The Life Of Micha Ackerman

Da AttackOnTitanLivvyA

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This is The Story Of A Thug Who Turned Into Everyone's Strongest Female Soldier. this Story Of Micha as endur... Altro



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Da AttackOnTitanLivvyA

   Micha bounced up and down as she put on her gear. Her black hair bounced here and there. "I can't wait Hanji" she said. It had seemed that only she shared the enthusiasm about seeing a Titan. Although her heart was pounding, she was thankful to be taking part in this expedition. But, Levi and her friends did not share it. Behind her, Levi was arguing with Erwin. His temper was flareing, and his two Collegues didn't know what to think of it, it was rare too see him this mad. Levi pointed an accusing finger at Erwin's chest. "Your putting a Rookie out there, beyond the walls!" He hissed. He wanted too beat The Commander To the Ground.

Erwin swatted Levi's hand away. He gazed down at the ill tempered teen. He shook his head. "Micha has not told you yet? She is very familiar with how we do things here. Have you not recognized those traits yet?" Levi stopped his cursing as he let that set in. He has seen it. Everday when he would take Micha out too spar, he would see how she would adress higher ups, how she knew where everything was, she even knew who Erwin and Mike were.

  "What are you getting at?" Isabel Demanded as she glared at the Commander. "I'm saying that Micha was a Cadet Here. We took her in at a Very Young age. And one day, she disappeared. No one knew why. She just left. We didn't know what to think. There was nothing wrong going on with her. She was happy. Or so we thought" Erwin's face fell. Isabel and the others exchanged looks. But they weren't shocked. Now they knew. It was a little frustrating how Micha knew this place. That she had lived here.

  Levi's voice was in a low growl "Why hasn't she said anything?" He demanded. Erwin just sighed heavily as he said "ask her yourself. We are just glad too have our  Advanced student back in shape" these words seemed to inflate Levi's rage as he tried to attack him. But Farlan and Isabel held him back. "Is that how you see her?! A weapon?! She's a human being just like Us you Bastard!" Levi shoved his friends off him. Erwin was unfazed by Levi's outburst. He looked away from the kids questioning face "Drop the subject and don't bring this up around Micha. I am sure she has not said anything because she just wants to forget and move on. That's an order" Levi protested "B-" he started but stopped himself. Erwin was right. Bringing it up Too Micha might Do something to break her. For her sake, he won't say anything. "Yes Commander" Isabel and Farlan said as they saluted.

  But Levi Didn't. He didn't know why he was freaking out about Micha. He's seen the girl fight before, and she was amazing! But it's been Two weeks, and she was recovering from those Two weeks. Did shr still have the Strenght too go on this Expedition? Erwin didn't pester Levi too Salute propilary as he turned around and left.

Levi growled as he stormed past his friends. "Levi-bro-" Isabel started but stopped. Levi looked too mad for her too say anything. She shook her head and looked at Farlan "We should get ready for our own travel" Farlan said as he walked away. "Is Levi going to be okay?" Isabel asked as she ran too catch up with The tall boy. Farlan just shook his head as he opened the door too the HQ half way before looking at the red-head girl "I Don't know Isabel. Levi was a Mess the day He layed Eyes On That Damn Girl. He wasn't the same. I just don't know. I don't know" Isabel looked at Farlan, then at Levi. Who was storming toward the standing form of Micha.

Isabel didn't feel jealous, nor upset. She felt like Levi finally found someone that he cared for besides her and Farlan. She liked Micha from day one and she still liked the girl. She'll protect and stand with Levi if something happened to them. No doubt about it.


  Her name was Isle Langnar. She was an emotional Girl, but also very Determined. She had a little dark tan with Short blackish brown hair that was put too the side and she had little freckles dotted here and there on her face. Micha and her were both on the left side of her team. Her green cape of wings of freedom fluttered in the wind behind her, her black hair was swept too the side by the wind. Her hood was on. Micha rarely said anything as the Expedition went on. The silence that filled the air, besides the thundering hooves of the Horses, was killing Micha.

  Every now and then her eyes would dart from one side to the other. She'd mostly look at the tall Tree Forest. Micha would get chills Every time she looked at the forest. She has never been beyond the walls before. And at first, it sounded so cool and adventurous, but now, it felt like death was at every corner. Waiting, watching, beckoning, the soldiers around her too come too him so he could end them. Although her face stayed neutral and calm, in the inside, her heart was raceing, her nerves were on end, her stomach kept churning in anxiety, and she was shaking in fear. Micha wished Levi was with her. Micha Wished that she could smell his lemon scent. Then her cheeks burned as she remembered what went down between her and him before she left.

  Levi had stormed up too Micha, who was petting the Muzzle of her Black and White Appaloosa. She was at the stables, alone, as everyone else going on this Expedition got ready. She was humming her song as she whistled the tune. Her horse nickered softly. It was rather enjoying itself.

  "Micha!" Hissed Levi from behind her. He glared at Micha as the raven Hair Girl Turned around too face the stern Voice. She immediately smiled at Levi. "Levi! Oh I'm so glad your here! I needed To ask Y-" Micha Was Cut off by Levi Storming up too her, pushing Her Against the stable Wall Of A Horse Stable, pinning her in the Process, and grabbing the front collar of her uniform and slammed his lips on her's.

Micha gasped silently. The kiss was needy, urgent, and desperate as he moved them on her's. Micha's heart pounded in her rib cages. Micha knew she'd have to pull away. It was wrong, but in spite of herself, she found herself giving into the kiss. There lips moved in sync as Micha hopped up and curled her legs around his waist. Levi moaned a little as he curled his fingers in Micha's ever so soft hair. Micha curled her fingers in his as well. Micha let Levi explore every crevice in her mouth with his tongue. A small moan escaped her. Making Levi smile in the kiss as he sat down in the fresh hay and layed Micha down as he crawled on top of Her.

  There lips never left each other's. Levi's breath came out Raggad as he pulled away from her lips and moved on too her cheeks, Nose, Forehead, Jawline, neck, and Collarbone. A gasp escaped Micha's mouth when Levi left more taunting Butterfly kisses on her. "S-Stop" she breathed as she tried too push him away, but had failed.

  Levi stopped abruptly as he stared into Micha's Coal Black Eyes. 'So beautiful' he thought as he layed his Forehead against Micha's. He put his face in her Vanilla Scented Hair and murmured "Don't Die on me. Don't do anything Dangurouse Micha" Micha knew he was serious. She knew too Take His Words Too heart. An Arrogant Fool wouldn't. But a Sensible person would. And Micha was Sensible. But she doesn't keep promises. To no one.

  Micha took in deep breaths as she said "I will try Levi. But, I can't promise I'll come out alive. We never know when death may claim us" Levi pulled away until he could stare at Micha, directly I. The eyes. He slowly cupped her deep ref cheeks as he rubbed his thumbs on them. "I know" he said quietly. Damn it! What was coming over him? His heart constricted as he growled inwardly. Erwin put her up To this! He's gonna Die if she doesn't come back. I swear it! "Hey" Micha said as she stared at him. "It's going too take alot more then a Titan too kill me. A lot more"

  Micha's cheeks flared red at the memory. It has happened hours ago, but she still felt Levi's lips on hers. She hoped she would come out of this alive. A green Smoke Flare fired up in the air. Micha's eyes snapped To them as she pushed her Appaloosa To the same speed as Isle's. "Hey" Micha said. Isle looked away from the green flare and too Micha. "Oh, hey Micha" she said. "What direction Do we take? The left flank I mean" Micha said as she gazed at Isle's Team. Micha wondered how come her Team wasn't able too Join her. She was happy, Although, that Flagon was not in this. She was lucky she had had not seen the guy in At least Two Months.

  Which was weird. Since he was her Leader and all, But she didn't say anything about it. She hated the guys Guts from day one. Isle looked around her. "We, the left gaurd, still stay in position. But you need to be on my left. You may not have been outside the walls, or seen a titan, but you are more skilled in 3D maneuver gear then anyone" Micha nodded her head in agreement. She needed too put away her childish thoughts for the time being and focus on the task before hand. Micha nodded her head as she veered her horse too the side and positioned herself outside the left gaurd, just shy from Isle.

   Micha was thankful too have such help. As they Rode there horses, Micha kept her hands positioned Too her swords. She'd be needing them soon. And just right on time, A red Flare was fired, followed by a Black Flare. "An Abbarent?" Said a soldier behind Micha. She knew what an Abbarent was, and she knew what a Red flare met. Micha's eyes snapped To the Tall Tree Forest. Her sharp eyes and Acute hearing were put too the Test as she scanned the tree's. And just as she suspected, Titans came barreling out of the Undergrowth. "Shit!" She hissed as her fear and anxieties went away as she unsheathed her Swords. "Micha! You can't engage!" Isle shrieked over the loud booms from horse and titan.

  Micha ignored her "I can, and i will" Micha said as she tilted to the side and slid off her horses back. Micha was quick as she shot out her Grappiling hooks, just before she could hit the ground. Micha was jerked forward quickly as she made a big gaping loop around the four titans that were coming at the Soldiers. She readied her swords as she Spun in the air like a spinning Boomerang and cut across a Titans arm with speed and quickly killed it with the swift cut to the nape. When Micha came at Another one, something had grabbed her coils. Micha cried out in surprise as she was thrown in the air like a rag doll.

  But this didn't Faze Micha Completely as she regained herself over the sudden change and shot out another Grappiling hook into the titan she was going for before she was interrupted. Micha let out a roar as she cut its Nape Skillfully. After it had Fallen, she had already went on too the next one. All around Micha was Cause. Soldiers were falling To the Beasts that threaten them. And worse, she was witnessing her Left Gaurds deaths. Micha saw one of Isle's team mates get crushed with a single blow by a Titan. Micha gritted her teeth as she came at one titan after another with just as much skill and speed as anyone.

  "Micha!" Cried out a voice. Micha finished off another Titan and turned her head Too see Isle, her gear was Broken and Her Horse No where in sight. Micha gasped as she saw a Titan sneaking up behind the Brown Butnette. Micha gritted her teeth in anger as she zoomed down at it like a bullet. Micha let out a war cry as she did a byblade spun and flew all over the titan. All you could see was the movements of her blades as she came up behind the Titan. She And with a Vicious cut, Micha ended the titan.

  Micha landed down on its deep cut Nape when the titan fell before Isle. Micha breathed heavily as she jumped off the Titan and Too Isle. "Run Dammit!" She said as she ran past Isle and grabbed the girl by the arm as she hauled her into the woods. "But the others!" Isle protested as she turned her head, just too see another teammate her eaten. Isle turned away, sick too her stomach. "Nothing" Micha said as she ran in the tall Tree Forest. "There Better dead then alive when facing hell like that!" She yelled at Isle. "They are as good as dead. There nothing you can do" she said, almost to herself, then Too Isle. 

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