The Baynes Legacy - Book 3- W...

By angelwing218

817K 10K 1.2K

Ashling has grown up with everyone looking at her as if she was nothing more than the Alpha's off spring. No... More

Who Goes Bump in the Night (Prologue)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 1)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 2)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 3)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 4)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 5)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 6)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 7)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 8)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 9)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 10)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 11)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 12)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 13)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 14)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 15)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 16)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 17)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 18)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter19)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 21)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 22)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 23)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 24)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 25)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 26)
Who Goes Bump in the NIght (Chapter 27)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 28)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 29)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 30)
Who Goes Bump in the Night (Epilogue)

Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 20)

25.9K 303 34
By angelwing218


Ashling was washing dishes when the phone attached to the wall began ringing. She quickly stumbled about to find a towel then grab the phone tucking it between her shoulder and cheek.


"Ashling, how are you?" Kelly's voice called out from the other end of the line.

"I'm fine. Just cleaning the kitchen up a bit, Keiran and his friends obviously don't know how to wash a dish." Ashling looked back at the sink filled with dirty plates and sighed.

"He is much like his father then. But that's not why I'm calling. Devin has scheduled you meeting with the pack tonight, it's nothing extremely formal but it's just our way to introduce you to everyone. Eventually you'll be the Alpha's wife and everyone needs to know you." She chattered happily on the other end.

"Okay. Is there anything I need to do or bring?"

"Yourself. And dress as if your going to a party. This is a reason to celebrate after all!" Kelly's excitement was clear as her chattering grew faster and higher pitched. "I'm just so happy he found the one made for him."

"I'm lucky to have him." Ashling smiled as she thought of Keiran.

"Well I must go, so much to do and so little time to get it done in." Kelly finally said her good byes and hung up leaving Ashling shaking her head at her excitement.

Ashling mind played back to what his mom said about her being an Alpha's wife. Growing up in a Alpha's family she never saw anyone disrespect her mother, and knew many people would try her since she was new. Ashling had to prepare herself for whatever may come that night, she had to be firm but sweet, forcefully but not a dictator. After all she was just Keiran's mate, not the Omega herself.

Quickly getting back to cleaning up Ashling loaded the dishwasher, and wiped down all the surfaces, standing back and admiring her clean kitchen. Laughing pulled her from her daze, she walked over to the back door that had a hidden hallway that lead to basement. Ashling walked down there as she heard Keiran and the guys laughing and cheering.

"What are y'all doing?" She asked from the staircase. Keiran, Anthony and Dylan each had a controller in their hand attached to some game console. Cameron and Xavier were lounging around the room. Ashling eyed the large basement, she knew eventually it would be filled with all kinds of activities since Keiran had wanted it to be a game room.

"Hey babe." Keiran turned to look at her flashing her a prize winning smile only to lose at the game. "Damn!" Ashling rolled her eyes and began walking back up stairs. As she reached the top of the stairs a pair of arms grabbed a hold of her yanking her back down into the basement.

"What the!" She yelped as she tried to wriggle free.

"Chill out, princess." Keiran said huskily in her ear sending tingles through out her body. "What have you been doing?"

"Cleaning up after your and your pack of mutts." Ashling looked at him slightly peeved.

"I'm sorry." Ashling nodded. Keiran turned to look at his friends, "You guys have to pick up after yourself from now on. Ashling isn't your mother."

"Aw come on! We don't make that big of a mess." Dylan laughed over his shoulder.

"EXCUSE ME?" Ashling snapped. "I just spent the last forty five minutes loading the dishwasher. Don't want to pick up after yourself, then see your way to the door and don't come back until you do!" She huffed loudly.

All four of the guys turned to look at her, surprised she got so angry over something like that. " I am NOT your mother, and you DO NOT live here. You WILL NOT treat my home as if either of those two things were true." Keiran beamed down at her only to have her look up at him, "That goes for you too. I'm your mate, girlfriend, or whatever you want to call it. I'm not your mother, and won't spend my days catering to you." Ashling was thoroughly pissed now and ripped herself from Keiran grip to stomp up the stairs.

"Stupid boys and their stupid messy ways. Do I have maid tattooed on my back side, I don't think so!" She mumbled as she slammed their bedroom door shut. She needed a shower to calm down and not to mention she needed to start getting ready for the pack meeting. Ashling walked into the bathroom undressing along the way she turned on the water allowing it to warm up when she heard a quiet tap on the bedroom door. She snagged her robe from the hook on the back of the bathroom door slipping it on quickly and moving to the bedroom door. "What?" She asked through the closed door.

"Baby, please open up." Keiran begged through the door, his voice alone began melting her mood away.

Ashling opened the door slightly glaring at him, "What do you need, Keiran?"

"I'm sorry." He eyed her as she stood there with a robe loosely tied closed. "Getting a shower?" Keiran raised an eyebrow as his eyes continued to rake over her body.

"Yes actually, ALONE!" She huffed. "The only reason I came downstairs was to tell you your mother called about the pack meeting being tonight. So I have to get ready."

"Has it already been a week?" Keiran asked amazed.

"Yes. Now I have to get ready." Ashling felt her moods shifting back to being annoyed again. She never got this annoyed with people so easy, something was different.

"Princess, I'm sorry. Please don't be angry with me." He wrapped his arms around Ashling pulling her close kissing her neck softly. "I love you."

"I love you too, Keiran." Ashling's body was fighting against her brain, her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer. He moved his kisses up her jaw line to meet her lips while his hands were free to slip between the folds of her robe groping her gently. A quiet moan escaped from Ashling between kisses. The robe slipped slightly off Ashling shoulder revealing one of her breasts only causing the heat between the two of them to rise.

"Hey Keir, WOAH!" Cameron quickly slapped his hand over his eyes and turned around starting to head back into the kitchen. Ashling gasped as she threw the robe around her tightly and rushed to the bathroom, her face red with embarrassment. Keiran rushed from the room angered he stopped in the kitchen to face his friends.

"OUT!" He boomed as each of them nodded and hurried out the door. Keiran's heart was racing as he felt the need to shift and tear one of his best friends to bit for seeing his mate in the compromised position. Taking deep breaths Keiran forced his heart to calm down and his inner wolf to back down. Once he was calm he walked back in the bedroom to see Ashling's robe on the floor and the shower still running. "Ash?"

"I'm so embarrassed." She whimpered from inside the shower. The glass was fogged over from the steamy water so Keiran could only make out the silhouette of her body. Her head was in her hands as she stood under the water letting it pour down on her.

"Baby, I took care of them their gone." Keiran stated from the out side the shower.

"But he saw..." Her voice caught in her throat as a sob escaped. Keiran quickly shed his clothes and stepping in the shower pulling Ashling to his chest.

"He'll never see that part of you again. I promise you that!" Keiran growled as he tighten his grip on her. "It's my fault for doing that in the door way."

"I agree with you on that." She chuckled sadly as she looked up at him. "They're never going to take me serious, now."

"Yes, they will. Trust me, those guys may act like complete children sometimes but they are good guys to have on your side in a time of need." Keiran's face fell slightly as he thought of Donovan. "Come on we need to get you ready to meet your new pack."

Ashling gave him a small smile and stepped back under the warm water washing away her worries as Keiran watched over her with lust filled eyes.


Two hours later they were on their way to Keiran's parent home which was the pack's house. It was a large home on the far side of the valley with a large yard surrounding with a tree covered mountain to it's back side. Keiran pulled the car up to the house as other cars lined the streets surrounding the house. He stepped around the car offering her his hand as Ashling stepped out of the car. She straightened down her black and teal halter dress that pleated around the entire dress just under the bust, with a plunging neck line. Keiran's had nearly choked when he saw her in it, so she knew it had to look good. Walking into the house she was amazed at the sheer size of the house. It wasn't like most of the houses from her home town, of course they were large, but old and didn't have open floor plans like this one. Everything was so open and bright, the rear facing wall as mostly glass revealing people gathered in the back yard and the mountain side sitting there like a silent guard.

"This place is wonderful!" Ashling whispered as she looked at the chandelier hanging from the vaulted ceiling.

"My mom has crazy taste, what can I say." Keiran shrugged as he led her through the house into a ginormous kitchen where Kelly was feverishly rushing about. "Hey Mom."

"Oh Keiran, and well Ashling don't you look beautiful." Her eyes twinkled with happiness as she began pulling cookie pans from the ovens. Even in a party dress, Kelly made kitchen work look so easy. "Dear, could you help me by putting these on those two platters there." Ashling nodded and quickly set to work. "Keiran help your mate carry them outside please."

"Yes, ma'am." Once Ashling was done she handed him one of the large platters and walked out carrying one. The french doors at the back of the house were thrown open leading down to the back yard. Ashling found a row of tables lined with food and placed the platter down, Keiran did the same them walked up behind her touching the small of her back lightly. "Have I told you already how sexy you look tonight?" He whispered playfully into her ear.

"You have. But I don't mind hearing it again." She giggled as she gave him a seductive look from under her eye lashes.

"Do that too much and we'll have a repeat of what we did at your grandmother's home." He said huskily as his hand gripped her hip tightly pressing her back on him. A small moan tried to escape but Ashling stopped it in her throat but she was sure Keiran heard as his pulled her a bit closer. Ashling took a deep breath trying desperately to calm herself down as she noticed Keiran's father walking toward them. She moved to stand at Keiran's side as Devin walked up to his son nodding in approval. "How are you, Dad?"

"Well, you?"

"Wonderful, actually."

"Cameron came to speak to me about an hour ago." Devin spoke low, as Keiran growled slightly.

"He saw something he shouldn't of." He said through clenched teeth. "Rather than blow up on them I ordered them to leave."

"But you don't want punishment to happen, is that correct?"

"No. It was my fault for not shutting the door, I've apologized already to Ashling. But I may need a day or so before I can speak to Cameron." Devin nodded as clapped his son on the back. "Sometimes our hormones get the better of us, it happens to the best of us." Ashling dropped her gaze as she felt her face flame up from embarrassment.

"Now how about we introduce your mate so we can get to eating." Devin announced. Keiran nodded as he interlaced his fingers with Ashling's and followed his father stopping at the steps that led into the house. He coughed loudly and the entire pack silenced quickly looking in his direction. "I want to introduce my son, Keiran's mate, Ashling Baynes. One day they both will be in charge of this pack to ensure your safety and to lead you with a firm hand. May they bear many pups and provide this pack with another strong Omega." He spoke with his Alpha voice looking out over his people then turned to Ashling, "Ashling, I'd like to welcome you to our pack, our family. I hope you feel at home with us."

"Thank you." She said softly as she glanced up at Keiran, who was beaming.

"Now let's eat!" Devin announced

After getting some food Ashling and Keiran joined his parents at a table in front of the rest of the pack. Conversation was light since the spent more time eating then talking, after Keiran insisted that they mingle so everyone could get to know her. Everyone was quite polite and respectful until Keiran stopped at a table with a family, the twins both gazed at Keiran with lust filled eyes then glared at Ashling like she had stolen him from them.

"How are you Mr. Pittman?" Keiran asked with reverence. The middle age man turned to look at Keiran with a slight look of distaste as he noticed Ashling and Keiran's hands laced together.

"I'm good, Keiran. I'm glad you found your mate, too bad it wasn't one of my girls. I'm sure they will just cry themselves to sleep tonight over the loss."

"I'm sure they'll live." Keiran mentioned. "Jenna, Jamie, this is my mate, Ashling." Both girls pasted fake smiles on their face while Keiran was looking at them but quickly turned to snarls once his head was turned.

Ashling eyed them carefully as she let out a low menacing growl catching Keiran's attention. 'What's wrong?' His voice called to her through her head.

'I'm about to rip these girls' heads off if they think they have any claim on you.' Ashling's growl grew a bit louder making the girls to flinch back a bit.

"Well it was nice to speak to you again, Mr. Pittman. I will see you around." Keiran said his good byes but before leaving he leaned over and kissed Ashling's bare shoulder where he bit her. Ashling's eyes closed as she basked in the pleasure that erupted from the inside. "Ready babe?"

"Yeah." Ashling breathed deeply as she waved bye to the girls.

"I liked that." Keiran whispered into her ear as they walked away with his arm draped over her hip.

"Liked what? Me showing those girl they can't touch my mate?" Ashling chuckled as they slowly made their way back to his parents.

"Oh yeah, it was hot." He mumbled as they stopped in front of his parent's table. "Well we are leaving for the night." Keiran gave them a false yawn.

"Alright. Well Ashling it's nice to see that the pack welcomes you." Devin said as he looked at Ashling then turned his gaze to Keiran. "I will call you tomorrow about some things you need to be aware of." Keiran nodded then waved good bye.


The next morning Ashling and Keiran were sitting at the small table in the kitchen enjoying their breakfast when there was a loud knock at the front door. Keiran looked up from the book he was reading looking down the hall eying the door.

"Who would be here this early in the morning?"

Ashling shrugged her shoulder as she watched Keiran get up from the table and walk down the hallway to the door. Glancing out a small window on the door his shoulders relaxed a bit and he opened the door. "Your up early, Dad." Keiran moved from the door allowing his father to come in. "Want some coffee?"

"Yes, that would be nice." He entered the kitchen as Ashling was pouring him a mug of coffee. Placing it in front of him she took her seat beside Keiran. "I need to speak with you both." His voice turning serious in an instant.

"What's wrong?" Keiran glanced at Ashling then looked back at his father.

"A few of the guard were running rounds last night and came across a odd scent, other wolves, not of this pack. There seemed to be three of them. I went out myself and there were indeed three, one of which is the same scent from the break in." Ashling stiffened her seat as her eyes grew wide. "I don't know who they are or what they want but I've double up the rounds and I want you both to take every precaution until we solve this issue." Devin's voice alone relayed the severity of the situation. "I won't have anything happen to either of you." Ashling glanced over at Keiran thinking that if anything would happen to him she'd be lost and the pack would be without an Omega. The gravity of the intruders suddenly got heavier than it was before Ashling understood what the lose would effect.

"What do you suggest?" Keiran asked.

"Neither of you leave alone, always have someone with you. The scent was picked up heading back to this house, so who ever they are they want one of you. What I don't understand is how they found you. Not many people knew that I purchased this house for the two of you." Devin stared down into his steamy cup of coffee. "Ashling do you have any enemies?"

"No." Ashling tried to think back at pissing anyone off but glanced at Keiran and gasped. "I have one."

"Who?" Keiran and Devin questioned at the same time. Her mate's eyes raked over her face searching for the answer, finally meeting her eyes it struck him he know exactly who she was referring to.

"You don't think."

"Yes, I do." Ashling said forcefully.

"Who?" Devin's eyes traveled between the two of them.

"Emma Auston." Ashling whispered as she stared off blankly. Keiran's hand reached under the table grabbing her thigh reassuringly.

"Auston, the pack lead from North Carolina?"

"That would be the one." Keiran stated as he continuously glanced over at Ashling.

Her eyes widened suddenly as she looked over at Keiran, her stomach did a flip and before she could say anything the jumped from her seat and ran towards the bathroom in their room. Making it to the toilet in time she retched her entire breakfast into the toilet. Keiran was only second behind her grabbing her hair back and gently rubbing her back. Finally it stopped and with his assistance she got up from the floor to wash her face and brush her teeth.

"You okay?" His eyes were full of concern as he looked over her carefully.

"I don't know." Ashling sighed heavily as she wiped her mouth with a towel. "I think it was just my nerves getting to me."

"You sure?" He gently placed his hand on her forehead only to feel a cold sweat beginning.

"Yeah. Just go ahead, I'll be right out." Keiran lingered for a moment to ensure she was okay on her own then left reluctantly to meet his father in the kitchen.

"Everything okay?" Devin asked as his son walked back in the kitchen taking his seat.

"She just got sick. She thinks it's her nerves."

"Sure she isn't pregnant?" Keiran looked up at his dad with wide eyes as he remember the night the didn't use a condom. "I'm assuming that's a possibility by the look on your face. I'll call the doctor and have him come by and check on her." Just then Ashling walked back in, her shoulder slumped forward slightly as she shuffled to retrieve some juice from the refrigerator.

"You okay?" Keiran watched her every move as he kept thinking if she could be pregnant from only one time without protection. Ashling nodded as she carefully sipped the juice.

"Well I will be on my way. Like I said I'll call the doctor and have him stop by and check on Ashling. And Keiran, speak with Cameron. You need your friends around you at this moment, and they can come in handy until this situation is settled." Keiran nodded as he father showed himself out.


"Yeah?" She glanced up from over the top of her glass.

"Could you be pregnant?" Ashling just stared at him until it dawned on her as well and she slowly sat up, she was in heat when they had unprotected sex. She was almost positive that she was in fact pregnant. Now what?


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