Not My Alpha (Completed)

By mquistey

2.6M 97.1K 18.4K

#1 in Werewolf - #1 in Mate The world is at war with something they told themselves didn't exist. Samantha w... More

Authors Note
Chapter One - The Beach
Chapter Two - The Beach Continued
Chapter Three - The Window
Chapter Four - The Woods
Chapter Five - The Woods Continued
Chapter Six - The Bedroom
Chapter Seven - Today
Chapter Eight - Goodbyes - Part One
Chapter Nine - Goodbyes Part Two
Chapter Ten - Trucks
Chapter Eleven - Discussing a Mutual Hatred
Chapter Twelve - Into the Woods
Chapter Thirteen - The Safe House
Chapter Fourteen - Sunset
Chapter Fifteen - Guns
Chapter Sixteen - One of Us - Part One
Chapter Eighteen - Fire
Chapter Nineteen - Chances
Chapter Twenty - Wolves - Part One
Chapter Twenty-One - Wolves- Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Two - Bound
Chapter Twenty-Three - The Alpha
Chapter Twenty-Four - All Hell
Chapter Twenty-Five - You're Not Going to Run
Chapter Twenty-Six - Faking
Chapter Twenty-Seven- Pain and Panic
Chapter Twenty-Eight - I Didn't Want to Freak You Out
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Just Call Me a Saint
Chapter Thirty - I'm Not So Dense
Chapter Thirty-One - I Don't Need a Wheelchair
Chapter Thirty-Two - What a Pleasant Surprise
Chapter Thirty-Three - Go On, Ask Me
Chapter Thirty-Four- Something I Should Know
Chapter Thirty-Five - I Promise
Chapter Thirty-Six - Three Days
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Eden
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Something's Happened
Chapter Thirty-Nine - I Have to Go
Chapter Forty - I Can't Let You Go
Chapter Forty-One - I Exploited It
Chapter Forty-Two - We Followed the Screams
Chapter Forty-Three - The World Seemed to Hold Its Breath
Chapter Forty-Four - The Night Turned to Glass
Chapter Forty-Five - The Pack House
Chapter Forty-Six - A Sermon in Syllables
Chapter Forty-Seven - For Now
Chapter Forty-Eight - It Was In The Tree Line
Chapter Forty-Nine - Living Hell
Chapter Fifty - He Cares
Chapter Fifty-One - A Liability
Chapter Fifty-Two - Bite You
Chapter Fifty-Three - It's Possible
Chapter Fifty-Four - Your Family
Chapter Fifty-Five - Unless I'm Not Alpha
Chapter Fifty-Six - Unconcious Vegetable of a Brother
Chapter Fifty-Seven - Everything Except You
Chapter Fifty-Eight - Too Good
Chapter Fifty-Nine - The Night We Live
Chapter Sixty - Should'a Known
Chapter Sixty-One - Making Everything Right
Chapter Sixty-Two - A Disgrace
Chapter Sixty-Three - To The Death
Chapter Sixty-Four - Not Fine
Chapter Sixty-Five - Chiefs

Chapter Seventeen - One of Us - Part Two

48.7K 1.8K 631
By mquistey

Hello, wonderfuls!

First off, thank you for your patience for this update! This chapter has been a doozy. I think I've rewritten it four times now... 

Enjoy! Don't forget to leave your amazing comments!


"Throw her in."

I was lifted into the air as the grasp on my arms was suddenly released. The next thing my mind registered was my body free falling, darkness overcoming my senses. I let out a blood-curdling scream as darkness folded around me. However, the minute the sound left my mouth, I was being enveloped in something other than rocks and dirt. Flesh caught hold of my waist as I crashed into another body. 

The air was knocked out of my lungs as I fell another few feet. I braced myself for the impact of the cold and unforgiving earth, but it never came. Instead, I fell on top of Samuel, his back crashing into the ground beneath us. There was a sickening crack at the collision and I felt a whoosh of air as Samuel's lungs emptied. He groaned loudly as dirt and dust flew around us, blinding us both momentarily. 

We laid there for a moment, both breathing heavily and trying to recover. However, when I realized I was enveloped in Samuel's arms, laying against his naked chest, I quickly pulled away. Fear coursed through my veins as my hands felt their way along the dirt floor, searching for something, anything, that could get me out. I refused to be stuck. 

Though my wound was bandaged, I could feel the blood start to flow freely once more. It pushed against and soaked through the gauze as if begging for my attention. However, I forced the sensation out of my mind. My eyes couldn't see in the darkness that now wrapped around us, so my hands scoured the terrain. They searched for a rock, vine, leaf, anything I could use to help myself escape the situation. But, they came up empty again and again. I finally looked upward, a mangled cry escaping my lips. We were at least ten feet underground. 

"Samantha," Samuel suddenly groaned.

I ignored him as I went into a frenzy, clawing at the dirt around me. The blood was falling down my legs now, but I paid it no mind. I knew the minute I stopped fighting I'd be resigned to die in this hole.  

"Samantha," he said a little more forcefully.  

Again, I ignored him. 

"Damn it, Samantha, stop moving. Your reopening your wound."

I waited for him to come and force me to stop, but he never did. Slightly perplexed at his lack of force, I slowly turned to face him. He was laying in the same place as we landed moments ago, unmoving. His breathing was heavy and long, almost as if he was sighing constantly.

"What are you doing?" I asked tentatively. 

He growled. "I can't move."

I immediately focused all my attention on him, abandoning my hopeless attempt at escape. 


"I think the fall broke my spine."

My eyes widened. "What?"

He turned his head slightly towards me. Even through the darkness, I could sense his glare. "I caught you. I landed wrong. I can't move." 

His icy voice washed over me, leaving me breathless and panicked. Samuel was angry. Beyond angry. My hands started twitching as my eyes tried to adjust. Without my vision, I was helpless to any attack he was inclined to make. 

Silence fell for a few minutes as I continued watching Samuel's breathing, trying to gauge his emotions. The silence and lack of movement calmed me slightly, but no matter how much time passed, I was still on the verge of tears. 

"Are you alright?" Samuel suddenly asked. His voice was softer now, though just barely. 

"I'm fine," I answered quickly. 

I was anything but fine. I let out a long breath, trying to pull back the tears. Desperation was starting to sink in, but I knew I couldn't let myself break down. Not yet. 

"You need to stop moving. Put pressure on your side."

I nodded as I brought my hands to my injury, forcing myself to apply a light pressure against the bandages. Painful screams threatened to escape my lips, but I somehow managed to hold them back.  Instead, I let my legs give out beneath me, my body falling limply against the wall.

Samuel let out another long breath. Silence fell between us as my mind tried to wrap around the night's events. It was definitely struggling. I couldn't stop the images of the past few hours from replaying in my mind, allowing myself to feel the hurt and betrayal all over again. Fresh tears formed in my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. I wouldn't let the bastards see me cry. 

Samuel grunted as he tried to move, but quickly fell back down again. I watched as he struggled, feeling slightly guilty. However as soon as I felt the guilt creep in, I immediately pushed it away. I couldn't be soft. I couldn't let his weakness play on my sympathies. If I wanted to get out I had to be ruthless. So, I let my mind wander as I tried to distract myself and control my thoughts. 

It didn't work. 

No matter how I tried to act as if I didn't care, Samuel's struggling frame and freshly burnt skin were embedded deep into my thoughts. 

"Are you okay?" I asked him begrudgingly.

He grunted in response and tried shifting his weight again, unsuccessfully. 

The guilt made it's home in my chest. "Do you-" I hesitated. "do you need help?"

Silence fell for a few agonizing moments. I watched as he squirmed some more, clearly uncomfortable with the fact he wasn't able to move. 

"A kiss would be nice," he suddenly told me.

My eyebrows raised and eyes widened before I heard him chuckle softly. I let out a long huff, any and all forms of pity immediately disappearing. "That's not funny."

"I don't know, I'm laughing." He paused before continuing. "I mean, it was pretty one-sided last time."

My breathing hitched as I remembered our moment in the brush. "I wonder why," I practically growled. 

Samuel only laughed. "Ya, me too." 

I rolled my eyes and sighed as silence greeted us again. I continued to watch him struggle on the ground until he seemed to give up on moving. An angry breath of air came from his lips as his body fell still. His breath formed in the air as a white cloud, disappearing as soon as it arose. I shuddered at the cold, the burning in my side deciding to grow a little more. 

Sighing, I realized my body was refusing to forget its wounds to instead relive the night's events again and again. My hand traveled to the clothes matted against my body. Though they had cleaned the wound, the dirt found its way into the crevices of bandage once more. 

"How is your side?" Samuel seemed to sense my thoughts. 


"Did they clean it? Wrap it?"

I paused, remembering Samuel one condition for compliance. "Yes. It just reopened when they tossed me in here."

"Bastards," he mumbled. 

The faintest smile appeared at the corner of my lips. We could agree on something. 

My anger slowly subsided as we laid in silence once more. It seemed to be my only friend. However, my mind wandered endlessly and soon enough it begged me to stop the deafening noise. All I could think about was the moment I was shot. The neverending pain. And then, all I could think about was the dismissal and betrayal.

I felt myself growing colder by the minute, and I knew I needed my mind away from the incident. So, I said the first thing that came to my mind. I immediately regretted it, as it opened an entire mess of things I didn't want to face.

"Thanks for not letting me fall."

I could almost hear the smile in his voice. "Anytime." Then, he hesitated as if fighting against his words. "You know, I actually do need your help."

I watched him try to sit up before his body spasmed, sending a wave of pain through his face. My own body froze in place as I watched. 

"What do you need?" I finally breathed when his body fell limp.

He was panting heavily but managed somehow managed to keep a lighthearted tone. My sudden bout of gratitude seemed to do wonders for his mood. "There's just some silver bullets in my legs that I need to be taken out."

I paused before I practically cried, "You-you want me to take the bullets out?" 

He nodded his head. "I would do it, but I can't move. I have to get them out before it starts to heal or else I'm kind of in deep shit."

I hesitated once more. Before I could retort or explain to him how I clearly wasn't qualified to do anything he was asking me, he spoke. 

"It's not hard," He sighed, "Please."

I felt my body start to move towards him, almost out of my own accord. My hands were still pressed into my side, making my movements awkward and slow. He was patient, however, even mumbling for me to be careful as I moved. I eventually reached his side and peeled my hands away from my body, searching the darkness for his injuries. 

"Thigh and knee," he spoke suddenly. 

I nodded, directing my hands where he told me. The light was all but gone, the fire above ground only casting dark shadows. You could still smell the remnants of the wood as it flickered though, mocking us with its potential light. 

I held my breath as my hands slowly descended upon his skin, falling just below his knee. Sure enough, I felt broken, swollen, and bleeding skin. My fingers grazed the center of the wound, making Samuel breathe in harshly. 

"I have no idea what I'm doing, Samuel," I half cried, realizing I didn't even know why I was helping him. 

"It's easy. Just dig it out," he grunted.

I let out a half mangled laugh while my gaze fell once more on the wound. Not letting myself think about it, I carefully took one hand and tried to pry open the hole in his flesh. Samuel gasped at my touch but remained still.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I kept repeating to him as I dug deeper, trying to feel for the bullet. Eventually, I found it, pulled it out, and quickly shoved it into my pocket. 

"You okay?" I asked as I listened to his ragged breathing. 

He let out a careful sigh, though I noticed it trembled slightly. "Peachy. Next one."

I mimicked my motions from before, slowly and carefully moving my hand up his other leg. When I found the wound I noticed this one was larger, causing me to silently thank the heavens. I wouldn't have to pull the skin apart. 

What I thought would be easier turned out to be just as difficult, if not more. It was harder finding the bullet in his mess of muscle and I had to dig blindly. Samuel soon started slurring curses under his breath and I kept repeating my apologies. I was almost ready to pull back when I finally found the bullet. Like before, I pulled it out quickly and tossed it in my pocket. 

"For both our sakes, I hope you never get shot again."

Samuel chuckled, remaining in his position, sprawled out on the floor. "Trust me, I don't plan on it." He paused, looking over my shaking frame. "I could say the same for you, too. You feeling okay?"

"Great," I quickly answered. 

I felt him try to move again. He was able to lift his head up now, but the other limbs were still unusable. 

"Samantha, I'm so sorry," he started, his voice suddenly cracking. "All I could think about was getting you out of there. I never wanted you to get hurt. I never thought they'd actually shoot. I-"

"It's alright," I cut him off. "I'm alright." 

"No, you're not. Stop pretending."  

My mind reeled to catch up with his quickly changing moods and personalities. One second he was growling at me and the next his voice was filled with such vulnerability I would think him capable of compassion. 

I quickly changed the subject. "Who was that woman? What do they want?"

He stiffened again. I silently cursed my brain to mouth filter, wishing not for the first time that it actually worked. There were a dozen more things I could have asked him in order to not make him angry once more. 

"I don't know what to tell you. You obviously already know these people are part of the human's  rebellion," He snarled. If I hadn't of been paying attention, I would have missed the tinge of bitterness that laced his words. 

"All of them?" I asked in disbelief, thinking back to the children I saw. 

"All of them."

"I had no idea," I trailed off. 

His voice softened slightly, taking in my confusion. "They've been trying to find a way to get to the pack for years. Damaria is in charge of this group, along with a few others. We haven't done anything about them because they haven't ever been a real threat. They've never been able to actually do anything apart from smuggling people out of town. Normally the Blue-Eyed pack catches those people, anyway." His voice darkened. "Apparently they missed a few."

I hesitated, mentally shrinking away from his new tone of voice. "What are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing you should concern yourself with. You'll be safe, I can promise you that." His voice seemed to darken once more. 

"Is your-" I paused, not liking the sound of the words on my lips. "Is your pack coming?"

"I didn't tell them where I was going, but Riley will probably find out soon enough."

"Why? How?"

"You really want to know?" He asked dubiously. 

"Maybe," I suddenly questioned myself. 

He laughed once. "I didn't want anyone knowing you were out in the woods alone, so I didn't tell anyone where I was going." He paused, seeming to debate continuing with his explanation.  "As for how he'll find us, werewolves have abilities humans do not. When we are in our wolf form, we can talk to each other through our minds. It comes in handy since wolves can't actually talk."

I breathed heavily. I'd heard rumors about this but never knew the full truth.

"Secondly, we've got pretty great noses. He'll be able to sniff us out if all else fails. I mean, that's how I found you," he trailed off, growling the next part. "Even though you fucking smelled like another man."

"Someone gave me their jacket," I told him cautiously. He growled more and I winced back, holding my breath. However he still couldn't move, so I knew I was safe for now. I let the silence stretched for a few minutes as I contemplated what Samuel told me. 

"This is crazy," I eventually whispered, mostly to myself. 

Samuel caught my thought. "Samantha, you've grown up around werewolves. How is this weird?"

"I've tried to avoid them, that's how."

"Fat load of good that did you."

I ignored his comment, feeling anger slowly rise inside of me. Like usual, it threatened to spill out of my mouth in harsh and accusing statements. However, I tried to ignore it as my body shuddered, the movement hitting my side. I winced slightly before letting silence fall over us, knowing it was better than what I had to say. Tonight wasn't the night to fuel Samuel's fury. 

I let my thoughts swarm my mind, taking the place of our conversation. Now that my adrenaline was residing, fatigue was starting to overcome me. I pushed it aside as I forced myself to think of ways to escape, as well as involuntarily fret over our situation. How long would we be here? Would they feed us? Would they kill us? Would they let us go? Each question didn't have a very hopeful outcome.

Shifting my thoughts, I wistfully reflected back on my family. The likelihood of my mother and brother still being alive was quite slim, but I refused to accept that. I kept telling myself that everything would be alright, even though everything pointed against it. James wouldn't hurt them. They'd be provided for. Will would get better. 

Lastly, and unwillingly, I let my mind float to the person in front of me. Samuel. Replaying the night's events, I slowly realized everything he did to try and protect us. More specifically, to try and protect me. His actions only confused me as I thought harder, remembering every experience with a werewolf in my past. They didn't care about humans. They cared about themselves. They didn't let others push them around. They killed for what they wanted. It seemed to me that, at least for tonight, Samuel was opposite of every one of those statements. Everything I thought I knew was being challenged, as it was the humans taking on the deadly role I thought Samuel to occupy. 

The more I thought, the more the cold night started to creep in. I tried not to move too much as I brought my knees to my chest, hugging my body for warmth. It seemed the layers I was wearing weren't doing me much good. 

Samuel noticed my discomfort and suddenly broke the silence. "Are you cold?"

I shivered. "Are you not?"

He laughed quietly. "Higher body temperature. Better immune system."

I nodded my head, remembering that little fact. As I nodded, Samuel started trying to move once more. I went to stop him as he started sitting up, but he was soon kneeling on the ground in seemingly perfect health. 

I stared at him in shock, noting how he moved perfectly on his once mangled legs. "What the actual fu-"

"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not polite to swear?"

I glared at him, though I wasn't actually angry. The only thing I could focus on was his standing figure, all memories of his injuries somehow erased. He sauntered over to where I sat, not noticing my stiffness at his approach. 

"Well then," I breathed as he sat next to me, a little too close for comfort. 

Samuel let out a single laugh. "Calm down. You're cold and I can help."

I was about to move away from him until I felt his shoulder brush my face, a sudden warmth lingering on my skin. When I didn't flinch back, he leaned further into me. He took his hands and found mine, wrapping them tightly together with his. 

"Is that better?" He asked.

I shivered again, this time as the cold started to leave. I didn't want to encourage Samuel's close proximity, but I couldn't help but appreciate his warmth. "Actually, it's great. Just don't come any closer," I paused. "Thanks."


We stayed like that for a few minutes. I relished in his warmth as he lined himself up against my body. I'd feared that he would attempt to pull me into him, but he seemed to have completely innocent intents. Though, I still found that hard to believe. 

"I've got a proposition," he spoke slowly. 

"What sort of proposition?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Nothing bad," he quickly answered. "But, I need to talk to Riley and I also don't want you to get cold tonight. I was thinking if I shifted then both problems would be solved." 

I hesitated, but he seemed to anticipate my reaction.

"I can promise you we'd both be really warm," he persuaded.

"I thought you didn't get cold?" I questioned, suspiciously. 

He laughed. "I don't. But, a little cuddling never ceases to warm the heart."

I choked on my spit, scoffing. "Did you really just say that?" 

His answer seemed to elicit the response that he wanted, as I noticed a smile spread across his face. He tried to nonchalantly shrug his shoulders, but I could see the laughter under the surface. "Maybe," he spoke lightly.

Silence stretched once again as he awaited my answer. I thought over his so-called proposition and realized he was probably right. If I didn't want to wake up with hypothermia, this was the best option. Still, unease tugged at my heart. 

"Just sleeping? Just for warmth?" I quietly questioned. 

"Just sleeping," he chuckled.

"What are you going to say to Riley?"

He thought for a moment. "Well, I need to tell him what's happening. He's probably freaking out. If I tell him then he can come and help us get back home." 

I froze in place. The last thing I wanted was the lunatic Alpha forcing me back into town. "You know, I actually think I'll be fine. You just stay human, okay?" 

I started to move away from him, pulling back my hands from his grasp. He didn't stop me, but a sharp burning sensation erupted on my side once again, causing me to fall back against the wall. I gasped in pain as his hands quickly darted to my side, lifting my shirt up slightly to see the bandaging. Samuel cursed under his breath as I sat as still as possible. However, each breath sent another wave of pain through my body, making it hard to focus on anything else. Samuel stayed frozen by my side as we both waited for the burning to subside. It seemed to take hours, but eventually, it turned into a dull ache.

When my breathing became regular again and my figure relaxed, he hesitantly spoke. 


"I'm fine," I breathed. 

I felt his shoulders sag. "No, you're not."

I didn't answer him, knowing he could see right through me. 

He sighed. "You need to sleep. If I shift then you can sleep against me and I won't have to worry about you all night."

Stubbornness had crept into my mind and I refused to answer. There was no way I was enabling him to call another dozen werewolves to 'rescue' us. I'd make it out on my own. Once I was out of the hole I was determined to keep running, and I couldn't do that if an entire pack showed up. 

Samuel sighed. "What if I didn't talk to Riley?"


"The last thing I want is for you to get worse. So, I'll level with you. If I can shift then I won't call Riley."

I was taken aback by his words. This was an entirely new Samuel that sat next to me. He wasn't forcing my hand, insulting me, or threatening me. For once he seemed like a normal human being. I unknowingly nodded at his words, at which he let another smile plaster his face. 

Carefully, he peeled away from me and moved to the other edge of our hole. I tried to watch his movements, but the darkness swallowed him completely. Before long I heard several cracking noises, followed by Samuel's soft grunting. I closed my eyes as I imagined what was happening, recalling the times I'd seen werewolves shift. It was anything but pretty. 

Seconds later, the noises stopped. I carefully opened my eyes only to see a large blonde wolf tentatively walking towards me. I held my breath as the animal approached, taking in just how large the thing was. I'd seen Samuel's wolf before, but now that I was injured and ten feet underground, he seemed much more intimidating.

The creature noticed my stiff frame and stopped in the middle of our makeshift room. It breathed evenly as I gathered my thoughts, willing myself to breathe again. 

"Samuel?" I hesitantly called. 

The wolf whined in response. 

My shoulders fell and relaxed slightly, urging the wolf to come forward again. It wagged it's tail lightly before continuing its approach. It only took another few steps until the thing was right next to me, sitting down where Samuel once was. I felt thick fur brush against me as the creature circled before laying against the wall. It rested it's head on my lap and stared up at me with bright red eyes. 

I shook my head in disbelief, recognizing those eyes immediately. "This is so weird."

The wolf huffed and moved its head, gesturing for me to move into him. I complied and slowly started moving away from the wall, careful not to move my side too much. The task was much easier said than done, as it seemed every inch I moved I had to stop and wait for the pain to subside. The wolf was patient with me as it placed its head behind my back, gently nudging me forward so he could slip behind me. By the time he was resting behind me and I leaned against him, I felt as if I couldn't move another inch. I was breathing heavily once more, hands resting firmly above my hip.

I didn't notice myself sink further into fur as I breathed, allowing my body to finally and fully relax. When my heart rate eventually calmed, I opened my eyes to stare at the wolf. The two of us seemed to take up the entire hole, the wolf almost reaching both ends laying down. I leaned my head back as warmth started to surround me, welcoming it gratefully. My head turned to the side as I watched the wolf gaze back at me. 

I let out a breath of air as our eyes made contact. "I don't think I'll ever get used to this." 

The wolf gently reached his head up, curling himself further into a ball and wrapping me into his long legs. Before I could adjust my body, I felt a large tongue sliding along my hands. My eyes darted to where they rested, watching the wolf's head retreat slightly. I looked into its eyes once more, rolling my own. 


As if in response, the wolf suddenly touched his nose against my cheek and licked once more. I groaned, removing a hand from my injury to wipe off his slobber. 

"You're disgusting," I stated. 

The wolf whined and seemed to grin as he opened his mouth slightly. I let out a hesitant laugh, shaking my head and burrowing myself deeper into his fur. At my movement, the wolf laid his head down next to my torso. I hesitantly brought my hand forward, placing it lightly on the wolf's head. He stiffened for just a moment before melting into my touch, sighing heavily. 

"You really are just a big dog, huh?" 

My question elicited a large sigh and playful growl, confirming what I'd just stated. My hand lingered on his head as I closed my eyes, listening to his deep breathing. Before long, I let the sound lull me into sleep. 


That was most definitely the longest chapter of the book, so far. I'm a little exhausted XD The next chapter won't be for another couple of days, that's for sure. 

Question time!

What will happen when they wake up?

Will Samuel stay true to his word?

Will this forced quality time help or hinder SamSquared?

Thank you all so much for your support! Your comments are aMaZiNg!!!


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