A Father's Love

By ShannonLeathem

185K 3.6K 461

Leaving is one thing. Leaving and not telling someone they're gonna be a father? That's another. Luke learns... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74

Chapter 50

1.2K 24 1
By ShannonLeathem

With Shelby on a team the entire summer, Luke couldn't take her camping until the very last weekend before school started, and it was just overnight, returning Sunday afternoon. Later, at bedtime, they got Shelby's backpack ready, packing all the school supplies Lorelai had gotten when they went shopping. Luke tried offering to pay her back for them but Lorelai wouldn't let him.

Luke had Shelby help him organize everything inside her brand new basketball backpack, putting the pencils, colored pencils, kid scissors, and glue stick in a camouflage pencil box.

As he zipped the backpack closed, Luke called over to where Jess laid on his bed, reading, "Do you have everything you need for your classes?"

"Yep," Jess called back.

"You sure? I can help ya out if you need anything," he offered.

"Nope, I'm good."

Luke passed Shelby's backpack to her, telling her to go hang it up by the door. Doing as she was told, Shelby took her backpack over to hang it on its hook, returning afterwards. Luke was the first one up the next morning, getting Shelby up once he was dressed.

Shelby picked out her Connecticut Huskies jersey and sky blue basketball shorts for her first day. While she got dressed and put her shoes on, Luke headed downstairs to open the diner and fix her breakfast, making sure Shelby ate a balanced meal.

Shelby came downstairs when the food was just about done already wearing her backpack on her back and her baseball cap on her head, backwards like always. "I'm ready, Dad," she told him as Luke was bringing the donut case out, setting it on the counter beside the register.

"Find somewhere to sit, kiddo," he told her. "I'll bring you out your breakfast." He headed back into the kitchen. Once the food was all finished, he scooped it all onto a plate and took it out to where Shelby was sitting a table. Unfortunately, that morning in particular, the Gilmores didn't stop by for breakfast. Shelby knew they didn't always stop by every time but she hoped that morning they'd be there.

"I wan-ted Lor-lai to come too," Shelby told him when he returned to check on her later when a few customers were there.

"How come you didn't say anything to her the last time you saw her?" he asked.

"I didn' tink abou' i' ten." She stared up at him, pitifully.

"Aw, I'm sorry, kiddo." He held a kiss to her head. "I'm here at least, right?"

Shelby nodded, but it didn't perk her up.

When it was time to leave, Luke left Caesar in charge while he took Shelby to school. Outside, Luke had her stand in front of the diner. Having gotten a disposable camera from Doose's, he had Shelby pose for a picture since Rachel wasn't there with her camera. Though he probably wouldn't admit it, Luke wanted a memento of his daughter, growing up, to hold on to something. Afterwards, they finally headed for the school, taking his truck this time.

The second grade classrooms were on the other side from the first grade classrooms. Luke stopped at the second grade bulletin board where the classes were posted and scanned the students' names until he found Shelby's. Hers was on the third list, finding it with the new teacher. Not only did Shelby have the new teacher, she also had a male teacher this year, as well.

"Looks like your teacher is Mr. Harris," Luke told her. 

Shelby held onto his hand, nervously, not letting go even when they made their way over to the classroom. All of the classroom doors were propped open. Sticking his head inside, first, Luke walked in, feeling Shelby cling to his side.

A man looked to be a foot shorter than Luke, with short, black hair and dark skin was finishing up with a couple before he met them inside the door. "Hello there," he greeted them, smiling kindly over at Shelby, who was hiding behind her dad's leg now. "I'm Mr. Harris." He held his hand out for Luke to shake.

Luke returned it. "Nice to meet you," he returned the greeting. "I'm Luke Danes, and this here is Shelby."

Mr. Harris looked back at Shelby and kneeled to her level. "Hey there, Shelby. It's very nice to meet you."

Shelby buried most of her face into her dad's leg, peeking out at the new teacher.

But Mr. Harris remained kind about it. "Shy one, I see. Well, that's okay. I hope we can get to know each other over the next few months." Giving her another kind smile, he stood up.

"Uh, Shelby's more than just shy," Luke then explained to the teacher about how hard it can be for Shelby to speak in new, uncomfortable situations and how she meets with Miss Kelly, twice a week.

"Not a problem. Whatever it takes to help each student, I'm willing to work with," he assured him which helped make Luke feel better.

While the adults were talking, another family wandered into the classroom which made Shelby perk up and dash right over, hugging both of her best friends, one at a time.

"Well, I see Shelby already knows someone well," Mr. Harris said.

Luke was glad to see the boys were finally in the same class as Shelby, once again. That was another relief right there. "Yeah, they've been friends since Shelby moved here, back in kindergarten," he explained.

"Oh. Was she living with her mom before?"

"It's a long story, but short version, Shelby spent the first five years in foster care while I had no idea she even existed, and now she's here with me."

"Ah, okay," he nodded, accepting the brief answer.

Eventually, the kids hurried over to find their seats. Shelby ended up not being near Ethan and Alan, but to help her feel more at ease, Mr. Harris agreed to switch her desk with another student so Shelby could sit behind where the boys were. He made them promise not to talk when they weren't supposed to or they'd be split up, and that went for Ethan and Alan, too since they were right beside each other.

Luke got a few more pictures of Shelby, at her desk and also with the boys, asking their mom if she could take one of him and Shelby, together. Though, when class started, and the parents lined the back of the room, excessively taking pictures and filming everything, Luke put the camera away and listened to what Mr. Harris had to say in case there was a problem during the school year, so he knew what to do.

After Mr. Harris talked a little about himself and explained what was expected in his classroom, he gave the students a chance to say something about themselves and if they done anything special over the summer. Both Ethan and Alan, each went, making sure to both point out they were twins and shared how they visited family in Florida for most of the summer, also adding that Shelby was their best friend, too. That part made Luke chuckle under his breath.

The part Luke hated the most came too fast: having to say good-bye. Making his way over, he kneeled beside her desk, draping an arm along the back of the chair.

"You gonna be okay, Shell?"

Shelby nodded at him.

Luke smiled. "Good to hear, kiddo." 

She then leaned over and gave him one last hug, squeezing him, tight before kissing his cheek. 

Luke returned it, standing up afterwards. "I love ya, kiddo." 

He lowered his head at Shelby's request so she could tell him she loved him too. 

Luke playfully grabbed at the top of her head before pulling himself towards the door. Just like the first couple years, he still hung out at the door for a few minutes, making sure Shelby was still doing fine, watching her through the narrow window on the door as they started on their first day lesson. It wasn't anything school-related. Straining to hear, it seemed like the worksheet Mr. Harris passed out was a get-to-know-your-classmate worksheet. The students had to get up from their seats and walk around the room, having to ask other students, questions.

Ethan and Alan helped Shelby get her answers. Knowing the boys were there, looking out for her, Luke soon felt a little confident to leave and head back to the diner. Jess had already left for school when he returned.

All day, Luke counted down the hours until school let out, hoping to hear Shelby had a good first day. Now and then, he caught himself staring over at the clock on the wall. Time seemed to not move fast enough. He tried to keep busy, thankful the summer rush had not yet ended. Some recurring customers asked where their favorite adorable server was.

"She started school again," he'd tell him while pouring their coffee or when he came over to take their order.

Things must have been busy at the inn, as well since he didn't see Lorelai stop by at all. Though, usually if they weren't there in the morning, the Gilmores came around dinner time.

Finally, the time came to go pick Shelby up. Leaving Caesar in charge, once again, Luke headed over to the school getting there before the rest of the parents did, to get a good parking spot. Eventually, after waiting about twenty minutes, the last bell rang and students piled out of the building, in single file lines, being led by teachers.

Stepping out of his truck, Luke looked around, scanning the students for his kid until he finally spotted her. Cupping his hands around his mouth, Luke called out, "Shelby!" making her look over from talking to her friends. Shelby waved to them before dashing over to where he was standing. He scooped her up and squeezed her, tight while Shelby squeezed his neck. "How was it?"

"I like second grade, Dad," she said, happily.

His eyebrows rose in surprise. "You do?"

Shelby nodded. "I have my friends, and Mr. Harris is really nice. He never made me take off my ha' or make me talk, and we played lo's of games. We didn' even do any real work today."

"That's great, kiddo," he praised, relieved Shelby had a good first day. "How about some ice cream for your after-school snack, today?"

Her eyes widened along with her mouth. "Really?"

"You bet, kiddo," Luke smiled at her. He put her back down on her feet before heading over to his truck, letting her climb in. He shut the door for her and hurried around to his side, sliding in under the wheel. Back at the diner, Luke scooped some of her favorite ice cream into a bowl, along with some chocolate syrup.

Jess came in while Shelby was eating. He walked by, heading upstairs when he noticed what she was eating. "Aw, how come she gets ice cream?" the guy questioned, sounding like a little kid.

Luke stared over him. "Would you like some ice cream, Jess?" he played along.

"Can't," Jess replied, now in his normal tone. "I just came by to grab something. But thanks for the offer," he pointed a finger as Jess stepped backwards towards the stairs. As he hurried up the stairs he called, "I'll help you close, later!"

Luke just shook his head as he returned to his work.

Once Jess came back down, he headed straight for the door, playfully punching Shelby in the arm. It was something Luke noticed something the young man did similar to Luke kissing Shelby, good-bye.

Shelby tried asking if she could tag along but Jess told her she couldn't. Not this time.

"We'll do something, I promise. Maybe this weekend," he assured her. With another playful punch, Jess hurried out of the diner.

Once Shelby finished her snack, Luke let her work her two hours. At the end of her "shift" Lorelai and Rory finally stopped by for dinner. The kid hurried over to them just as they were sitting down and even took their order.

Luke came over just as Shelby was saying, "Bu' you ea' here every day and order the same ting," using the most serious voice. Even when she wasn't trying this kid could make him smile and want to laugh.

"Well, yes, that is true. But," Lorelai replied. "Maybe today I would like something different. Ever think of that, little missy?" She poked the kid in the stomach. Shelby touched her stomach, but gave her a look that said she wasn't buying it. She let it slide and said okay, turning to him.

"T'ey wan' a minu'e to decide, Dad."

"Okay, thanks, kiddo. Should we bring them, their coffee at least?"

But Shelby shook her head.

It was Lorelai who spoke up at that, sounding taken aback. "And why not?"

"No' until you order," she stated, crossing her arms in front of her.

"Fine," the woman replied, giving in and ordered her usual cheeseburger and fries. Rory ordered hers with chili cheese fries. Both of them received a hard glare from the kid who followed her dad. "Someone's not getting a tip!"

Shelby turned right back on her heel and stuck her tongue out at Lorelai and hurried over to beat her dad in giving Caesar, the Gilmores' order. "Can I pour tear coffee, Daddy?" she asked when Luke went over to fetch the coffeepot.

"It's hot, kiddo," he reminded her.

"No' the han-doh."

"Come on," he motioned Shelby over towards the Gilmores' table with his head and headed over there. Luke pulled Rory's cup closer to the edge, letting her know she can lend him a hand in pouring the coffee. He let her hold on to the handle while he still held it in his right hand. The two poured Rory, her coffee, who thanked them both. Luke reached over to grab Lorelai's next, doing the same thing. Lorelai thanked them as well when she took the cup back, now full. "Great job, Shell. Why don't you take a break and I'll have Caesar fix you some dinner?"

"I'm no' hungry, and I wan' to keep working."

"You've been working for two hours already. I can't let you keep working. Not without a break. You wouldn't want me to get in trouble, do ya?"

"Well..." Shelby pretended to ponder on that.

"Shelby," he warned.

"Okay," she gave in and told him, she wanted chicken nuggets and onion rings, with orange juice. Shelby then climbed onto the chair beside Rory as Luke walked away to let Caesar know there was another order.

While they ate, Shelby told Lorelai and Rory all about her first day, including the part about her best friends being in her class this time. To see his kid this happy after a long time made Luke feel relieved and twice as happy as she was, hoping this would last at least for a while. Eventually, the Gilmores had to leave to go home, so Shelby had to say good-bye, giving them each a hug.

Afterwards, Shelby asked her dad if she could go upstairs and play her video games. Luke went up with her and help supervise Shelby get ready for bed. He didn't like having her bathe while nobody was upstairs with her, though the only thing she still needed help with was washing her back. Everything else, Shelby could now do herself, including washing her hair.

After her bath, Shelby got dressed in her pajamas which had basketballs all over them. He told her she could play her video games until he came back upstairs at closing time, reminding Shelby if she needed to come down and get him for whatever reason, to put her shoes on, first.

Jess ended up coming home after Luke closed the diner. When he asked where Jess had been, Jess told him, he had some errands to run and the bus was running late and headed upstairs. By the time Luke had gotten up there, Jess was in the shower, so he watched Shelby play her game while he waited for the bathroom. This time she seemed to be an ape wearing a red tie and nothing else, shooting what looked like a gun made of wood that shot coconuts.

Eventually, he had her scoot over and sat with her in the chair until Jess came out of the bathroom. Through the closed door, he heard Jess tell Shelby if she wanted him to read to her she had to turn off the game because Jess was going to sleep, soon. When Luke came out of the bathroom in his pajamas, Shelby was laying in Jess' bunk, listening as he read a chapter from the second Harry Potter book Shelby found at the library. After finishing the chapter, it was time for lights out.

Shelby climbed up to her bunk where Luke came over to say good night.

"You had a good day, kiddo?"

She nodded. "Because you, and Jess, and Lor-lai, and Rory, and E'tan, and Alan were here to make i' good."

"Of course. We love ya." Luke reached up a little more to kiss her good night, holding an arm around her.

Shelby returned it. "I love you too, Dad." 

That said, Luke gave her back a quick rub before heading over to his side, turning the light off on the way. 

In the dark, he heard her tell Jess, "Good night, Jess. I love you too." 

With sarcasm, Jess questioned, "Who are we, the Waltons?" He did tell her good night. 

It made Luke chuckle to himself as he got into bed and set his alarm clock before laying his head on his pillow. 

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