Resilience | Marvel

By SunflowyrOfficial

195K 7.8K 2.3K

Peter Parker gains an internship with a certain billionaire. He is taken under his wing. Will his web of secr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Update/Social media.
I'm back, and sorry
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Big announcement: 40k READS!!!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (I have returned from the void)

Chapter 14

6.7K 325 161
By SunflowyrOfficial

A/N I took a little break, but I'm back now. I hope everyones having a great day! Hope you enjoy!!! 

Peter had heard rumors about S.H.I.E.L.D. and their relationship with the Avengers, but he never knew the extent of how much S.H.I.E.L.D. was involved. He only knew what the press said on the news.

Every employee at Avengers Mansion had to be approved by S.H.I.E.L.D. To make sure they were trustworthy. When it came time for Peter's background check with S.H.I.E.L.D. He was once again sitting in the back of a black car, Tony Stark sat beside him. 

"It's alright, I'll be there, you have nothing to worry about, it's not like you have  criminal record, right?" He joked. "No but seriously, I would be genuinely surprised if you had a criminal record."

He was sort of nervous about what things they could find out about him. What if they somehow piece together I'm Spider-Man? What happens then? Mr. Stark would probably hate me. I might even be thrown out of Avengers tower if they find out I've been lying to them.

They pulled up to an unassuming brick building that blended in with the row of other unassuming brick buildings, chinese takeout, cheap pizza restaurants, and apartments.

As they stepped out of the car and Tony ushered him inside, the dingy outside did not match the inside, buzzing white light with rooms framed in tinted glass and the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo plastered everywhere. 

Calm down, you've been really careful, there's no evidence pointing to you being Spider-Man. They wouldn't know.

A woman with a bluetooth and a brown ponytail walked over to them, she said her name was Agent Hill. Peter believed her, he knew most of the people here probably had fake names, but something about her made him trust this woman.

As they walked down a corridor and into a big room full of desks, Agent Hill grabbed a folder off of a desk as they walked past, she skimmed the file and led them to a glass room, she opened the door and there stood a dark man with an eyepatch, he was staring at a screen. His hands were behind his back.

She whispered something to him and he smiled and took the file. He turned and smirked as he greeted the billionaire bluntly.

"Fury! If it isn't my favorite pirate." Tony taunted, shaking the man's hand. Peter stepped forward, intimidated.

"I'm Director Fury, you're the new intern, right, Mr. Parker."  The man held his hand out, expecting a shake. Peter realized his palms were sweaty, he sheepishly wiped them on his jeans.

"Yes sir." Peter shook his hand firmly.

"I like him, unlike you, he respects authority." Fury glared with his one eye at the billionaire.

"Hey, my dislike for authority is one of my more endearing qualities." Tony defended, throwing his arms up.

"If by endearing you mean annoying." Fury looked through the folder which Peter could now see was labeled, 'Parker, Peter.' 

"I'm sure you're aware of what S.H.I.E.L.D. does, Mr. Parker?" He looked up from the file.

"Not really, I know you're more secretive than the F.B.I. You collaborate with the Avengers. And that you're probably who started the rumor of the men in black." Fury chuckled. 

"S.H.I.E.L.D. was created with the intent of Global Security. To protect the people of this world from any threat, and utilize any technology or special ability we may find along the way, in order to achieve this goal." He sat down in a chair, and motioned for the other two to do the same.

"The Avengers Initiative was formed to see if we could combine the the forces of extraordinary people, and use them to defend the world from threats, whether they were of the earth or alien. The Battle for New York was the test run. We succeeded, barely."

"So, you're the ones who formed the Avengers." Peter was beginning to understand just how much S.H.I.E.L.D was doing behind the scenes.

"This isn't about S.H.I.E.L.D. This is about you being able to keep Top Secret information. Merely protocol. After all, we wouldn't want any potentially world ending secrets getting out." He leaned forward in his chair, propping his elbows on the table.

"Of course." Peter assured sincerely.

"So, let's take a look at your report." They directed their attention to the screen that took up an entire wall of the room.

A report appeared on the screen. Peter's grades dating all the way back to elementary school, the times he'd been sent to the principal's office, his lunch money record. It had an icon over it that said 'cleared.' And he felt good and confident that everything would turn out pretty normal.

He was most worried about his internet search history. But was relieved when Fury revealed they had only searched for violent/government related keywords and only a few instances of him looking at news articles or YouTube videos had popped up. Normal things, none of his nightly police scanner patrolling had popped up, or his ordering of the reflection glasses that made it easier for him to see in the suit or his searches for Spider-Man in the news.

"Mr. Parker, congratulations, you're at a 7% threat risk. That's the lowest threat risk yet, out of all the Avengers tower employees. Even I'm at a 5%. Looks like you're trustworthy."

Peter nodded absently, his eyes were fixed on one section. Tony didn't notice until he followed the eyeline of the teenager.

The first thing that Tony really took notice of was the family section. Four names, 

Richard Parker, Father: Deceased, cause unknown. Autopsy proved unhelpful.

Mary Parker, Mother: Deceased, cause unknown. Autopsy proved unhelpful.

Benjamin Parker, Paternal Uncle: Deceased, gunshot wound. 

May Parker, Aunt: Alive, current guardian. 

Tony suddenly realized all that the teenager had lost. And he realized they had a lot more in common than he thought. He didn't know why he never wondered why Peter was living all alone with his Aunt. All he knew is that in that moment, he understood. 

There was so much he didn't know about the kid. Peters's eyes flickered up to the screen, he walked forward, ignoring Tony and Fury.

The teenager stared at the screen for an eternity before he slowly closed his eyes. Tony looked at him, a hint of regret in his heart.

The high pitched tone of Peter's cell phone ringing cut through the tense silence that had been prevalent a few seconds ago.

"Hello." Peter's face fell, his body tensed up. And it seemed like he wasn't paying attention to what the other person on the line was saying, it took a few moments before he came back and whispered.

"Which hospital?" Peter nodded, and thanked the person on the other end of the line.

He was silent for a second before he looked up, his eyes red.

Fury nodded. "Do what you gotta do."

"Aunt May collapsed, she's at Midtown-Mercy. I, um... I need to go." Peter sniffed as he made his way out the building, Tony following close behind. The bustle of the room was making Peter feel even more panicked.

As they were rushing to the door, Tony was staring at the back of this young mans head, he couldn't get the words he'd read out of his head.

May Parker, Aunt: Alive, current guardian. 

Tony knew, May Parker is the only family Peter had left. This fucking fifteen year old kid might lose the only family he has left.

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