The Life Of Micha Ackerman

By AttackOnTitanLivvyA

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This is The Story Of A Thug Who Turned Into Everyone's Strongest Female Soldier. this Story Of Micha as endur... More



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By AttackOnTitanLivvyA


   Micha shot out her Grappiling hooks as she tried too confuse the titan. "Hanji!" She barked. "Get your Ass up here you Four eyed freak!" Hanji was sweeping through the air as she landed on a tree branch just shy from Where Micha was flying by. "Having a good day I presume?" She casually said. "Hey, isn't this a good idea? How about you come back with me and Micha and into the walls, how about that?" Micha raised her lip in a half snarl. That woman made Micha want too vomit sometimes. She was too excited. "Hanji! Quit horsen around!" She shouted as she whirled around in a circle around the titan, trying too trip it.

    "Come on Micha! Lighten up! We might actually catch thing with your speed and my smarts" Micha scoffed as she looped under the titans legs and launched herself forward as she tucked into a ball before shooting  out another pair of Grappiling hooks before circling back around the titan. "Hanji!" Micha snapped as she landed back on her horse and continued too chase the titan. Micha didn't want to admit it, but she was actually having fun. Hanji landed on her horse "a smile is on your face Soldier! You are enjoying this!" She said as she looked at Micha.

   The stern Asian just rolled her eyes. The two woman had appeared out from the Tall tree forest "he's still chasing! No wait!" Micha's head turned too look over her shoulder too see what has made Hanji tell out in panic. To her astonishment, the 7 cm titan had stopped in it's tracks. It moved its huge head Too it's left and right, just when Levi and his squad bursted out of the trees on there horses. Levi brought a gun flare and fired it. The sudden noise made frightened the titan and it, instead of attacking, turned around and ran back into the forest. "No!" Hanji shouted. The auburn hair woman pulled her horse around and gallopoed after it.

    Micha gritted her teeth. "Follow us Morons!" Levi shouted. But none of the women listened. "Hanji! Get back here you suicidal Bitch!" Micha roared as her horse galloped under the cool shades of the Tall tree forest. The ringing from the flare echoed in Micha's ears. Thanks too her High acute hearing, the sound had made her deaf for a few seconds. But she was able too still keep her and her horse on the Titan and Hanji's trail. Micha couldn't believe why this woman would want too capture a titan, she undersrood, but still. Did they even have the right weapons or tools too hold it down? Does Hanji even know what she is doing?

   "Of course not" Micha said aloud as she drew her swords. "Better kill the bastard that killed Isle instead of letting Hanji experiment on it" Micha let her horse get only a foot from the titan before Launching off her horse. She jumped off its back and shot out Her Grappiling hooks. They attached themselves onto the back of the titan. as she readied her swords and closed in on the titan, the sight before her made her gasp. It was a meadow filled with dark green grass. In the middle was a willow like tree.

    Memories started too flash before Micha's eyes. Her and Isle raising in the forest. Her and Isle stopping at the tree. She launching at the titan too kill it. "I'll kill it!" She snarled. But before she could bring down her swords, she rammed against a Tree branch. The air was knocked out of her as she was slung forward head over heels from the sudden impact, and toppled downward. "AHHHH!" She cried out.

    As she fell, Micha was able too too quickly shoot out another pair of Grappiling hooks. They dug into the bark of a tree as Micha pivoted herself forward. Too fast. Micha gasped as she whipped past the last of tree's that surrounded the meadow. Micha's grappling hooks ripped off the bark of the tree. Micha was sent flying in the air as she crashed into the ground. Micha was disoriented as she rolled too a stop. Just before the titan.

   Levi and his team came flying out of the forest. Olou, thinking he was a hot shot tried too kill the titan, but was immediately caught.

   "Micha!" It was Hanji. The titan lover was standing on a tree branch, just above the titan's reach. She stared down at Micha Mucus in Horror. "Move!" She yelled. Micha groaned loudly as she rolled too the side. Just as the titan brought down its fist. Right in the spot she was just in. Micha was in a Whirl of motion as she drew her blades. The sharp tips of the titan killing blades cut the tips of the grass from under her. When Micha was still in air, she shot out her Grappiling hooks and came flying at the titan. "You'll die today Bastard!" She roared her fury as she made 'X' like marks on the titans arms. She was not going too kill it easily, she was going too make it suffer. The Titan screeched in pain as it's arm that had Olou in it, drop.

   Micha's eyes seemed too flow white as she came at the titan in full speed. On the ground, Levi and the rest of his squad stared. "She's moving so fast" Petra breathed. "Are you alright?" Levi said. Olou's face was wet with tears and a runny nose. "I'll listen too you for now on Captain" he balled.

     "No! Stop!" Hanji cried as she stared at Micha. The young woman let her emotions take over as she took it all out on the titan. She spun, whirled, stabbed, so quickly that all they could see was the movements of her blades. The look of blood Rage was almost unsettling in Micha's eyes. Micha let out a venganced Roar as she delivered the final blow too the Nape.

    The titans head flew off its head, blood from all the deep gashes from Micha spewed out. They all thought Micha was done there, but she was not. Much still kept coming at the still standing body. Not even giving it a chance for it Too fall. "Micha!" Levi shouted. She was going way too far, she was scaring the others. Micha heard him, but didn't care as she kept coming at it. Micha was frustrated at the world, at herself. She couldn't save Farlan and Isabel from there deaths, and she couldn't Save Isle from her's.

   Then, everything stopped. Her gear ran out of gas. Micha collapsed too thr ground in blood and tears. "I'm sorry" she said in a weak voice. She tilted her head up and Opened her closed eyes. "I couldn't protect you" Levi walked towards Micha. Hanji jumped off the tree branch and landed before the tree. The Corparol squatted before Micha as he layed a hand on her bloody Cloak. "Hey" he said. Micha sniffed and looked at Levi. "She died here Levi" she squeaked. "I couldn't save her" Micha took a deep breath as she stood up. Levi joined her. "You know the day when I asked Erwin if he knew the soldier, the friend I lost, name?" She didn't give Levi a chance to speak.

   "Her name was Isle. Isle Lagnar. I was the last human being too see her alive" tears fell down her face, but Micha wasn't said anymore as her grief passed. Only emptiness settled in, and only half of it was filled with Levi's love. But not even that was enough. Levi looked away from Micha as he walked towards Hanji. He grabbed her hair as he brought it real close too his face. "Don't you dare Put my Soldiers at risk again too just fulfill your purposes. You understand?" Micha looked away from Levi and looked at Petra and the others.
   "S-sorry if I scared you all" Micha said nervously. Silence filled the air, until Petra said "scared? We weren't scared Micha! We are all awed!" Micha eyed them weirdly. "You mean-" she was cut off by Hanji yelling. "Hey guys, check this out" Micha's head snapped too Hanji, she was standing before the willow tree, and pointing at something in the hole in it. Micha took off running towards it. The others on her trail. When Micha shoved Hanji put of the way, she gasped and out her hands over her mouth.

   She shook her head "Her body is in there!" Gasps rang the area. "You mean, the titan never ate her body?" Gunther said. Levi stood by Micha. His eyes landed on a small red notebook under a pile of Small tree sticks. He bent down and picked it up. "Its Isle Lagnar" Hanji said. "From the 34th Expidetion" This was too much For Micha. Her eyes Rolled in the back of her head as she Fainted.

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