A Little Bit Of Normal - Jack...

By Parkpuppy_7

23.9K 1.8K 2.6K

'Can you accept me as I am? And the burden that comes along with loving a person like me?' ••••••... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32

Chapter 31

409 34 69
By Parkpuppy_7

Jackson's POV

'What a pleasant surprise.' Ryan spoke casually, quick to hide his previous shock as I advanced towards them.

'Uh uh uh.. I wouldn't come near if I were you.' He sneered as he slowly pulled out a gun from his jacket and pointing it at Riannon. I froze in my tracks,'That's a good boy. Stay right there if you don't want me to pull the trigger. Oh and just in case, if you're wondering if it's loaded or not..'

A loud click and a second later,a bang resonated throughout the large room and I felt an excruciating pain on my right arm, my lower limbs failing me as I dropped down and held the place where he shot me. I looked at the bleeding wound,cursing profanities as I tried to get up on my feet again. Before I could even stand up properly, he came forward and kicked me hard in the ribs, knocking the wind out of me. I laid there, trying to breathe as I fought to keep my eyes open and summon the strength to get up.

I could see him hurriedly untying the bonds on her hands and feet, and dragging her towards the door, her body limping but still resisting his forceful tugs. He pulled the cloth rag from her mouth,'Say your last words to your ex loverboy baby!! This is the last time you'll ever see him.' He shouted with amusement and triumph, seeing the state I was in.

'Jackson! Plea-'

'Wokay! That's more than enough. Time to go!' He shoved the cloth back in again, tears were streaming down her cheeks as she was roughly pulled away.

I pushed myself off the ground with all the strength I had, the sharp pain in my chest only increasing as I gulped in more air. Everything around me seemed blurry as I tried to force my body to take each step forwards. When I made it to the door, I heard a loud shriek unmistakably coming from Ryan and I quickened my pace.

I reached the open area to see him sprawled on the floor,his blood pooling at the back of his head,and to his right, Jinyoung was holding a wooden plank, barely able to hold his ground as he also collapsed immediately.

'Jackson!' I was engulfed in a tight hug, one that I missed badly as I pulled her in and wrapped my arms around her.

'Riannon, are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere?' I couldn't stop the tears that cascaded down my cheeks as I took a good look at her bruises, my heart constricting even more at the thought of what she had to endure and all that I put her through.

'That doesn't matter! Your arm is bleeding!! And jinyoung also needs help!' She held back a sob as she tore at the hem of her shirt and tied it around my arm to reduce the bleeding. We rushed over to Jinyoung's side,relieved to see that he was still breathing even though he was unconscious. I reached into my pocket to pull out my phone to call the guys and an ambulance when we heard a shuffling sound behind us.

'You guys are so pathetic, do you know that?' Ryan was already on his feet again, his fingers circled around the trigger of his gun. 'And what will it take for you to just leave us alone. Can't you see you're always in the way?' He looked straight at me, a crazed look in his eyes, blood dripping down his face.

'I thought I would just leave you to bleed to death but then I probably should have just made a better aim and killed you on the spot. Let that bitch Jiyeon dispose of your corpse or do whatever she wants with it for all I care.' He smirked, 'And I didn't expect your other boyfriend to be lying in wait for me as well baby. Too bad, it doesn't look like he has much time either.' He added as he turned his attention to Riannon, a smile lingering on his lips.

At that moment, the distant sound of the sirens could be heard as our heads turned in the direction of the road.

'Well, looks like we really need to take our leave so, goodbye for good Jackson. It was nice knowing you.' My head snapped back to him as he raised the gun and pointed it directly at me,giving me no time to react as he fired a second time, the bullet hitting me directly in the chest.

'No!!!!! Jackson!!' I heard Riannon scream, her voice, far away. I stumbled, taken aback, my pulse pounding loudly in my head,my mind buzzing as the pain in my chest became unbearable. Time seemed to have slowed down as I sank to the floor with a loud thud, the hole the bullet made, bleeding profusely. I heard Riannon's frantic cries as she placed her hands on my chest, desperately trying to control the torrent of blood pouring out.

As I fought to breathe and I gazed into her teary eyes,all the memories of us together swirled in my mind. I really wished I had a chance to make things right and to show her how much I love her but I guess it was too late now. I could hear the sirens were closer as I felt my eyelids getting heavier.

'Jackson! Please stay with me!! Please! Don't close your eyes! Please stay awake! Please!' Riannon cried. I wanted to comfort her, I wanted to tell her that everything would be okay but nothing came out even though I tried forming the sentences in my mouth. As I fought to stay conscious, I only managed to utter the three words I had longed to say to her all this time we were seperated.

'I ...love you.' I muttered weakly, my voice barely audible.

I wasn't really sure if she heard it for the very next moment, I could hear his voice as he spoke again,'I guess we don't have time to escape anymore baby.' I wondered what he meant but my doubt was answered as I heard the sound of car doors opening and footsteps running our way.

'I didn't want it to come to this, but If I cannot have you, then no one can.'

As my vision faded and I was slowly consumed by the darkness, I heard a last gunshot pierce through the air. A single tear rolled down as I felt another body dropped heavily near me. And before I knew it, my mind had slipped into the oblivion.

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