My Husband's Girl

By aasthamishra_

19.3M 654K 75.7K

Love is Sacrifice. ❝ I don't love you and I never will, because I love someone else ❞ Ian said to Alison, hi... More

My Husband's Girl
Introduction of Characters
Book - 1
1.1 - Alison Cullen
1.2 - Letting him go
1.3 - Helping him
1.4 - S.O.S Meeting
1.5 - Asking Him
1.6 - Drowning Sorrows
1.7 - Her Feelings
1.8 - Her Outburst
1.9 - The Gala [ I ]
1.10 - The Gala [ II ]
1.11 - Trip to Miami
1.12 - The Holiday
1.13 - Beach Day
1.14 - The Accident
1.15 - Aiden Clarke
1.16 - The Surprise
1.17 - His Jealousy
1.18 - The Kiss
1.19 - Happy Wedding Anniversary
1.20 - The Bacheloratte Night
1.21 - The Wedding
1.22 - Goodbyes
1.23 - The Funeral
1.24 - Sapphire Kingsley
Book - 2
Introduction Of Characters
2.1 - Her New Life
2.2 - His Proposal
2.3 - Nathan
2.4 - His Blue Eyes
2.5 - Alison or Sapphire?
2.6 - Dine With The Cullens
Extra - 1
2.7 - The Dinner
2.8 - Visit to the Doctor
2.9 - The Baby Shower.
2.10 - The Phone Call.
2.11 - The Ride.
Extra - 2
2.12 - The Storm
2.13 - The DNA Test
2.14 - Goodbye Dinner
2.15 - The Interview.
2.16 - His Arrival
2.17 - New Home
2.18 - The Talk
2.19 - Comforting Him
2.20 - The Note
Extra - 3
2.21 - The Carnival
2.22 - Treasure Hunt [ I ]
2.23 - Treasure Hunt [ II ]
2.24 - Let the Game Begin.
2.25 - Partner in Crime
2.26 - A Day with Emily
2.28 - Story of Alison Cullen
2.29 - Taking a Break
2.30 - The Kidnapping
2.31 - Saved and Lost
2.32 - The Decision
Bonus Chapter - 1
Author's Note

2.27 - The Baby

215K 8.3K 1.1K
By aasthamishra_

Playlist :
     Dear No One - Tori Kelly


     "Nate, just keep a watch on Raine and Ryker they can be naughty. You are the elder one, so I'm asking you this, can I?" I asked over the phone. "Yes, Saph! You can. Now can I go? Marie grandma is making noodles." He whined. "It's cooking noodles and yes, you may. I'll be back soon." I said. "Bye! Love you." He replied before a long beep was heard.

With a sigh, I disconnected the call. There was already a maid in their house to look after the kids but she was new so Ian suggested telling the maid to drop the kids back at our home so Marie can take care of them.

Soon after Emily announced that her water broke, I quickly called my driver to get the car while Jake just sat there, frozen in his place. It was funny to watch Emily digging her nails into Jake's arm to snap him out of his daze. Looking at her screaming in pain I wonder if I screamed that loud. Poor Caleb.

"Are they okay?" Ian asked as I walked back in the waiting room. "Yes! Marie is cooking noodles for them." I said with a smile. "No wonder they'll be occupied for the night." He said with a chuckle.

"She'll be okay." He assured me and kept his warm hand on mine. Oddly enough his touch calmed me down. I wouldn't have been worried so much if the doctor hasn't said that there are some complications in her delivery. We all were sitting in the waiting area with anticipation while Drake was in there with his wife. I looked towards my right to check up on Jake but he was fast asleep with his mouth wide open. I had the urge to shove a bitter gourd in his mouth but I restrained myself from doing so. "Ian? Did you find Mr.Brown?" I asked him. "Yes! He called us. He's gone to California for some work. He asked about you, a lot." He answered. I gave him a small smile at that. So Mr.Brown is fine! That's a relief. I looked at Ian and contemplated whether I should ask him about the photographs but I didn't, this is not the right place or the right moment. 

"Sapphire!" A familiar voice called my name from the entrance. My brown eyes met his warm dark ones and I didn't realize how much I missed him until that moment. I pulled my hand away from Ian's before running into his open arms. 

I inhaled the scent of his cologne to make sure he was actually here. "I missed you!" I mumbled against his chest. "I missed you too!" He replied with his chin resting on top of my head. I quickly pulled away and slapped his arm. "Is that why you didn't call me or even answered my calls?" I asked angrily. "I'm sorry, I was busy with business." He said and that's when I noticed the dark circles under his eyes. Raising my hand I cupped his cheek and brushed my thumb against them. "I told you to take care of yourself," I said in a low voice. "I'm sorry!" That's all he replied. 

"You say sorry a lot." Came Ian's voice from behind me. I retracted my hand from Caleb's cheek immediately like his skin burnt mine. I turned around to look at Ian sitting with his elbows on his knees and staring at the tiled floor with a clenched jaw. "That's none of your business," Caleb shot back.

"Stop it! both of you" I scolded them before taking Caleb's hand and pulling him to sit beside me. "How is work?" Ian asked after few silent seconds passed between us. "Almost done," answered Caleb, monotonously.

"Sapphire!" Caleb called. "Yes?" I asked and looked at him. He was now staring at me with a hard look on his face. "Where do you stay?" He asked. My heart stopped at that moment. I completely forgot that Caleb has no idea about the events that took place in my life after he went to New York. At that moment I remembered that Ian mentioned once that instead of Mr.Brown, Jacob is gone to New York with Caleb. If Jake was here then definitely Caleb would be here.

Why won't my stupid brain work a little faster? I know he's not going to like the answer but I have to tell him. As I sat there, still contemplating whether or not to tell him the truth, the doors to the waiting room opened and in walked the doctor. "The delivery was successful by the grace of God! She had a baby boy. You guys can go in now." He said with a warm smile. I mentally thanked the doctor for saving me from thos situation. "Caleb, can you wake Jake and get him?" I asked as I mimicked Ian's action and got up from my seat. Caleb looked at Jake and then back at me. He slowly nodded his head, earning a smile from me. Ian took my hand in his and began pulling me towards the room Emily was in.

"You know I can walk on my own, right?" I asked when we stepped out of the waiting room. "Yes!" He simply answered but didn't make any move to leave my hand. Honestly, I didn't mind it either. We entered the room where Emily was covered with a white sheet and was looking at the baby wrapped in a blue blanket in Drake's arms, with a sweat glistened face. "Hey!" Drake greeted Ian with a big grin on his face. "I'm a father of a boy now." He said. "Congrats bro" Ian replied and patted his back. "Are you okay?" I asked Emily whilst sitting by her side and keeping my hand on her. "Yes! More than fine" She said with a nod and squeezed my hand. 

"Can I hold him?" I asked. Drake nodded and handed me the baby boy. He was so tiny that it scared me a little but this moment transferred me back to the day I first held Ryker and Raine in my arms. The moment was surreal. 

A nurse came in with a writing pad and looked at all of us. "What's the name of the boy?" She asked. "You name him," Emily said looking at me. My eyes widened at her statement. "You want me to name him?" I asked and looked at her and then at Drake who was nodding at me with a smile. I looked at Ian, who too nodded encouragingly at me. He kept a hand on my shoulder while I looked at the boy in my arms and thought of a name for him. 

"Seth!" I announced. That's the best name I can come up with. I looked at Drake and Emily to see of they liked it.

"Seth Robin Collins!" Drake answered me bu saying it to the nurse who wrote it down on her writing pad. "Thank you!" I said looking at the Collins couple with teary eyes. Caressing the cheek of the baby I whispered his name again. "Seth!"


"Sapphire!" I cursed my luck under my breathe before halting my walk. With anticipation I waited for Caleb to catch up and start his interrogation. I knew I couldn't escape Caleb so easily but why it has to be so early?

"You can't escape now." He said as soon as he stood in front of me. I lifted my eyes and looked at him. "I know," I said in a low whisper. He took my hand in his and pulled me towards the metal chairs in the empty corridor. The lights were dim as it was close to midnight. Although the visiting hours were long over, they gave us permission to stay with Emily and the baby. As I was going to get myself some coffee Caleb found me, and so here am I, avoiding his eyes while he clenches and unclenches his fist over his thigh.

"Are you going to start or should I ask the question again?" He asked. That's it, I can't run anymore. I have to answer all his questions. It's better to do it now. "Fine, I'll tell you everything," I said and I began telling him everything. From the shop burning down till my new job in the hotel. I decided to keep out the treasure hunt incident and what Aiden and I were up to, at least for now. 

By the end, Caleb was fuming in anger. His face was red and fists clenched tightly over his thigh. I wrapped my hand around his fist and turned my body to face him. "I'm sorry! I know you are hurt because of me but I don't want to worry you unnecessarily." 

"Unnecessarily? Sapphire, you were homeless and jobless! Do you think this is an unnecessary worry for me? Do you realize how I felt when I came to know about all this through Mrs.Smith?" He asked me. I hung my head down in shame "I'm sorry!" I whispered. "But Ian was there for me. He helped me to get my life back on track and also stand on my own feet. I decided to tell you once everything was fine but when you FaceTimed me, I saw how tired and worried you were so I didn't tell you." I said. 

"But still Sapphire! I care for you, I shared six years of your life." He said. I didn't reply anything. I couldn't even utter an apology because I know I hurt his feelings and when you do so, no apology in the world can ease that pain.

"So, Ian was there huh?" He asked suddenly. I looked at his face to find all the anger vanished from his facial features and was placed by a grim look. "Yes!" I replied in a low voice. "Did it occur to you that maybe he is the one that bought bad days in your life so he could support you and get in your good books?" He asked. I retracted my hand from his and looked at him with a frown. "Why would you even think of that?" I asked. I was aware that Ian and Caleb were not on good terms but this was downright ridiculous. How could Caleb think this?

Suddenly Caleb started laughing, deepening my confusion. "Sapphire! Why are you so oblivious all the time? Don't you see? That man likes you." He said and looked me with blank eyes. "Ian?" I asked dumbly. Caleb nodded his head. "Yes! He likes you." He stated and turned away from me. 

I opened my mouth to say something but no words left my mouth. I was dumbstruck by the newly found information. Deep down I was happy too because I know my feelings are reciprocated but I'm afraid because Caleb has now sowed a seed of doubt in my brain. I need to ask questions to Ian and I'm going to do that now. I don't care about the place or situation anymore. 

"I gotta go now. I'll meet you soon." I said and stood up from my seat. I didn't hear a reply from Caleb but I had no time to wait and see so I began walking towards Emily's room where I knew Ian is, coffee long forgotten. Suddenly a hand grasped my elbow and I was swiftly turned around before I could comprehend what was going on Caleb's lips were on mine. My eyes widened and body froze. Caleb cupped my neck and tilted my head a little as his lips continued to devour mine but I was completely frozen on my spot. I couldn't believe that Caleb was actually kissing me. Even when he pulled away I was still frozen, not even moving a muscle. 

Caleb's eyes were closed and he was breathing slowly, each breath fanning my face. Slowly Caleb opened his eyes and looked into my shocked ones. "You have to choose Sapphire! Me or him."


"Why are you still awake?" I asked as soon as I entered the threshold of the mansion and found Marie sitting on the couch. "I was waiting for you." She said "Me?" I asked continuing my walk towards her. "Yes, to tell you that Ian is waiting for you in his study. He's really angry, be careful." She said and patted my cheek before going to her room.

Why the hell is he angry? I'm the one that's suppose to be angry, not him. When I went back to Emily's room after Caleb putting me in a situation which took me complete ten minutes to recover from and when I did he was gone, I found out that Ian left and there's only one place he would go and that home.

With a tired sigh I walked first to my room and took the photographs and shoved them in the envelope before walking back downstairs and towards Ian's study. Knocking twice on the door, I entered the room. "Hey!" I said tentatively. Ian lifted his eyes up from his computer screen and looked at me. They were a darker shade of blue, it was mesmerizing but I have only seen it once, when Ian learnt about Nathan being abused so I knew something really bad happened. I tried to remember that what could've possibly made him this angry but I came up with nothing.

He didn't reply to my greeting, just watched me as I walked towards his desk and sat down on the chair placed in front of him. "You were waiting for me?" I asked. He just gave me a curt nod whilst standing up from his seat and walking towards me. Although I was angry from inside but when I felt the warmth of his body getting closer to me, I started having a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. All the questions went out of the window and was replaced by only one thing

He likes you..

But then the words lead my thoughts to Caleb's kiss, my first kiss. Atleast Sapphire Kingsley's first kiss!

I jumped when a loud thud sounded around the empty study room. I looked at Ian's hand on the table which was the source of the noise. I could feel his breathe as he leaned his face closer to my ear "Answer me!" He said.

"Ans-" I cleared my throat when my voice came out a bit squeaky.

"Answer you what?" I asked. Ian sighed loudly before straightening up and walking behind my chair towards my other side. "Where were you on the day of Hallowen?" He asked. My eyes widened in reply. Why is he asking me that? Did he find out? No, that can't possibly be! I have strictly said no to Blake and Aiden. I knew for sure they won't betray me on this.

"At the carnival!" I answered in a straight voice.

"What were you doing at the carnival?" He asked and walked towards his chair and opened the first drawer. "Spending time with Raine." I answered with a passive look. "Who else was there with you?" He asked.

Why is he asking me so many questions? I was here to ask him, not the other way round!

"Why are you asking me so many questions?" I asked with annoyance. "Because I know you are lying to me." He answered and looked at me with clenched jaw. "I'm not lying." I stood my ground.

"Then what is this?" He asked and slammed some photographs in front of me. I looked at them and saw myself, running around the carnival, looking for Raine. The photographs bought back the haunting memories of that night so I shut my eyes tightly and shoved them away from me.

"How could you lie to me about such thing?" He asked looking at me with a hurt expression. "Because I didn't want to tell you." I replied, half of it which was true. I didn't want to tell him because I knew he'll go overboard on finding the person and I also knew that the person was not an ordinary kidnapper of blackmailer. I had to be cautious on this matter.

"Why?" He asked, his expressions were changing so fast, it was hard for me to keep a track of them. "Why do you care anyway? They are my kids!" I yelled and stood up. All the pent up anger and frustration consuming my speech and senses. "They are my kids too." Ian yelled back. "What do you mean by that?" I asked, my voice a little low now. Ian froze when he realized what he just said. "They mean to me as much as Nathan does." He rephrased. His speech just fueled my doubts, I know we were currently on a different topic but I couldn't help but ask him. "I'm Alison, aren't I? Your first wife?"

Ian whipped his head and looked at me in shock. "Who told you that?" He asked. I opened the envelope and slammed my photographs over his, "This!" I pointed at them. His blue eyes danced over the photographs and realisation dawned on him but still he didn't lift his eyes. If I knew any better I would've said that he was avoiding eye contact.

"I am Alison right? Your first wife? The wife whom you believed died and blamed yourself for her death for six years?" I asked as tears pooled my eyes. He still kept silent.

"Look at me Ian! Answer my questions!" I yelled. "Answer to me! Am I Alison?" I asked. Ian was still looking at the photographs, like he was debating with himself about something. Suddenly he lifted his gaze to me and said "Fine! I'll tell you everything but in turn you have to tell me what exactly happened at the day of Halloween." He negotiated. I didn't have any choice. I wanted answer and so did he, so I agreed.


"Deal!" He repeated.


Hey guys! How have you been?

CALEB AND ALISON KISSED! WHAT IS YOUR REACTION ON THAT? Also, do you guys think that Ian will tell her the truth or make something up?

I kept my promise and updated by the end of the week. Also, I want to finish this book before New Year so I'll be updating often and yes, that also means that we are nearing towards the ending. I can't believe I will officially have one complete work on wattpad. It kind of excites me! Also, thankyou for 500k+ reads. That's half of 1M and I'm guessing by the speed I'm getting reads I'll complete 1M milestone by the end of the book (I hope so that happens). I know you guys might not even read this note but I want to tell you that your comments, votes and even your reads means the world to me! I get happy everytime I see the notification. I still can't believe my story is being loved by so many.

Earlier, I read the starting chapters of this books and I cringed at my mistakes. Seriously if I were you, I wouldn't have make it through Chapter : 5, so thankyou for all those who read this book, neglecting my typos and grammar error's and focusing on the story. Thankyou very very much. Also I wanna ask you guys a question, Do you guys think that my writing improved? Personally I think I did but I would like to hear your thoughts too.

Have a beautiful day people, I love you guys!

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