Counterfeit Love (Normally fa...

By Abbey_Baby5h

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After setting her sights on a new victim, which happens to be Ally, Taylor hatches a plan to fully embarrass... More

First Day
The Beginning
The Best Cure For Sadness
A New Friend
ANOTHER New Friend
The Truth
A Date and A Confession
a BIG Surprise
Christmas Planning
A Queen Dethroned
The Bitter End
Author's Note

The Party Disaster

505 20 13
By Abbey_Baby5h


Before you read any further! I just wanted to make it clear this IS a g!p story! It's something that I wanted to try out, sorry if that bothers anyone. You can ignore it idk and IF I do end up writing smut i'll put and before and after mark on it so it can be skipped. Sorry! And Dinah will probably be in the next chapter. I feel like I said this already but this time I'm being truthful. Alright enjoy :)

"Bye aunt Clara! We'll be back later!" Ally, not wanting to be late, rushed out the door.

"Bye honey. Don't have too much fun tonight, ok?" Clara looked up from her book with knowing eyes.


The older woman laughed at her embarrassed niece, but decided to spare her anymore teasing. 

"I'm just kidding, hun. Be back by 1."

Ally scampered out of the door and towards Ty's car which was parked in the driveway. She got into the back seat, since Lauren and Ty were upfront. It's not like she was third-wheeling it or anything. Zayn and Bebe decided to tag along with them, so she wouldn't be alone. 

Truthfully Ally had been looking forward to this party for the past few days. Ok and yes, it did have something to do with seeing Normani again. She didn't know why, but just the taller girl's presence made her happy. She loved being around her. They couldn't really talk during school, the two being on completely different levels of popularity and such. Instead, they texted each other a lot. Ally didn't mind that much.

"So Ally, are you ready do get your drink on?" Bebe asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. 

Before she could answer, she looked up and saw Lauren's green eyes glaring at her from the rear-view mirror and chose her next words carefully.

"I'm not really planning on drinking tonight, actually." 

Bebe snorted. "Then you're going to the wrong place. Don't let your cousin scare you into missing out on a good time."

"She can have a perfectly fun time without alcohol involved." Lauren cut in.

"Yeah ok mom, and I'm sure you plan on staying sober tonight." Bebe rolled her eyes.

Lauren chose not to reply.

"As I was saying." She turned back to the brown-eyed girl. "You're totally gonna have people all over you tonight. You look amazing."

"That would be my doing." The Cuban cut in again.

It was true. After much convincing, Ally agreed to let Lauren choose her outfit for the party. She ended up in a frilly light blue top, paired with a simple black skirt and lace high heels. Her makeup stayed simple, as well as her hair. While Lauren was proud of her work, Ally couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. She wasn't used to being all dolled up like that, but knew it was better than anything she would've picked out.

"Good job Laur, you managed to make an already beautiful girl look even more beautiful." Bebe complimented. "What do you think Zayn?"

The boy, who the rest forgot was there, looked up from his phone.

"Wha- oh yeah. She looks great." He mumbled out before directing his eyes back down to the device. 

Ally was secretly thankful for the boy's half-hearted response. She didn't want to be the center of attention anymore or she was sure she would explode from how red her cheeks were getting. 

The rest of the car ride went by quickly, the teens talking and joking amongst themselves. Soon enough they were pulling into a driveway unfamiliar to Ally. The house next to it had multi-colored lights flashing from inside the windows, and music was loudly blaring. It looked like a typical teen party. The small girl let out a breath, readying herself, before unbuckling and stepping out the of car. 

She waited for the others to exit the vehicle, and jumped when she felt someone lace their hand with her own. Turning quickly and breathed a sigh of relief when she was met with a smiling Bebe. 

"I won't let you be alone, Tiny." 

Ally was immensely grateful for the other girl. Out of all her cousin's friends, the blonde girl had been the most welcoming. She opened up to her so quickly, that it had felt like they had been friends for years instead of a few days. 

The group of friends made their way into the loud house, it was packed. The song "Shots" by LMFAO started blasting through the large speakers in the front of the living room.

People still listen to this song? Ally thought to herself as she was lead by the hand through the house. 

They weaved through the large crowd of teens and towards the table covered in bottles upon bottles of different alcoholic beverages. 

A guy with scruffy brown hair came and whispered something in Lauren's ear and she nodded at him whispering something back. She tapped Ally on the shoulder.

"We're gonna go... Talk to some people out back. You can have ONE drink. ONE. I mean it Ally. Be safe. W'ell be back in a little while." And with that Lauren and Ty were gone. Zayn had disappeared the second they walked in. He wasn't much of a talker. 

That left Ally with Bebe.

"One drink huh? I can work with that." Bebe stated before she started pouring a whole variety of different drinks into a single cup. Once it was filled the bring she thrusted it into the Latina's hand, before making herself one. "There's your 'one drink'. Bottoms up."

Ally took the biggest gulp of the mixture that she could, it burned the back of her throat and tasted less than great. She cringed but kept drinking it. She turned to look out on the makeshift dance floor and almost choked on her drink. 

There, in the middle of the mass of sweaty bodies, was Normani. She had on a black dress that hugged her body beautifully. Her curves were on full display and the triangle slit in the middle of her dress showed off her stomach, her belly button ring sparkling brightly. She was seriously so sexy and perfect, and Ally could only stand and stare. 

The girl was swaying her hips seductively to the beat of the song, slowing them down as the third verse started.

Patrones on the rocks and I'm ready for some shots

The women come around everytime I'm pourin' shots

Their panties hit the ground everytime I give em shots

So cups in the air, everybody let's take shots

"Someone catch your eye?"

Ally quickly diverted her gaze and looked back at her blonde friend

"No." she lied. "Just soaking in the scene."

Bebe looked at her knowingly. "Yeah ok." She took a sip of her own drink.

"C'mon drink up!" She urged the smaller girl. "I wanna get this show on the road!"

With a last glance at the girl on the dance floor, Ally put the cup to her lips and tipped her head back, downing the entire thing.

Let the fun begin.


Ally's drink kicked in faster than expected, and she soon found herself on the dance floor, grinding against Bebe to a song she was too drunk to identify. 

Although she did swear off dancing forever, whatever the other girl put in her drink made her want to let lose and just have fun, she felt great. 

Bebe leaned forward and shouted in her ear over the music "I have to pee! I'll be right back, promise!" and she sauntered off to find a bathroom. 

Ally continued dancing, in her own little world, but gasped as she felt a pair of hands slide around her waist.

"You came." The shorter girl visibly relaxed and started her hips up again.

"I told you I would." 

"Well, I'm glad you're here." Normani husked in her ear. 

"Me too." The two girls continued to move to the music, bodies pressed together. Ally ground her ass into Normani a little harder than before and felt something poke at her thigh. She turned her head to look at the girl, slightly confused. The darker girl's pupils were blown wide and her eyes full of desire. 

Ally needed to take a break. 

She patted the girl's hands so they would unwind from around her waist, and walked (stumbled) towards the drinks table once more. Normani followed behind her. 

"Are you ok?" She questioned, concerned. 

"Y-yup. Just needed some air, no biggie!" The short girl slurred. Normani giggled slightly.

"You're drunk, aren't you?"

"No!" hiccup "I only had ONE drink. I pom-prom-promised Lauren that I'd have one and I did! Silly Mani." She fell into a giggling fit.

"You're plastered, oh my god."

"And you're gorgeous." Ally tried, and failed, to wink at the dark goddess. 

"I'm gonna get you some water, ok? Stay right here." Normani quickly made her way through the crowded house towards the kitchen.

The Latina didn't want water though, she wanted more of that dancing juice that Bebe gave her. Let's see, how did she do it again? Ally looked at the different bottles. Maybe she'll just make her own combination. 

After pouring about 4 different types of alcohol into a single cup she brought it to her lips. Before she drank it though, her phone buzzed. She set the drink down on the table behind her and pulled it out. 

Bebe- Hey I got back from the bathroom and saw you getting cozy with a certain someone ;) decided not to disturb, have fun! We'll run into each other later.

Ally- Okat I'm habing anohter drink 

The reply was instant 

Bebe- ok but NO MORE AFTER THAT. I won't tell Lauren.

Ally put her phone back into her pocket and picked her drink up again. She downed half of it quickly, not wanting Normani to come back and see her with it. Not being able to stomach the other half, she set it back down on the table. 


Normani entered the kitchen quickly, going straight to the cabinets and getting a cup. 

"There you are Mani! I've been looking for you!" Taylor's voice rang out.

"Hey Tay." Normani didn't halt the task at hand.

"Did you find her?" The taller girl asked in a low voice.

The other waited a second before responding.

"Uh, yeah. She's beyond drunk so I'm getting her water." She started filling the cup.

"Wait!" Taylor put her hand the Normani's arm. "Drunk people love to spill secrets. This is good for us. She can tell you some dirt about herself. If anything you should give her some Vodka."

Normani looked at her friend in disbelief.

"I'm not taking advantage of her in this state!"

"That's the whole point though, Mani."

"I realize that, but not like this. Not when she's two seconds from passing out. I'll get info from her, just not now." She stormed out of the kitchen with the glass of water in her hand. She was gripping it so hard, it was a surprise it didn't shatter.

She made her way back into the living room, her eyes finding Ally. She looked so small and cute in contrast to the people dancing around her. She walked up to her, handing her the glass. 

"Drink this, you'll feel better."

"I don't wannnnnnna." She drawled out. "I wanna dance again." 

"Ally-" The older girl was cut off by the Ally putting the drink down and dragging her back into the crowd of gyrating bodies.

They danced for a little while longer and Normani would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy it. But after a while Ally's movements seemed a little... sluggish. 

"Are you feeling ok?" Normani was feeling more concerned by the second.

"Mmmfine. I'm- I.." Her eyelids drooped and she slowed her movements. 

"Ok we need to go outside. Now." She grabbed Ally's wrist, attempting to pull her towards the door. 

This didn't work out the way she planned as Ally stumbled, almost falling completely on the floor. Normani instead grabbed her by the waist and practically had to carry the girl to the door. All the way, the smaller girl was mumbling and Normani wasn't even sure she was forming sentences. Something was seriously wrong.

"M-mani. I feel.."

"You feel what, baby?" Normani's voiced cracked slightly.


"I know, we're going outside right now, ok?" 

No reply.



The dancer breathed a sigh of relief and walked them through the door. She helped the girl sit on the top step, and then settled down next to her. Ally wobbled slightly from where she was sitting.

"I feel funny." She clutched her middle. "What's happening to me?"

Now that they were outside, Normani could see the sweat practically dripping off the other girl. She started to piece things together and her stomach dropped. She grabbed onto the girls face with both her hands. Ally was fighting to keep her eyes open, face twisted into a pained expression. 

"Oh god." Normani was beyond scared, she had never dealt with a situation like this before. "Ally did you have any other drinks after the first one?" She felt her heart, it was abnormally slow, especially considering they had just been dancing in a hot and crowded living room.


"And at any time did you set that drink down and leave it unattended."

Ally thought for a second. "To check m'phone." 

"Shit. Fuck. Fucking hell!" The taller girl cursed angrily. Her fears were practically just confirmed.

The Latina's eyes started filling with tears. "M'gon die?"

"No! No you'll be fine." Or at least she hoped. 

Ally back against the walkway, nausea going away and suddenly feeling very tired.

The other girl leaned over her and shook her frantically. "Ally! You need to keep your eyes open ok? Ally! Stay awake!" 

Ally tried desperately to keep her eyes open, but it was no use and everything went dark. 

At this point Normani was on the verge of tears, and she had no idea what she was supposed to do. 

"Hey! Is she ok?" The dark girl turned swiftly towards the door, a skinny girl with blonde hair was standing in front of it. She recognized the girl as one of Lauren's friends. Betty? Bebe? Something like that.

"N-no. She isn't ok. I- she- you need to go get Lauren. Tell her that Ally got roofied." 

The blonde girl's face dropped instantly and she ran back into the house.

Less than a minute went by when the green-eyed girl came rushing out the door, she zeroed in on the pair sitting on the steps and bolted towards them. Her eyes were red, she was clearly high. After taking one look at her unconscious cousin, she started flipping out. 

Normani didn't know what to do as people filed out of the house, wanting to see what the commotion was about. Lauren was full-on shrieking and crying. Eventually an ambulance showed up along with two police cars. The party was of course shut down and Ally was loaded into the ambulance. Normani still couldn't move from her spot as she watched Lauren climb in with her. 

She sat there, everything, not really processing what happened. She felt a tap on her shoulder and looked up. It was Taylor. 

"Do you need a ride or not? I'm leaving right now." Normani was sitting there for longer than she thought. Looking around, they were almost the only ones left there. The music was off as well as the colored lights. She looked back at her friend and nodded.

Well this night could have gone better. 

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