All Kinds of Therapy ( Bellar...

By HeidiButler3

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Clarke & Octavia are from two different worlds but fit perfectly together. Bellamy is a Marine, brother to Oc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 3

612 33 12
By HeidiButler3

Dinner went off without a hitch, Clarke avoided Bellamy and any conversation that he partook in.

They all crowded the living room, getting ready to put "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" on. It was their tradition and Clarke was not particularly sold on the idea. In all actuality she would rather just sit by herself in her room. It probably wasn't healthy but solitude didn't bother her, she enjoyed it. She sat on the floor and the second she leaned on the couch she thought of the events of the night before.

She couldn't help but wonder how often that happened, or if anyone except her has woken him up from that.

She moved her wrist, the soreness reminding her of how scared she was. He needed help. She knew better than to say anything to him or his sister. She was thankful he was only there in her house for the next few days.

Bellamy sat on the other end of the couch watching her roll her wrist. The guilt was eating at him. He apoligized, but still felt like it wasn't enough. It pissed him off that she didnt yell at him and that she wasnt mad, she just dismissed it like it was normal. He was thankful in one aspect that she kept it to herself, but at the same time it made him feel worse that she just accepted it.

Clarke stood halfway through the movie, going to refill her glass. She felt warm and fuzzy, she was officially one glass over the line. She leaned on the counter listening to the commentary filter through the wall, Octavia and Raven reciting the movie. She shook her head glancing around the kitchen. She took a second and wiped the counter down. Just as she turned a gift was placed on the counter she just wiped clean.

"That's for you" Bellamy stated.

"Bellamy, I didn't want anything, you dont even like me. Why bother?"

"Clarke humor me, and I don't dislike you, you just aggravate me." He gave her a smirk, Sliding the gift closer to her.

"Follow me" She motioned grabbing the gift and heading towards her room. He hesitated before falling in step behind her. He stopped at the doorway as she entered her room. It was the first time he had ever even gotten a glimpse in there. She liked darker tones, her comforter black and dark red making her normally light skin look very pale. An easel in the corner, a t.v. and a desk with a laptop against the opposite wall. The room was big, but the darker colors and tons of stuff she had made it appear smaller. She grabbed a gift off her desk and handed it to him.

"What's this? " He asked.

"For you"

"Well well, and here I thought you hated me." he chuckled after receiving a look.

"Open it" she urged.

"I will, open yours first." He nodded to the wrapped item on her bed. She sat down and un wrapped it. The second she pulled the wrapping off she knew Octavia helped him, and that it cost a pretty penny.

"Bellamy, this is too much" She spoke to him but her eyes never left the two sets. A brand new expensive oil paint set and a top brand charcoal drawing set. Her eyes roamed over the colors.

"It's not to much, you do alot for my sister, I'm glad you like it" he replied unwrapping

his gift.

Clarke watched him closely trying to gauge his reaction. His face broke out into a smile.

"Thank you, this is the one I wanted" he smiled flipping it over and reading the back.

"Everything alright?" Octavia's voice startled them.

"Uh yeah" Bellamy replied.

"Yeah" Clarke smiled. Octavia glanced at her lap.

"You guys! You opened gifts early? What the hell?" she complained.

"Just ours from each other, you will live" Bellamy smiled.

"Clarke. Thank you" he stated tipping the book to her.

"Yeah, and thank you, I love them" she smiled as he disappeared down the hall.

Octavia gave her a questioning glance.

"I needed a break from the group" Clarke replied.

"And Bell?"

"Doesn't believe in alone time?" Clarke asked equally as lost as Octavia.

"That's a fact, he likes everyone to be together, you coming back out?" Octavia asked.

"Yeah" she replied standing and laying the sets on her desk. She flipped the light switch heading for the kitchen where she downed her glass and refilled it before returning to the living room.

Everyone left in small groups until just Raven and Bellamy's friends remained. The girls went and changed into sleepware as the guys picked another movie.

Raven came back in a tight black t-shirt and red and white plaid pajama pants. Bellamy wouldn't lie, she had some body and Wick was in total silent agreement. Octavia had a matching set of blue short shorts and a tank top, Lincoln took a few seconds to let his eyes appreciate. The girls made themselves comfy on the floor, Clarke emerged last, in Bellamy's highschool football shirt, and he was fairly certain that was all she had on with the exception of underwear...he hoped. Bellamy didn't miss the once over Wick gave her.

She laid on her stomach on the floor with the other girls in front of Bellamy. She had herself propped up on her elbows and was watching the television. He was watching her. Everytime she moved his shirt would ride up her further. The bottom hem rested just below her ass. He averted his eyes to the movie on the television, but the damage was already done. It was an image that would be burned into his mind forever. A snap beside him caught his attention just before his phone dinged.

Bellamy opened his message.

Wick: Tell me that's not hot

It was attached to a picture of Clarke. He clenched his fist forcing himself to breathe.

"Keep that shit to yourself, don't be sending it to everyone."

He spoke quietly through clenched teeth.

"Chill, I'll delete it, watch." He held the phone to show Bellamy. He knew it wasn't a big deal but he didn't need her picture all over base, and either did she.

Clarke glanced at them.

"What are you two whispering about?" she asked.

"You, where did you get my shirt from?" he asked, attitude evident in his voice. She sighed, she knew it was too good to be true, peaceful didn't last long with them.

"This is my shirt, Octavia gave it to me" she replied matching his tone.

"Well it's not Octavia's to give!" he snapped angrily.

"Fine" she stood heading to her room and when she appeared again she was in a different shirt. She threw his at him.

"Keep the fucking thing" she stated, shortly followed by the slam of her door. Raven and Octavia shot him looks before heading to the kitchen. He groaned throwing his head back, he ran his hand over his face.

"Well, it's about time we go" Wick said as him and Lincoln stood.

"Yeah, thanks for having us" Lincoln added before they made there way to the kitchen to say goodbye to the girls. Bellamy stared at the ceiling lost in thought.

"What's up with you? You and her were fine a few hours ago, and then you flip over a shirt you haven't worn in six maybe seven years?" Octavia lectured. He closed his eyes.

"O, not tonight, alright? Just irked me is all"

"The shirt irked you?"

"No, the dam pictures of her Wick was taking irked me, barely dressed in my clothes. That's just what I need all over base. " he voiced obviously grouchy over the situation.

"Ahhh, maybe there was a better way to handle that then."

"Doesn't really matter, it's handled. That's all that matters, I'm gonna head to sleep if that's alright" he stated stretching out on the couch not waiting for her reply. She stood turning the light out and going back to the kitchen with Raven.

He tossed and turned, woke up frequently trying to avoid his dreams, his memories of over there, more like nightmares. People screaming, gunshots, he watched many of his friends die, held there hands, carried there bodies, packaged up their belongings. He was in and out of consciousness all night, a creak in the hallway had his attention. The light from the moon shone through the window lighting his face but making it hard for him to see anything.

"You holding up okay?" the voice was soft and hesitant, obviously Clarke.

"Yeah" he answered, his voice opposite hers, rough and abrupt. He refused to let her baby him, he's a Marine not some little kid. He didnt need someone to talk to, wouldn't change anything anyway, just be wasted time.

She didn't bother replying, his tone said it all, she just turned on her heel and headed back to her room.

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