
Oleh justfilliethings

233K 8.1K 20.8K

millie has always been the center of attention. she's extravagant, sometimes friendly, and doesn't have a car... Lebih Banyak

chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen.
chapter eighteen.
chapter nineteen.
chapter twenty.
chapter twenty-one.
chapter twenty-two.
chapter twenty-four.
chapter twenty-five.
chapter twenty-six.
not an update.
last non-update.
chapter twenty-seven.
chapter twenty-eight.
chapter twenty-nine.
chapter thirty.
chapter thirty-one.
chapter thirty-two.
chapter thirty-three.
chapter thirty-four.
chapter thirty-five.
chapter thirty-six.
chapter thirty-seven.
chapter thirty-eight.
chapter thirty-nine.
chapter forty.

chapter twenty-three.

7.6K 244 1.1K
Oleh justfilliethings

a/n: the stranger things season two sneak peek that was released today has ME SKKSKSKD SO MUCH MORE EXCITED THAN I THOUGHT I COULD BE

  btw, this is a long ass chap! & sorry for typos, ily babies. ❤️

**millie's pov**

"Care to tell me why I just saw you and Finn, the person that last time I checked is 'such an asshole' as you said so yourself, driving around in your car?" Noah greets with pure resentment and bitterness over the other line of the call, right off the bat, as the flesh of my skin grows hot, the view sight of my eyes trailing around the halted car, searching for where he could've possibly seen us.

Noah very rarely gets angry.

"N-Noah." Is all that processes through my brain to speak out, feeling as if I got blatantly caught with my hand in the cookie jar, malaise of anxiety pulsing due to his obvious irritation at the situation.

Iris is the only one of my friends, who's been aware of Finn's yard-keeping at my residence.

Yet, she has no idea that he's been technically living there.

Noah has no element of knowledge regarding the extent of Finn's presence around me, as a whole.

Finn's just been a secret, that Iris has graciously kept from crating chaos.

A purely beautiful secret.

"I honestly can't even believe you right now. You've not answered any of my calls, you act like you barely want to see me, all of a sudden...and recently, you just haven't been acting the same. I-I-I mean, are you messing around with him, or something?" Noah spews faster than the speed of light, venting about the way he's been feeling, all of it complete and utter need to me. each and every word taking my comprehension aback, his assumptions causing such uneasiness, referring to the boy who's graciously been attending my company, as Finn's eyes trail towards me out of my peripheral vision.

That's not true.

I've just been preoccupied, but that doesn't mean that I was hesitant to see or speak to him.

I've just been preoccupied with a certain someone named Finn, who's slowly starting to overtake my mind and emotion.

"No, i-it's not what you think." I defend myself into a stutter, somewhat telling the truth in regarding Finn and I's relationship in reality, simultaneously fibbing in correlation about the inner feelings of desire for him, as Noah sighs out with frustration, before the two dings bestow into my ear, the call abruptly ending due to his actions.

What have I been doing for the past two days?

  Tripping all over myself for Finn, when I'm supposed to be striking a romantic interest with someone else?

  It's disgraceful on my part, as much as it feels so right to engage with the boy who long ago, used to make my skin crawl.

The cell phone glides off of my ear, as I hold it into my grasp, too shocked to fathom what was just said to me.

"What was that about?" Finn construes with slight bemusement, a hint of resentment laced within his raspy voice, as I keep my eyes away from staring at him, ignoring the tone of his voice to prevent further distress, molding the flesh of my lips together.

   Who knows what's going through Finn's head right now?

    The dialogue that he just unfortunately endured to overhear would be questionable for anyone.

  "N-nothing." I utter out, unwilling to talk about it for the time being, as the car accelerates with the push of my foot.

     This is just great.

  Noah is furious with me, and I can't say that I blame him for it.

   I'd be angry if I were him, too.

  I'm who's to blame for attaching myself to Finn.

   It's not fair.

It isn't fair to Finn who has no official ties with me, who is surely uninterested because of our past, and Noah, who didn't do anything wrong.

"I'll explain later...but, for now I don't want to talk about it, okay?" My voice presents after a long moment of silence, wanting to tell him everything, during a time I wasn't on the brink of crying, as I feel his eyes on me once again.

Even though Finn is well worthy of losing a friend over, I'm still beyond pissed at myself for the way that I've not taken into consider Noah's feelings.

I'm the one who recommended us attempt a date.

I'm the one who lead him on.

I'm the one who's fully responsible for this.

"Okay." Finn retorts softly in retaliation to my pleas, as we both grow silent, the blistering sunlight beaming onto the bare flesh of my body, only fellow car engines and overlapping conversations from the pedestrians walking along the sidewalks present within the abyss.


"Thank you for the ice cream." Finn courageously breaks the silence for the first time, ever since I'd asked him what he wanted to order inside of the Dairy Queen drive-thru, that ice cream cone him and Pup similarly devoured just moments after it was given to them, as we make eye contact in the midst of my hand shifting the gear into park, the front of my house reflecting against the gloomy sky, due to another round of rain in store.

This is something that I wasn't intending for to happen.

Ever since last night, after my childish fears allowed me not to think logically...I'm really developing an invisible attachment to him.

A dependency.

I hate myself now, not for getting to know him better, but for the unconditional infatuation that I feel.

Because I can feel the hole growing larger, the hole that I'm going to be buried inside of.

"You're welcome." I retort, forcing a small smile, as I quickly press the button that allows my overhead cover to unfold, unwilling to allow the future rain to soak the seats, before swiftly removing the keys out of the ignition.

Pup, Finn, and I simultaneously exit out of the car, as I lock it sealed immediately afterwards with a haste motion of my thumb against a button laid onto the car key grasped within my fingers, the view sight of my eyes moving away from glancing at the two of them, towards the unholy dark grey colored clouds rolling into the previously glistening sky.

"Shit, it's about to rain." I confirm aloud, just from the blatant sight of the horizon, as we all three start trotting up towards the entrance of my home, eager to exit the chance of getting soaked wet.

The second that Pup's tail was out of danger of getting caught into the door, I latch it closed behind us, exhaling a long breath between my lips.

"Millie?" Finn states with curiosity, as we make eye contact, a slight tilt of my head insinuating for him to continue.

"What was that all about, earlier? I seemed pretty upset, when you were on the to share?" He questions slyly, as I lick my lips, darting the view sight of mine towards the floor, Pup's clacking paws presenting against the hardwood.

He's really not making this easier.

"Yeah, it's all just...dumb." I exasperate unknowingly, unsure of how to begin to tell the story, embarrassed about the entirety of the situation, as he just continues to stare, signaling for me to explain further.

How will Finn feel about the fact that I have a date with a boy tomorrow night, if it's even still an option, when I was just cuddling with him in my bed last night?

He'll probably think that I'm a slut.

    Noah surely thinks the same, too.

"Here...let's go into the kitchen, I'll make some tea or something, and then we can talk about it. Okay?" He suggests with a slight gesture of his hand towards the doorway, a lot of consideration coming from him on his part, to be willing to listen, as I instantly agree with a nod, following him in there.

How am I going to explain this to him?

"Now, what happened?" Finn begins while removing the empty silver tea kettle off of the stove, as he walks over towards the sink to fill it, my bottom dipping into the fusion of the stool placed in front of the island.

Shit, I didn't thoroughly think this through.

"A few days ago, my friend Noah and I....well, we uh-" I fumble over my words like an absolute imbecile, unable to explain it correctly, as he stares at me intently while holding the kettle underneath the running water.

Whether I sugar coat this or not, I'm still going to sound shameful.

"-We decided to attempt to go on a date, tomorrow night. He saw you in my car earlier, while we were out...and he wasn't necessarily happy about it." I refuse to lie to Finn, the rate of my heart increasing, emphasizing the mere possibility to relieve judgement, having enough respect for him to be truthful, as an ounce of disbelief displays onto his perfect face.

  I shouldn't have said it.

I should've just told him that I didn't want to talk about it, from the beginning.

    "Oh..." Is all he responds with a hint of confusion, as I awkwardly bite my lip, trailing my view sight towards the clear glass backdoor, soft rain droplets hitting against it.


  This is substantially awkward.

   Water then starts to overfill the tea kettle that Finn held, the liquid seeping over the edges, as I trail my eyes back over towards him, the direction of his gaze plastered towards a window just above the portal he hovered over.

    He's uncomfortable.

  Surely because of what happened last night, and then he finds out about my almost two-timing ways.

  "Finn, I know that you're not interested in hearing about my personal life...but, I just feel like I can talk to you." I truthfully admit with nervousness, as he just continues to allow the water to overflow, each second passing by seeming as if it were several hours.

    Our eyes finally meet again from afar, as he folds his lips inwards, the mass of the teakettle crashing into the sink due to his careless release.

   "You don't have to explain yourself, Millie. Last night, during the storm, you were just scared, you needed someone there with you, and it just happened to be me. Tell Noah the truth, that I'm just a low life taking up a room here for the time being, and that he doesn't have anything to worry about." Finn retorts softly with such an unbothered demeanor, his negative words about himself hurting my heart, as I harshly swallow the overbuild of saliva similarly to the kettle, the connection of our eyes burning through my body.

  He's not a low life.

He's so much more than that.

And he's not just taking up a room here.

  He's fulfilling a home.

I want him to feel like this is his home.

  Because in my eyes, it is now.

    "Millie?" Noah's voice from afar bestows from behind the front door of my home, interrupting our conversation, as I flutter my eyes shut with inner annoyance and embarrassment, Finn's stood stance directly vertical from my sat position.

  Noah isn't the person that I want to talk to right now.

  "Tell him everything. That I needed a place to stay at, and that's all it's ever was." Finn urges into a whisper, just trying to help my situation, as he quickly disappears from the kitchen, Pup's swift paws following right after him.

   That's all it ever was?

  Tears pathetically and slowly make their way into my eyes, as I fight back against my despair to prevent anymore from creating, Finn and Pup's rapid footsteps trudging up the spiral staircase from afar, giving me the signal to answer the door.

   The bottom of my black Prada sandals shuffle against the hardwood floor inside of the front room, as I swiftly open the door, Noah's silhouette remained right there, wearing a fitting white hoodie with black jeans, stood underneath the overhead shield from nature's moisture.

  "I'm so sorry about earlier, Millie." He apologizes sincerely, the moment that I opened the portal, as we just stare at each other, my mouth remaining closed, not knowing what to say, a cool front hitting my bare legs from the soft rainfall behind him.

    "I had a very bad day...and I took it out on you. I didn't mean what I said earlier. About you acting different towards me, it was just really heat of the moment. Look, you're your own person, and whoever you talk to, or even hang out with isn't my business. I-I just got jealous when I saw you with Finn, especially because I hadn't heard from you in a day or two, and it made me all paranoid...and I'm sorry." Noah repeatedly apologizes, explaining the source of being so brutal towards me on the phone, as I glide my lips together, remaining silent.

   "It's fine...I get why you got mad at me. The truth is, Noah...Finn just doesn't have a very good life, and I care about him. I'm not going to get into all of that...but, my point is, there's nothing going on." I lie at the conclusion of my response, explaining just minor details of the situation, not bothering to mention Finn's occupancy, as he nods understandingly in retaliation.

  Nothing is technically going on between us.

  I'm just very infatuated with the boy.

   While with Noah, I don't feel about him that way.

  I thought that I did in the beginning of all of this, but that was before.

  Before Finn and I undoubtedly created this unspecified, and unspoken bond.

     It's clear to me, that he's the one who I want.

    But, unfortunately, it's a one sided street, here.

  "Don't worry, please, I absolutely won't bombard you with questions about earlier. I trust your judgement, and I trust what you feel is necessary to do. But, earlier, Millie, wasn't fine. I'm fucking mad at myself, for talking to you the way that I did...and I really hope that you can forgive me for it." He pleads desperately, shaking his head at himself, as I can't hold back a smile, feeling relief at his quick gesture to be so understanding.

   Noah really is the sweetest.

  "I forgive you." I retort genuinely, feeling better about his and I's situation specifically, but still feeling that wave of dread from Finn's reaction to the news of my unsettlement from earlier today.

  He seemed so uncomfortable, and it's my fault.

  I just can't do anything right.

  "Thank God, I'm so glad to hear that, our date still on, for tomorrow night?" Noah asks the question that I didn't realize I was dreading until now, as I press my lips together, trailing my view sight down to my exposed toes.

   I don't want it to be.

  Because I now understand that Noah isn't a person of interest, regarding romantic feelings.

  But, I almost can't say no to the question.

  And I don't know why.

  "Sure...but, if it doesn't work, then I expect you to still be my ride or die, no matter what." I eye him seriously, as a soft chuckle exits his lips.

  "Of course, you'll always be my ride or die. I just want to see how it know?" He admits, as I vigorously nod in retaliation, a smile pursed into my lips.

   I already know that it won't work.

      It can't work.

    I don't want it to.

  Noah is my friend.

   But, I don't want hurt him, by not trying, and since this was all my idea from the get-go.

  "Of course...well, you should get out of this rain, and I need to go take a power nap. Please, feel free to text me later, if you want to." I politely insinuate his exit, fibbing about my intentions, just wanting to go clear things up with Finn, to explain myself.

  "Absolutely, I'll do it...see you tomorrow, Mills." He smiles, as I smile back, preparing to close the door, ready to get away from the cool front of air blowing inside.

    "See you, Schnapps." I say goodbye, immediately shutting the door as he turned his back towards me, to rush out of the rain and over towards his parked blue Toyota corolla within the area of my driveway.

    The second the door latches closed, I briskly turn the metal lock, sealing the opening, as I then head to start trampling up the stairs to find Finn.

   I need to tell him the truth about Noah.

That it's not the way that it seems, something that I should've explained when I had the chance to while we were in the kitchen.

   I just froze.

   "Finn? Are you in your room?" I exclaim from halfway up the spiraled stairs, as I hear a faint response that I couldn't pick up clearly.

    The door to the guest bedroom was closed over, as I enter inside with a quick sway of my body to squeeze through the opening, while Finn gently caressed Pup's laid stance onto the bed.

   "Did you tell him?" Finn asks curiously as soon as I enter inside, referring to his quick pep talk that he presented to me just moments prior, keeping his eyes trailed towards the adorable dog in front of him, as I bite the inside of my cheek, leaning all of my weight onto one foot.

  "I didn't really have to...he was really sorry, so there wasn't a ton of explaining to do from me." I retort softly, breaking my locked eyes onto his flawless features, since he wouldn't look back.

  Now, there's tension between us.

    And I despise it.

  "Well, that's good at least." He responds shortly, as I flutter my eyes shut, bowing my head down, leaning the area of my lower back against the wall to his left, forgetting about the urge to explain myself.

  Ask him, Millie.

  Try to find a way in.

   "What's your story, Finn?" I abruptly question, desperately itching to find out more information about him, to discover in depth of what's happened to him all his life, finally earning a form of eye-contact.

   What happened the night that started all of this, when he could barely walk, and had a bloodied nose?

  Why did he need a place to stay at, in the first place?

  Why was he forced to allegedly dig in the trash?

   "A pathetic one." Finn admits bluntly, before breaking our gaze, returning his attention back down to Pup, as I feel a tear form within the mass of my best.

  He's been through hell and back.

  I can tell that he has.

   "Care to share?" I accidentally mimic him from earlier, but in a very serious and conversational way, as he purses his lips due to a harsh swallow, before slightly shaking his head, unwilling to open up.

    Let me in, Finn, please.

  Screw trying to explain my problems.

  His are more important than mine.

   Silence overwhelmingly withers into the room, as I cock my head down, searching for something to say.

Do I apologize for last night?

  Do I respectfully try to comfort him, to somehow open a door that he's keeping closed?

    What do I do?

  "Millie, I'm really tired. You don't mind if I go to bed, do you?" Finn breaks the strong silence, as I immediately lift my head to glance into his eyes from afar, feeling a sense of disappointment.

   It's only three o'clock in the afternoon.

   He just doesn't want me in here.

    And I want nothing more than to be around him.

  "I don't mind at all...just let me know if you need anything." I force to show a smile through my internal dread, wishing that today was nonexistent, Noah's actions causing such a gap, as I briskly exit the room, earning no verbal response from him.

     I shouldn't have been honest about what really happened, as wrong as that is to say.

     I should've made up the extent of the phone call, from earlier.

   I should've explained to Finn that Noah's jealousy was only a misunderstanding, because him and I aren't even dating, and because it caused such a wedge of something toxic.

    I should've explained anything to prevent an awkward tension from forming in between the both of us.

   And I didn't, because I wasn't thinking logically.

  Way to go, you disgrace.

**finn's pov** (the next day, Saturday)

  She has him.

   That stormy night in which I felt such attachment, to be able to spend time with her, to hold her, to develop such a close bond in such little time, didn't mean anything.

  I'm once again, let down.

  But, I shouldn't be surprised, or disappointed.

  My life as a whole, is a let down.

  I shouldn't have for one single moment, gotten by hopes up.

  The orange colored horizon from late evening setting into the sky gleams into the guest bedroom, that I've only exited to be able to use the restroom within the past twenty four hours,  ignoring my hunger and urge to approach the girl who's taken a piece of my hard, as I continue to lifelessly lay into the comfortable bed, Pup's sleeping ball of fur directly parallel to my extended legs.

    Millie and I haven't spoken once, not since immediately after Noah assumingely left the house yesterday.

  She's kept to herself within the vicinity of her own home, and I've kept to myself, because of the unspoken and brutal tension that developed after the informative reasoning of her despair from Noah's angry comprehension of us physically being together.

   I want to open up.

  I want to be able to tell her about everything.

  But, I can't.

  It's too risky to open something that has remained sealed shut for all of these years.
    Not to mention, I stupidly and pathetically feel betrayed by her, even though there aren't any strings attached, and she doesn't owe me anything.

  I hate that after last night, I'm left feeling broken inside.

   I suddenly hate the fact that she invited me to console her, in which that brought out inner dread after discovering that she is romantically involved with someone else, although she isn't even with me.

   I now know where my feelings stand.

    I love her.

  And I hate it more than anything.

   The presence of loneliness causes significant waves of anxiety within the mass of my bones, absent of hearing her beyond adorable British accent, of being able to converse with the first person who's been able to make me temporarily forget about my shitty life, of being able to see her smile, and of being able to just be around her.

   I miss her.

  But, I'm just too hurt to make an approach.

   Clacked footsteps suddenly shuffle towards the outskirts of the guest bedroom, as I quickly tense up realizing that she was near me.

   Two knocks appear against the material of the door, as I swallow the saliva down into my throat, gently grasping onto a first full of the comforter that was pulled up to right below my neck.

  "..Hey...can I come in?" Millie's accent thickly asks through the closed door for the first time in several, several hours, hesitance laced within her tone of voice, as I freeze, unable to respond.

  "..Yeah." I force myself to speak out, as she slowly enters the room, the lids of my eyes widening from the second that I saw her.

   A red dress with thin straps along her shoulders perfectly outlines the shape of her captivating structure, while her hair was straightened down to right above her shoulders, subtle, yet unnecessary makeup coated her flawless face, as the length of her long tan legs striding fully inside of the room causes a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach.

   She's absolutely stunning.

  "Whoa..." I utter like an idiot, involuntarily thinking out loud, as I want to hurt myself for saying such, the rate of my heart beating rapidly.

   Way to fucking go, Finn.

   A smile purses onto her lips, as she shyly stares down at the ground, tucking the left side of her shiny chestnut brown hair behind her ear.

   "Sorry for bothering you, I-I was just coming to see what you were doing..." She attempts to make small-talk, obviously a little nervous, the trail of our eyes staring into each other's, as I sit up within the bed.

     "You could never bother me..." I admit with a slight shake of my head, unable to restrain from genuinely letting her know, grateful that she made an attempt to somehow ease this unspoken tension.

   I wanted to confide in her, but my self-doubt held me back.

    "Same with you..." She admits right back with an award-winning smile, as I return the gesture, ignoring my melancholy infected soul.

    "So, when's your date?" I politely ask, struggling to without a lot of sadness, as she develops an expression that I couldn't merely describe.

   "I'm meeting him in thirty minutes...but, I don't want to go." Millie admits quietly, bringing a sense of joy, as I pull my eyebrows together.

  "How come?" I persist to know, as she briskly takes a seat onto the end of the bed, the mass of her beautiful head slightly shaking, trying to think of how to answer.

    "Noah's my friend...and if I'm being honest here, Finn, I just don't have feelings for him in that way. I was going to tell you yesterday, but everything was just really overwhelming all at know?" She thankfully reveals, as I am physically unable to withhold my surprise, the arches of my eyebrows raising, followed by the abrupt parting of my lips.

  Wait, what?

    I hope more than anything that she's actually being serious right now.

  " don't?" Shock presents within my tone, as she vigorously nods in retaliation, before crossing her right leg over the other.

   "'s honestly more of like a sympathy date. I love him as a person...but, romantically, I just can't wrap my head around it." She admits once again, the long lashes of her eyes fluttering as she spoke, a wave of new-set emotions developing into the pit of my stomach.

  She doesn't like him?


  I can't help but feel massive relief.

   "So, he doesn't have any idea about how you really feel?" I question with interest, engaging the conversation further, folding the joints of my fingers together against my lap.

  "No, at least, I don't think that he you think it's wrong of me? To go out on a date with him as a whole, if I don't feel the same way was he does?" Millie curiously asks for advice, as I struggle to realize that an individual was literally looking at me for guidance.

   That's a first.

  "I wouldn't necessarily say that it's wrong, I guess...but, if I were you, I would just tell him how you feel." I advise, truly hoping deep down that this sympathy date wouldn't occur due to my admiration for her, that I fantasize about having all to myself, no other beings able to experience the glory that she extinguishes.

    " know what? You're right. Maybe, I should cancel it. I've been contemplating about whether or not to all day. Why didn't I come in here, earlier?" The most adorable giggle exits through her glossed lips, as I genuinely start to smile, unable to express the joy.

    Thank God that she doesn't feel the same way.

  Even though it's not like it even matters anyway, considering that a girl like her, would never like a guy like me.

     "Hold on, I'll be right back. I'm gonna go tell him." Millie informs me of her plans , as she briskly stands up off of the bed, the black pumps of her high heels clacking out of the guest bedroom before I could respond.

    You do that, Millie.

    You go right on ahead.


  **millie's pov**

  "I get it, Mills...I'm just glad that you were honest with me." Noah simply responds over the phone, after my long and emotional pleas about the way that I truly felt, as I feel such relief at the outcome of my honest reason for cancelling the date.

  I wasn't sure what his reaction would be.

   "I love you, Noah. Seriously, thank you so much for understanding." The tightness of my red dress loosens with each tug of my fingers to remove it, as it then falls to the ground carelessly, while my cellphone was wedged in between my ear and shoulder to allow myself full access.

  After politely discussing the topic over the line for a few more moments, we then both said our goodbyes and love you's, before ending the long ongoing phone call.

   Today started off icky, with the constant sadness that I felt regarding Finn's hesitant attitude towards me after yesterday, but now, I can't say that this day turned out unfortunate.

   It's now a great day, considering that Noah is completely understanding about the entirety of the situation, and Finn is acting normal again.

     I throw on an old pair of blue running shorts, followed by a sports bra and white tank top that were tucked inside of my walk-in closet, contempt and comfortable with my clothing change, a bright idea that I'd developed while I was talking on the phone recollecting my brain, as I intend to show Finn something that I don't think he's never seen before.

If he hasn't seen it yet, then he's in for a treat.

  "Hey, Finn?" I state with interest as I briskly stroll out of my bedroom with two loud claps of my hands, any beaming light from the chandelier and vanity immediately shutting off after my exit, as he softly hums from afar, before standing up off of the bed and meeting me halfway inside of the guest bedroom that separated us.

   "Throw on some shorts and a t-shirt, and meet me in the backyard when you're done. I have something that I really want to show you." I inform him adventurously with a large smile, wanting to do something somewhat spontaneous, as he develops an expression of pure curiosity.

I want more opportunities to spend time with him.

And if trying to force him to throw clothes on of my choosing varying it's appropriation depends on it, then I'll do it.

    "Why do I need shorts?" The cutest chuckle escapes through his plump lips, as I playfully roll my eyes, not wanting to spoil the surprise.

  "Just put on some shorts, and meet me out there, Finn." I encourage with a softy giggle, before swiftly exiting the bedroom, hopeful of his agreement to participate in my spontaneous plan.


   "Okay, where exactly are you taking me?" Finn questions with unawareness, speaking over the loud chirps of a million crickets within the dark night, as we ambled through the slightly wet grass strands of my backyard, leading him towards the door of the privacy fence.

   "Okay, so you haven't seen the lake." I smirk widely, excited to show him a new view, as we stroll alongside each other in sync, before finally approaching the wooden gate, small tingles from the texture of the ground causing an itchiness in the soles of my bare feet.

   "What lake? What are you talking about, Millie?" He continues to ask with interest, as I exhale a quiet laugh at bin, before clutching my fingers onto the sliding metal lock, preparing to unlatch it.

This should be interesting.

    "This one." I inform him slyly, as I swing open the gate after unlocking it, the smaller sized lake that had several decks leading into the water, intersecting the complex of mansions coming into view alas.

   "Whoa...I didn't even know that there was a lake back here!" Finn reacts as if a child would, making me proudly smile at the idea I'd graciously hatched.

   I really hope that this can be another chance to bond with him, again.

   "Just, come on." I encourage happily, as I amble a few feet ahead of him, urging to feel the wavy water against my skin.

"This isn't even fair! You have your own giant pool, hot tub, and lake." Finn realizes with jealousy from behind my striding bare legs, as I finally walk along the ten foot wooden deck in length, the mere sounds of nature around putting me in bliss.

But of course, Finn's presence is what really makes up for this night.

"Those things are yours too, though." I retort sincerely, shifting my head back to observe him approach the deck, as he smiles unknowingly.

"How so?" He retorts with a slight head tilt, as I shift my view sight down to the calm water, before taking a seat against the wood, dangling the bottoms of my feet over the edge and into the refreshing black seeming water.

"Because...this is your home now, too." I inform him seriously, keeping my eyes glued to the sheer moonlight reflecting against the lake, small splashes appearing from my swift movements of gently swirling my toes, as he takes a seat next to me.

"It is?" Finn questions with genuine surprise at my response, as our eyes meet, butterflies appearing into the pit of my stomach.

"It is..." I gently trail my voice, gazing into the beautiful atmosphere, breaking our eye locking.

"I can't thank you enough, you know...for everything." He retaliates softly, after a moment of comfortable silence, each word being exchanged back and forth bringing more and more internal infatuation.

"You don't have to thank me." A smile purses onto my lips, as our feet both dipped into the top layer of the water, the sounds of each movement of liquid forming such easiness.

This is the best idea that I've had in a while.

"I do, didn't have to help me. But, you did...and I really am grateful for that." Finn admits, the palms of his hands leaning just an inch or two behind him against the wooden deck.

My, oh my.

I think I'm in love with him.

I smile widely at his kind words, before darting my head to look up at the sky, all of the stars aligned into perfectly fined angles.

"Hey, you should jump in." He advises with excitement, gently removing his extended arm out from behind him to nudge my own, as I playfully roll my eyes.

Hey, you should kiss me.

"You first." I argue jokingly, unwilling to do it by myself, or have to be the first one to get in.

"Nope, you first." He playfully argues right back, before gently nudging me a little too far with his hand, as I suddenly slide right off of the deck due to the lack of balance I'd developed, because of his movement.

The refreshing cool water reaches up to right below my chin, as I collide into the lake completely, gasping at the change of texture against my skin.

He starts loudly laughing at his actions, fulfilling a desire to of mind that I didn't even know existed.

His laugh is the absolute most precious thing in the entire world, and I'd love to know where it's been all of my life.

"You asshole." I spew into the air with the biggest smile, gently kicking my legs back and forth to sustain afloat, as he continues to snickering, even clapping his hands along for emphasis.

"Get in here, right now." I demand from below his dangled feet, as I then tightly grasp my hand around his ankle, trying to pull him down with me.

"No, no, no, stop it." That adorable laugh continues to just extinguish out of him, chanting on my actions to be able to keep hearing it, as he finally starts trying to retract his leg away, but then suddenly jumps in on his own by a swift movement of his upper arms.

A wave of water from his collision splashes me right in the face, as I develop a playful scowl on my face from the impact, keeping my eyes closed to prevent the liquid from getting into them.

"Shit, I'm sorry. It was an accident." Finn sincerely apologizes, as I slowly open up my eyelids again, still gently flailing my arms to remain above water, the gorgeous sight in front of me when I can see again overruling the giant and beautiful one around us.

He's just so perfect.

"'s okay." I reassure him softly, as our eyes intently and overwhelmingly lock into place.

The surroundings of his pupils dart back and forth from mine, as we slowly start to inch closer towards each other simultaneously, the rate of my heart beat able to cause a tsunami within our vicinity.

"Millie?" He questions softly, as I can't help myself from staring right at his lips, before I trail them up to his eyes again, such yearning and desire overtaking my actions.

"Yes?" I retort just as softly, before I suddenly decide to attempt a bold move, as I inch closer towards his floating position just centimeters away.

He stares at me longingly, the look in his eyes allowing me to feel such an indescribable feeling inside of my stomach, as my arms suddenly snake around his lower waist, grasping onto him from underneath the water.

"Can I...c-can I uh..-?" Finn stutters cutely, unable to get his words out, as I slowly start to lean in, remaining to peer into his mesmerizing brown eyes, the gap between us growing shorter, and shorter.


Our lips were separated from connecting by just a thread, as his hands gently press against my lower back, clutching onto me for leverage so I didn't have to keep flailing my arms around, the area of my upper back suddenly pinning against the wooden pole underneath the deck.

My chest heavily heaves up and down against his, our eyes not once breaking, as I start internally screaming for mercy, overwhelming feelings of yearn causing an ache to form inside of my stomach.

"Can I kiss you?" He gently finishes his question, as I don't waste a second longer, tired of waiting.

I feel his lips mold against mine just a millisecond after I'd closed my eyes, as the feeling immediately causes extravagant different varieties of spark-like sensations to radiate through out my entire mass of space.


As his lips slightly part, insinuating that we accelerate the type of kiss, my lips then close against the soft flesh of his own, that aching feeling within the pit of my stomach flourishing into what felt like fire.

I slightly tilt my head to allow more access, succeeding by his effortless movements of folding and closing our lips together.

This right here, is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

His fingertips raise from grasping around my lower back, up to my cheek, as he lays the palm of his hand against my very hot flesh, causing me to smile against him.

We pull away a moment later, out of breath, very hot and unbothered.

"'re a really good kisser." Finn whispers closely to my face, not retracting his head all of the way from mine, our bodies still compacted together, as I madly blush at the compliment.

"I can't tell if you are or not,, you might just have to kiss me again." I whisper back, obviously only saying such to attempt to flirt and make it happen all over, as he develops a wide smile, redness appearing onto his cheeks.

Our lips reconnect more harshly than the first time, as every single worry I'd felt today, or ever in my life, just disintegrates away into the darkness.

Finn is the light in my life.


long ASS chapter, whew

really really hope you liked


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