Hired Boyfriend

By Eyesmiler

298K 9.9K 3.3K

Who would've thought the most popular girl in the campus... needed to hire someone to be her boyfriend. “You'... More

Party Date??
New Classmate
Fine. You're Hired.
Early Recess
Carnival gone wrong
Haunted House
First Love
Unexpected Double Date
The Plan
New York
Same room?!
Back to Korea
Min Suga
J-hope my bff
It's a bad feeling
The past may hurt
The future is now
A chance
Always you

Say Goodbye to Boyfie?

11.2K 445 135
By Eyesmiler

> Yewon's POV <

The weather was great, Im so glad its not a school day! I have a feeling that everyone is still asleep right now due to last nights carnival. It was too much fun, and almost perfect. But it just had to crumble at the end.

After I saw Taehyung and Suzy eonni hugging, I couldnt move and my mind went blank. Think. I told myself. I didnt know if I was suppose to move towards them, or say something. I couldnt even speak. And if I could, what would I even say. How could you? Why would you? I thought we had something.

But seeing them, it finally became clear that all of it was just a joke. He never really took me seriously. I bet, all he wanted was Suzy eonni all this time. It hurt seeing them. V gave me hope that someone could love me. That even I, was allowed to experience being loved. But now I feel cheated. And stupid. Paboya... Somehow I knew that he and eonni had something. I just chose not to believe it. At first I never really took V seriously, I knew we werent serious. But I couldnt help but fall for his 4D alien charms. I really feel stupid.

After Jin oppa left the scene, Suzy eonni followed behind. I wasnt mad at eonni, I couldnt get mad at her. Cause I know shes kind and thoughtful. I was mostly mad at myself, and a bit towards V. I just stood there for me minutes looking at him, with him doing exactly the same. It almost felt like hours. In the end he made the first move, like he always did.

He took a few steps towards me. Then suddenly I found the strength to move. I took a step back, each with every step he took advancing towards me. Yewon. He said my name once and i bolted out of the carnival, and out of his sight. But he didnt even run after me. Why?

"Honey, is everything alright?" My mom asked. She noticed that I had been playing with my mashed potatoes.

"Uh, Im fine mom"

"Are you sure darling? Cause its the first time Ive seen you play with your food, usually you just immediately gobble it all up. Especially, if its your favorite.. like mashed potatoes" My dad said while waving a spoon full it.

"I just dont feel like eating"

My parents looked at each other then back at me. They observed me for a bit then looked back at each other and nodded.

"Its time honey" My mom told me dad.

"For the talk" My dad nodded, while doing air quotations on the word talk.

What the heck are they talking about? I looked at them with a questioning look.

"There comes a time, when a young lady just like yourself meets a young boy..." My parents started in unison. OH. NO. Not this again. I mean seriously, we dont get to talk to each other alot cause their so busy, and whenever we do get a chance they always mention about boys. It adds up to the pressure of not having a boyfriend. Like seriously, why are they so concerned about my love life more than I am.

And besides, I dont even have a love life...

"LALALALALALALALALA~~" I said with my hands covering my ears as i got up and headed for the front door. 

"Im off to the park, see you later!!" I said leaving the house.

Onew, my driver greeted me as I went out the house. 

"Where would you like to go ma'am?"

"Thanks, but no thanks Onew, I think Ill just go walk to the park myself"

"Oh, but it would be an honor to drive you there!" I giggled at his chivalrous act.

"Why dont you go have lunch inside, Saddie cooked chicken!!" 

"Be safe ma'am and call me if you need anything" he said as he bolted inside, murmuring something about him having a date with his love. I laughed, looking at how silly he was. Aigoo, Onew and his chicken needs...

As I got to the park I saw Jin oppa sitting on a bench, and I decided to go sit with him.

"Annyeong oppa" I said as he smiled at me and patted the seat beside him.

"What are you doing here, oppa?" I asked him.

"Oh, just thinking..." he answered with a smile.

"About Suzy eonni?" I asked.



"Im sure she loves you Jin oppa..." I tried to cheer him up.

"How are you and V, Yewon?" Jin oppa asked. I just looked down, not knowing what to say.

He sighed, "Wanna eat some ice cream?" he said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Hmm?" I looked at him, then nodded. And we went towards the ice cream shop. Jin oppa tried his best to cheer me up and make me laugh. We sat facing each other at the ice cream shop. I ordered a vanilla sundae, while he had a strawberry sundae. Jin oppa told me that his favorite color is pink, and i laughed at him thinking it was a joke. But he pushed my forhead with a finger and said, "What?! Pink is manly!" and pouted.

"Okay, fine! Whatever you say oppa!"

We continued to talk, and for a while I forgot how upset I was. It was nice hanging out with Jin oppa, even though we werent that close, I somehow feel that we've known each other for a long time now. And Im glad I got to know him more today, hopefully we can become closer to each other.

"Yewon, your smile really reminds me of someone" Jin oppa said while staring at me.

"Really, oppa? Who does it remind you of?" I asked.

He thought for a while, holding his chin with one hand, "That disappearing cat from Alice in the Wonderland" then he started laughing. 

"Yah!" I covered his face with some of my vanilla ice cream, and he did the same. "I was joking!!" he said. Soon, our faces were covered with ice cream and we still kept laughing. After our little food fight, we cleaned ourselves up using a bunch of tissues a waitress had provided for us. She looked a bit pissed off, but when Jin oppa smiled at her, she was willing to forgive.

"Oh, you missed a spot" he said and wiped the corner of my lips.

"Gomawo oppa" I said. He smiled, but after a while his smile faded.

I looked behind me, wanting to see what had upset Jin oppa. Only to find Kim Taehyung, with Suzy eonni. As soon as they went in they saw us, and we found ourselves staring at each other, not knowing what to do. 

Jin oppa stood up, and I followed. Suzy eonni was facing the floor, while V stared straight at me. It made me feel awkward so I just looked at Jin oppa. As we got closer, Suzy eonni left the shop. V looked at her then back at me, not knowing what to do. I was secretly hoping he would approach me, instead, he ran after Suzy eonni.

"Bye bye" i said as he left the shop.

A/N: Chapter finished! Ppyong~ how was it? Are you guys liking it so far? :) Tell me what you guys think, jebaaaal~ keke. Anyways, I really hope you guys like Hired Boyfriend :D

So, i posted a new story a while ago, Its a little gift for my chingu, @buttercarrots. Check out the story? It's entitled 'Into your world' i wont be updating that fast in that story though, since my main focus is on Hired Boyfriend, but im still trying my best! I try my best in all my stories :) So, your support would be awesome!! And check out @buttercarrots for me too ;) she has amaziiiing work!! That's all~


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