Darkness Falls

By DeviousDamnation

818 19 6

Blood gushed from my arm, as I felt something tighten around my body, trapping my arms in a bind. I was stuck... More

Chapter 2: Mr. Kitty
Chapter 3: Black Out
Chapter 4: Mind over Matter

Chapter 1: Intruder

649 4 4
By DeviousDamnation

Chapter 1: Darkness Begins





"Do you want to watch the game?"

"Dad, you know I don't like football."

"You do too."

"Broncos are your favorite team."

"Yeah, four years ago, when I was fourteen." I said rolling my eyes, as I sat on the couch.

"You are getting pretty old."

"Eighteen isn't old, dad."

"I remember when I was eighteen."

I let out a groan, "Not again."

"Hey I'm just saying, it' time to start working."

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."

"Are you sure you don't want to watch the game?"

"I'm positive." I stopped liking football around the time my mother passed away. Four years ago she had a tumor that turned into cancer. The doctors couldn't save her. Every since then, my dad started drinking. After a couple times of seeing my dad stumble through the door, I began to avoid him. I can tell he's lonely. Lately, I've been lonely too, ever since my best friend, Sarah moved to Seattle.

"Oh come on! You call that a pass!?" I flinched as my father screamed at the television. He picked the remote up, changing the channel. "Disease Out Break-" I heard the lady say from the television. My dad changed the channel, switching from CSI, to Teen Mom.

"Hey go back!" I whined.

"No, you are not making me watch Teen Mom, I have seen almost every episode thanks to you!"

"No, no, go back to the news. There was something going on about a disease."

"Yes, there is plenty of diseases, called STD's that's what happens when you have sex, then you die."

"Dad," I whined. "go back! This is no time for joking!" I reached over, making an effort to get the remote.

"Fine." He said clicking to the news.

"A new out break has spread, leaving scientist, and doctors confused. Scientist have no idea what type of disease this is. Live from Washington, Scientist Simon Fitzgerald."

Virus? I thought to myself.

I watched as an older man appeared on the screen. "We've never seen anything like this before. It seems to be some sort of virus, spreading like a wild fire. If you, or a family member show signs of any kind including: yellowing of the eyes, yellow skin, distortion of vision, hallucinations, unsatisfying hunger, and insomnia. You need to get to the hospital as soon as possible. We have the virus under control. Luckily we caught the people with the out break, and we have them under containment. Do not be alarmed."

"This is the ten o'clock news, stay tuned after eleven, to see more details."

"Oh what a bunch of baloney. Has the media sunk so low, they have to make new diseases up now too?"

"Maybe, it's real." I said defensively.

"Have you not seen the media, it's all lies."

"When does the news ever lie?"

"That..that one time, when they said Michael Jackson was dead."

"Dad, Michael Jackson actually did die." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh, well I'm going to bed." He said kissing me on the forehead. "You should focus on getting a job. Paula said she needs more helpers in the salon."

"Oh sweeping hair seems like a fantastic job!" I said sarcastically.

"Either sweeping hair, or no job."

"I don't know, that no job is sort of tempting. I could live here, and mooch off of you?"

"You do that already." He said as he walked away to his bedroom.

I pulled my blanket my mother knitted for me, from behind the couch. I pulled it over me, until my body was completely wrapped in the warmth and softness. I flipped through the channels on the tv, uninterested, I turned the TV off. I closed my eyes, relaxing my muscles, desperately seeking sleep. I ruffled my bangs back, and turned onto my side, as I entered a deep sleep.


The light from the window woke me up. I squinted hoping the brightness would dim. The house was empty, and dead silent. Dad must be at work, something he wants me to go look for. No way was I going to let Paula, tell me to sweep hair. I let out a groan, as the sound echoed the empty house. I hesitated, as I sat up from the couch, stretching my arms out. I yawned in protest. Something followed my yawn though. Something inhuman, demonic rung through the halls. A scream.

My immediate reaction was to go investigate. Was dad in trouble? Who let out the scream? I stood up tripping over the blanket. But quickly maintaining my balance, I ran down the hall. "Dad?" I turned into the bathroom. "Dad?" I yelled as I ran to the kitchen. He was no where to be found.

"Dad?" I called as I hurried to his bedroom. I scanned the room, until I seen dad clutching his stomach in pain. "Dad, are you okay? What happened?" I asked rushing over to him. "There's some one in the house. Some thing..it attacked me. It bit me."

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

"You need to leave."

"Not without you, I can't leave you here. I'm calling nine one one."

I rushed into the kitchen, grabbing the phone from the hook. I quickly pressed 9-1-1, as it rung. I waited desperately as no one answered. I grew impatient, as the line went dead. Dammit. I murmured under my breath. I need help.

I rushed back to dad's room. "Dad no one answ-"

"Dad?" I called.

Where did he go? I looked down at the trail of blood. "Dad? Where are you?"

"I'm here, in the bathroom, you need to leave, and get help."

"Dad." I said in protest.

"Go now. I locked myself in the bathroom. I don't know what virus is going around, but I don't want to harm you."

"Dad, you''re not going to harm me, you would never do that."

"Go, I'm not taking risk. It's getting harder, and harder to control myself."

"Dad, what are you talk-"

I started to cry, as I felt pressured. "Not with out you." I jumped as a loud bang sounded from the bathroom. It sounded as if someone was kicking the door. "Dad?"

"Go, please. When this door comes down, he will kill you, and I'm scared I will harm you too." I heard the weakness in his voice. "Who is he?"

"The one who attacked me. He came back, I forced him into the bathroom with me, so I can lock the door. He doesn't want me, he wants you."

I felt my heart beat against my ribs cage, as my legs became paralyzed. I began to breath unsteadily. Without a thought, I ran to my dad's closet pulling out a desert eagle. My dad taught me how to shoot, when I was sixteen. Even though it's been two years, since I have shot a gun, it seemed as I picked the gun up, my instincts kicked in. I loaded the gun, bullet after another, until the gun was fully loaded. I stuffed the extra bullets into my pockets.

I jumped in fear as a scream rung from outside. My breath caught in my throat.

The door began to shake in rage, as the predator threw their selves into the door. The door gave in, as the predator crashed through. I stood there terrified. I was brain dead. His face was sunken in, eyes scanning my body. I clutched the pistol in my hand. He slowly walked towards me, as his mouth twitched. In a fit of rage he opened his mouth and let out a demonic scream. It sounded as if his inner demon was ready to be unleashed, as if the demon tried to rip from the skin it wore.

I aimed the gun high, as I pulled the trigger. The bullet sailed through the air, lodging itself into the predator's head. He kept walking, but this time, he picked up the speed. He ran straight towards me, as I dodged out of his way. I turned around fast, sending another bullet to his head. He fell to his knees, as his body fell, and blood poured from the wound. I stepped over the corpse, making my way to the bathroom. I peered around the corner. My dad laid on the bathroom floor, the hard tile under him was stained red. I rushed to his side, cradling his head in my hands. "Dad?"

"Dad, wake up." A tear slid down my face, dropping onto his face. I wiped the tear off his cheek. "Please dad wake up."

"That's the opposite of what we want." I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I screamed in fright, as he pulled me off the ground. I watched as he carried a m1911, and a duffel bag. "Do you have any other guns, beside the desert eagle you're carrying?"

"Yeah, under the bed." I said too preoccupied with my father. "You might want to get away from him."


"He's turning."

"Turning into what? Would someone tell me, please what is going on?"

"You know those little short stories, or the video games about zombies?"

"Yeah, what about them?"

"They're not fiction. People are changing. Fast and we-"

"Zombies? Really?"

"Yes, zombies!"

"I don't believe you." I said confused.

"We don't have time for this. Would you just please-" He stopped talking, as his eyes grew big.


"Let's go." He said taking my hand into his, as he pulled me away from the bathroom. He kicked open the back door, pulling me along with him. "Let me go!" I tried to pull my hand from his grasp.
I looked back just in time to see my father running full speed at us. I gulped in fear, but he pulled me into his chest. His big strong arms wrapped around me, shutting the door behind us.

I was too occupied with my dad, that I didn't even realize who this stranger was. When I looked up at him, I realized he wasn't a stranger. He was Logan Bradshaw. He's the school's best baseball player. He has a hell of a swing. He's also well known for being very intelligent. He has baby blue eyes, and dark black hair.

He pulled me away from the house, as he took off into a sprint. I followed behind him, with the desert eagle still in my hand. I didn't know where he was taking me, but I trusted him. I heard police sirens in the distance. "What's going on?" I yelled trying to get Logan's attention. "Shh," He covered his hand over my mouth. "the infected are everywhere." He whispered as he looked side to side.

"Where are we going?" I whispered, removing his hand from my mouth.

"We need to get to my family. You'll be safe with us."

"Why did you come get me?" I asked. Why would a guy like Logan save me? He had plenty of girls falling at his feet. He ignored my question, and shushed me. He quickly spun around shooting a bullet straight through the attackers skull. Blood splattering everywhere, as the body fell to the ground.

He took my hand as he started to run. We stopped at a fence, he had no problem jumping over, he turned around and picked me up by my waist lifting me over the fence. Once again he took my hand in his and started to run. I looked around fully aware of my surroundings. Scared, I gulped in fear.

I glanced around as the sight of cars turned over, fire, and people being eaten alive, sent a wave of nausea over me. The virus? Was Logan telling the truth? Were the zombie stories true? I clenched Logan's hand softly. We cut through people's yards one after another. Broken flower pots were scattered all over Mrs. Julia's yard. I stared up at the big blue house, the windows were shattered. Her back door was opened, and blood trailed from inside. I hope Mrs. Julia is okay. She was good friends with my mother.

We jumped another fence. Logan let go of my hand just for a second. That was enough time to be thrown onto the ground, with a one hundred and fifty pound zombie to attack me. I fought the cannibal, pushing his face away, as he snapped his jaws hungrily. I reached one hand out searching for my desert eagle. I screamed in shock, as a loud bang from Logan's gun went off. Blood splattered all over my face, and the zombie laid lifeless on my body. I closed my eyes, trying to squirm out from under the zombie. I let a groan out, as I tried to move.

"It's okay, you're alright." Logan tried reassuring me, as he pulled the cannibal off, and pulled me to my feet. We took off in full sprint as a hoard of zombies trailed behind us. I began to get tired, my lungs started to burn, and my legs ached from the long run. I pushed through it, as I feared for my life.

"Get ready to duck."

"Duck? Are you crazy? They will kill us!" I said afraid.

We ran through the bushes, until a parked Monte Carlo was insight. I looked closely there were people inside, and around the outside. "Duck!"

Before I could respond, we both ducked simultaneously. Covering our heads with our arms. Logan pulled me closer to him, as the sounds of bullets fired above. I listened to his heart beat. Each shot left me breathless, as my heart pounded against my rib cage. I waited until the ringing in my ears stopped. I looked around. The horde behind us laid dead. Blood covering the road, and body parts blow off. I put my hands in front of me. I looked around for any wounds. Scared that I was hit by a bullet. My body felt vulnerable as they group of people stared at me.

"Who are they?" I asked without a clue.

"That's my family." He said waving to them.

We walked over to them. "That's my dad, you can call him David." He said pointing to a tall man smoking a cigarette with a sniper rifle slung over his shoulder. "That's Melissa, my step mom." He pointed to a girl sitting on the roof of the Monte Carlo, she had dirty blonde hair, and hazel eyes.

"That's Charlie." He pointed to a little boy sitting on melissa's lap.

"That's Sam." He pointed to a tall man with brown shaggy hair.

"Not to interrupt our sweet little reunion here, but a horde is coming our way, so if you don't mind, I'm going to go get the truck. So if you guys could wrap this up, that would be great."

"And that's Ernie, sam's dad." Logan said rolling his eyes. "You get used to him, after a while." He added.

Ernie started the truck pulling it around front, Logan helped me into the bed of the truck. He set the duffel bag next to me. As he pulled himself into the truck sitting next to me. Melissa, Charlie, and David rode in the Monte Carlo, following behind us. Sam quickly jumped in the front seat, holding the rifle close to him. I scanned the back of the truck, there were boxes of canned food, water, first aid, and guns. Lots of guns.

"Sam's dad, Ernie was in the military for twenty years."

"Explains why there is so many guns."

As we pulled away from the scene, the zombies trailed behind us. They were quick on their feet. I pulled the bullets from my pocket, reloading my pistol.

I aimed at my target, taking a deep breath before squeezing the trigger. Blood splattered from where the bullet entered.

"So where are we going?"

"I'm not sure. You'll be safe with us though."

"We need to go get my dad."

"He's gone, Liz."

"No he's not." I said denying it.

"Liz, he's one of them"

"This is all a dream. None of this is real."

"Liz, this isn't a dream, and you're dad is gone."

I turned away, until my back was to him. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I felt sad, empty, and lonely. Even though Logan and his family were here. I was terrified. I honestly wished, I was back home laying on the couch watching TV. With my sarcastic dad, telling me to get a job.

"What's wrong?" Logan asked.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? My dad is gone, there are zombies eating my neighbors, I am tired, and you ask me what's wrong? You act like this is an everyday thing."

"Sorry." He apologized, as he watched the back of the truck, taking a sniper from the duffel bag.

"Don't be sorry. I'm just upset..that's all."

"You have every right to be. I mean I watched the little girl next door on her swing seat, get eaten by one of those monsters. My little brother used to go to her house for play dates. Do you know how hard it is to explain to your little brother why he can't see Ella anymore? I can't just can't say, hey sorry Ella is dead."

We stopped talking for a while. Letting the silence take over. I just sat there for a while watching him. Thinking about what he said. He sat with a solemn expression on his face. He watched out the back of the truck, making sure nothing was following us. As soon as he seen one following us, he would reach to his right, take the sniper, and in one shot, they were gone.

"I thought they had the virus under control." I said making conversation, hoping to break the silence. I have never really had a real conversation with Logan. He was more of a lone wolf. The type of guy who would stick to himself, or with one other person. I consider myself a lone wolf too, in some ways. I don't have any other friends besides Sarah, and Katelyn. I'm more to myself, than others, ever since I lost my mother.

The truck pulled to a stop. Logan and I jumped out the truck bed, and looked around.

"Where are we?" Logan asked, with a puzzled look on his face.

"We are at shelter. That's all that matters." Ernie said.

"Carry the food, and supplies in." Sam ordered.

Ernie walked over where a boulder sat, he kicked some leaves from the top. Ernie opened a vault looking door, with a huge stairwell. We followed him down, carrying the supplies, as he flipped the lights on.

"What is this place?" David asked confused.

"Let's just say. I was fully prepared for everything, tornadoes, hurricanes, even zombies in that case." Ernie said with a grin.

"Let's hurry before it gets late. We still need to go and get more supplies."

The shelter looked like a house under ground. It had a Small living room, three bedrooms, and two bathrooms. We set the food and first aid in the living room, next to the radio, and TV. There was a couch in the corner. A queen size bed in each room. The only thing it didn't include was a kitchen, and windows. Not that we needed windows. I would be terrified to wake up with a zombie peering in the window instead of sunshine.

I looked down at my clothes. I was still in the clothes I wore yesterday. At least I fell asleep in my black skinny jeans, Pink Floyd shirt, and my socks. I took my socks off, that were no longer white. Instead they were red from blood, and black from the dirt. I had cuts and gashes all over my feet, from broken glass.

Logan walked in staring down at me,"Are you okay?"


"You're bleeding." He said scooping me off the ground, carrying me in his arms to the bed. He laid me down, then left the room. He came back with a small white box, with a red cross. It was the first Aid kit. I easily recognized it. He took bandages from the box, wrapping my feet. He was gentle. He took caution, so he wouldn't hurt me.

"Thank you." I said blushing.

"You guys ready?" David asked from the other room.

"Are you sure you can go?" Logan asked.

"I'll be fine. I should go anyways. I need to get shoes."

I stood up slowly, as my feet ached in pain. Each step I took felt as if the skin was tearing apart. I winced in pain. "You're not going."

"You're not going to tell me to do anything." I said staring up at him.

"You're not going, you're in to much pain."

"I'm going." I said crossing my arms.


"Yes." I huffed, as I inched my face close to his. I watched as he spoke. His soft lips pressed together. I traced his face with my eyes from his lips, passed his perfect jawline up to his deep blue eyes.

"Look, I can stay here with you, while they go get more supplies. I'll ask them to get you shoes."

"No. I'm going." I said bluntly, as I was hypnotized by his lips. I wanted to feel his soft lips on mine. I whimpered softly in need.

"Why are you so stubborn?" He said breaking my thought.

"I'm not stubborn. I want to go!" I said limping over to the bed sitting down on it.

"Too bad. I'm not letting you go. I'm not risking your life. You'll be okay here, until you heal."

"You guys going our not?" Ernie walked into the room.

"Yes." I said quickly, crossing my fingers Logan wouldn't protest.

"No, we aren't." He protested.

"Yes we are." I said standing up fast.

"Ouch!" I shrieked in pain as pain shot through my feet.

"We'll be back before it gets dark." Ernie said before leaving.

"Stay safe."

I limped into the living room, sitting on the couch. I watched as Logan turned the radio on, messing with the knobs.

"Good luck getting a signal in this bomb shelter.''

He didn't respond, he just messed with the radio. What seemed to take forever, until he got it to work. "I'm good with technology." He stated. I rolled my eyes, as I laid onto the couch.

There was some static, but I could make out what the person on the radio said. "If anyone alive is out there, we can help you! We have food, and shelter. Scientist, and doctors are working on a cure for the infected. If you're out there, we can help you. We have a small containment camp in New York." He said, before the signal lost.

"We need to go there!

"New York?"

"Yeah, they can help us."

There was a silence before we continued to talk.

"What are you good at?"


"No really. What are you good at?"

"I don't know. Photography? Why?"

"I just want to get to know you that's all."

"There's nothing special about me."

"I disagree. Go ahead and tell me something about you. I bet you it's interesting."


"Go ahead."

"I wish I could play the guitar." I said reluctantly.

"Told you. That was interesting." He laughed.

"Your turn." I said, as he walked over joining me on the couch.

"My turn?"

'Yeah, tell me something."

"Well, I too wish I could play the guitar."

"That doesn't count!" I laughed.

"It does too."

"Nope." I laughed, as a bright full smile spread across his face. He shook his head. "Fine. I love spicy food."

We sat there quiet. As fear struck through me. Something was banging on the door to the shelter. I felt my heart begin to race, my blood boil, and my body go limp. Another loud bang. I jumped wrapping my arms around Logan. I felt his muscles under my grip, as I rested my head in the crook of his neck.

I didn't move. I was petrified. Logan wrapped his arms around me. With his hand rested on my back, and the other softly stroking my long brown curls. I listened to his heart beat, as I tried to calm myself down. As I tried to steady my voice before I spoke. "Logan, I'm scared." I whispered, as I felt the need to cry.

"You'll be okay. We'll be okay. They can't get us." He tried to reassure me.

I didn't even notice, but I had blood caked to the front of my Pink Floyd shirt. "Did you guys happen to get clothes?"

"You could borrow one of my shirts, if you need. He stood up slowly, taking me by the hand leading me to a bag in the bedroom. He tossed the items around until he pulled out a Slipknot shirt, handing it to me. "You like Slipknot?" I asked.


"So do I!"


"Yeah, one of my favorite bands." I said as he left the room.

I turned around taking my shirt off, letting it drop to the floor. I yawned, as I felt tired from today's activities. My bra fell to the floor, as I turned around, making eye contact with him.  "Elizabeth," his words sounded foreign,  when he said my name, sending chills down my spine.

"You're just... I've always had a crush on you."

"It's okay." I said laughing.


"It's okay. I have a crush on you too." I said putting my bra back on, and then putting his shirt on that he gave me. His shirt smelled just like him. I looked up at his broad shoulders. I wanted to run my hands down his body. He caught me staring at him, I looked away blushing.

I watched as he put his shirt on. He ran a hand through his hair. I looked to him in terror, as a loud scream sounded from above. "They know we are here." I said as I ran to the table picking my desert eagle up.

"It's okay, they can't get in."

I heard two shots fire from above. Shot after another. As a demonic scream broke from above. I looked over at Logan in panic. "We're going to die."I thought out loud.

I loaded the desert eagle, aiming it at the entry. I pressed my finger to the trigger, waiting. The door opened, and I took a deep breath. I was just about to pull the trigger, but I seen familiar faces. David, Melissa, Sam, Ernie, and Charlie all came through the door carrying bags, and boxes.

"Woah, hold it there little lady." Ernie said. I quickly aimed the gun away from them, turning the safety on the gun.

They carried the boxes and set them down on the floor. David started to take the blankets out folding them on the couch. Charlie was preoccupied with a bag of gummy worms. Then Sam reloaded his sniper.

Melissa handed me a bag. I opened the bag to see a pair of black combat boots. "I figured you were a size six."

"Thank you." I said smiling. Logan rummaged through the boxes, pulling out some ointment for cuts, and scrapes.

"They said they could help us. Logan got the radio to work earlier, they said if anyone was alive, they would help us. They have food and shelter."

"Where?" Ernie asked as his eyebrows knitted together.

"In New York."

"Where in New York? New York is pretty big."

"The radio lost signal. I don't know." I responded, feeling a bit ashamed.

Logan motioned me over from the other room. Feeling slightly upset, I limped over to him. He motioned me to sit on the bed. He sat in front of me, with the little white box with the red cross in front of him. He slowly unwrapped my feet. "Well they stopped bleeding."

He dabbed the medicine on the cuts softly, then wrapped my feet up in fresh new bandage. I smiled to him, thanking him. Then we all went silent, each of us staring at the entry, as we heard banging from the other side. I grabbed for Logan's hand. He held me in his arms, as we all remained quiet. Even Charlie who was eating gummy worms stopped chewing, just staring up at the door.

I held my breath, terrified of what was behind the door. The banging continued. There was screaming, then a human voice. "Help!" said a female, weak in distress.

"There's someone out there!" I sprung up from Logan's reach, as he tried to grab for me. I shrugged him off, running to the door. "You're going to get us all killed."

"I'm not going to sit here, and let those savages rip this person limb from limb."

I grabbed the handle, unlocked the three dead bolts, and the door hurled open. The girl fell to her knees, but quickly got up, and ran from the door. I watched as a zombie ran towards me. I shut the door forcefully as Logan came behind me locking the locks. I gulped in fear.

Everyone stared at the stranger. She had blood caked on her blue dress, the fabric was shredded exposing some skin. We all stared at her in shock. Who was she?


Hey you guys it's Emma kay. I hope you enjoyed the book. Have a fantastic day. Check for updates, fan, comment, vote! Until next time, Emma Kay xx

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