bedroom to collect my wife.

When I walked back in I saw my wife once again sound asleep and curled up under the sheet. Chuckling quietly I gently removed the sheet and lifted my beautiful wife in my arms then I carefully carried her into the bathroom.

Standing her up next to the tub. I kissed her awake. I felt her smile against my lips. As we kissed I stripped us both of our underwear and stepped into the tub with my angelic wife in my arms.

Roza and I loved each other in the tub until the water started to cool. After which we took a shower and washed each other. The only words that were ever spoken were the repeated, 'I love you's.' Although there was lots of touches and kisses both given and received. It wasn't long after that wonderful bath and shower that Roza's hair and make-up people arrived.


"Yes love?"

"Would you mind getting a facial with me?" I must have looked at her like she'd lost her mind.

"I know how rugged and manly you are how macho and all. But I would really like for you to do this with me. I've never had this done before and I would feel much better if you were there doing it with me."

Now how in the hell was I ever supposed to say no to something like that?

"If that would make you feel better then so be it."

I actually think she planned this because there just so happened to be enough people to do both of us at the same time.

"Did you plan this Roza?"

She laughed, "yes I will admit that I did. You have to learn to be pampered too Mitya. While we are on the subject..." She brushed her fingers through my hair. And I leaned into her touch.

God I loved her touch I actually craved it. When I felt her fingernails scrape my scalp I moaned which made her giggle.

"...would it bother you if I asked you to start wearing your hair down? Unless you're working out of course."

"Do you prefer it down?"

"Yes, that way I can run my fingers through it any time I feel like it." She answered as she did just that again. Taking her hand from my hair I brought it to my lips and kissed each finger before also kissing the back and palm of her hand.

"So be it. I love you Roza and I will always do anything for you my beautiful wife and soul mate."

"Thank you so much milaya moy. And just in case you didn't know I love you too."

When it came time for Roza to get her hair done the hairdresser asked her.

"Would you prefer your hair up or down your majesty?"

"Down." We said together then caught each other's eyes in the mirror and laughed.

After we had both gotten facials, manicure and pedicures and Roza got her hair and makeup done. The room cleared of extra people.

Making our way back to our bedroom I asked my Roza. "Have you decided which dress you are going to wear tonight?" She had gotten two dresses made but was having great difficulty figuring out which one she wanted to wear.

"Yes, I have. But you will have to wait and see with everyone else."

I pouted playfully at her, "that isn't fair."

"If you're a good boy I might let you get an early glimpse."

"Babe, you know more than anyone else that I am no boy."

She glanced down to the region of my cock and smirked. "I definitely know that you are no little boy in any way, shape or form my love." Licking her lips she giggled.

"I never knew that being pregnant made you even hornier." She told me.

"I have heard that it does but you would have to tell me if that's true or not."

"Oh trust me Comrade, it is definitely true." During our conversation we had walked into our bedroom and she'd shoved me down on our bed.

"I want you so bad right now my walls are throbbing and I am soaking wet."

I groaned. God when she talked like that it turned me on so fucking much it was very difficult to control myself.

"Roza my love, you know what it does to me when you talk like that."

She smiled temptingly, "oh I know. So now you are in the same boat as I am."

"But my love, you can hide your physical reactions I can't. Everyone will be able to see how badly I want you."

"You forget the moroi have an excellent sense of smell. So I can't hide my reaction to you either."

"True I do forget that sometimes. Oh well everyone already knows that we love each other impossibly. It is to be expected that we desire each other the same way."

"What has happened to my shy and private Comrade?" She laughed.

"He made love to his fiancée and wife in front of that killer whore Tasha Ozera. He has given up trying to hide his love and desire for his wife. He has decided that if anyone no matter who they are can't cope with his love for his wife then they can fuck off. He has long since decided that people can either except his love for his wife, or they can drop dead. And he doesn't care who they are."

She looked stunned at my confessions.

Caressing my face she whispered lovingly, "I love you so so much Mitya. I wish I had the words to explain to you just how much I love you."

"Babe, I can feel your love just as you can feel mine. Words are not needed between us they never have been. I just want you to know that no one will ever love anyone the way I love you."

Her eyes filled with happy tears, "I love you so much Dimitri Belikov."

"As I love you Roza Belikov. Now, don't cry you will ruin your makeup."

She laughed and dried her tears on the sleeve of her robe.

"I think I need to tell them to use water proof make-up while I'm pregnant." She teased and I laughed.

Since Roza couldn't decide which dress she wanted to wear tonight. She decided to wear one for the banquet and the other for the ball.

Thankfully the entire night went off without a hitch. People from all walks of life ate, drank, talked and danced.

Some of the royals still acted as though they thought they were better than everyone else. But thankfully it was less than thirty percent of them. Now, we just had to hope that everyone would actually become the united nation that we hoped they would. And in the near future everyone from all walks of life would get along and work together.

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