Lunar Whispers

By SianaghGallagher

14.7M 652K 336K

COMPLETED (BOOK 5) *Also a stand-alone book!* Jacob had been shy his entire life. He was reserved, had an int... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
The Sequel

Chapter 88

160K 6.1K 5K
By SianaghGallagher

Jacob started to drink the water and his focus was already slowing down. He never thought alcohol would taste so revolting and he had no idea how he could tell if he was getting drunk or not.

"Are you okay? You need to drink it all." Hunter placed his fingers on the bottom of the glass and lifted it. Jacob followed the pace and drank quickly, but his sense of balance was also starting to deteriorate. "Dad, can I get drunk too?"

"No. You can babysit Jacob. Or me, I could use a drink."

"He might be fine if he drinks enough-" Before Hunter could finish, the doorbell echoed through the house.

"Oh gosh," Margo didn't know why she was so worried about being judged. She didn't care if these people liked her or not, it was Jacob's reputation that was on the line. "Get him more water." Everyone watched her rush down the corridor. Even though the water most likely won't filter out the vodka, they had to try something.

Even Sam was a little nervous for him.

"Jacob, can you feel yourself getting drunk?" Hunter asked and placed another pint of water in his hand.

"I don't know how it feels." He blinked slowly and frowned at the lack of focus.

Hunter grinned. He has wondered what Jacob would be like drunk. Four shots will not get him immensely off his face with alcohol but it might make him sick in an hour or two.

"Hello, come in." Margo's voice echoed into the room but they didn't hear a response. When the door shut, footsteps could only be detectable as everyone climbed to their feet, ready to greet them.

Jacob stood up and the room performed a huge spin, making him stumble into Hunter who placed a firm arm around his waist, holding their sides securely together.

"This is going to be rather entertaining," He thought and gripped him tighter.

"This is- um, I feel really weird."

Hunter simply smiled when his relatives entered the room. However, his grandmother's sister looked just like her and he altered his proud stance. It caught him off guard and a wave of weakness invaded his stability.

"Where is the God?" The man demanded. He shared the same coloured hair as Anthony and those grey eyes that popped against his olive skin.

Anthony frowned when his aunt and uncle completely ignored him.

"Excuse me, you cannot be serious," He sighed and crossed his arms. Margo rubbed his back which she knew would calm him. "You can't just walk into-"

"Anthony, do not be rude in the presence of the God," The man silenced him with eyes full of disapproval. "Where is that wife of yours? I need a cup of tea."

Anthony clenched his hands as Scott stood up, seeing that things were not starting out good.

"I'll make-"

"No," Anthony's uncle interrupted. "That's a Woman's Job."

Everyone in the room fell silent. An awkward atmosphere crept in through the door. The tension was building as the visitors tried to be superior with their old-fashioned views.

"They are definitely homophobic if they are living in the dark ages," Hunter grumbled but he could feel Jacob depending more on his support to stay standing up straight.

"Don't you dare," Anthony spoke calmly. "My wife has the freedom to do whatever she pleases. She is a person, not an object. Do not even think about telling her what to do."

"Well, I see we are off to a good start." Anthony's uncle turned to his sister with a faint smirk. "Liz, make me some tea."

The woman showed a hint of jealousy towards Margo but did as he demanded and turned to find the kitchen.

"Unbelievable," Alfred muttered. He would never even think about ordering Flora around like that. She would most likely drug him if he even tried. In this day and age, who still believes that women are only useful for doing jobs around the house?

"So, where is the God?"

"Randy, you haven't seen me in years. Do you not care about me and my family? Look at Hunter, he's eighteen and grown up." Anthony was challenging him with the look in his eyes.

"Hunter? Hah, how pathetic." Randy turned and looked at his nephew's son. It was true that he was growing into a strong and stable looking young man. However, the past was written all over his face. "Do you really think I came here to be associated with the boy who caused my sister to die?"

There are moments for Hunter when his hearing appears to be broken. It felt like his head was suddenly submerged within a sink full of ice cold water. Everything felt numb, quiet, still and empty.

Flora quickly climbed to her feet with a raging fire burning in her gaze, trying to overpower him with her small frame.

"Are you aware that the God is standing in this room, listening to your repulsive beliefs and hearing you talk with such a disrespectful manner towards his mate?" She questioned, almost trembling with rage.

"Oh, I'm very aware that Hunter is mated to another man who is in fact, the God of wolves. Honestly, how does such royalty allow that? Two men together, it is simply wrong."

Jacob stood with confidence when he made eye contact with Randy. A moment of clarity washed through his twisting mind.

"My son can love whoever he wants," Scott frowned. "Who are you to tell him what's right and what's wrong?"

"Yeah," William added and subconsciously stood closer to Sam. "Why are you so... closed minded?"

"I'm not, I've just had a correct upbringing-"

"What, so mum didn't?" Anthony questioned. "She would have loved Jacota and my son being together. She taught me that love is one kind of feeling, shared between everyone no matter who they are. She didn't let dad treat her like some slave, she had rights and fought for them. Who the hell raised you? Because it wasn't who raised her."

Randy crossed his arms and looked his Nephew up and down with filth in his gaze.

"She would be so disappointed-"

"Don't give me that crap," He scoffed. "Did you ever think about why she barely visited you or Liz? She knew you were bad influences for our child and wanted him to be raised without being encouraged by the way you think." Anthony turned towards his son who was fighting against his feelings, trying to keep the tears away. "He's gay," He took a breath of air, calming his heart. "And he's perfect."

Liz entered the room with tea for her brother. However, she heard what has been said.

"You know what?" Randy flung his hand, knocking the tea out of his sister's grip. The eyes in the room followed it through the air until it smashed against the wall, sending tea and bits of broken pottery all over Flora. She flinched and cried out from the heat of the liquid. The mouths in the room gasped while Alfred frantically wiped her face and brushed away the broken clay from her lap.

"Are you alright my dear?" He questioned and gently took off her glasses so he could wipe them clean.

All the werewolves' blood was instantly boiling in their veins.

"I wish Hunter drowned in that lake instead of our sister and her husband. He doesn't deserve a God, he deserves nothing because he hasn't earnt-"

"Enough!" Jacob yelled, his voice was deep and powerful, instantly silencing Randy. A low growl sent shivers down his arms. The God stepped forwards, feeling the sway of the alcohol but his Godly mind was not prepared to let it in. "How dare you talk about him like that. What gives you the right to say such insulting things to my mate?"

Scott was surprised but he was more concerned about the fact that Hunter looked like he was about to break down into an emotional state. He couldn't imagine how he must be feeling. His family are blaming him for ending the lives of the ones who he loves with all his heart. Poor Hunter, there was nothing he could have done to make the tragedy any better and they know that.

"He could have-"

"Shut up," Jacob glared cold and hard. "You're sexist, homophobic and just an idiot. What-What did you think you would gain from coming here, throwing a few insulting words around, spilling tea on Flora and upsetting Hunter?" He hiccuped and frowned when the room started spinning again. "You've angered me." The electricity popped onto his palms like someone flicked a switch.

Randy and Liz watched with a sudden sense of amazement and wonder while the little bolts started to twist and turn around his fingers.

"I... I can only apologise," Liz breathed, her eyes transfixed on the yellow glow. "My brother, he is a goddamn imbecile. Honestly, my sister was right to move away and to start her own life. If I had found my mate, I would have left too. We can't all be lucky enough to be Alpha's and find a mate at eighteen. Hunter, none of this is your fault. You were just a boy and I can't and don't ever want to put myself in your shoes. Gosh, Randy, you are such a sick person to put all the blame on him. I thought you only wanted to see the God, not stir an argument."

Randy looked incredibly mortified and shocked, not expecting her to speak up for herself.

Jacob's confidence was oozing from him because he was reaching the maximum tipsy stage. His thoughts were reckless and not filtered, as were the words that came out of his mouth.

"You should be ashamed of yourself." He pointed a finger with a deep frown. If he stumbled, they would have suspected alcohol to be in his system. But for now, he looked a little lethargic. "You're old, you're supposed to know when to shut up."

William and Sam tried to keep their sniggers quiet while Margo stared at her son who continued to look incredibly distraught. He needed a long cry to get everything out of his system but, of course, he didn't want to do that in front of everyone.

"Anthony, I have missed you." Liz took a step in his direction but Randy lifted his hand, getting ready to express his anger through violent actions. However, once his hand was in the air and Liz had flinched, it didn't move.

Jacob was staring at it intensely, using his telekinesis to keep it where it was.

After taking a few uneasy steps forwards, Randy realised that his feet were planted to the ground, stopping him from cowering away. The God had such a profound atmosphere. He was incredibly dominant. Power floated all around him.

Lifting his own fist, He did what nobody expected him to do and punched Anthony's uncle hard in the face, causing his head to fall back. His body didn't move because he wouldn't allow it to.

"I can see right into your soul. It is dirty and disgusting. You're a pathetic old man with nothing worth living for." He punched him again. "This is for being mean." He then punched him again, causing the blood to seep from his nose. "This is for spilling tea on Flora." He punched him a third time, relaxing his powers and allowing him to fall back against the wall. "And that is for upsetting my werewolf." He punched him one final time so he collapsed onto the floor. "Nobody upsets my mate."

Everyone in the room was shocked. Jacob had not only found his confidence, he has stood up for what is right and defended himself and others. William thought back to when he couldn't even stand up for himself when Brad was bullying him in college. Now, he wasn't prepared to just let it happen.

"You know what?" Hunter spoke up after talking himself out of having a serious breakdown. "You deserved that. And you know what else? Nothing is my fault. I've let it go, it's gone and nothing about that day will ever change so just accept that and get on with your life like my grandparents would have wanted us to."

Jacob pulled Randy up by the scruff of his collar. He stumbled slightly before pushing him hard into the door.

"You need- you need to leave. Like right now." He was starting to feel more affected by the alcohol with every passing minute.

Liz followed Randy, feeling very embarrassed. Her brother was struggling to walk properly due to Jacob's strong punches. If he was human and not a werewolf, he would have most likely been knocked unconscious. She turned, needing to say one last thing.

"I'll visit again," Looking at Anthony, guilt filled her eyes. "You look so like your mother."

Margo squeezed her husband's arm when a flow of sorrow ran through them both.

Alfred had his arm around Flora while everyone watched them walk towards the front door, not quite believing the visit was so intense.

When the front door slammed shut. The eyes in the room fell upon each other. Jacob's bloody knuckles were healing fast when he rested against the wall. His mind was drifting from one topic to another.

"Is everyone okay?" Scott questioned, needing to break the silence. He received generic replies, but nobody was really feeling fine after meeting such a repulsive man.

"I'm great," Jacob smiled clumsily, slowly forgetting how harsh the air felt.

"I'm glad somebody is."

Hunter walked over to his Nana to see if she was alright while his parents followed him with their gaze. Although, he was feeling rather settled. Seeing Jacob stick up for him in such a way was oddly heartwarming. He was violent because he was protecting him, and he liked that.

William and Sam smiled at each other, determined to keep their relationship out of any awkward situations. Whatever happens between them, they wanted to be great friends, through thick and thin.

Jacob slid down the wall and sank to the ground with his knees pulled up against his chest.

"Jacob," Scott crouched in front of him, not liking how violent he was but some part of him thought that Randy deserved it. "Come on, you need to have some food that will absorb some of the alcohol."

"No," Jacob frowned. "I'm-I'm fine. Honest, I really am."

Hunter crouched in front of him too.

"You're really not."

Jacob reached out and pulled him closer.

"Kiss me," He whined and pulled their faces together rather clumsily.

"Or..." Hunter pulled back with a goofy grin. He didn't want to take advantage of his drunken mate. "We get some fresh air?"

"No, let's take a bath together." Jacob wrapped his arms around Hunter's neck and hugged him tightly.

"You're going to be so embarrassed when you're sober," Hunter thought. "Come on, let's get some food in you."

"Do you have any chicken? We can eat it in the bath?"

Everyone chuckled while Hunter and Scott pulled him to his feet.

"How romantic. But no, we'll eat together in the kitchen."

"Why?" He pouted and started pulling the bottom of Hunter's t-shirt up, exposing his bellybutton. "kiss me then."

Hunter's cheeks were slightly pink, feeling the embarrassment for him.

"You're so needy when you're drunk. And just... everything you're not when you're sober."

"It's because he's confident." Scott chuckled and patted his son's shoulder. "Come on Jay, I'll make you a sandwich."

"Only Hunter can call me Jay."

"Oh, well I apologise," Scott shook his head with a smile.

"Why's that?" The Alpha wolf asked.

"Because- B-Because you called me it once and I liked it."

Scott held his hand, stopping him from grabbing a picture off the wall as they made their way towards the kitchen.

"You never said."

"I never say a lot of things." Jacob fell into the island in the middle of the kitchen and it took a lot of effort for him to sit on the stool.

"That's very true." Hunter stood behind him, resting his chest against his back and wrapping his arms around his waist, not wanting him to fall off.

Jacob rested the back of his head against Hunter's shoulder, feeling tired and strange.

"Don't worry," He mumbled after closing his eyes. Feeling Hunter's warmth all around him was extremely comforting. "In the future, I will be myself."

Hunter looked down and stared at his face, keeping track of the tiniest details.

"I'll be looking forwards to meeting the real Jacota Jones."

Scott smiled at the mention of his son's real name. He used to call him it when he was little and Grace was out of the room. When his son got older, he couldn't get away with it because he wasn't ready for him to know his fated future. He should have split up with Grace many years ago, then Jacob might have found his true identity.

After putting a mountain of chicken in Jacob's sandwich, he placed it in front of him and shook his shoulder. Jacob opened his eyes and was instantly distracted by food. Scott stared at Hunter in the meantime, not seeing any form of distress like he did earlier.

"You're perfect for him. Well, I guess, you're perfect for each other. You have no idea how grateful I am that you're his mate. Hunter, you are a wonderful person but we all have our demons. Don't let yours haunt you forever."

Hunter watched his brown eyes, seeing the similarities between him and his son.

"I won't. Meeting Jacob has changed my life. I don't know how I got through the day without him. I know that he never thought he would ever mean so much to anyone, but that's why I'm so determined for him to realise how much he means to me. I feel like my life is a book and this is the last chapter."

"But there's a sequel," Scott beamed with kind eyes. "You're starting fresh with all this new knowledge about other worlds, other people and of course, the war that will happen. You have so much left to write. I hope you never find yourself struggling for words."

Hunter watched the God. His mate, his boyfriend and the one who he'll love for the rest of his life.

"This is corny but... it's definitely the beginning of something special." Looking up to Scott, the sparkle of excitement reflected within his beautiful grey eyes. "And I'm ready."

The end

The next book in the series is called:

Souls for Satan

(you will find this book on my profile and this book will be about an Angel and a Demon, the ones who Panuleon talked about.)


The Golden Prodigies

(You'll find it on my profile)

I am trying hard not to get too upset. But holy hell, what a roller coaster of emotions this has been. If you are reading this now, you are a trooper and thank you for following me on this wonderful journey into the werewolf world.

Those shipper's who are obsessed with William and Sam... their story is not over and you'll find out what happens to them in the sequel!!

But for now, I hope you enjoy my new story and thank you so much for reading Lunar Whispers, commenting and voting.

Your Author,


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