When Siblings return

By Star_OfTheShow

15.4K 290 142

When Adami returned he found that Yugo had changed. Yugo was mad at Adami for leaving, but when something beg... More

You left me.... Why come back now?
Don't. Touch. My. BROTHER!!
Why did you save me? I was an awful brother."
Numb nuts
Something unexpected
Its been years, and now he's back
Got a Real Good Feeling Somthin' Bad About to Happen
HOLY BWORK!!!!!!!!!
The Eliatrope Sickness
Barfing? Still?
Auther's note
New Home
Crimson Claw Archipelago
Need To Escape.... Oh Hey An Earthquake.
Old Friends
Portals... I Can Make Portals..... Neat.
I got Tagged..... And I'm Very Confused
Gotta Save Yugo..... Who's That Guy?
The End of One Thing, Leads to the Beginning of Another (Finale)

Years later.......

552 10 0
By Star_OfTheShow


It was early morning at the Sadida Orphanage for Boys, around 4:30 am... "Wake up Boys!" The owner of the orphanage yelled as he walked into the boys' sleeping area banging a mallet on a gong.

All but one of the boys in the room rolled over and clambered out of their beds. "Ugh." One of the boys said "sir, Yugo won't wake up again."

"Basil go downstairs and help the other boys make breakfast I'll send Yugo down in a moment." The old orphanage owner walked over to Yugo's small bed in the corner of the room, the surrounding area of the bed was covered in dust and Yugo's tiny yellow and blue sneakers sat at the foot of the bed. The old man stood calmly over Yugo's bed, he shook the small boy a little, causing Yugo to stir just a little. "Yugo... Yugo." He said quietly shaking Yugo as he did, "Yugo time to get up."

Yugo slowly sat up and yawned. " 'morning." Yugo said so quietly that the old man almost didn't hear him, Yugo looked around "I didn't wake up right away again did I?"

"No, now go get dressed and get downstairs and help the other boys with breakfast." He said gently

Yugo got out of bed and straightened his hat. The old man walked out of the room, as Yugo walked over to his small cardboard box where he kept his clothes, he put on a light orange flannel, a turquoise jacket, and an orange scarf. Yugo whistled, and just a moment after his tofu Az came flying through the window. "Morning Az!"

Yugo ran downstairs to help the other boys. When he got to the kitchen he found the other boys sitting on stools. "Good he's here now we can go play while he cooks." Basil said as he walked out the kitchen door

"Hey I'm not gonna breakfast for everyone alone!" Yugo yelled as the other twelve boy began to file out of the room

"Oh you don't have to cook for everyone just Us." Basil replied as he smirked "and by us I mean me, Kim, Alex, Zane, Lloyd, Andrew, Hosè, Even, Daniel, Greg, Draco, Goyale, and Harry."

Yugo stood there with his jaw dropped as the other boys walked out into the yard locking the door behind them. Yugo walked over to the door to the dining room 'It's fine I'll just tell Alibert and then-' his thoughts stopped as he tried to turn the door knob. This door was locked too, they'd locked him in the kitchen. "I guess I am cooking for everyone today." He said to himself

Yugo sighed as he started to make blueberry pancakes. About two hours later the other boys walked in, each of them grabbing two pancakes, all but Basil, he grabbed four, his and the two Yugo had made for himself. Basil unlocked the door and walked out with the other twelve and ate on the way. Yugo walked out into the dining hall. "Ha the half wit can't even make pancakes right he put fruit in them!" He heard basil laugh as he stomped into the room

"Basil, you took my pancakes.."

"So what half pint, what are you gonna do about it?"

"I would like the pancakes I made for me to eat back."

"How you gonna do that tiny?"

While it was true that Yugo was the smallest boy in the orphanage, he was quite strong, so Yugo punched Basil in the nose. "That's what I'm going to do Basil." Yugo yelled as he grabbed his pancakes off Baisl's plate and ran back to the kitchen

"You little brat! Get 'im."

Yugo locked the kitchen doors and sat under the counter as he happily ate the pancakes he had made. Just as he finished there was a sudden knock on the door. "Yugo? Why is Basil's nose bleeding?" He heard Alibert ask

"Cause I punched him."

"Why did you do that Yugo?"

"Cause he stole the pancakes I had to make by myself that I made, because I made 28 pancakes or that each of us could have two, and Basil knew that, so he took the last four, leaving me with nothing to eat, and he's done it to me plenty of times."

"Why did you have to make the pancakes all by yourself?"

"Because they locked me in the kitchen."

"Basil go get a tissue."

"This isn't the first time he's locked me in the kitchen. He did the same yesterday for every meal."

"Yugo, I came down to get you."


"Someone's here to adopt."

Yugo's eyes lit up as he shot up, but closed again after he hit his head on the counter "ow Really!?"

"Yes Yugo, a couple with the names Evangeline and Percidal."

"Wow! Ok I'm coming out.... Can you make sure Basil's friends aren't gonna beat me up?"

"Okay Yugo, Boys! To your room!"

"Is it safe now?"

"C'mon out Yugo."

Yugo came out of the kitchen, he looked around and when he saw it was safe a broad smile spread across his face. Yugo walked with Alibert down the hall to the 'interview room' where he was going to meet the couple who wanted to adopt him. They stopped outside the door and Alibert opened it.  Once they were in the room Yugo began to talk with the two adults. At the end of the interview Evangeline said "I think he's adorable!"

Yugo's eye lit up once again, the ears on his hat moved up like a cat's. "We'll adopt him!" Percidal exclaimed

"Yes. (:" Evangeline laughed

"Okay then I have some paperwork, and Yugo you can go pack." Alibert grinned

Yugo ran out of the room and up to the bedroom he was excited, he rushed past Basil and over to his bed as he pulled his clothes box out from under the bed and put his blanket and pillow in the box as well as a few books. "What're you doing twerp?" Basil asked


"For what I doubt you got adopted."

"Well I did."

"Oh well theme we should give you your going away present." Basil smirked as he reached forward and grabbed Yugo's collar.

"Let go!"

Basil raised his fist and punched Yugo in the face. Once he punched him, Basil dropped Yugo to the floor, and all the other boys came over and kicked him in the ribs. "Haha the Midget can't take a beating!"

"Stop it! Alibert!" Yugo yelled as he curled up into a ball on the floor. "Help..." He said weakly

Alibert came running into the room, and he saw the boys beating Yugo. "Boys! To your bunks!"

"We were just giving him a present."

"A beating is not a present Basil."


"Yugo are you okay? Anything broken?"

Alibert helped Yugo up "I-I'm fine Alibert."

"Well grab your things, your new parents are waiting outside."

"Okay." Yugo smiled as he grabbed his box and walked outside with Alibert

Once outside Evangeline and Percidal helped Yugo into their Chevy Shushu (made up car, basically a Chevy Malibu but it's got eyes above the headlights.) "Bye Alibert!" Yugo waved as he drove off with his new parents.


Heyo! So I looked at the views a few minutes ago and saw 230!!!!!! Oh my Bwork! Thank you for reading my fanfic, and trust me it's not over yet. Bye my peoples!

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