chapter ten.

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**finn's pov**

  Once I'd mowed the entire back and front yard of the Brown's residence, I immediately put the lawn mower back into the shed, got onto my bike, and fled as quick as I was able to.

  Millie is truly mistaken, if she thinks that we're going to get along.

She ruined that chance by believing everything that she heard, throwing judgement on me from the minute we met, and all of the above.

   I simply want no part of her.

Sweat profusely trickles down the arch of my back, as I pedal towards what I'd like to call home, eager to see Pup for the first time today since this morning.

  Mrs. Brown didn't give me permission to bring him over, since I didn't ask, so I don't want to be disrespectful by bringing him without her knowledge.

And I'm sure as hell not asking Millie, because that would require to willingly talk to her, which is something I'd really prefer not to do.

I do wonder though, what her so called apology was going to unfold to be.

Irrelevance and insincerity.

The cars swooshing by allow a feeling of jealousy to pulsate through my sore legs, wanting nothing more than to just be able to have a car of my own.

But, that's a far stretch when you think about it.

I don't have a driver's permit or license, my parents are jobless, and it would take such an agonizingly long time to save up enough money to buy my own.

Nothing is ever put in my favor, I swear.

I'm completely and all on my own.

**millie's pov**

"He was really mean..." I admit softly to Iris who sat down at my marble island, swiftly sipping from her water bottle as I spoke, recalling the harsh words that escaped Finn's lips earlier.

I guess we'll just have to stay out of each other's way as much as humanly possible, for the next two weeks.

"I don't get it. Why wouldn't he just let you apologize, for yesterday?" She questions in a timid form of disbelief, slightly shaking her head, the blond ponytail tied up cutely swaying back and forth, as she readjusts the length of her black jean shorts that had risen to the point where it pinched her skin against the stool she sat on.

"I don't know...but, I'm not going to chase after him, though. If he wants to act all bitter, then he can. Like I said, he doesn't mean anything to me." The condensation from my lemonade from an hour or two before seeps onto my fingers, as I leaned my back against the granite countertop, shrugging as I spoke.

I get why Finn got mad at me, what I said to him in the hallway was wrong.

But, I don't get why he wouldn't even let me apologize for it.

That's the least he could've done.

"Don't worry about him, Mills. These two weeks will fly by, and it won't be an issue anymore. Just don't let it bother you, okay? Nothing ever bothers you, and you're not gonna let this do that to you." Iris pursues passionately, encouraging me effortlessly, as I bite the flesh behind my bottom lip, resting my free hand that wasn't holding my glass against the area of my toned stomach.

That's the thing.

It's bothering me very badly.

Usually, nothing ever gets under my skin, at least not for more than a few short minutes.

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