Capricious Dreams (Soulmate A...

By thedemigodsquad1

244K 7.8K 8.7K

Marinette and Adrien share dreams. But they can't say each other's name or see each other's faces. None-the-l... More

1- Where are we?
2- We can create anything we want!
3- Ladybug and Chat Noir!
4- Queen Bee
5- First day
6- An eggy situation
7- Knightmares
8- Umbrella Scene
9- Last Night Together
10- Mission impossible
11. Adrien falls in love with an imposter
12- Soulmates confirmed
14. Magical paper?
15- Slowly but surely
16- Gabriel is evil I tell you
17- Rants by the fireplace
18- Romantic walks and talks
Author's Note

13. Mireille's shenanigans

10.4K 348 574
By thedemigodsquad1

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to inspiredwriter3456
They've been really kind and supportive and made me want to update ❤️

Go read their book!

Also, I would like to thank all you awesome readers so much! You're comments and votes and support make me so happy and ahhhhh I love yous all imma cry cause yous are too nice.

Adrien had a good time with Marinette walking around the shopping centre. She seemed to have loosened up a lot around him which was a plus.

They currently had stopped at a pet shop to coo at all the adorable kittens and puppies.

"I love cats so much!" Adrien's eyes lit up as he placed his hands on the glass cage. He resembled a little kid very much at the moment.

Marinette giggled. The black and white kittens were truly small. But they reminded her of her soulmate. He had loved cats too.

She sighed and turned away to look at the puppies. In attempt to pull herself together she took a deep breath.

Adrien caught on her distress and put his hand on her back.

"Are you okay, Marinette?" He was right beside her, and Marinette couldn't deny she loved his company and touch.
But it wasn't hers to love. She turned away from him and nodded.

Adrien pursed his lips, wondering what to do or say. Just as things seemed good between them, he somehow managed to stuff it up.

She stood in front of the puppy cage, her eyes on the puppies tackling each other but not exactly seeing. She seemed lost in her own thoughts.

"Adrien, you never told me what your soul-" Marinette chocked up on her words.
"Soulmate connection with Mireille was."

Adrien was a little taken aback by Marinette's tone. She sounded really upset with a hint of...of jealousy?

Maybe she was jealous that Mireille stole his attention away so they couldn't hang out? Who knows. Girls are weird.

"Well. I don't like telling people this, but I feel like I can trust you." Adrien smiled warmly at Marinette.

Marinette's heart fluttered as she made eye contact with the blonde-haired boy.

No. She had to get her mind off him. Accept he has a soulmate of his own.

"Well it's kind of hard to explain, but my soulmate and I-" Adrien got cut off by a squeal.

Mireille who came out of nowhere, somehow tripped and her drink that was in her hand splashed all over Marinette's shirt.

Mireilles eyes widened and her hand covered her mouth.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry Marinette. I'm so clumsy and-"

Marinette blinked away her tears and took deep breaths to try and stop herself from crying.
"I-it's okay Mireille." Marinette muttered as she pulled her wet, sticky, white shirt off her stomach.

God dammit. White was see through when wet.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Marinette wrapped her arms across her chest and sprinted away to the bathroom, tears spilling from her eyes.

She just wanted Chat Noir.

Adrien's jaw dropped and he stood silent and stiff.
Mireille had started to cry and mutter 'it's all my fault' over and over.

He placed his hands on hers and looked her in the eyes.
"It's okay, my lady. I know you didn't mean it."

But Mireille just shook her head and let go of one of his hands to rub her eyes.
"No! She probably hates me now! God I'm such a horrible person. And you guys seemed deep in a serious conversation too. I'm so so so sorry Adrien."

Adrien sighed. Why didn't he feel nervous and in love with her like he did in his dreams?
Did he not love his soulmate anymore?

There definitely was something off about Mireille. She doesnt seem like the real deal.

But Marinette did. Adrien knew since the day he crashed into her which caused the whole egg incident, there was something special about Marinette.

Adrien shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut. No that cannot be. Marinette doesn't have the earrings, Mireille does.

Even if Marinette was his soulmate, she surely would of noticed Adrien's ring by now. Anyway, why would Mireille lie and say she's his soulmate? How would she even know about their dreams to begin with?

The only people who knew, was his dad, Nino, his soulmate of course and Chloe.

Chloe. She didn't tell anyone did she?

"Mireille, if you are not busy and are able to, can you please go find Alya and Nino? I want to go check on Marinette."

"NO!" Mireille screeched.
Adrien took a step back in shock.

"I mean, I should check on Marinette and apologise again. Plus I don't know what Alya and Nino look like. You should go find them."

Adrien nodded.
"Okay then. I'll call you when I find them, yeah? Thanks Mireille." He let go of her hands and ran out of the pet shop to search for his two friends.

Mireille sighed and stared at the ring in her hand that she managed to slip off Adrien.

Chloe popped out of her hiding place. She put an arm on Mireille's shoulder and patted her head.

"You did great, Mireille." Chloe smiled warmly at her.

Mireille beamed, happy she pleased her new best friend.

"You really think so, Chloe?" Mireille grinned.

"Yeah. I'm really happy I chose you for the job."

Mireille blushed.
"I feel really horrible, treating Marinette like that. I don't really like Adrien as much anymore. I feel so fake." She said sadly, frowning at the floor.

Chloe pulled her in for a genuine hug. Something about Mireille made her protective. Making the shy bluenette feel this way didn't seem worth it to split up Adrien and Marinette.

Wait, what was she thinking?!

"It's okay, Mireille. Remember how horrible Marinette is. How she made me feel. She deserves this. Adrien deserves better than her too. You. Aren't you happy to be able to be with your idol?" Chloe rubbed her back in the hug.

"I don't know anymore." Chloe pulled away. They couldn't back out or stuff up now. If Adrien found out, Chloe would be hated forever.

"I promise it will always be worth it in the end. Now hold onto that ring and don't loose it. Go to Marinette. You got this, M." Chloe grinned.

Mireille blushed at her new nickname. She nodded, before sprinting away. Something just made her want to please Chloe.

Chloe frowned as she watched Mireille run away. Something about that girl, made her feel bubbly inside.

Woah. That sounded gay. Chloe was absolutely NOT gay.

Then why did she feel jealous seeing Mireille with Adrien?

Maybe she should end the plan.


Marinette stood in the public bathroom, staring at her appearance in one of the mirrors.

Her eyes were red and her face was puffy. Tears had stained her cheeks.

Why did it hurt so much to see Adrien with another girl?

She saw Mireille appear in the mirror.

Marinette quickly turned around to look at Mireille who silently took her jacket off and gave it to Marinette.

"Go take your shirt off in the bathroom and wear this. I'll dry it off using the hand dryer, thingy."

Marinette's eyebrows furrowed as she stared at Mireille. She really wasn't a bad person after all..maybe she really did deserve to be with Adrien.

Marinette nodded and did as Mireille told her. She walked out wearing Mireille's jacket and gave her soaked shirt to Mireille who then held it under the hand dryer.

It was silent for awhile. Eventually Mireille handed Marinette back her shirt who then changed into the now dry clothing.

A small conversation passed between them as they walked out of the bathroom. Mostly thank yous and sorrys.

They were on there way back to the cinema's to meet with the others when Marinette spotted it.

On the floor in the midst of the crowded shopping centre, lay a small silver ring with a green paw.

Marinette stopped dead in her tracks and gasped.

Mireille turned around, raising an eyebrow. She felt scared and wondered if Marinette had figured out that Mireille was fake.

Marinette bent over and picked up the ring. She fidgeted and studied it in her hands. It was definitely the one she had given to her soulmate.

Mireille glanced over Marinette's shoulder to see what it was. When she saw the little silver ring she gasped and quickly felt her pockets for the ring.

They were empty.

Mireille's heart beat faster and sweat dropped down her forehead. She knew Marinette recognised it. Chloe was going to kill her!

Oh my god. Marinette had found her soulmates ring! How was she meant to find him now?! God everything was falling apart. How could that stupid cat loose his ring!

Wait.. cat? Why did she think cat?
And then it came to her. Her soulmates nickname was Chat Noir! Chat Noir that's it!

Maybe touching the ring made her remember! She remembered his gorgeous, emerald eyes and his messy, blonde hair! She remembered his little cat costume he used wear. She remembered all the things she had forgotten about his appearance! She could picture him in her head! With the blocked out facial features except for his eyes! She remembered!

Now that she thought about it, he looked a lot like Adr-

Mireille snatched the ring from her hand and his appearance vanished from her mind just like that. Did he have black or brown hair? He had brown eyes, right?

Marinette glanced at the ring in Mireille's hand desperately. She had to have it. It would make things so much easier to find her soulmate.

"Mireille...give it back, please. It's really important." Marinette walked slowly towards the brown eyed girl.

Mireille shook her head vigorously. Her head pounded and her legs wobbled. Mireille almost let the enemy win!

"N-no! It's mine. I dropped it!" Mireille was only half lying. She DID drop it.

"No. It belongs to someone important to me! Give it back." Marinette argued.

Millions of thoughts raced through Mireille's mind. She had to do something!

Marinette almost felt like sobbing. She just wanted to find her soulmate, why does the universe keep doing stuff like this for?

Mireille bolted.

The two sprinted around the shopping centre, dodging around people and definetly earning glares and stares from everyone around them. Marinette didn't care. God, she just wanted to see her soulmate again.

She missed him so much. His hugs, compliments, puns. The way it felt to dance and laugh with him. God, why didn't she just tell him her identity when she could? Stupid, stupid, Marinette.

Marinette was so close to catching Mireille! She launched into the air to grab her. Mireille side stepped and quickly changed direction, leaving Marinette to fly through the air and crash into someone.

Pain. God falling felt like hell. She found herself on a warm body. Hands on chest, head on hands. She opened her eyes and slowly lifted her self up and made eye contact with shining emeralds.

"We have to stop doing this, clumsy girl." He chuckled.

Marinette locked eye contact with the blonde, heart pounding. Her face burned red and she rolled off Adrien so fast it had to be a new record. Marinette then began stuttering like crazy.

"I-I-I, sorry..I didn't bean- I mean, well uh mean!! Did I say that already? Uh..sorry." She sat on the floor, trying to blink back tears. So embarrassing!

Adrien chuckled and threw her a warm smile. His heart fluttered. He stood up, before hesitantly putting out his hand. Marinette's face burned brighter. God she was so cute.
She grabbed his hand, and elephants stampeded in his stomach.

"Ahem." The two heard a cough nearby.

Alya had her phone out recording the whole thing. Nino was confused as hell. Wasn't Adrien with Mireille?

Mireille couldn't help but awe at the two's cuteness. They were made for each other! But Chloe glared somewhere in the background so she had to intervene.

Adrien blushed when he remembered they had an audience. He helped Marinette up, but didn't let go of her hand.

Chloe glared harder at Mireille. Look how happy Marinette was! This can't be happening.
She mouthed out orders to Mireille who quickly understood but didn't want to comply. It had to be an all time low for Chloe.

She did it anyway.

Mireille quickly latched herself onto Adrien's arm like a leech.
"Adrien!" She began to cry.

Adrien quickly let go of Marinette's hand and held Mireille's.

"W-what is it, Mireille?" Adrien's asked softly. He rubbed circles on Mireille's back and pulled her into a hug. Mireille cried into his chest.

"Marinette tried to attack me. She-" Mireille didn't know what else to say. She couldn't mention the ring or else Marinette would figure out Adrien was her soulmate!

Adrien turned and looked at Marinette and raised an eyebrow.
"She, what?" He asked.

Marinette quickly tried to splutter out words.
"I-I did not! She stole something of mine and I wanted it back!" Marinette yelled angrily. She couldnt believe that Mireille was acting so-so, Chloe like!

Marinette gasped.
"Chloe set you up to this, huh?!" Marinette growled, both mad and upset.

Mireille's reaction was the only proof Marinette needed.

Adrien furrowed his eyebrows.
"What do you mean Marinette? I'm so confused?"

"Yeah what do you mean, Mari?" Alya asked.

Mireille didn't know what to do. Chloe was mouthing things she couldn't read and everyone's attention was on her and Marinette. She felt woozy.

"Chloe's been out to get me for years! And she-she knows about my..about my.." Was Marinette really going to confess?

"Your what, Marinette?" Adrien squinted his eyes, tying to comprehend what was happening.

Alya's eyes widened. Was she going to tell Adrien..?

It was too late to back out now. Maybe Marinette could finally move on now.

"About how I used to have a crush on Adrien! She must think I still do because she sent Mireille here to ruin my friendship with Adrien! First she spilt a drink on me then she tried to accuse me of crazy things! Mireille doesn't seem like the type of person to do something like this! And I have seen her with Chloe lately!"

So I tried making this extra long cause I haven't updated in awhile. Lol I think I went overboard with the drama.

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