Thick thighs {Completed}

By Misguided_Angel843

608K 24.6K 7.6K

If you didn't know before know now that thick thighs drive the boys wild. Kayla didn't quite understand that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author Announcement!

Chapter 10

20.9K 798 512
By Misguided_Angel843



"Girl I am ready to go," April whined. We took the morning shift in order to make it to Andre's game. "I have to plan the cutest outfit for you," she mumbled.

"Why me?" I laughed.

"Because your bae has to see you slaying boo."

"How many times do I have to tell you he's not my bae?"

"He will be," she sang. Someone cleared their throat and we saw it was our boss doctor. "What's up doc?"

"I see you two are not all that into your work today. How about I just let you go home early?"

"You ain't say nothing but a word. Let's go Kayla before he changes his mind." She grabbed me and we basically sprinted out the door. "Girl it is time to turn up! I'm so lit right now. Since we have a whole extra hour that means more time for me to get your fit together."

"Andre is going to be on the field. It's not like he's going to see me anyway," I mumbled.

"Girl he will see you. Because once the game is over we're going to the after party. I have to get the perfect outfit for that too."

"But I don't want to go to any party," I whined.

"Too bad so sad. You're going. You finally got a hot guy that is completely obsessed with you. Stop worrying so much. With me, Shawn, and Andre the hulk there protecting you, you have nothing to worry about. Got it? Don't sweat the little things."

I sighed. "Okay." April danced in her seat. I think she enjoys dressing me up a bit too much. We got to the apartment and she went straight to my closet. I sat on the bed as she rummaged through my closet.

"Girl, I hate you so much," she came out with a bunch of clothes. She mugged me as she put the pile on my bed. "All these nice ass clothes and shit and you letting them go to waste. I wanna deck you in the eye."

"Sorry," I smiled sheepishly. I admit, the clothes were beyond gorgeous and I want more than anything to wear them. I just get anxiety every time I put an outfit on.

"Whatever. Your mom have great taste. I love all of this. She wanna shop for me too?" I laughed at how serious she was. "This outfit is perfect for now," she showed me the high-waist white jeans and crop top. "With these shoes and I saw you got hella jewelry in there. Ooh we should straighten your hair too. Yes bitch slay. Alright go shower. Your outfit will be ready once you get out. Once you're dressed come to my room so I can flat iron your hair."

"Okay." I went to enjoy a nice long shower. Hot showers are life. Once I was done I got out and got a good look at the outfit April put together.

It was a really cute outfit. The crop top made me cringe a bit but I saved face and put it on. I looked in the mirror and admitted I had curves. Maybe I wasn't as fat as I thought. I saw my pudge but it didn't seem all that bad. The stretch marks kind of ruined it a bit. I turned around and my butt looked huge. Geez, where did all of this come from?

"Look at you checking yourself out," April snickered.

"I was not," I blushed.

"Mhmm. You ain't got to lie Craig." She came in wearing some booty shorts and a crop top. "I forgot you had the better flat iron. Come on girl. Let's get this hair bone straight." I sat down as she straightens my hair. Afterwards we put the last of our things on before heading to the game.

Let me tell you, this place was packed. There was barely any place to park. And traffic was crazy. I was getting road rage and I wasn't even driving. But we eventually found a place and got out. The tailgating was still going on. I was in awe about everything. Literally my first game ever. I wasn't paying attention and ended up bumping into someone. "Sorry," I squeaked quickly.

"Damn," someone said. I looked up at the very tall and built person. They were wearing an all-white outfit. The bottom of his teeth glowed with gold slugs. My eyes widened a bit. He was staring at me hungrily. "Ain't no problem at all."

"T-Thanks." I quickly moved away. I thought that guy was eye fucking me. It felt creepy as hell.

"Girl stay from over there. Que dogs ain't nothing but a bunch of hoes," April said. "Besides, Andre will likely kill anyone who looks at you."

"He wouldn't," I said. Hopefully. We walked around and was able to get a drink or two from a few too drunk already attendees. We then headed to the gates. It took forever to get to our seats. "Where's Shawn?" I asked.

"Right here," he said coming out of nowhere, scaring the hell out of me. "My bad short stuff," he chuckled.

"I'm not that damn short," I grumbled. Why does everyone pick on my height? Mean asses.

"What the hell you got on April? Let me beat ya ass out here," Shawn looked at her crazy. I giggled as we headed to our seats. They were fussing the whole way there about her outfit choice.

"Babe," April said. "Let Kay get your jacket."

"You the one that needs the damn jacket," he mumbled.

"I'm not cold," I said.

"I know but these seats are dirty and you're wearing white pants."

"Oh." Shawn gave me his jacket to sit on. The guys were just warming up so nothing special was really happening. I was excited to see Andre play for the first time. I didn't even mind being a third wheel right now.

"So we meet again," a voice said. I looked to my left and was face to face with the guy from earlier. My eyes widened a fraction. When did he get here?! He licked his fat lips as he continued looking me over. I was very uncomfortable at the moment. "What's your name beautiful?" I cringed at the way he said it. It felt a lot dirtier than when Andre called me beautiful.


"Taken," April spoke up. "Move along now."

"I wasn't talking to you," his voice went cold.

"I don't give a damn. You were speaking to her and she's my best friend so you were speaking to us. Well we're BOTH taken. Get ya ass on the fuck?"


"What was that?" Shawn stood up. He looked pretty intimidating. "You heard her. They're BOTH taken. Keep ya lame ass game to yourself."

"Who the fuck are you nigga?" The Que looked disgusted and mad.

"You sure you wanna find out?"

"Everyone relax," I said. "The game is starting. No trouble okay?"

"Man fuck y'all," the Que scuffed. He gave me one last lustful look before leaving.

"Someone's ass going to get beat out here," Shawn mumbled as he sat down. April patted his leg to calm him down. "You okay Kay?"

"Yeah," I sighed. I smiled at him. "Thanks for having my back though."

He chuckled. "Andre would do the same if it was me. Besides, you the sis."

"I've always wanted a brother," I said excitedly. They laughed at me but I was completely serious. Being an only child was lonely growing up. I've always wanted a big brother that would protect me.

The game started and let me tell you, it was lit. I'm not a sports fan and I knew nothing about football but seeing Andre play made me giddy and excited. I was the most excited one whenever he got the ball. I would jump and cringe whenever someone would tackle him because that shit looked like it hurt. I didn't think I would have as much fun as I did. The half time show was also pretty cool. I stayed in my seat as Shawn and April went to the concessions for snacks. I was bobbing my head to the band and recording the mascot as he danced.

I felt my skin crawl like someone was watching me. I looked around and it looked like no one was paying me any attention. Might just be my imagination. "Well look what we have here," I heard someone say. A body plopped down next to me causing me to jump a bit. It was Sienna and her friend Lana. They weren't very nice to me. I mean everyone is kind of mean to me but these two specifically target me because of Chris and Josh. "Kayla is that you?"

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered. I was always intimidated by them because they were everything I wasn't. Outspoken, envied, loved, well-off, skinny and beautiful.

"This outfit is nice," Lana said touching my top. "It would look a lot better on someone with a more desirable figure though." They laughed at my embarrassed face. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

"Really, you should've stayed in the house. No one wants to see you spilling out of your clothes slut," Sienna said harshly. I felt tears pounding at the back of my eyelids. They don't know how hard it was for me to come out with this on. And now they're tearing down what little confidence I had. "Seriously, you should just leave. Following Josh around like some lost puppy is quite sickening. I would appreciate it if you would back up off my man."

"Or do you feel like somebody because Chris pays you the slightest attention?" Lana glared. "You think you're special or something don't ya?"

"Nobody want those bitch ass niggas." I breathed easier when I heard April's voice. "The both of you are delusional if you think those dickless bitches are anything anyone wants. You two hoes better get the fuck up out our seat before my foot ends up in your ass."

"Well if it isn't loud mouth," Sienna rolled her eyes. "We were just telling the truth."

"You hoes are hella sad right now. You got two seconds to get ya funky dirty asses up out my damn seat."

"Whatever," they got up. "Ya little," she looked April up and down in disgust. "BIG friend isn't going to be around forever."

"What was that bitch? Just because soap and water is everlasting doesn't mean ya ass got to wait to use it. You the type of bitch to wash ya coochie in the sink rather than take a shower. Ole nasty dirty ass. Had the march of men all in ya coochie and you have the nerve, the audacity to call someone else a slut? Bitch you tried it now bye." Everyone in our section was laughing at April going off.

"Bitch my shit is clean," Sienna rolled her neck.

"You're the last person to talk about anybody," Lana said.

"Minion hush. When I want you to speak I will look at you and say 'bitch speak' and then you can bark at me. I'm talking to mama bitch right now so her puppy can shut her yap. You ain't nothing but a bunch of money grubbing ass hoe who's after niggas with no dicks, figuratively and metaphorically. You ironing board bitches just mad us PHAT girls are winning. You can jump stupid with Kay because she's quiet but when I jump back you hoes stay silent. Y'all a bunch of Chihuahua's vs. a real ass boss ass bitch like me comes in. Imma tell you this shit one time and one time only. Mess with my girl and you're going to catch these hands. This shit has gone too far. I want everybody to fuckin know, as long as I'm here, whoever fucks with Kayla will have to go through me. I'll fight the blind, the deaf, old, young, clean, dirty, rich, or poor. Trust me boo these hands do not discriminate. You hoes make threats well I make promises. And I promise YOU, all I need is a reason. Just one. Now try me and get dealt with."

Our entire section was lit and going crazy. I couldn't help but smile. That's April for you. But it made me feel bad I have to have her to stand up for me. I know I'm getting way too old to be letting others fight my battles. Maybe Dr. Jacobson can give me advice on how to change myself. I don't want to be the ten year old that's trapped inside of a twenty-two year old body anymore. The feeling of being helpless is not a pleasant one. I want to feel like April. I want to feel happy about me and everything I do. I just need to know where to start.

"Thanks April," I said once they left.

"No problem girl," she smiled at me. "I always got your back."

"I'm going to get better. I promise."

She stared at me for a while. "You don't even see how much better you've already gotten. I'm not rushing you. Real change isn't something you rush. It doesn't happen in the blink of an eye. It's a process just like everything else. I don't want you to take the cookie cutter way just to fall back. I want you to continue your mental growth at YOUR pace. Don't change for me or anybody else. You do this because this is what YOU want and it's the way YOU feel is most comfortable. You have people on your back about this. No one's rushing you."

"Thanks," I said teary eyed. God was I blessed to meet someone like her.

"Aye what happened?" Shawn asked with a handful of stuff. "I heard our section was going crazy or whatever."

"Oh I have no idea babe," April said playing innocent. I couldn't help but laugh. She's really crazy. We continued watching the game and I had fun despite the spat with Sienna and Lana. I guess this proves I'm growing because any other time I would dwell on the negative and forget the fun I could and would have. I'm glad this time I didn't. So now, I have an even bigger reason to want this change. Because this feeling is the feeling I want to always have.

When the game ended we won and Andre had gotten most of the points. I was really excited and couldn't wait to congratulate him. We were waiting by Shawn's car for the guys to finally come out. I was getting a bit impatient since it was taking him forever.

Me: Where are you?? I'm getting bored 😩 and hungry 😩

Andre😍: I'm on my way out now. I'm going to feed you little baby don't worry 😒

"There's your bae," April pointed out. I looked up and Andre was walking out. He was talking to some guys as they all made their way to the few waiting cars in the lot. I hopped around in excitement. I could barely contain myself. "Girl calm down," April laughed.

"I'm just so pumped up," I giggled.

"Good game man," Shawn dapped him up. "You dominated out there."

"Thanks," he smiled. He looked over at me. His eyes took in my body slowly. I felt a shiver of excitement run down my spine. "Damn," he mumbled staring at my thighs.

"Stop it," I blushed and giggled. "You did great! I was cheering for you the whole time!"

"Literally the whole time," Shawn sighed. "Even when you weren't on the field."

"Shut up Shawn," I hit him. They laughed at my expense. "That was my first football game and I was just really excited to see him play."

"Looks like I got my own personal cheerleader," Andre smirked. "Don't be jealous Shawn."

"Oh trust me I'm not. I get April screaming like that every-"

"My nigga if you don't shut your ass up," April glared at him. I giggled at them. "Anyways, you did really good Andre. Let's go out and celebrate. Eat first and then party!"

"Where do you expect us to go for some food?" Shawn asked while raising his eyebrow. "Damn near everything closed except the clubs. Let's just wait until we get to the party to eat. Besides, this nigga got to shower and shit anyway."

"Ugh," April said. "Fine. We'll meet back up at our place okay?"

"Alright. See ya babe." Shawn kissed April's forehead.

"That ass better be ready," Andre said wrapping his arms around me. "I'm expecting it on me all night." He grinned at me making my face all types of hot.

"Whatever stinky." I pushed him away and he laughed. April and I headed to our car. "You know, I'm actually excited to go to this party," I smiled.

"Good," April grinned. "And you better grind all that big booty on ya man too."

"Oh my god April," I squealed. She laughed at me. I felt someone looking at me again and I looked around. That's when my eyes caught Josh. I know it looks like I'm avoiding him but that isn't the case. I don't want my mood to be ruined before the party.


"Really April," I pouted looking in the mirror. We had just done an outfit change for the party. I knew I should've looked at what she picked out for me. She had me in another crop top but it was black and light fabric with a white mini-skirt that showed off my legs. Not to mention she had me in platform heels that added about three inches to my short frame. She switched out the gold jewelry for some basic silver accessories.

"What? Girl you look fire as fuck. That last outfit got nothing on what you have on now." April was wearing a skin tight black dress with heels that weren't as tall as mine since she's already pretty tall herself. "It's showing off your best assets. Andre will definitely stick by you with this little number on."

"It seems so...revealing."

"It's supposed to be. Remember what I said?"

I sighed. "Don't sweat the little things," I repeated. I smiled at her. "Okay I won't. Thanks April."

"No problem." The doorbell rang telling us that they were here. "You ready to stunt boo?"

I took in a deep breath. I gave myself a little pep-talk. I will go out tonight and have fun. Let loose and dance. Be as confident as I could be. I wasn't going to let anything or anybody get to me tonight. I'm going to have fun with my friends and a guy might possibly like me. Yeah, easier said than done. "I'm ready," I whispered. April grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. We walked to the door together and opened it.

"Well damn," Shawn said eyeing April up and down. "I don't think we need to go to the party anymore."

"Shit." I looked at Andre and he was staring at my thighs again. I squirmed a bit. He made a noise that was like a growl and a groan. "I'm going to be beating everyone's ass at this party." I blushed and smiled nervously.

"Let's go you wild animals," April said walking out the room. She dragged me behind her. Shawn went to catch up with her as I was tugged back by my waist. I squealed as I came in contact with something hard.

"Don't let these other niggas touch you," Andre whispered in my ear. "You're still mine."

I blushed and smiled. "I'm no ones," I said sassily before walking away.

"Soon baby girl," he said. I could just imagine him smirking. "All of this will be mines very soon." He smacked my butt before walking away. I couldn't help but smile. That honestly didn't sound like a bad idea.


The party was being held in a house. The place was jammed pack and people looked really wasted. It seems the party might've been going on since the game. "Stay by me," Andre said pulling me close to him. I nodded. This atmosphere was a bit intimidating. That and I don't have the best memory with parties. "Let's go get something to eat."

"Alright," Shawn said leading us to the kitchen. There was still plenty of food. It was mostly just cold pizza though. We stayed in the kitchen and ate a bit. Andre was getting lots of congratulations and people wanting to talk to him. He was like a mini-celebrity. Shawn tapped him and told him they were going to go dance. "We'll leave around like three I guess."

"Yeah that's cool," Andre said. He had his arm wrapped around my neck, keeping me firmly at his side. April kept nudging me and glancing to Andre and moving her hips. I guess telling me to dance. I blushed and laughed while pushing her away. Shawn dragged her out and it was just me and Andre. "You alright shorty?"

I huffed. "I'm not short," I mumbled.

"You're wearing three inch heels and I'm still towering over you," he chuckled.

"Shut up," I laughed. "But yeah I'm fine. Just drinking everything in."

"Hmm. Why don't you drink this in?" He handed me a red solo cup. "You are old enough to drink right?" He raised his eyebrow at me giving me a teasing little grin.

"Yes," I glared at him. He chuckled before giving me the cup. I began drinking what it was. It tasted fruity. Didn't taste like any alcohol was in it. "It tastes so fruity. Almost like juice or something."

"Yeah I figured you'd like that much better." He sipped his own cup. "Be careful though. You might not taste it but there's a lot of alcohol in there. In no time at all it'll have you on your ass."

"What are you drinking?" I handed for it.

"Hennessy." He handed it to me and I took a sip. But it was so strong I couldn't swallow it. It tasted so bad too. He laughed at me. "This is too much for you girl."

"Whatever," I mumbled sipping my fruity drink. It tastes way better. People continued coming in and out of the kitchen. Many stopping to talk to Andre. Some girls tried stealing him away but he refused to leave my side. It made me feel special. So I was feeling myself and a bit cocky about it. "Let's go in there," I pointed to where all the people were.

"Iight," he said grabbing another cup. I got me more of the fruity drink since I drank all of mines. "Don't drink that too fast short stuff."

"I won't," I said sipping it. We found ourselves in what I guess is the dance floor. It was so packed. Luckily we were able to find a secluded corner. Andre was leaning on the wall while I was leaning onto him. He was very comfortable.

"You going to dance for me?" he whispered in my ear. It made a tingly sensation travel down my body. I chewed my bottom lip and nodded. I moved my hips to the beat, since I was not used to dancing much, to at least try and get the rhythm of things. I think I was doing pretty good. He matched my pace and we were dancing together. For the first time ever, I was enjoying myself. Completely and unapologetically.

It was fun. It was freeing. I was able to enjoy myself without having to think about anyone or how they would react to me. I was able to forget my pain and troubles. I was able to be bold and confident. I want to feel like this always. I never want this feeling to go away. It feels good...great. Is this who I'm meant to be? Free? This is what fun looks like? I want this. Everyday. Twenty-four seven. That may sound selfish but I can't help it. I've had a taste and now, I'm hungry for more.

I turned around to face Andre. His hand securely around my waist bringing us closer than I thought possible. He looked down at me with an indescribable look. I stared at his lips and wondered if they were as soft and inviting as they looked. His lips were suddenly getting closer and the air between us seemed to be strained. I waited for those lips to meet mines. My heart was doing acrobatics in my chest.

"Oh shit!" Someone bumped into us and I felt something waste on me. I squeaked and moved away. I moved too quickly and almost fell but luckily Andre had a strong grip on me.

"What the fuck man?!" Andre snapped at the person after making sure I could stand. "Watch where the fuck you going bruh!"

"Sorry dude." Andre grabbed my hand and dragged me away. I glanced back and saw the guy with a little smirk on his face. I turned back around to Andre who took me into a restroom.

"Stupid ass," he mumbled closing the door. He picked me up and sat me on the sink. "Stupid ass people I swear. Got me fucked up." He kept fussing about the situation but I was too distracted by his face. Why did god make him so fine? It was almost criminal. He was fussing about my outfit being soaked and ruined. I didn't know if it was the alcohol finally catching up to me or what but I grabbed both sides of his face. He looked at me confused for a second. I brought his face to mines and placed my lips to his.

He seemed surprised since he didn't kiss back. I sucked on his bottom lip and he groaned before kissing me back. He brought me closer to the edge of the counter. His hands were rubbing my thighs making me weak and wet. I wrapped my arms around his neck and moaned. His lips, hands, everything felt so good. Our tongues fought with each other until we had to come up for air. That was the best kiss I've ever had. I went to kiss him again but he stopped me. I pouted at him.

"If you keep kissing me short stuff, that won't be the only thing we'll be doing," he chuckled.

"I don't mind," I said.

He laughed. "Tell me that when you ain't under the influence and I promise I'll take you up on that offer." He stepped back away from me making me sadder. "I'm going to go to the car and get a jacket. Then we'll leave iight?"

"Okay," I said.

"Stay here and don't let anyone in here. I don't give a damn how big of an emergency it is." I nodded. He kissed my forehead before leaving. I got down and looked at myself in the mirror. I know tomorrow I'm going to regret being so bold with him and embarrassed with my actions but today, I was happy and carefree. I didn't even care for my ruined clothes. I was giddy actually.

"Andre and Kayla," I hummed. "Kayla and Andre. Mr. and Mrs.-oops I don't know his last name," I giggled. The door opened and closed. "You move fast," I smiled at Andre. But my smile was immediately replaced with a look of terror. It wasn't Andre.

He smirked at me. "If it isn't Ms. Piggy." Chris. He looked me up and down. "It seems you had a little accident."

"W-What are you doing here?" I mumbled backing away from him.

"I came to check on you. I haven't seen you since you left class. I've missed you piggy. Haven't you missed me?"

"N-No." My back hit the wall. He came up in my face. I felt my entire body shaking in fear.

"It's because of Andre isn't it?" he spat while glaring at me evilly. He had one hand on the wall as he leaned towards me. I turned away from him. Fear gripped every part of my body. "So a guy shows you a little attention and you turn into a hoe huh? Is that all it takes? You've gotten so easy haven't you?"

"L-Leave me a-a-alone," I cried. Why is he doing this to me? I was so happy. I was so free. Now, I'm back in that cage.

"Oh have you forgotten? I will never dream of such a thing." His hand started traveling up my thighs. His face was buried in my neck. "Things between us are not over."

"P-Please," I sobbed.

He chuckled evilly as he kissed my neck. I felt like I wanted to throw up. "This is familiar isn't it?" His hand kept going up higher and higher. "Don't you remember all the fun we had? Good times weren't they?"

"D-Don't touch me!" I pushed him away. I tried running out but he grabbed my hair. I yelled and he covered my mouth. I bit his hand.

"Shit!" He pushed me down. He looked at me dangerously. "I was trying to be nice to your fat ass but you wanna do shit the hard way." He gripped my arm and I kept fighting him off. He punched me in my face and made my vision blurry. "Just know, this is your fault." His hand started going up my skirt again. "You've gotten a little bit too confident. You forgot who you're dealing with Piggy."

"Stop!" I yelled. As reflex I kicked him and he groaned and rolled off of me. I quickly scrambled to the door. My face was covered in tears as I tried to open the door. Once it was open I ran out. I pushed pass people in hopes of escaping. I shouldn't have come out. I should've stayed home.

"Kayla!" Someone grabbed me and I just flipped out.

"Let me go! Don't touch me!" I screamed. "Why can't you leave me alone?!"

"Kayla! Chill!" The person tried grabbing me.

"Don't!" I screamed. I started sobbing hard. I held myself as I cried. "Just stop," I cried to myself.

"Baby girl," a soft voice said. I looked up at Andre who looked worried and scared. "It's okay."

"Andre," my lip trembled. I fell into his chest and cried. I held onto him for dear life.

"I've got you baby girl," he whispered. He picked me up bridal style and left. I just want to be happy and have fun. Is that too much trouble to ask?

I tried saving the pictures of the outfits but I got fed up so I'll see if I got a copy somewhere else if not then I'm done trying.

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