Capricious Dreams (Soulmate A...

By thedemigodsquad1

244K 7.8K 8.7K

Marinette and Adrien share dreams. But they can't say each other's name or see each other's faces. None-the-l... More

1- Where are we?
2- We can create anything we want!
3- Ladybug and Chat Noir!
4- Queen Bee
5- First day
6- An eggy situation
7- Knightmares
8- Umbrella Scene
9- Last Night Together
10- Mission impossible
11. Adrien falls in love with an imposter
12- Soulmates confirmed
13. Mireille's shenanigans
15- Slowly but surely
16- Gabriel is evil I tell you
17- Rants by the fireplace
18- Romantic walks and talks
Author's Note

14. Magical paper?

10.4K 343 271
By thedemigodsquad1

Ya'll I literally can't spell to save my life. I had to search up how to spell cushion, send help!! XD

I think I might finish this up soon. Who just wants them to date already???

"So, you finally touched the ring."
Marinette opened her eyes to the all to familiar white, empty space.

"Sorry I'm a little late. Plagg, that stupid cat, wasn't doing his job. I had to fill in for him."

A little girl stood a few feet away from Marinette with her hands behind her back. Marinette thought it was just a normal kid until she spotted two antennas on her forehead, about the length of a 30 cm ruler.

The feminine creature was about the height of a five year old. Her body, minus the antennas of course, seemed pretty humanoid.

She wore a short, red tutu with black spots and a plain red mid drift.

"Huh? I thought I lost my soulmate link." Marinette mumbled rubbing her eyes.

Wasn't she just in the mall talking with her friends?

"Yes you were, but I made your body loose consciousness, it'll be only for half a second of course." The little girl squeaked, her voice high pitched like a child's.

Marinette raised an eyebrow.
"Did you- did you just read my mind? And what do you mean loose consciousness for half an second? A minute's already passed. And who are you? Why am I here? What do you mean," Marinette put her hands up and made air quotation marks, "I finally touched the ring."

Marinette took a deep breath.

"Woah calm down Marinette, I'll explain everything. Please take a seat. This may take awhile."

A large, red, fluffy couch appeared behind Marinette.

Marinette opened her mouth to speak but the antenna headed girl quickly cut her off,
"Please don't ask how I know your name. If you don't speak, I can explain. If you do I will leave and you'll never get learn what this magic paper is." She brought out a simple, A4 blank piece of paper from literally no where and waved it around.

Intrigued, Marinette sighed, giving the creature a skeptical look before relaxing into the comfy cushion.

"First things first. I'm Tikki and I am the soulmate diety. Also called a Diligitis. In other words, I control the soulmate link of course. Along with my side kick, Plagg of course, but he's not important.

"Since Plagg and I tend to get bored watching couples fall in love over and over again, we play a little game every decade. We give two soulmates the ability to share dreams and add new twists and turns every time to see how it goes. This decade it was you and your soulmate. Any questions?" Tikki raised an eyebrow.

"What were the nightmare's for?" Marinette asked.

"Oh, Plagg takes full responsibility for that one. He just wanted to mess with yous." Marinette's jaw dropped. She opened her mouth to speak but Tikki raised her index finger.

"You were only granted one question. Let me talk a bit more. This time we decided, when you touch your soulmates jewel, and you're not together yet, we would give you something extra to help yous out. That's where this paper comes in." She shimmied the very normal and un-special looking paper. Marinette raised an eyebrow but didn't dare to speak, too caught up in what Tikki was about to say.

"Before I talk about the paper, I'll tell you why and how you're here. We are in your mind, you are dreaming this but everything I say is valid and true. Time here passes much, much quicker than reality. Though we may be here for about 10 minutes, half a second will pass in reality. I manipulated time so that we could have this chat."

Marinette nodded, though still confused. However she wanted to know what the magic paper was so she didn't speak.

Tikki looked at the paper with a fond look in her eye.

"Plagg will give your soulmate a paper just like this. Whatever you write on this appears on your soulmates paper as well. The catch is, like your dreams, you won't be able to write your names and you don't get anymore space. It doesn't magically erase your writing and everyone can see it. But it is double-sided.There are other things you can't say but you'll work it out as you go along. Any questions?"

Marinette opened her mouth to speak but Tikki cut her off yet again.

She looked at her wrist even though there was nothing there except skin.

"Look at the time!" Tikki exclaimed. "I have to go, nice chat! You'll find the paper in your purse. Don't ruin it. Bye!"

"Wait, Tikki!" Marinette screamed jumping out of the chair and reaching out towards Tikki.

She blinked and suddenly she was no longer in her dreamlike state, but reality.

Nino, Adrien and Alya looked at her with worried looks.


"About how I used to have a crush on Adrien! She must think I still do because she sent Mireille here to ruin my friendship with Adrien! First she spilt a drink on me then she tried to accuse me of crazy things! Mireille doesn't seem like the type of person to do something like this! And I have seen her with Chloe lately!"

Adrien's jaw dropped as he tried to process the bluenette's words. He watched Marinette as she closed her eyes, for about a second before stumbling forward. She outstretched her hand towards Adrien.

"Marinette-?" Adrien asked.

She gave no signs of comprehension. Instead she yelled.
"Wait, Tikki!"

Mireille took a step back and watched in confusion. Alya rushed forward and gripped the bluebell eyed girl's wrists and balanced her.

What had happened that afternoon still bounced around Adrien's brain, hours after he had left. That evening he was granted with a surprise visit from a cat-like Diligitis.

Adrien lay on his bed, thoughts racing throughout his mind.

He had just had a dream about Plagg, a soulmate diety. The cat like creature had briefly talked about a magic paper that he could talk to his soulmate with.

"Hi I'm Plagg, a Diligitis. Aka a soulmate diety. Here's a magic paper. Whatever you write on it appears on your soulmates and whatever they write on theirs appears on yours. Simple enough. I have cheese to eat- I mean soulmates to create."

Adrien didn't even get a chance to speak before the Diligitis disappeared.

Adrien sighed as he held the paper over his head. With this, he'll be able to contact Mireille. Cool enough, he guessed.

He wondered why he would be granted with it. Adrien didn't feel in the mood to talk to Mireille, but he decided he should probably test it.

He quickly set it on his desk and brought out a pen.

                   He wrote.

Marinette buried her head into her tear-stained pillow.
Alya sat behind her on the fluffy mattress and rubbed her back.

"It wasn't that bad, Mari." She told her best friend kindly.

"I told him I liked him! Then I had that weird dream and now he probably thinks I'm insane. Wait...the paper!" Marinette jumped out of her bed and wiped her eyes. She ran across her room and hurried over to her purse.

"What are you talking about,
Marinette?" Alya furrowed her eyebrows.

Marinette began explaining the dream she had while at the mall. She did this all the while she was laying out the simple piece of paper on her desk. Marinette brought out a sparkly pen before sitting on her chair. After she finished telling her story to her best friend she clicked her pen multiple times.

"So...basically, you can write to your soulmate! That's great, Marinette!" Alya grinned, genuinely excited for her best friend.

"But what to write.." She tapped her head with her pen in thought.

"Girl, you are over thinking this! Just write hi!" Alya laughed, happy to see Marinette back to her usual self.

A moment later Alya heard a squeal come from her blue-haired friend.

"What?! What is it?" Alya screeched trying to look over her friend's shoulder.

Marinette stared at the paper that lay on her desk. On her paper at the top of her page was a small, simple and neat:


A thought formed in Marinette's head. Her hand moved quickly and she wrote underneath her soulmates spot on the page.

Chat Noir?

Butterflies fluttered in Marinette's stomach. Her hands felt clammy as she slowly watched her soulmate write out a reply.

Oh. I forgot about our nicknames. I thought you did too.

Marinette frowned. She felt a little upset that he had forgotten. But then again so had she.

Alya's phone began to ring. She gave Marinette an apologetic look.

"I gotta split. Text me what happens!" Marinette nodded and Alya ran out of her room.

Marinette's hand moved rapidly to write out a reply.

I did. But I kinda just remembered. So you're really Chat Noir?!

Yup. The one and only. You seem surprised?

Why wouldn't I be surprised! Gosh I've missed you so much! It's been so stressful without you... I didn't realise how much I depended on you...

What do you mean?  I literally saw you earlier today. Is everything fine?

Stop messing around kitty! I haven't seen you since our last dream together..

I'm so confused? Who are you?

What do you mean? You're the one being confusing. Did you forget about me? What happened to our promise.

Okay, I'm going to ask you a question. What did I call you when we first met? I haven't told anybody this. If it's the real ladybug, the one who I shared dreams with, you'll know.


Oh my god.
It is you.
So we haven't met in real life? That wasn't the real you?

No?! What are you talking about?

A few weeks ago, I met a girl with ladybug earrings. She said she was my soulmate.

And you just assumed it was me?

I don't want to talk about it.
I know she's a fake now. Ahhh I knew there was something off about her. How have you been?

We're going to run out of space. Write smaller. I've been good, thanks. And you?

Eh. Now that I realise the last few weeks have been fake I feel terrible.

So.. you do live in Paris right?

Yeah. And you?

Ya. Gosh, I could do with one of your hugs. I've been crying a lot lately.

Who do I need to punch? Just imagine my arms around you, my lady. What's been bothering you?

I don't really want to upset you, since we are meant to be soulmates and all. But I had a crush on another guy..

Oh. That's cool.

But he found his soulmate.
I was really upset. I was kinda hoping you were him.

Sorry to disappoint.
I gotta go.

No! I didn't mean it like that! I just.. never mind. Can we start over?

Hello, gorgeous.

Haha. Hey. I'm Ladybug, nice to meet you.

Lovely to meet you, Ladybug. You can call me Chat Noir <3

You're a dork.

But your dork?

That's cliche.
I'm off to bed. It so nice to talk to you again kitty.

Have a good rest, my lady. I'm going to go sort things out with little-miss-fake.

Oh! Before I go! I found your ring!! But this girl stole it from me. Do you have it on??

Oh my god. I didn't even realise. You found my ring?

It's a long story. God I can't believe you lost it! Stupid!

I think my fake Ladybug stole it.  Don't worry about it, my lady. Go to sleep, I'll write to you tomorrow xx

Good night kitty. I hope you sort things out with this girl.

Thanks, princess.

Marinette blushed. She dived on her bed and sighed with a smile on her face. She was estatic to finally talk to her soulmate again.

But who was this girl? Mireille? But she's with...



I have no life okay

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