My Brothers Best Friend

By FiveSecondsOfDolan

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It's hard to be the little sister from a famous drummer. He's always on tour and you really miss him, but you... More

• Part 1 •
• Part 2 •
• part 3 •
• Part 4 •
• part 5•
• Part 6 •
• part 7 •
• Part 8 •
• part 9 •
• Part 10 •
• part 11 •
• Part 12 •
• Part 13 •
• Part 14 •
• part 15 •
• Part 16 •
• part 17 •
• Part 18 •
• part 19 •
• Part 20 •
• part 21 •
Part 22
• part 23 •
• part 24 •
• Part 25 •
• part 26 •
• Part 27 •
• Part 28 •
• Part 30 •
• Part 31 •
• Part 32 •
• part 33 •
• Part 34 •

• Part 29 •

1.1K 31 1
By FiveSecondsOfDolan


The last time I saw Amy she looked happy. I think it's the right thing that she did it. It's still quite strange that she isn't around. She would always come to me and then we would have crazy talks or just laugh a lot. I love the guys, believe me, but I just couldn't talk to them as I do with Amy.

I already got a couple messages from that anonymous number and a lot messages from fans that I need to kill myself.

I sigh.

"What going on babe?" Luke said as he sits next to me.

I showed him my phone. Another message of a fan who says that I don't deserve Luke and that I need to do something with myself.

" These people are insane! Why would someone said that to a beautiful, lovely girl?!" Luke becomes angry.

" it's okey Luke. I know how you feel about me and that is enough." I grabbed his hand and let him sit down again. I kissed his cheek.

He grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. It was not a soft and passionate kiss, but a rough and needy one. A different side of Luke what I liked.

He sits up and kisses my neck. He found, again, my sweet spot and starts to suck at it. I slightly moaned.

It started getting more intense. When Luke wanted to pull my shirt of my body I stopped him.

"Huh?" He looked at me like he was a lost puppy. A very hot puppy I could say.

" I'm on my period. It's not going to happen boy." I said and get behind my phone again.

He sits next to me and start to kiss my neck again.

" Luke no." I said stern.

Luke only huffed in response. Luke looked at his phone. Suddenly he walks away with a worried look on his face.

" what's going on?" I immediately sat up and looked at him.

" nothing." He said.

" Luke I know if something is wrong tell me." I said and walked to him.

" really it's nothing," he smiled. " I need to go to the back okey?" He smiled and kissed me on my nose. " okey" I only said and stood there alone.

We where on the bus since this morning. They had one gig to go before the tour was done. The time was going by fast. Maybe to fast.

I decided to sit and watch some Netflix in my bunk. It's was quite small, but it was comfortable for me. To sit.

I'm a really busy sleeper. I talk when i sleep, I sleepwalk. One time Amy was laying beside me in my bed and I had punched her in my sleep so her nose was bleeding. That night was so funny to be honest. After we took care of her nose we watched films and drank chocolate milk. So yeah, it was comfortable to sit, but not to sleep for me.

I watched twilight for the about the tenth time and I still loved this movie. I don't know why but there is something special about it. How Edward is slowly falling in love with Bella and that she is suddenly pregnant. I'm almost hundred percent shure that she cheated and that she had sex with Jacob.

I felt the bus stop and I stopped the third film of twilight. I sat for 5 hours with crossed legs. It was time to stretch.

I walked out of my bunk and greeted Tom the bus chauffeur. He nodded and said hi.

When I walked out of the bus I saw Calum sitting in the grass. We were at a beautiful spot with a little grass field and a huge tree. I walked to Calum.

" Hi Calum." I sat beside him.

" hi Noa. How are you?"

" good and you?" "Good." He said and pulled the grass out of the ground.

" How is twilight?" He asked. " How do you know I'm watching twilight?!" I suddenly looked with wide eyes at him.

" When you're in your bunk, make shure you keep the curtain closed. It was on a slope. I could see Kristen." He laughed at my shocked reaction.

"Oh..." I only said and Looked at the other side of me.

I didn't saw any other vehicles. I think we are very far away from a town.

" Cal, do you know what is wrong with Luke? He is acting weird." I turned my head into Calum's direction.

" I haven't seen him today. I have only seen him with you." He said and looked at the bus.

" Really? That's strange. Luke told me he was going to the back lounge to hang with you guys." I frowned.

" I've never seen him come into the lounge. I was playing fifa with Michael, we would've notice." He threw a little stone against the tree. The stone hit the tree soft.

" yeah I get that."

With that we heard loud talk. Our heads shoot into the direction where the talking was coming from.

" I can't do this!" The one voice said. " shush Luke." The other voice said.

I know that it was Luke and Michael. After Michael told Luke to shush down I couldn't hear it anymore.

I looked with a confused look at Calum who also looked confused at the direction where the two voices came from.

" What was th-" " I really don't know."

" Noa are you going to-" " Yes." I said and stood up from my sitting position next to Calum. I walked into the direction and saw Luke angry.

" What is going on?" I said and crossed my arms.

" nothing." Luke said. I looked at Michael with one eyebrow up. He put his hands up in defense.

" Don't say nothing Luke I heard you." I said stern.

" What did you hear?" He said while looking at me like I was some sort of bitch.

" I heard you say some things to Michael and I saw you angry talking to Michael about something. So don't do like nothing is going on because I know something is going on!" I screamed the last part.

" you don't have to know it!" He said slightly more angrier then last time he spoke.

" Yes Luke. I know something is wrong so yes you have to tell me! I can help you." I said slightly calmer and walked to him. I put my hand on his hand. " I'm your girlfriend." I said and looked into his eyes.

I saw that he struggled with something.

" Not anymore." He said and pulled his hand away.

" Wh-what?" I stuttered.

" I said not anymore." Luke said looking away.

" no no, you don't me-"

" Yes Noa I do! You've heard me! We.Are.Done!" He screamed.

I couldn't believe my ears. I slowly stepped away from him. I got tears in my eyes. I turned around and saw Calum standing.

I cried. This could not be happening right now. He just. I started to run. Ashton was coming out the tour bus with a confused look. I only heard him say ' you fucking prick.'

I ran until I was out of breath. I stopped by a rock. I didn't know how far I ran but I knew for shure that my eyes were blood red and that my tears were still running down my cheeks.

I sat down against the rock and sobbed into my own hands. Even he doesn't like, or love me. All the people were right. I'm not good enough for Luke. I've never been.

I saw something flashing into my eye. It was a piece of glass from I think a mirror or window or so? I grabbed the piece of glass and looked at it. Is this the right think to do? Is this worth it?

I shove my sleeve up. I took the glass in my right hand and put it onto my wrist. I sobbed one more time. I pushed onto the glass until it was sticking into my skin. I cut my skin open. It hurts. But my heart hurts ten times more. I can't do this. I shove the glass a bit further upon my arm and wanted to cut it again but I heard a voice.

" Noa!" I looked up. Shocked. Ashton was standing in front of me with tears in his eyes.

He kneeled down and took my wrist in his hand. He looked at it and then at my face. The blood was streaming down.

" oh Little." He said. And took me into his arms. He grabbed the glass out of my hand and threw it somewhere else.

I felt dizzy. It was pretty hot today.

The last thing I remembered was: ' please Noa stay with me'


Heyy people!!!! :)))))
Omg this was so fun to write. Okay, maybe not about what happened in tis chapter :/ Hope you liked this part❤️
Why the hell did Luke broke up with Noa? To protect her for the hate comments?
See ya next friday <3

Xxxxx N&A

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