Moving In

By _CallMe_Crazy

447K 12.9K 1.4K

Blaze White is the New Girl at the Prep school in her mothers old home town. But her only goal for senior yea... More

Mousy Mo
Meeting the boys
A Party?
I Threw His Cigarettes
I Don't Need a Ride
Falling Behind
Game day
Walk Away
Our Girl (Axel POV)
Plan: Trick Blaze into Being Honest with Us and Trusting Us Bc we Miss her.
The Phone Call
Run Axel Run.
Mi Casa
Spend the Night
I Should Go
Two by Two
Old friends
One Call
La Amas
I'm Done
I Do
Whose to Blame
POV of Robot Number 1
The Cliche Kidnapping
Mommy's Home
His Father's Son
What a Mean Mommy
The Trails of Love
Meanwhile... Part 1

I Don't Party. Anymore.

16.9K 499 48
By _CallMe_Crazy

I really liked how this book played out once written down and I hope you do to!

Chapter 5

He glances at me, his eyes following my every movement as I put down the wrapper of my finished PB&J.

Feeling his eyes on glued to me would make other girls melt, but in my case I can see it without a doubt. He still doesn't like me.

He even glares while the other talk amongst themselves at lunch in the cafeteria. I begin to wonder why I am even here. Oh right because Mo was absent and Hazel dragged my ass over here with Jax, Mason, and Axel.

Apparently these are her friends she used to sit with at lunch.

Oh and!

The best part is I am getting stared down by a trio of girls I've never met and could have gone my whole life happily without meeting. The second I sat down they began whispering and giggling. Literally giggling. Like what the fuck? Are we in Middle School or something?

"Blaze," Hazel says and I snap my head away from the staring contest between me and Axel.

"Hmm?" I hum back looking at her.

My gaze brushes past Jax who seems to be the only one not interested in the group of girls between him and Mason. He is even turned in his seat facing Hazel who is in between me and him.

"This is one of the boys as well. You haven't gotten a chance to meet him yet," Hazel says sitting in between me and Jax.
She points towards a handsome but lean dirty blonde, with brown eyes as he takes a seat next to Mason. He would remind me of Mason except he seems quiet, more observant. Then again he was also paying the girls lots of attention when he first got here.

His eyes meet mine and he nods politely.
"Jackson," he stated, quiet-type definitely. The girls must eat that up.

They also like his attention which was now on me and they did not like that one bit.

"He's an underclassman and happens to be my lil cousin," Mason coos joining the conversation and moves to pinch Jackson's cheeks but he is quickly stopped by Jackson grabbing his wrist.

Now the trio of random girls were really pissed to have lost even Mason's focus.

Sending him a glare Jackson shoved his hand away, "we're the same age dick," He grumbles.

"But I didn't get held back a year, did I?" Mason sings earning a warning glare from his cousin.

"Yet he acts older," I comment and Jackson lets a small smirk take over his lips.

"Hey now! My girl can't be talking shit like that," he whines and I shrug my shoulders ignoring his idiotic comment.

"Your girl?" One of the brunettes sitting next to him say, but Mason ignores her.

"I call it like I see it," I say playfully looking back at Jackson who seems pleased that I don't fawn over his cousin. In the corner of my eyes I see the girl who got ignored go red in the face.

"Hear that Mason, your girl likes me more," Jackson brags and I roll my eyes not liking the title.

"I'm not his girl."
"She's not his girl."

My head snaps towards Axel as he casually sits up in his chair, having a blank expression but his eyes were a blue flame burning into me. What right did he have to say anything.

"I didn't realize I had an echo," I snap and he just shakes his head with disgusted amusement.

"He doesn't even know her," Axel comments, ignoring my remark, before standing up to walk away and adding, "So don't go getting comfortable."

I grind my teeth together as the girls snicker, "wouldn't dream of it."

He stalks off back to the locker quads and I huff out an annoyed sigh as Hazel apologizes. I can't believe she would even sit near him to begin with. I hear those annoying giggles again and I clench my first trying to ignore them.

"Damn, I knew Axel was tough on people but," Jackson says his eyes swinging from me to the disappearing silhouette, "he sure don't like you."

I hear a slight twang come out in his words, "and you would know?"

Jackson shrugged, "Well it did take him a year to warm up to me."

I raise my eyebrows, so even blood relatives get this bull shit-

"But he never acted like a complete ass with you," Hazel announces and for some reason, it stings. So he really was giving me the special treatment of his mean side. Great.

I sign as Jax elbows Hazel, and she tries to cover, "b-but it's not like he hasn't been in a bad mood before!" She stammers and I roll my eyes.

"I guess I just bring out the worst in him," I mutter, for some unexplainable and idiotic reason, my own words stung me.

"That's for sure," one of the girls mumble but loud enough for me to here. Hazels head snaps in her direction but she doesn't do anything but glare.

I brush the comment off as I feel a hand on my shoulder, looking up I meet those playful brown eyes, "ignore him, babe, why not come out with us tonight, it'll be fun," Mason says standing up having walked away from his seat and I lean my head back to look at him better.

I stiffen slightly before admitting, "I don't party anymore."

This only makes his smile grown, "anymore?" Jax repeats curiously.

That's when one of the girls who has been glaring at Mason's hand on my should speakes up, "she probably got tired of sleeping in everyone's bed but her own."

And I feel the tension rise as Mason stiffens above me.

Jackson tilts his head at the girls as if just remembering they were there, but none of the boys say anything, they can't.

I'm not approved of yet.

Hazel starts to stand up but I grab her arm, "actually," I start as Jax presses on Hazel's shoulders whispering something to her.

"I got tired of putting up with backstabbing whores like you," I say sweetly, "The bed testing was the only good part."

At that Mason and Jackson crackle in laughter while Jax and Hazel look at me wide-eyed, "What?" I shrug.

The girls immediately stick their noses up and mumble amongst themselves and I try my best to ignore them.

Truth be told. That wasn't the truth, but not like they would listen. They want a rumor they can spread, at least this one came from my mouth.

"Now you gotta come out with us," Mason says sobering from his laughter.

"Won't Axel be there?"

He shrugs his shoulder as if it didn't matter, "it's a big party and it might give him a chance to warm up to you," he offers, but my expression stays unamused.

"Or maybe I just want the chance to warm you up," he says with a play or grin.

I can't help the laugh that slips out at his line, "oh god," I say shaking my head, "that was horrible."

His grin doesn't drop as he says, "I think you're the only one that didn't fall for that here."

I follow his gaze as he winks at the girls sighing as they gaze at him, and I gag pushing his hand off my shoulder.

"Hey fucker, I didn't fall for it," Hazel says crossing her arms not like being grouped in with them.

Mason doesn't spare her a glance as he says, "girls in love don't count."

My head snaps towards her as Hazel's cheeks become the faintest shade of pink and she punches Mason in the arm hard.

"Owww," He whines now looking at her, "what the hell Hazel?" He asks confused.

"I could be asking you the same thing!" She hisses before grabbing her bag and storming off. I watch her leave the same way Axel did and decide I should probably make my exit too.

As I turn my head away from her I catch Jax still staring intently at her retreating form. An expression of surprise passes my face as I then look to Mason who rolls his eyes and mouths "long story."

I just nod my head and grab my bag, "leaving already?" Jackson asks as Jax finally looks away.

"Yeah, gotta go clean up Mason's mess," I say with a fake smile.

Mason shakes his head moving back to take his seat, "we'll see you tonight then? It is one of the only Friday nights without a game," Jax says with a grin.

I pause for a moment and glance at the boys as they offer small smiles, obviously wanting me to say yes.

I sign as Mason starts to make puppy dog eyes, "oh stop you look ridiculous," I groan, "yeah I'll be there," I mutter and Mason shouts in excitement only to be hit upside the head by Jackson.

I roll my eyes and follow the way I saw Hazel run off to.


"No way in hell am I EVER going to let you live this down," I laugh slapping my knee dramatically.

Her faces his tomato red as I continue to laugh, "I was 14!" She defends.

But I am to busy trying to breathe in between laughs to even comment back. Suddenly I am pushed off the bench into the ground but that doesn't stop my laughter. If anything I howl even louder.

"I hate you!" She groans and I wipe the tears from my eyes.

"No, you don't. You loooove me," I say childishly while sitting up slightly took look at her peeved expression.

Still smiling I ask, "can I see it one more time? Please?"

She huffs out a breath, "promise not to laugh, again."

I cross my heart and she lifts up her shirt to show me her tattoo lining her bra.

I ❤️ JB

I knock my head back letting loose another round of belly aching laughter.

Somewhere in between breaths, I recognize her gasp, "you just broke a fucking promise. That's a serious no-no."

I snort as my laughter quiets down, "I can't help it. You have a tattoo about Justin Bieber. Like a permanent one! God, I can't wait to tell Mo."

She glares down at me, "it's not like I can't get it covered or removed it's small!" She defense buts it's useless. I can't stop smiling.

"When you said the biggest regret," I begin standing up, "I thought you were going to tell me some deep dark secret."

Rolling her bright green eyes she mumbles, "Yeah well you sure as hell enjoyed it."

"I sure fucking did," I say as the bell rings but we leisurely make our way out of the court ward into the quad, "How the hell did a 14-year-old get a tattoo anyway?"

Hazel opens her mouth but before she could answer my phone dings, I tense immediately reaching for my phone.

Only for it to be Mason.

'How's my Hazel and Blazel? Ditching class from what I hear'

I groan and delete the message not even replying.

"How the hell did Mason get your number again?" Hazel asked as we make our way slowly around the quad, deciding to skip art and just relax.

I smile thinking back to the moment before shrugging my shoulders, "doesn't matter but it's useful now that he'll be picking us up," I say.

"Thanks again for letting me come over to get ready. My place is just too loud and crazy to get ready properly," she says as we round a corner.

"No problem... but..." I pause and look up from the floor towards her, "I would appreciate it if you deleted my address off your phone once you're there. I'm just a nut about privacy."

Her eyebrows shot up, "oh," she says and I can see the restraint she is having, trying not to ask about it. Which I appreciate because I don't want to talk about it.

We once again fall into a quiet rhythm with our feet in step with one another.
I hear a sigh from beside me after a couple of minutes and try to hold back the smirk, "so Jax huh?"

She freezes and her eyes dart in my direction and I can see she was hoping I forgot why we met out in the quad before art class in the first place.

"I would have thought it was Mason by the way you look so defeated. But Jax, well he's got a good reputation from what I hear," I say absently minded as she begins to slowly walk again.

"It's more complicated than it looks," she mutters shuffling her feet a little.

I sigh, "it always is hun," I say grabbing her hand and interlocking our arms, "it always is."

Her head rests on my shoulder as we continue aimlessly, neither one of us wanting to pry or open up. So silence is the next best thing.

And It was good while it lasted.

"Blaze," he calls and I groan.

"Can't you see we are bonding Patrick," I snap as Hazel stops up from walking away.

We turn to see a very annoyed expression dancing in Patrick's face. His usual easy going vibe replaced with urgency.

"What's wrong?" I ask stepping forward without realizing it, almost shielding Hazel.

Patrick looks taken back by how quickly I changed attitudes, "I need to speak with you," he says seeming to try and speak calmer.

I nod my head before looking over at Hazel, "come by whenever," I tell her and she hesitates before agreeing and saying a quick hello and goodbye to Patrick.

He nods at her before waiting till she slipped away to look back at me, Well more like analyze. I can practically hear the wheels turning in his head.

"You read my file," I state eyeing the manilla folder in his hands.

I watch his finger dig into the folder as he tenses, "what the hell is this?" He snaps and I almost wanna joke about his language.

But his frustrated eyes stop me, they look worried more than angrier, scared even.

"Well, it looks like you illegally-"

"Cut the crap Blaze. Why are all of these documents forged," He snaps and I should have known better than to snag the interest of an English teacher.

"What you don't like my penmanship? I thought they were pretty good," I say casually. I was quite proud of this actually.

He looks at me dumbfounded, "where did you even learn how to do this a-and why?" He asks completely confused.

Before I could answer a voice behind me speaks, "sorry to interrupt, but this isn't a conversation I would recommend having in the hallway."

Great. Fucking great.

I turn my head to see a pair of blue eyes looking at me, but they shine different now. Because now he knows why he shouldn't have trusted me. Why he had a gut instinct. Now he knows he was right, and of course, now he is going to be even more work to handle.

Well, I can kiss Hazel and the boys goodbye because as he walks past me I see a faint smirk stretch on his lips as he whispers, "makes sense now."

I watch as he disappears and glare at Mr. Williams, "Look if you are going to repeat it, then get it over with. I don't have time to waste if I have to create new ones again," I snap and make my way towards the school exit having enough bull shit for one day.

Now I just have to deal with tonight.


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