Moving In

By _CallMe_Crazy

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Blaze White is the New Girl at the Prep school in her mothers old home town. But her only goal for senior yea... More

Mousy Mo
Meeting the boys
I Don't Party. Anymore.
A Party?
I Threw His Cigarettes
I Don't Need a Ride
Falling Behind
Game day
Walk Away
Our Girl (Axel POV)
Plan: Trick Blaze into Being Honest with Us and Trusting Us Bc we Miss her.
The Phone Call
Run Axel Run.
Mi Casa
Spend the Night
I Should Go
Two by Two
Old friends
One Call
La Amas
I'm Done
I Do
Whose to Blame
POV of Robot Number 1
The Cliche Kidnapping
Mommy's Home
His Father's Son
What a Mean Mommy
The Trails of Love
Meanwhile... Part 1


33.5K 633 107
By _CallMe_Crazy

Chapter 1

Snow White.

There is common misconception that my personality must be sweet and delicate.

I am none of the above, and thankfully that is a good thing. If I was sweet and delicate, and the new girl at Richard High I would be eaten alive.

Richard High School is a preparatory school. It is full of overachievers in Music, Dance, Mathematics, Athletics. Name it and the damn school has a trophy in it.

So naturally the school is full of students who are full of hot shit, and I would rather be anywhere but here.

However, I don't have a choice. The devil herself chased me across the country and I needed a place to hide where she will least expect to find me.
My mothers home town. She would be rolling over in he grave if she knew I was back here, the place she ran from to be with my father.

"Fuck. Seriously?" I say as I glance up from the pavemented sidewalk to see the modern contemporary decor of the school. It was ridiculous.
The tall building with glass walls on one side and brick on the other. I've seen pictures but this massive place looks more elegant in person.

No way in hell she will find me here, and all I have to do is last a year in this shit hole.

Shaking my head I look away from the school and  continue walking further into the parking lot, trying to ignore the stares sent my way. I knew people would talk, I am probably the first new student they have had in 4 years.

Kingdom County only had about 5,000 residents and so that made this school its only high school. Meaning these kids were raised together, played together, and a fresh face is not something they are used to.

I knew there was an obvious chance that people would stare and talk. Still I can't help but send a glare at anyone who points at me. Plus school literally starts in 5 minutes, don't they have somewhere to be?

It's then, a certain pair of blue eyes catches my attention. The haunting eyes belonged to a Greek god with chiseled features and dark raven hair. His tall frame was draped in tight blue jeans with a gray shirt and leather jacket. Seeing as we are all the way up in Pennsylvania in November I wish I had a leather jacket right about now.

He is standing with other god-like creatures but I can't move my gaze anywhere else but him.

Those blue eyes are so incredibly piercing that even from across the lot I feel my heart rate pick up. His god-like friends are talking to him, but our eyes stay locked for what feels like minutes. Until finally one of his friends grab ahold of his arm and pull his attention away fro me. I take the opportunity to actually look at where I am going but I soon feel his gaze back on me as I go inside.

Trying to brush off the intense stare of the most beautiful man I have ever seen, he seems more like a college kid then a high school brat. I begin to make my way into the building towards the office trying to avoid the hawk eyes of the students.

Maybe I should have gotten here earlier instead of later, I thought less people would notice me with the crowd of students but I only seem to have a bigger audience watch my every move now.

Keeping a low profile and blending in means planning every step I make, down to the simplicity of the clothing. Black ripped jeans, converse, and a white long sleeve top with black fabric lining the neckline and bottom of the sleeves. I also would proudly like to add I have a black cat sticking out of the breast pocket.

I actually do have a black cat back at my small little apartment. His name is Ace.

"How can I help you?" A sweet but strained voice asks, and I am pulled out of my daze.

Looking up I meet the brown eyes of a grayed haired office lady, she smiles waiting for my answer but I don't smile in return.

"I'm here to pick up my schedule."

She nods her head asking, "Name?" while typing away on her computer.

I cringe before quietly replying, "Snow B. White," I give her my full name because just saying Snow White always gets people more interested.

However, she does not seem fazed by this, in fact, she doesn't look up from her computer until I hear a printer going off. This is not the normal reaction, normally people laugh, ask if I'm serious, ask if my parents are crack addicts who thought it would be a funny name.

"Here you go, Snow," she says sweetly handing me my printed schedule and a map of the school.

"Blaze," I say still in a daze at how she could be so casual about my name, "I go by Blaze."

She smiles at me, "Of course, Blaze. If you have any questions just come by the office. I will be working the front desk all week."

I nod before slowly turning around and slipping out the door towards the now empty hallways. Before I can question why they are empty a bell goes off.

I'm late.

Sighing aloud, I start to make my way around the halls looking for room 407, and not having an easy time doing it.
I mean its not big of a deal, if I'm just a little lost.

Well as I turn a corner and read B238 I realize that I am literally very lost and question if I should even look for my first class at all or skip to the second.

School here is weird, they have 7 classes a day for the whole year around. So these bells are only about 45 minutes each.

"Say it again Bitch, I dare you," a high pitch voice snaps from around the corner.

I stop and press myself up against the wall close to the corner to listen.

"I d-didn't say a-anything..." a small mousy voice sounds in between sniffles.

"That's what I thought cunt," The same High pitch voice says and I hear a slap echo in the empty halls.

I should have walked away. I should have turned the fuck around and left it at that. But I couldn't. I am not a hero. I am not here to defend the weak.

But I fucking hate people who bully the defenseless. I hate people who abuse the caring and misuse the trust of good people.

I take a giant step around the corner and shout, "HEY! Get your claws off of her!"

I immediately see three blonde, tall, and beautiful girls surrounding a small brunette on the floor, a backpack lay several feet away and binders, papers, pencils, and god knows what else scarred across the hallway.

There is a small crowd and that only angers me further.

What is this some sort of show to them? Are they gonna just watch?

I lock eyes with the brunette has she holds her swelling cheek. I feel anger boil in my blood. This girl is the size of their pinky what the hell are they doing ganging up on her.

I then look at the three blondes who are taking me in.

Thankfully I am a tall girl with an intimidating glare so they don't approach me just yet.

"And are you?" One asks and I just ignore her.

"Are you okay?" I ask the girl on the floor, but before I can get to her the three-blonde tripod squad of fake tans and Walmart nails step in front of me.

"She's fine," The high pitch voice says as she stands in the middle.

"'I'll be the judge of that," I say and try to step around her.

"Look bitch," She says again getting in my way, "I said she's fucking fine. So, if you want to live long enough to graduate stay the fuck out of my business."

I narrow my eyes at her, "What business would that be? Self-esteem building by picking on someone half your size," I pause and look her up and down, "But then again it can't be too hard to find someone half your size."

I here 'OOOHHHS' from the crowd as people enjoy the confrontation and apparently like the fact this girl isn't winning.

She is actually quite slim, not that size matters at all. But to her, it will.

I see her face turn red even under her flawless makeup, one of her friends even snicker behind her. I can't lie she is beautiful and an expert on filling in eyebrows, something I still struggle with, but she is always being a raging cunt. So excuse me from trying to tear down her self-esteem.

"I'm warning you. I will make your life hell." She snaps quietly so no one can hear here, but I hold my ground.

"And I'm telling you. Get out of my way or I will send you to hell," I snap with the same quiet intensity.

We stare at each other a moment longer and she scowls at me before snapping her fingers at her groupies and aggressively bumping into my shoulder on her way out.

"Name's Blaze in case you want to spray paint it on lockers!" I shout at her and she just huffs as she struts away.

"And 'Blaze Blows' isn't creative and overused. So surprise me with something new when you do!" I continue as she turns the corner and is out of sight.

I look around almost forgetting about the crowd that was around to watch the show, "The fuck you looking at?" I snap at them and they disperse within seconds. High tailing it out of there. 

I roll my eyes before turning to the small girl on the ground, who is looking up at me with wide eyes, her hand still on her cheek.

"You're fucking insane," are the first words out of her mouth and I can't help but smile as I bend down to pick up some papers.

"How so?" I ask as she also starts collecting her things from around the hallway.

"You just committed social suicide by talking to Kayla like that," She mumbles shoving books and binders into her bag.

"It was bound to happen," I say helping her zip the backpack, "We would have run into each other eventually and I can't say I wouldn't have called her out on her shit then too."

A small smile takes over her lips as she stands up and she somewhat shyly puts her hand out, "Mo."

I shake her hand with a grin, "Blaze."


How was that for the first chapter!??

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