Blood Covered Secrets {Yuich...

By Raita10

60.8K 1.8K 418

What happens when (f/n) a well know seamstress, weapons master and squad leader grows feelings for the reckle... More

Chapter 1 |~| Uniform Trasher
Chapter 2 |~| My Secret
Chapter 3 |~| Training in the Dark
Chapter 4 |~| My Squad
Chapter 5 |~| New Squad
Chapter 6 |~| First mission
Chapter 7 |~| Runaway?
Chapter 8 |~| Bonding
Chapter 9 |~| Past
Chapter 11 |~| Pain
Chapter 12 |~| Fallen for
Chapter 13 |~| The Misson
Chapter 14 |~| Cage
Chapter 15 |~| Life
Addressing some issues
Author notes
A/n ~2~
A/N - I need your help. . . . again
A/n ~4~
What's up!

Chapter 10 |~| Revealed

2.8K 113 21
By Raita10

Walking down the hall you stop to Guren's sudden shouting. Turning around you look at Guren standing in his office door way out of breath. Looking at him with confusion written all over his face. He slowly lifts up his hand holding a small, off white card. Looking down at the card recognising one of the rough, damaged edges. Looking at it in horror. Frantically checking your skirt pocket, hoping that it wasn't what you thought it was. Not being able to find the object you are looking for, you look at Guren in utter disbelief. Hoping that what he was holding wasn't it. The photo of Guren and you as a child.
"No." You breath almost inaudible.
"(F/n), is this?" Guren looks at you, his face pale in colour. You look back at him in fear. Fear that he just figured it out.
"It is you isn't?" Guren asks. His voice cracking in disbelief. Making eye contact with him you shallowly nod your head. Almost like a sudden weight had been lifted from Guren's shoulder he start to cry. Moving closer to you. Engulfing you in a hug.
"I cant believe it. . . . . . I was looking for you since this world went to the shits. Only to find that you have been next to me this whole time." Guren buries his face in your hair. Tears slowly start to cascade down your face, letting go of the shock you just experienced you return Guren's hug. Holding you tightly while you hold him.  Continuing to cry you feel a soft sensation in amongst your hair. Guren's hand running through you hair.
"You hair is just like your mothers. Soft and (h/c)." Guren manages to say through the tears. Letting out a soft giggle as a response.
"Guren, ah Dad, I, I just." Guren interrupts you by bring you closer into the embrace.
"Shut up you twit, I don't care why you didn't tell me, I think I have a good idea why. I'm just so glad to have you back."
"Haha, even though you know I'm your child you still call me a twit. Ha." You manage to speak.
Letting go of you Guren quickly wipes away his tears.
"Okay, well ahha, why don't you go back to your dorm and go to bed. You look like you need it." Guren messes up your hair and places a kiss on you head.
"Okay, now don't lose this." Guren hands you back the photo and you place it safely back in your pocket.
"I will. Goodnight Dad.'
"Goodnight (F/n)." Guren smiles at you softly as you both part way leaving to go to your seperate route.
"Hehe, well that was amusing to watch. I don't think i have ever seen Guren cry." Turning around you see Shinoa standing hidden behind the corner you just turned at.
"Ah Shinoa. What are you doing here?" You ask suddenly
"I was just on my way to the dorms when I over heard you conversation with you and Guren. Well I guess it's you and you father now isn't it?" A smirk grows on Shinoa's face.
"I umm. Don't tell any one okay Shinoa, I will tell the squad soon but other then that I don't want anyone else to find out okay?" You ask Shinoa kindly, with a hint of a threatening tone.
"Sure, ah?" Shinoa smiles back, sweat dropping.
"Okay, goodnight Shinoa."
Waking up the next day with a feeling of relief on your shoulders. You still can believe that Guren finally found out that you were his child. Tears falling from your eyes, happy to know that you no longer have to hide of of your secrets anymore. You still had to hide it from some people but you are glad that you no longer had to hide it from the person that it affected the most. Getting up out of bed wiping away the tears as you smile. Standing up and making your way to you cupboard and grabbing your uniform. Putting your uniform on, you hear a soft knock on your door. Quickly finishing changing you open the door to. Yoichi, to your surprise.
"Hey Yoichi." You smile.
"Hey (F/n). I thought we could walk to class together, we haven't done it in a while, ha ha." Yoichi lets a nervous laugh as he rubs his neck awkwardly. Yoichi still has to attend class like all member of the demon army that are of school age. Unlike you, having completed the classes earlier, you instead would take some of them, mainly the newer recruit class. Though you still taught your squads class because Guren never actually relieved you from the last time you took over his class.
"Yeah sure, just let me check something." Quickly putting your hand in your skirt pocket you check to make sure the photo was still there, gladly it was. Quickly grabbing Artemis and clipping her to your belt, closing the door behind you, you walk with yoichi to class. Making it to the small, damaged rooms you open the door, noticing someone sitting at the teachers desk.
"Ah the twit shows up to teach this class. I thought you would." Looking up at the new person, realising who it is with only one word having to be mentioned "twit". It's Guren.
"Hey what are you doing here old man. Never thought you would come teach. Since when do you ever come. What are you finally relieving me from teaching, like you should have done a couple of week ago." You yell at Guren.
"What do you mean, I have been away this whole time." Smirks Guren
"Like hell you have!" You hear Yuu shouts from across the room, from his seat. Looking at him surprised that he came today. He was such a mess last night and you thought he would have skipped class.
'Maybe Guren dragged him here." You thought. Looking back up at Guren, you glare at him.
"So what am I doing? Am I teaching this class or are you?" You asks still glaring at him, while you cross your arms.
"Hm how about I sit and watch and you can teach for today?" Guren, smirks like the smart ass he is.
"Ah ha, yeah no, how about you teach for once and I sit and watch, maybe take a nap." You sit on the spare chair just near the teacher desk and cross your arms smirking at Guren.
"Fine whatever you twit."
"Don't call me a twit you old man." Both of you staring at each other both disagreeing with the nickname that had surfaced once again. Suddenly.
"Ha hahahahahah ahha!" You and Guren start to laugh.
"Good sake you look like such an idiot when your serious like that. I can't take anything you say seriously." Guren pisses himself laughing. 
"Ha haha what about you paps, you look so stupid." You fall off the chair laughing, causing Guren to laugh harder. Slowly getting up and wiping away the tears that appeared while you were laughing you look at the class. All of them sitting, staring at the two of you in confusion.
"Well okay lets get on with it. Come on (F/n) help me teach these idiots." Guren looks at you and you nod your head.
"What who are you calling idiot!" Shouts Kimizuki.
"You." You smirk back to Kimizuki. Everyone laughing as they look at Kimizuki's defeated look.
"Okay lets get on with the shit." Guren yells at the class. Everyone then looking at you. All of them expecting you to tell him off for swearing. You look back at everyone twice as confused.
"What?" You put your hands up in a confused manner.
"I dont give a fuck if he swears." Everyone just staring at you again confused. Except Yuu and Shinoa. Yuu staring at you as is seeing something curious. Like you behaviour being similar to Guren's. Shinoa on the other hand just stares at you knowing exactly what's going on.
"Good, finally time for food." Mitsuba yells. You glance around the cafeteria at everyone sitting and eating their dinner. Having a small portion in front of you, you slowly eat it, not particularly feeling hungry.
"Oh hey, Yuu how are you feeling today?" You ask leaning over the table towards Yuu sitting diagonally from you.
"Yeah I'm all good now, thanks for last night (F/n)." Says Yuu, with a little bit of pink dusting his cheeks.
"Yeah, no problem, any time." You return with a smile, hoping that it would conceal your also dusted pink cheeks. After finishing your meal, you notice that you and your squad are the only ones left in the cafeteria and it was also getting dark outside.
"(F f f f f f / n n n n n n)." Turning around you suddenly feel engulfed by someone.
"How could you not tell me (f/n), come on not even Guren told me that his daughter was right in front of him the whole time, and I'm his best friend. Come (f/n) I thought we were friends why didn't you tell me Guren was you father!" Shinya yells while crying and holding you in a tight hug. Frozen you try to comprehend what had just happened.
"Did Shinya just." You keep trying to process the situation and praise to God that your squad wasn't paying attention to what Shinya was saying and thought he was drunk.
"Wait. . . . . WHAT!" Everyone screams. Except Shinoa.
"Come on (f/n) why didn't you tell me." Shinya continues to carry on like a baby while shaking you back and forth. Your head not being able to process all the information you die a little inside and flop over backwards. Swirls covering your eyes and drool coming from your mouth.
"Wow I think we found out how to neutralise (f/n), just shake her excessively while in an embarrassing situation." Shinoa says curiously. Shinya stops shaking you and let's go of you, he then hides in a corner like a sad puppy. On the ground sprawled out still in your dead state you try to process the situation but you just can't cope. Everyone leaning over you worried and concerned. Kimizuki poking you on the cheek, trying to get a reaction. But you just stay on the ground.
"Hey is she okay, should we get Guren?" Asks Kimizuki still poking you.
"SHINYA!" Turning round everyone sees Guren's yelling at Shinya still hiding in the corner.
"What did I tell you, for fuck sake Shinya, look at her, (f/n) is basically dead on the floor. Come on she looks like a blob of jelly!" Shouts Guren. He wasn't wrong you did look like a huge blob of jelly on the ground. People could kick you and you would go flying only to go splat.
"Okay can someone scoop her up or something she is only going to get worse looking like that." Guren orders. Yuu leans down and picks you up, one arm supporting your back, one hocked under your knees. He stands up only for you to completely flop back on the ground.
"For god sake. (F/n), you twit get up, you can't stay like that forever." Guren yells at you. Slowly getting up, still drooling and swirls on your eyes, leaning over and walking like jelly towards Shinya. Only to fall on the ground once again in your deluded state next to Shinya.
"Oh (f/n) I'm sorry." Shinya hugs your floppy body.
"Okay we only have one choice." Says Guren.
"Someone called." Suddenly Norito pops up at the cafeteria door.
"I need you to get (f/n), to stop being jelly." Orders Guren.
"No problem sir." Norito walks up to you all perverted.
"(F/n), I wonder since you look like jelly, that you will feel like it too. I wonder if-"
"Touch me and I will rip all your bones out and you will be a pile of jelly." You hold Norito down, death glaring him to the point he is about to piss his pants.
"Well that got her out of that state." Says Guren relieved.
"Wait (f/n) is it true are you really Guren daughter!" Ask Mitsuba.
"Well um, yeah I umm ha ah ha." You stutter only to fall back on the ground and turn once again into a pile of jelly.
"Oh shit!" Grumbles Guren.

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