Moving In

By _CallMe_Crazy

447K 12.9K 1.4K

Blaze White is the New Girl at the Prep school in her mothers old home town. But her only goal for senior yea... More

Meeting the boys
I Don't Party. Anymore.
A Party?
I Threw His Cigarettes
I Don't Need a Ride
Falling Behind
Game day
Walk Away
Our Girl (Axel POV)
Plan: Trick Blaze into Being Honest with Us and Trusting Us Bc we Miss her.
The Phone Call
Run Axel Run.
Mi Casa
Spend the Night
I Should Go
Two by Two
Old friends
One Call
La Amas
I'm Done
I Do
Whose to Blame
POV of Robot Number 1
The Cliche Kidnapping
Mommy's Home
His Father's Son
What a Mean Mommy
The Trails of Love
Meanwhile... Part 1

Mousy Mo

19.9K 587 84
By _CallMe_Crazy

Chapter 2

"Care to explain why you decided to show up so late to my class? Class is almost over." The teacher says in front of everyone, and her dragon breath tell me I will be skipping Physics more often than not.
I turn my head to look over her aging features with gray blonde hair and wrinkles in the corners of her eyes along with some outlining her lips.

"Would you believe me if I said I got lost?" I ask with a wicked grin and a few of my classmates smile or snicker at my answer.

"I'm serious Miss White-"

"Blaze. I go by Blaze," I correct her as she is turning red with anger.

"Where were you Miss White?" She enphasizes my name out of spite and my grin only grows.


Mrs. What's Her Breath, looks like a volcano going to burst and I just tilt my head to the side admiring my work, "Miss White I do not tolerate such-"

"She was with me!" I hear a mousy voice shout from the back and everyones head snaps to look at her.

I look over to see a petite Brunette now sporting large framed square classes, that showed off her cute small nose and subtly features. She has a gentle beauty that I wish I had, it would make me fit my name.

What is she doing in class? She should be at home or talking to the principale about those blonde giants in heels.

"What was that Morean?" Mrs. What's Her Breath asked bewildered.

Mo stands up looking very uncomforable, "Mo, its alright," I tell her not wanting to be saved and having to owe her anything.

"No it's not!" She says and looks back at the teacher, "She was with me. I fell down the stairs a-and she helped me get to the nurse, but since she's new she probably just got lost on her way back."

All eyes fall back to me and my grin drops at her words, "Fell down the stairs, huh?" I say not happy, but it is her choice whether to snitch on the bitches.

"I-it's what happened," she defends softly and I shake my head and turn back to the teacher.

"You heard her. I got lost," I say with zero passion or seriousness.

But for some reason Mrs. What's Her Breath just sends me to the back of the class room to sit next to Mo, who still seems very uncomfortable with the attention.

I drop my bag loudly and slide into the seat with all eyes still on me.
Then Mrs. What's Her Breath continues with her lecture, getting the attention off of Mo and letting her relax.

"I don't think I got to thank you properly," Mo whispers from beside me and I glance her way.

"Why not rat the bitch out? That would be all the thanks I need," I say and she just scoffs at me.

"Yeah and maybe we should dye our hair blonde and join their bimbo crusade," she says sarcastically and I can't help but to laugh out loud.

After earning a glare from the teacher I try to silence my laughter, "Damn," I say with a smile, "I guess you weren't targeted because they were bored."

She shrugs her shoulders, "I have trouble with confrontation, and speaking in front of people. But I couldn't help it one day I snapped at her and she has tried to make my life hell ever since," she explains and I nod my head.

"Okay but why not rat on her?" I ask and again Mo shrugs.

"Snitches get Stitches."

"And so do Bitches," I counter and she grins at me, "one day it will all come back to her."

Mo watches me for a second before nodding, "and I think you might just be that one day."

My smirk falters as I remind myself yet again why I am back to this town and alone at that, "sorry Mo but I'm not here to rid the prep school of their queen's crown."


Luckily with Mo's help I was able to find my next classroom which happened to be where my next THREE classes are. She is with me for English but that's it.

I kinda thought I was a little crazy to have 3 of my 7 classes with the same teacher in the same classroom; so, I assumed it was a mistake.
I walk into the classroom that is not even halfway full yet and right towards the teachers desk.

'Mr. Patrick Williams' is written on the board in chalk at right hand corner, looking as if it has been there all year around, and a young looking man probably in his thirties is standing at the board writing under the 'To Do' section.

His brown hair is brushed back, his tall and strong frame is wrapped in a casual dress shit with a black tie and black slacks that suit him. Honestly he's hot for a teacher.

I walk up to the desk before saying, "There seems to be a mistake."

He pauses in his writing to turn over his shoulder and look at me, "Have we met?" he asks with a small smile on his face and furrowed eyebrows.

"Blaze White," I say and offer out my hand.

He puts the chalk down and shakes off the dust from his finger tips before shaking my hand.

"Well welcome to my class Miss White-"

"Blaze," I correct him and his smile grows amused by me, "I go by Blaze."

"Sorry, Blaze," He says before continuing, "So what seems to be the problem?" He asks looking for the attendance sheet.

"Well it says that I have English, History, and Shakespeare Appreciation with you, back to back," I explain and try handing him my crumpled schedule.

He smiles but doesn't take the paper, "Yeah that's right, actually."

I knit my eyebrows together, "You teach all there different subjects? All year round?" I ask somewhat amazed.

He shrugs as the bell goes off, "What can I say, I get bored," he says shoving his hands into his pockets.

I stare at him dumbfound for a moment before breaking into a smile, "No fucking way."

A part of me expecting him to get mad and tell me not to curse or even get me in trouble but he just keeps smiling and says, "Way."

"Well I hope for both of our sakes you don't suck at teaching," I say before turning around only to realize that the whole class is seated and staring at me.

I blink. they blink back.

Thankfully Patrick here saves my ass, "Class this is Blaze, she is a new student here at Richard High," he says before addressing me, "You can take a seat where were you'd like, I don't assign seats."

I sigh a breath of relief that he didn't make me introduce myself. That was just an opening to embarrass myself and not the best way to keep a low profile.

I quickly scan the room for Mo, but my eyes catch on those haunting blue ones that are staring back at me, the same ones from the parking lot. He is also with three other guys who I think might have been with him this morning.

I decide that I don't want this boy in my class because god knows that he will distract me just by existing. Like is it fair for someone to be so handsome?

I quickly look away and spot Mo on the other side of the room and walk up to the empty seat next to her. Silently thanking God that she didn't pick a seat near him.

I also spot a pissed off looking Kayla sitting right in front of the blue eyed guy, but I choice to ignore the glare she is sending me.

"Blaze," Mo whispers from beside me and I glance at her.

"Yes?" I ask suspiciously noting how anxious she seems.

She sighs, "I just want to warn you. News travels fast in a place like Kingdom County," she whispers.

I stare at her clueless for a moment and she just rolls her eyes and adds, "what happened with Kayla, practically the whole school will know about it by the end of the day."

"Ohhhhhh," I say and turn my head back to Patrick's lecture, "let them talk Mo, it ain't gonna last long. Soon something else will grab their attention."

In the corner of my eye I catch her smile, "I doubt it."

I look back at her only to find her looking over my shoulder. I follow her gaze to see him and his friend looking at me, along with a death glare from Kayla and her goons.


I hold my breath for most of English. Having his eyes on me made me want to dig a hole and live in it for the next thousand years, or just snap at him and ask what the fuck he is looking at.

But Mo told me that won't be a good idea and that I should just ignore them.

So I try. I make it all the way through English and sigh a heavenly sigh when the bell rings. Meaning all these people will be replaced with someone else.

Also meaning Mo won't be there to tell me it's not worth it when I want to yell or shout at someone.

"Remember," she says as she packs her bag full of her notebooks and textbook, "do not talk to them, yell at them, or suggest they stick anything up anywhere because they will just be more interested in you."

I let her in on my little secret that I do not want attention and I plan on leaving this place on the day of graduation. If I make it that far.

Mo had laughed and said, "I understand." Meaning she would love to do the same but something is stopping her.

I get out a heavy sigh, "I won't as long as they stay away from me."

She gives me a stern look, "Look Blaze, I just met you and all, but you made it clear you don't want this whole school knowing your name. So I suggest you stay the hell away from them."

She has gotten bolder the more I talk to her and I like it. It's entertaining to see this sleeping tiger that only shows herself when she feels you are worthy.

I smile at her, "Who are they anyways?" I ask and she glances over her shoulder as Kayla and her goons stand up to leave.

"Kayla is basically queen bitch. She is this hot shit model so the school obeys her every word. Her mom also happens to be on the City Council board. Her Goons, as you like to call them, are Liz and Niki," she begins as the said bitches walk out the room.

Mo's gaze shifts towards the boys who are still seated across the room joking around with each other. They probably have the next class here too, "Those are some of the most influential guys around here. All play football. All get around, well except for Jax. They are pretty easy to get along with but they stick together like glue. Jax and Axel, are brothers, plus Mason and Jackson who are practically brothers," she explains and I tear my gaze away as they start to look over at us.

"That seems..." I begin cautiously.

"Like something that attracts attention, which according do you, is not what's best. So stay away," she finished with a pointed finger and I smile at her.

"Yes Ma'am," I say while saluting her.
She rolls her eyes before mumbling a good luck and walking out the door.

The second she is out the door I feel a body slide into the seat beside me, I slowly turn my head with a raised eyebrow.

I look into the blue eyes of a tall blonde boy who is sporting a red shirt with blue jeans and a letterman jacket. He isn't one of the boys Mo mentioned.

He turns his torso towards me and sticks out his right hand.
"Henry," he says and I look from his hand to his cheeky grin.

I frown at him, "You need something?" I ask not shaking his hand.

His grin only grows and he shakes his head moving his hand down onto the desk. I have to give it to him he is handsome, but there is just something off. Maybe because his smile doesn't quiet seem friendly.

"No, Blaze, I don't," he says and I roll my eyes at how he emphasizes my name.

"Then move because this seat is taken," I say sweetly with a fake smile.

"Tsk Tsk, no one likes a liar Blaze," he says staking his finger at me and leaning back in the chair.

"I'm not lying," I say with a shrug of my shoulders, "actually these three seats are taken."

He eyes follow my hand to the three sets around me and he tilts his head to the side, "by whom my I ask?"

I keep a straight face and say, "Me, Myself, and I."

He lets his head fall back to laugh causing a few heads to turn our way and that's when I notice Him looking over at us causally as his friends talks to him. Does he also have history with Patrick?

"Would you stop being loud," I hiss at him as people continue to stare.

He shakes his head, "I can't help my laugh," he says, "But for the girl that told off Kayla Webb you make it seem like you want to crawl under a rock or something."

Oh so he's only here because of that. Great.

"If that rock is free of letterman-jacket wearing blondes than I just found myself a new home," I say sweetly again with a fake smile.

"Well that hurts and here I just want to get to know the girl that out bitched Kayla," he says with a cold grin and my anger starts to boil over.

"It wasn't planned or anything. I met her by accident."

"Sure ya did!" He says sarcastically and I feel my eye start to twitch, this mans, "you weren't trying to get the attention of every student in here. Come on you can tell me, it's what you wanted right."

"What I wanted?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows, my frown deepening.

"Yeah why else did you confront her?" He says and the pissy tone in his voice tells me he isn't a friend.

"Alright look here kid-"


"Kid," I continue forgetting my volume, "the only fucking reason I talked to that priss was because she was fucking with someone for no goddamn reason. She was beating on someone defenseless, like the the hell does that? No one with morals that's who." I say answering my own question.

"Now if you could hobble back to whatever fucking 90s movie you hopped out and get the fuck away from me that would be great thanks," I snap and start to turn back to the front.

"I don't see the problem with it."

I freeze in my spot before I could finish turning back to face the front, "Excuse me?" I hiss at him and he just shrugs his shoulders.

"Evolution. Those who can't defend themselves obviously shouldn't be here. Only the fittest survive-"

"This isn't the fucking Ice Age or Cave man era!" I shout, "this is why the world is so fucked up, people like you and people like her think it is okay to push others around. Shit. Where is your fucking humanity? Do you know how peaceful and genuine this place could be if not for fuckers like you?" I lean in threateningly close to spiting on this boys face, completely forgetting where I am.

"In my book, evolution should have gotten rid of soulless people like you. So I wouldn't have to smell you morning breath or hear your dumbass talk nonsense," I hiss and suddenly stand up in my seat. The chair falling behind me.

As I storm my way down the stairs towards the door, I am aware of the eyes on me. Great the classroom is full.

"Patrick I'm feeling quizy, I probably won't be back," I say over my shoulder heading to the door.

"Patrick?" I her the teacher say confused about why I didn't call him Mr. Williams. Before the door slam shuts behind me.


The story is coming back with edited parts and added chapters!!!

That's why it was taken down because I wanted to head in a different direction and felt something things were left out.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Say what ya love, but keep the hate in your head!!!

Also I'm aware I literally suck at grammar plz don't remind me 😂😂

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