SHE'S/I'M DIFFERENT (Kuroko n...

By Trufflerabbit13

1.3M 32.1K 10.3K

Kuroko Koyuki was very much similar and different to her cousin Kuroko Tetsuya. They both had a burning passi... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the Cousin Rewritten
Chapter 2: She's back Rewritten
Chapter 3: She's Rather Popular Rewritten
Chapter 4: Scrambled Eggs Rewritten
Reunion Chapter 5 Rewritten
CHAPTER 7: P-PERVERT?! Rewritten
CHAPTER 8: British Accent Rewritten
CHAPTER 9 "We play." Rewritten
CHAPTER 10 "YOU TRAITORS!!!!" Rewritten
CHAPTER 11 Basketball at the beach! Rewritten
CHAPTER 12 Results and Dinner rewritten
CHAPTER 13 BET rewrittened
CHAPTER 15 Girl's Day rewritten
CHAPTER 16 Empress's Eye rewritten
CHAPTER 17 edited
CHAPTER 18 edited
CHAPTER 19 edited
CHAPTER 20 edited
CHAPTER 21 edited
CHAPTER 22 edited
CHAPTER .......
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51


15.8K 516 380
By Trufflerabbit13

My patience suddenly snapped, without any thought I grabbed the closest person near me. I then grabbed the person's neck and crushed their lips to mine. They warmly molded with mine but I pushed the thought out of my mind and stayed there for a second making sure Narumi was staring.

I then pulled away keeping my hold on the person's arm and glared at Narumi who stared at me wide eye, "Who said I was single you ass, now get away!" I screamed easily lied between my teeth,

He dejectedly dragged his feet and walked away. I humphed, triumphed over my achievement before freezing, shit, what did I do...

I looked up and saw all my teammates and coach gapping at me in shock, their eyes wide. Tet-chan was the only one looking away from me and was staring at the person who's arm I was holding.

I slowly looked up terrified out of my mind.

"Oh shiiiii-....."


I gulped nervously as soon as I closed my own gapping mouth. Oh gawd.... My eyes avoided the male I kissed as I nervously looked at my fingers as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"O-Oi!!!!" Hyuga-senpai yelled as he pointed at me angrily, his face was flushed red from embarrassment from observing what just happened. Next to him Riko-senpai as blushing bright red as she fanned her face with her clipboard.

"Yuki-chan you're actually bold," Tet-chan stated as he took a hold of my smaller hand. I blushed bright pink and hid my face into my cousin's chest. He smelled of the sweat and clothes detergent with a faint smell of some cologne he always wears.

I peaked at the victim of my kiss and blushed even more in embarrassment as I saw my red haired friend touching his lips with his large hands, a look of fluster all over his face. Shiz, out of all of the people here why did I have to kiss him?

"Oi Kagami! So...... How was it.....?!" Izuki-senpai smirked as he wrapped an arm around the shoulder of the ace of Seirin. My stomach strangely flipped in making me feel disgusted and almost vomit.

"W-Wha- !? Senpai! What are you saying?!" Tai-chan gasped his face turning bright red.

"Aha! Our wittle Taiga-chan is blushing!" Koganei-senpai yelled excitedly as he jumped up and down. Mitobe-senpai who stood next to them was letting steam out of his red face and ears.

"How dare you kiss Yuki!" Hyuga-senpai yelled in clutch mode as he brought the tall red head in a head lock, "You dare kiss our little sister!"

Like Tai-chan, I had two people bothering me. Riko-senpai and Tet-chan stood on either side of me poking my my cheeks that were flushed. A sly massive grin was on the brunette's mouth while my cousin had his usual stoic look.

"Oi, omaera, when where you going to tell us you two were going out?!" Teppei-senpai questioned with a booming laugh. He grabbed both Tai-chan and my head and ruffled our bright colored hairs.

"W-what?!" Tai-chan yelled his face flushed pink.

I started to stuttered as I nervously waved my arm in the air, "N-No! I-We aren't going out! I swear!" I yelled desperately as I jumped up an down, my arms flopping above my head crazily.

"Her eyes are swirling..." Tsuchida-senpai whispered to the freshman who were watching with blushes.

Suddenly my face over heated and a loud pop echoed through the court. I swayed slightly as steam came out of my face and ears.

I swayed once again until I fell over, but some one seemed to catch me. I groaned as my vision swirled around me not allowing me to pinpoint anyone's face.

"O-Over heat..... Automatically shutting down......." I moaned and closed my eyes and went limp.


"OI, OOOOOIIIII!!! Hey, Koyuki!" Kagami yelled as he shook the small female who fell into his arms.

Everyone surrounded the two teen, worry filing their expressions.

"She over heated," Kuroko stolidly stated as he patted Koyuki's forehead gently, "Let her rest on the bench for few minutes and she'll be back."

The taciturn phantom player quietly wetted a towel with cold water and placed it on the magentanette's forehead and eyes.

Riko sighed heavily and turned towards a certain black haired teen, "Izuki-kun, you're replacing Koyuki-chan until she's able to get back in."

The teen smiled and ran into the court.

Sakurai covered his eyes with his hand as he blushed wildly. 'I have seen something I should have not...' He thought remembering the kiss of Koyuki and Kagami, just by thinking blood went to his cheeks once again.


Sakurai peeked through the space between his fingers and sent his glassed senpai a questioning look

"Imayoshi-senpai, is something wrong?" Sakurai questioned as he peeled his fingers off his eyes.

The older teen smirked sadistically and waved his phone, "Nothing is wrong, I just caught all that on video, ain't that cool?"

Imayoshi fiercely typed into his phone while grinning, "Oh, this might make our ace of our actually train." He evilly smirked and pressed the send button.

Sakurai paled from where he sat and fearfully moved away from the Tōō captain.


The tanned teen laid on his bed as he read his usual "magazines". Though he looked at his phone next to him when he felt it vibrate.

"Why would Imayoshi-San send me a text?" His husky voice muttered as he lazily typed in his password so he could read the text.

Confusedly he read it and frowned, "Pass it on to you're friends?" He clicked the video that was connected to the message.

His dark blue eyes narrowed as he watched familiar people play basketball, "Seirin?" He stared into the small screen of his phone as the camera suddenly zoomed into a familiar female.

"Get off!" Koyuki growled and pushed away the opponent male, "Can't you just get the hint, I'm not interested!"

Aomine let out an annoyed growled as he glared into the screen, wishing he could choke the lights out of the male that was harassing the magentanette.

"Well, if you don't have a boyfriend, that means you're available, I have all the right to hit on you."

Aomine let out another furious growl as the grip on his phone went stronger. Though his eyes widen as he watched the short female grab a certain red haired male and slammed her lips into his. Aomine froze, his eyes glued to the unbelievable scene in front of him.

"Oi!" The tanned teen screamed into his phone, "Koyuki, get away from that Baka!" Though all his yelling did nothing, since this was something that already happened.

Koyuki then pulled away and glared at the male who harassed her, he stared at the small female with wide eyes, "Who said I was single you ass, now get away!" She furiously screamed as she glared at the male.

Aomine continued to stay frozen as the video ended. Though he quickly snapped out of it as his phone slipped out of his hand.

"Ka. Ga. Mi!!!!!" He yelled, the whole house shaking because of his booming voice, "I'm going to kill that Baka, he laid his hands on Yuki...." He furiously typed into his phone attaching the video he just received to a text. He grinned evilly and pressed the send button making it go to four certain males.

"Kagami, you're dead......"


"FIFTEEN MINUTES BREAK!!!" Kasamatsu yelled his breathing uneven. All the players let a graceful sigh out and gulped water.


"Oi, Kise! Your phones ringing!" One of the players yelled and threw the blonde his phone.

Kise easily caught it and read the text in confusion, "Aominecchi? That's rare, he even sent me a video!" The blonde happily chirped and clicked the link connected to the test. Though minutes later he dropped his phone on the ground, the happy mood he had earlier completely disappearing.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Kise fell to the ground and wailed, "KAGAMICCHI WHY?!" He cried.

All the Kaijo basketball played watched in shock as the blonde rolled on the ground wailing and anime crying.

"O-Oi!" Kasamatsu stuttered as he tried to stop the blonde. Though Kise only ignored him and continued to roll on the ground. An anime vein grew on the Kaijo captain's forehead and fist.


Kise whined and poked the ground depressedly.

The two didn't notice the rest of the team gathered around Kise's phone that he dropped. Many of them blushed and other's got a small nose bleed

"Oh, no wonder....." Moriyama sweat dropped as the video ended.

"I never knew Koyuki-San was going out with him!" Hayakawa exclaimed shocked.

Kise hearing this busted into tears once again while Kasamatsu screamed angrily.


"Ne Shin-chan, don't we need to go watch the game between Josei and Seirin?" Takao questioned as he lazily sat in the bench next to the court. He watched with a smirk as the green haired teen made another three point shoot.

Midorima picked up the ball and rolled it on his hand, "I don't have to go watch-nanodayo." He stared at the ball in his hand, but he then looked at the black haired teen who sat on the bench, "With her there they will win."

Takao grinned and leaned back watching his teammate continue to make shots. Though he noticed the green cell phone that was placed beside him lite up.

"Hey Shin-chan you got a text!" Midorima ignored Takao and continued to make shots, Takao pouted and picked up the phone, "It's from Aomine."

The dark haired male sneakily read the message before he noticed the video. He made sure the green haired teen wasn't watching before clicking the video to start it.

His eyes widen as he saw the magentanette he came to know kissed the red haired giant. His eyes snapped up and stared at his friend.

"Koyuki-chan made out with Kagami right on the courts, apparently she's not single."

Midorima's threw the ball and it missed the hoop and hit the backboard. The hard orange ball dropped to the ground bouncing few times before rolling to a stop.

"Takao, we have a place to go." Midorima growled as he fixed his glasses that became crooked.

"Aye aye!" Takao smirked and jumped up.


"Ne, Murochin aren't you going to eat?" Murasakibara questioned his friend as he munched on the food that he ordered.

"I'm ok, I'll become full just by watching you." Himuro laughed as he took a sip out of his black coffee. The two males continued to chat, though they were oblivious to the females who giggled and secretly took a picture of them.

Murasakibara shrugged and happily eyed the food in front of him. He happily cut the meatloaf and placed it in his mouth. He had few thoughtful chews before stopping with a frown, "It doesn't taste like Yukichin's...."

Himuro frowned at the purple haired giant, 'Again with the Koyuki.... Koyuki.....? Why does it sound so familiar, I thought about it when I first saw her too... Koyuki, that's a common name right, maybe I met somebody before with the same name...'

"Atsushi, it's too bad it doesn't taste like Yuki-chan's meatloaf but you should still eat it, but next time we see her you could ask her to make it for you," the black haired teen suggested with a smile.

The Yōsen center nodded with a frown but continue to eat. Though he stopped as he felt his phone vibrate telling him he got a text.

"Hey Murochin can you read it for me?" The giant questioned as he handed his phone to his teammate. Himuro nodded with a smile as he pressed the familiar buttons on the phone.

"It from Aomine, it saids, "Oi Murasakibara watch this video, we may have the same opinion for once..."

Himuro clicked on the link and played the video and placed it against one of the cups so they can both watch it.

"It's the Josei and Seirin match..." Himuro muttered as he watched the game. Though his eyes widen in pure shock as his childhood friend, who once he considered as a 'brother' got grabbed by a certain magenta haired female until their lips smacked together.

Himuro gaped and stood up, his chair flying back, "Koyuki?! I remember now!" But the America transferee quickly shut up as Murasakibara stood up as he placed the money on the table.

"I'm going Murochin, I'm not hungry anymore."

Himuro watched as his teammate walked out of the store leaving himself.

"Taiga, you're going to get killed by furious males...." He muttered in English as he rubbed his face with his hands.

'Now how to get Atsushi in a better mood. But I can't believe I forgot about her....'


The red haired captain of Rakuzan frowned with annoyance as he sat under the umbrella with a drink in his hand. He heterochromatic eyed narrowed dangerously as some water landed on him as his teammate jumped into the cool pool.

"Hey captain! Why aren't you getting in?" Kotaro questioned as he popped out of the water shaking his orange head. He gave the annoyed captain a toothy grin.

Akashi sighed calming his nerve, "I do not see the point of getting in the water, and anybody in the right mind would not swim in middle of October." Akashi professionally stated as he took a sip out of his straw.

"Well even if it's October, it's surprisingly hot isn't it? Maybe it's because of global warming," Reo sighs as he ran his hand through his slightly long hair. He smiled coolly but an irk mark grew on his forehead as loud munching noise came from behind him.

Reo angrily turned around and glared at Eikichi who was stuffing his face with the food one of Akashi's maid brought. The giant let out noises as he masticated his foods.

"You stupid muscle gorilla! Stop chewing with your mouth open, it's disgusting!" Reo angrily yelled and glare at the muscular teen. Though Eikichi ignored his teammate and continued eating.

Akashi ran his hand through his red hair feeling the headache starting to come. Though he stopped his action when his phone rang loudly. The three other males stopped their bickering and quieted down as Akashi picked up the phone.

"What is it Daiki?" Akashi questioned his tone laced with annoyance.

The three males scooted closer to their captain so they could hear the conversation, they were interested why the Tōō ace would call.

"Hey Akashi, there's a video I want you to see, I'll send it to you right now." Akashi frowned as the connection with the tanned teen quickly got cut off. But his phone quickly let one single ring telling him he got the video.

Kotaro by then was dried off and was slipping on a shirt that Reo tossed to him. Akashi motioned to the males to follow him into the house.

Kotaro continued to gap at the enormous mansion as he did the first day he came to visit, though Reo and Eikichi stopped after the first time. Akashi led then to the large living room where the had a flat screen.

Akashi quickly settled up the TV and connected it to his phone, the video started to play in the large room.

"Seirin?" Reo questioned as he saw the familiar faces, "Who's the other team?"

"Josei," Akashi stated with his heterochromatic eyes narrowed.

Kotaro grinned happily and leaned closer to the screen, "Ah, Yuki-chan is playing as well!" Kotaro exclaimed.

The four males trailed the magentanette's movement as she made passes. Though Akashi gritted his teeth in pure annoyance as one of the Josei players laid their hands on Koyuki.

Eikichi who stood the closest to the red haired captain gulped and took couple of steps away from him, the tall male eyed Akashi's hand that was in his pocket.

'There's scissors in there, scissors' Eikichi thought fearfully as he turned slightly paled.

"Get off!" Koyuki growled and pushed away the opponent male, "Can't you just get the hint, I'm not interested!"

Reo frowned as he watched the screen, "My, what a perverted guy, can't he see he's getting rejected? Right Sei-cha...." He trailed off seeing Akashi's reaction.

All the males paled and moved away from Akashi, fearing that they were going to lose a limb. Though they continued to watch the screen interested in the game.

"Oi, that guys is totally harassing her," Eikichi commented as he eyed Narumi on the screen, Reo and Kotaro were about to nods in agreement but gasped.


"Kyyyaaaaa!!! How bold!" Reo gasped as he watch Koyuki slam her lips against Kagami. Time seemed to slow as three of the males realized what happened. They dashed out of the room in pure fear leaving a certain red head sitting by himself.

Akashi's red hair shadowed his eye as his body shook with fury, without looking up he shot his scissors at the screen of the TV successfully breaking it.

"I have to get my hands dirty the next time I see him...."


"AGHCHOOOOOOOO!!!" The tall red haired teen sneezed.

Kuroko made a face and slapped his partner on the face, "That's disgusting Kagami-kun, please cover you're mouth."

Kagami furiously glared at the teal teen, "I know jeez! I f*cken can't make a point! that midgets kisses me! and I bet somebody was talking about me right now!" Kagami yelled furiously, the irritation he was feeling was making a black cloud. Kuroko sighed and watched as his teammate irritably kicked a bench.

'Kagami-kun, I hope you survive the wrath of theirs.....'


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