Dance With A Serpent

By spockofvulcan

120K 4K 288

Severus and Hermione love story. Dancing, love, and a ominous mirror will decide these two polar opposites fa... More

Mirror Mirror
Dance With Me
Dream Of Me
A Little Water
Look At Me
The Prince in the Black Cloak
Talk Of The Ball
Dance Of Winter
The Terrace
First Names
Winter's Tale
Love and Hurt
Sour Love
Love At Last

The Truth

4.2K 149 17
By spockofvulcan

It was later. All four of them sat in the head's common room as Hermione tried to fill them in on the latest weeks' events.

Her friends sat silent.

Ron looked uncomfortably at her as she explained. Ginny sat staring at her hands, listening intently and Harry seemed to be looking at anything but Hermione. He hadn't spoken one word. Not one.

It was uncomfortable to tell them. Unravel all her lies.

Well except maybe a few.

No need to get Malfoy in to trouble about her bone-braking and Seamus story wasn't hers to tell.

It was worse telling them about dancing with the professor on the balcony and then pure torture about this noon when she had spilled her guts to the man in the dungeon.

Nearly an hour after they had dragged themselves up to the head's quarters there was a creak at the door.

They turned, Malfoy walked though the entrance.

He looked about as happy as a man informed that he would soon be dying a very painful and vivid death that would be dragged out for days.. Which is not happy at all.

Ginny rolled her eyes but didn't look at either of the head's.

"Oh right, he lives here too" she muttered without bothering to hide her distain.

Malfoy glanced at them but headed towards the stairs leading up to his room.

Ron saw his chance. No need to slip up an opportunity like this.

"Oy Malfoy," he barked. Malicious grin all over his face. It was nice to see a real smile enter the room Hermione observed.

Draco stopped and gave Ron a dead stare.

Ron continued his smile "How does it feel to know your ex would rather sleep with Snape than you?" Ron asked not so tactfully.

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Right back at ya"

That shut Ron up.

"Come here Malfoy, we're story telling and this last part you should hear too"

Draco hesitated and looked longingly up his staircase but walked over to the four Gryffindors. He didn't sit down. Probably as a protest or something.

And Hermione rounded off her story with what happened before and after she and Winter entered the great hall.

Draco huffed and pulled his hand through his hair. "Nice" he said sarcastic "You thought I was gay and she thought I was sleeping with you"

Harry looked up

"You aren't Gay?" it was his first words since Hermione had seen him today and it almost startled her.

"Yeah you wish Potter." Draco scoffed and glared at the messy haired boy.

"Fuck No, that would be a turned and twisted world" the hero muttered and took a protective grip around Ginny's waist.

Draco winked at him and made mock kissing noises towards the other boy. Harry tried to ignore him but Hermione could see that the grip around Ginny's waist grew more intent.

"You know what really bugs me Hermione" Ginny had had practise ignoring boys.

Hermione turned to her friend

"..that you felt you couldn't tell us." Ron finished for his sister

Draco looked between them.

"Well Granger, see you later, I got stuff to do." He hurried up to his room, leaving them room to talk.

Hermione smiled after him but then turned to look at her friends.

Harry was still avoiding her eye but the red heads meet her eyes.

"I'm sorry guys it's just, well he's Snape!"

"Sad but true" Ron nodded indulgently. He moved closer and patted her back.

Hermione turned and buried herself in to his uniform. The tears gushed out, she'd been holding them in since she had left the dark man's dungeon and now with the release of her friends finally knowing, she couldn't contain the flood any longer.

"Oh Ron! I thought you would be the least understanding! y-you know with o-our history!"

Ron hugged her.

"Herm, I'm just glad you're over me. I was worried when you didn't have anyone now when I got Tara..."

"But its Snape!" she wailed

He laughed, uncomfortable again "Yes it regrettably is.. buuut and there is a light here! He did save my brother."

Hermione laughed, tears trickling from her eyes.

"True, and I clearly like them tall" she gave Ron a meaningful look.

He blushed and nodded playfully.

"He's brave too"

Hermione turned and smiled at Ginny.

"Seventeen years lying to You-Know-Who isn't cowardly." The girl smiled.

"Thank you Ginny" Hermione sniffed "it means a lot to me"

They hugged as well.

Then Hermione looked at Harry. He didn't return her gaze.


He sighed and looked down at his hands. Her eyes were still a bit much apparently, that stung.

"Hermione, it's not that I don't.. you know, I still care for you. But as you say...It's Snape."

That stung even worse.

"oh okay" She looked away from him.

"I was happy to see him alive back when you saved his life but.. well.. I thought he would be different. That he would stop pretending to be a bustard but he didn't, he just turned out to be a bustard, period. And I just feel like he's going to hurt you Hermione. For that matter he already has. On a number of occasions. He's not worthy you." Harry explained

"Thank you...I suppose Harry. But I can't help it. I'm in love with him Harry"

"I get that but. He hasn't been nice to you. At all."

"But if he had been? If he had been nice to me but a bustard to everyone else? Would that have been okay?" she asked him.

He glanced up at her, it was nice to see his eyes "I guess..." he didn't sound to sure "I suppose there is no other way for him to be nice. than privately nice, I mean."

She smiled and whipped at her tears. "That'll do Harry, that'll do."

There was a knock at the door.

"Come" Hermione shimmed.

Neville cracked open the door and looked around the room.


"Yes Nev?" she could se him talking in her swollen and red streamed eyes.

"Um..I'm sorry but, the headmistress wants you in her office now"


Hermione stood. She hugged Ginny and squeezed Ron's hand and with out a backwards glance she strode out after Neville. She would face McGonagall and there would be nothing but truth.

Neville smiled nervously at Hermione, well everyone in the entire freaking castle knew now who Hermione had kissed...twice, and so weird looks seemed to be something to get used to.

They didn't speak, he only nodded at her and left her standing at the gargoyle that guarded the entrance to the headmistress office.

Hermione looked down at it and took a deep breath, naturally she knew that password so that wasn't an issue...

Would he be there?

Were they both summoned to be scolded and he maybe even fired?

Or were she the only one here?

In ether case, it wouldn't hurt to prepare herself to the possibility of seeing him. Oh he must be angry with her.

She spoke the password and walked up the evolving stairs to the office above.

"Enter" came the sharp tone of Minerva McGonagall after Hermione's tentative knock to said's office.

Hermione stepped in.

The headmistress sat ominous behind her desk. In front of dark wooden table he stood.

Bugger Bugger Frick Frick Frick!

"You summoned me Professor" Hermione's voice tried with all it's might to sound innocently curious.

McGonagall just looked at her. The disapproving eyes followed the girl as she walked over to stand next to Snape in front of the desk.

But as unnerving it was to be stared at by the most powerful witch in England, it was noting compared to seeing Snape's face turn slightly to look down at her as she took her place next to him. She looked the other way.

Oh the Gryffindor sword, still hung in here, that's nice...

"Miss Granger.." McGonagall's tone brought the head-girl back to the present. "I hope you know why you're here."

Hermione widened her eyes and blinked at the headmistress "Not really"

"So your little display with Miss Winter earlier today is not something you remember?" The older women leaned forward and knotted her hands together. She looked very very displeased.

"I do recall that yes Professor, I our, and certainly my behaviour lacked much to be desired. I apologise for that."

Minerva raced a unimpressed eyebrow "Apologies don't quite cut it Miss Granger. For one thing, You are the head-girl, you should behave in a exemplary way, you should know better. "

Hermione blushed, she had not been behaving like the ideal student no.

"I am sorry Professor, I should have know better. I can't say how sorry I am. It was all a misunderstanding. I and Miss Winter have settled our grievances..."

the disapproving eyebrow was raised again.

"Yeees" the grey haired woman said slowly "And that leads us to the second thing.."

Hermione bit her cheek, this was probably going to be bad.

At least Snape hadn't looked at her since the headmistress had spoken Hermione's name. The Gryffindor didn't dare glance at him now. He must be furious with her.

"..I have had both Miss Winter up here explaining the" here McGonagall paused to select a suitable word "matter. Then I summoned You here. Now please Miss Granger.. Explain. Explain everything."

Hermione shoot a look at the potions master even though she didn't really dare. He was looking out the window some further behind the school's head.

She was alone in this.

Had he already been interrogated? And why he had to be her while she spilled her heart? For the third time today.. or was it fourth? It was just one of them days.. she sighed and gave her former teacher a tired look.

"Professor Snape is my Mirror match. I see him in the Mirror of Freja."

"I see" was that the older lady's answered to that, she had already been told this. She didn't seem to approve of the fact. Who did? Save Hermione her self?

Certainly not the handsome man next to her..

"That got me intrigued" Hermione continued "and to sum it up: As I wondered why me and the professor was a good match I fell in love with him."

McGonagall closed her own eyes and touched her forehead lightly. She seemed pained. This she had not been told.

Snape turned his attention form the window and looked down at Hermione. Hermione looked back up at him.

His face was unreadable. Completely void of any emotion.

She just healed his gaze defiantly.

Minerva looked up at the two of them.

"and..? the headmistress encouraged

The brunette turned her eyes upon the now very tired looking woman.

"I tried at first to deny it but love is not an emotion to be quelled easily so I gave in. during your ball I kissed the professor."

It seemed Minerva's headache was increasing "At the... myball?"

"We had to dance professor, the spell remember? But no one saw us, Professor Snape made sure we were discreet."

Minerva turned to look at Snape, he nodded slightly then the woman turned back enquiringly at Hermione. Sort of like someone picking at something painful but unable to stop.

"The Professor was outraged by my inappropriate behaviour and he very expressively told me to get the foolishness out of my head."

Snape made a noise but the women ignored him.

"Expressively? I don't doubt it" McGonagall nodded.

"When it comes to Miss Winter" Hermione continued her explaining "I had grown extremely jealous of that her since I had misinterpreted the situation and thought her the Professors Girlfriend. And you witnessed my ungracious dealings with her."

Hermione fell silent and looked at the headmistress.

Minerva looked back.

The silence stretched.

Then the older woman opened a drawer and held up the mirror of Freja.

"What a trouble this turned out to be" she observe whilst smiling in to the thing. Then she turned it to face her quests. "So my head-girl and my deputy headmaster are matched up."

She continued to hold it up and almost forcing hem to look inside it.

It had been a while since Hermione had gazed upon Snape in this form. The Ball and evil staircases and public humiliation made it seem like ages ago.

He was still magnificent to behold.

Lit by candle light, framed by dark hair, enchanting eyes and a mysterious smile. Had the real deal ever smiled at her? Not that she'd ever seen.

She sighed and looked longingly at the unobtainable love she saw in her reflection.

"Severus be quite something in there for you to sigh like that Miss Granger.. but as I was getting at, I believe you claimed to have kissed my deputy twice?" The headmistress lowered her toy.

"Yes. I kissed him earlier today." Oh how late was the hour? It was dark outside. The moon had been out for hours. Eleven PM?

Snape mad a strangled noise.

"I see" was the curt response of McGonagall. She turned to Snape "and did you express the impropriety this time as well Severus?"

he glared down at his superior.

"I expressed my disapproval yes."

Minerva sighed and looked between her guests.

"There is noting going on between the two of you then?" she asked them.

"I wish" Hermione muttered while Snape sternly answered with

"Absolutely Nothing"

"Well then. But to be on the safe side, with the ministry you understand, I will see to it that Miss Granger is removed form you class Severus"

he nodded.

"She has expressed a wish to take her NEWT's early so that can't be a problem" he smirked in Hermione's direction.

Hermione glared at him.

Minerva stood up, signalling that the meeting was over.

"Good, we will do our best to quell this. I can't have people think that I let teachers have affairs with their students"

The seemingly slumbering portrait behind her chuckled softly.

"You can leave." The headmistress announced and they took their leave.

The ride down the staircase was heavy with silence.

Hermione looked at her watch it was indeed late.

In the way Snape moved she could clearly see that he wished to be rid of her has fast as possible.

As soon as the door out to the corridor opened he and his robes swished through it.

"Wait" Hermione heard herself ask him.

Severus stopped. He didn't turn to her though. They were alone in the corridor.

The rest of the school were suppose to be in bed by now. Ten was the curfew.

"Tell me sir.." her voice were weak, it's spirit broken. "Tell me this one thing and I will do as you ask me."

Severus turned. The girl was looking down at the floor, not meeting his eyes.

"I'll stop my pursuit of you. I'll not bother you with my love again if you just tell me.."

"tell you?" he asked.

Her brown eyes looked up and met is almost black ones.

"About what you see in the mirror of Freja."

He groaned.

"Miss Granger I.."

She interrupted him. It seemed to be a habit she had

"Don't worry sir, I won't gain hope from it. I just want to hear how I would look if you saw me as beautiful. I promise that will be the last you'll hear from me on the matter."

Her eyes were pleading, almost starved.

"Then you will leave this foolishness be?"

"On my honour sir." She was sincere, something had convinced her of his indifference.

He sighed, and as he desirably made his voice nonchalant he turned and started to walk away from her

"You are on beach. The wind is toying with your hair and summer clothes. You are laughing and smiling out through the mirror."

Severus disappeared around a bend.

He didn't see Hermione standing there listening to the reseeding echoes of his disappearing feet. He didn't see her sigh and with one last look turn and walk defeated off to her room.

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