Blazes of Temptation- Book 2

By LauraEBrown

264K 10.1K 594

***This story contains Mature Content*** -------------------------------------------- She wouldn't want out... More

Before Reading
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
After Read

Chapter Twenty Two

5.2K 218 20
By LauraEBrown

I gulp soundly.

Staring down at the image of a white piece of paper with disoriented and uneven handwriting- obviously, not to trace a clue, I find myself trembling with fear. The language is harsh enough to smell the anger and revenge. To think that someone is watching us, someone is out there, waiting for me, I think it's a miracle that I'm still alive.

"Who is- my voice breaks, unable to finish my sentence, "Do you have a clue who it could be? They're trying to... Andrew," scared, I look up to find Andrew worried and frowning. He's a few inches away from me. His eyes seek mine as he regards me with care and a feeling that I thought is unknown to him. Fear.

"I've already given it to the police. They're trying to track things down... I don't know who it could be. And..." he trails off, taking a shaky breath. "Someone is after you. Someone who is trying to hurt me through you. And I don't know whom I'm going to deal with this. But... I can't live if anything.... Happens to you... I just..." I see something shimmer in his eyes. Feeling weak already, I push my wariness and I hug him. He wraps his arms around me and puts his head on my head.

"I need to think. I need to search to see the potential people who can hurt us. Oh my god." He takes a shaky breath. "There are a lot of people." He titters nervously, "What have I done?" he whispers.

"We can through this. Like every other time. Nothing can separate us. Nothing can stand between us," I assure him.

Hesitantly, still wrapped in each other's brace, we make our way to the couch and sit down with me on his lap. He looks up at me, his expression grimaced.

"In business, it's normal trying to cut someone else's way. That's how one company gets rich. I have my own strategies. I cut the chase and beat everyone to get to my goal. I hurt people, but that's business. Why would anyone try to hurt you and me, personally, to prove his point? If they really want to hurt us, why not take that on me, on my company. I have never done anything injustice. The most I've done was to steal a chance by beating to them. If they've come to you, I don't know how far they can take this,"

"What about your family? Evelyn?" I ask, already worried about them,

"They'll be safe. They already have their own bodyguard, but just as a precaution, I have told Liam and Nick," he says.

"Do you have anyone suspicious of this?" I ask him,

He pauses for a few seconds before answering, "A few. Moore is on top of the list," he presses his lips into a thin line,

"Why would he threaten us? What would gain out of this? The only outcome would be hurting himself because all the arrows are pointed toward him," I wonder.

"True, but if it's one thing I've learned from business is that bold and impelling decisions are common and that no one has really a good reason for trying their hands out," he explains. Observing him closely now, I see lines of distress on his forehead. His hair is ruffled and slightly away from a mess. His eyes don't have their usual color.

"Do you think he has a motive to do this? I mean other than his defeat in the contract. Perhaps, it's his daughter. Amelia." I suggest.

Andrew shakes his head, already deep in thought, "I don't think so. I know Moore and I know Amelia. The more I think about it, the more it becomes clear that it's not them. Moore is smart. He may want to get back at me, but he wouldn't do that anytime soon. It's not him." he murmurs, "It's someone else. Someone who is frustrated and desperate and wants to get revenge. Someone who clearly knows about you. It could be anyone. It could be Matt," he exclaims angrily,

"No, he would never dare to do that. He cares for me. He wouldn't hurt me," I find myself defending on his behalf.

"I don't know," He goes deep in thought. His anger is vanishing, replacing with confusion.

Taking a deep breath, I stand up and make my way to the bathroom to get a warm and cozy bath in the midst of craziness. I'm scared. No, scratch that. I'm f*cking terrified. Someone is after me and someone is trying to kill me.

Stripping down, I step into the still-filling bathtub and let the water consume me. Sitting there, in a killing silence, knowing Andrew is in the other room beating himself up for being responsible for this mess; I can't help but feel helpless. A few moments pass and I watch as Andrew finally enters the bathroom and stands there. A deep sad smile on his face, as if he couldn't help himself, he continues looking at my way.

"You know you can join me?" I offer him.

"I think I will," he says before moving around to put his clothes in the laundry basket and then joins me in the bathtub. Sitting behind me, putting her arms around me, he puts little tiny kisses on my head and starts massaging my scalp adding shampoo to it slowly.

"What are you thinking?" Andrew asks,

"I still don't know what I'm thinking. I'm terrified. Not just for myself, but for you too. I can't live without you. I love you," I turn my head toward him and cradle his head in my hands,

"I love you too," He whispers against my lips. "No words, no nothing can express how sorry I am for putting you through that. I wanted to tell you I love you. I've loved you since the moment I saw you first. But I was never ready to tell you. I was scared-

"That I might leave you?" I ask before I can let him finish,

"I guess," he says, smiling. "Now I know you won't. Even if you do, I'll haunt you down myself and make you stay," he says firmly.

"Gee, okay," I say sarcastically.

After washing up, we decide to retire to bed. Andrew gets an update on the case after we come out of the bathroom finally, two hours later, might I tell you. Why? I guess you already know why.

They say there's no handprint on the paper. The ink is fresh. The mail has been delivered into the ACM mailings via a person, which, of course, doesn't show on the CCTV who.

Once on the bed, Andrew spoons me from behind and secures me with his arms around me. I sigh into his hug with satisfaction. There's nothing I would change this moment with. Just being in his arms. Having his affection. Knowing he loves me, just as much I love him.

The darkness is evident. I take a deep breath, inhaling second-hand smoke and the nasty smell of sweat. The place reeks of alcohol and drugs.

Squinting my eyes, I focus to see more through the darkness. It's at that moment when I hear a groan coming from behind me. When I turn around, however, I find everywhere dark saved by the lamp over my head. I lift my foot to take a step, but it seems that my body has its own will. It feels as though my nervous system is completely off. Gulping soundly, I narrow my eyes again. This time I see a flicker of red light. The light is so small that doesn't strike to be a source more than a...

A cigarette. A man, who's standing in the dark, puffs a huge gray smoke and directs it toward me. Coughing hard, I put a hand over my mouth.

"Who are you?" I find myself asking the stranger.

Instead of hearing an answer, the man only laughs. A cruel, bone-shaking laughter. Trembling, I start running the other way. This time, my body complies with me and soon I find myself getting away from the creep. A hand stops me in the middle, however. It takes a few seconds, only seconds, for the man to catch up with me and capture me in his arms. Struggling with tears burning on the bridge of my eyes, I try to scream, but my throat doesn't allow me.

The man drops us on the floor and climbs on top me. Disgusted by the way he smells, I try not to inhale and rather I turn my head away. Closing the distance between our faces, my capturer looks me in the eyes,

"You know who I am. I am coming for you. Your days are numbered." He says with a voice of demon as if he doesn't exist. Wrapping his long fingers around my neck, he squeezes roughly.

"NO!" I shout as I sit up and grab my neck, trying to find the invisible hands that have been trying to kill me. Gasping for air, I look around me.

"Laura?" Andrew asks next to me. "Baby, are you ok?" concerned, he sits up next to me and turns me around to face him.

Covered in a layer of sweat, clinging to my neck as if protecting it, I look at Andrew with tears in my eyes. I'm scared.

"Andrew. He's coming. He... Oh god," I mutter as I cover my face and start sobbing,

"Who's coming? Laura, it was a nightmare. Everything is ok. You're safe." He drags my hands away from my face. "I'm right here baby. I will protect you with my life. I promise." He says as he silently asks me to lie back with me in his arms. "Shhh, everything will be fine. I promise," he gently allows my head to cradle on his shoulder blade. Whispering soothing words, Andrew lulls me back to sleep.

In the morning when I walk downstairs, I find Joe sitting on one of the couches. Saying hi awkwardly, I grab my coffee and settle down behind the table for breakfast. Today, two other girls are helping Pamela, one of them already busy taking care of the floor.

"Dear one, if you wanted something you should have asked me. I would happy to do your shopping for you, that's why Andrew pays me for," Pamela says as she puts a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon.

"I know. I just wanted to do it myself to feel more like myself. I like spending time shopping."

"You should be careful. I'm scared for you," she whispers to me before taking a wary look at the two girls. I realize then Andrew must have informed Pamela, but not the two girls, in case of not having the subject spread through the media.

"I know. Thank you," I grab her hand and squeeze gently as she smiles at me.

Walking to work with Joe beside me is awkward. I try to tell myself that he doesn't exist, but the more he looks around and gets wary by each movement, the more annoyed I get and not in the sense of his presence, rather in the sense of being watched over and not being able to do anything.

"Good morning," Audrey says as she sees me walking toward my office.

"Good morning. How are you today?" I ask her as I walk by, Joe trailing behind me.

At the sight of Joe, Audrey stands there shocked, looking at him and gawking. I smile at her as she examines Joe with her eyes. I try to ignore her man-eating him, but the level of amusement catches up with me and soon I break into laughter.

That grabs their attention. Joe looks at me as if something has happened to me and he should get into fight mode and Audrey looks red knowing I have caught her gawking at my bodyguard. Well, this should be interesting.

"Sorry. What did you say?" she asks, walking pass Joe who takes a seat for himself on the couches on the far corner of my office.

"I asked you how you are doing. Seems like you're ok," I'm trying to hide my grin.

"Yeah. I think so. Sorry, my mind's a little bit busy today," she says, taking a side-glance at Joe who's observing us with eyes like an owl. "Who's this?" Audrey asks in a quiet tone that only I would hear it.

"Audrey, this is my new bodyguard, Joe. Joe, meet Audrey, one of my co-workers," I introduce her to him voluntarily. Yep, you're welcome.

When lunch hour comes, I receive a text from Andrew that he'll be taking me for lunch and true to his word, when I walk out of the offices, I find him leaning against the black SUV. He opens the door for me to slide in before giving a thorough and yearning kiss on my lips. Inside, I find one of the hired bodyguards sitting in the passenger seat next to Scott.

"Hello Scott," I greet him and awkward chew my option in acknowledging the man next to him or not since I don't know him yet.

"Laura. How's everything? I hope you're ok with Joe," he looks at me through the rear mirror while Andrew slides next to me.

Since we don't have enough space, and Joe needed to stay back to ensure no one would enter my office unwanted, and also for some other reason, apparently, he didn't tag along.

"Yes. He's perfect. I'm fine but would be much better if this man wasn't after me," I reply, sinking into Andrew's open invitation.

"I know. We're looking at it. I'll do my best to ensure your safety." He looks at me once more before turning his full attention back on the road.

Andrew decides to take us to the Moore Italian Restaurant, where Andrew and I went on our first few dates. It seems like a long time ago, but his remarkable affection event then and the sweet memory of that time is still on my brain. Scott and the other guy follow us into the restaurant and we walk in as if we are some sort of celebrity. A couple of people start staring all of a sudden. I begin feeling scared. It could be anyone. I look around me subconscious that perhaps my stalker is here. After all, wherever we go, he's possibly following us.

"Drew! Dear friend! Long time, no see," Lucas Moore comes from nowhere and appears in front of us. Drawing Andrew in an unasked hug, Lucas pats him on the back. "Oooh, and look you've decided to let out of your high castle. Laura, sweet girl, how's it going?"

"Hi, Lucas. Everything is amazing." I offer my hand to shake my hand with him, thinking that it's best to act rather more professionally in criteria where Andrew's most sensitive about. Lucas, however, has other plans when he takes my hand and drops a gentle kiss on the back of my hand.

"Lucas Moore!"Andrew exclaims, literally grabbing Lucas' collar and pushes him away from me, "F*cking bastard. Stay away from her. I know what you're trying to do with your f*cking charming smile. She's mine!" Andrew scowls at him. Oh, my dear, dear jealous boyfriend.

"Lucas, by any chance do you have any relation to Amelia or John Moore?" I try to change the subject. However, a though occupies my mind. I have never sought the familiarity of the two. And, if they are related, it raises the question that Andrew is friends with his number one enemy relative!

"Yes, I am. I should better say unfortunately at this moment, though, because it seems like my mildly self-centered uncle is very busy playing with chances of success and at the same time hurting intentionally." Lucas starts walking toward an empty table in the far corner of the restaurant, which seems like to be reserved for us,

"He's just stupid. That's his problem. Do you assume, though, he's stupid enough to threaten us?" Andrew asks Lucas. Interested in the relation of the two, and how Andrew finds confident in Lucas, I observe him under narrowed eyes. Although Lucas has a fine brown hair and rather skin softer than John Moore, he's also differentiated by his Italian features, which now I assume it comes from his mother.

Lucas takes a seat with us while Scott and the other guy, whom I take a mental note to get familiar with, sit a table away from us, shielding us from the rest of the diners.

"He's stupid, ay. But from what you have told me, this seems like to be a planned process. From what I know of the situation between Moore and you, he had many backup plans. Which only means he wouldn't have enough time to proceed to the third one this fast. This is entirely someone else." He turns his attention to me. "I'm here for you guys if you need me. The fact that this person had you and still has you under watchful eyes is scary." He admits. I only nod at his words.

When Andrew drops me off later at my office, I couldn't be happier to realize today is in fact Friday! A weekend away from work and the whole world would do some good, I'm sure. When the last few minutes of the working hour pass, I finally collect my stuff and raise my head to see Joe for the hundredth time. Sitting quietly through the day, he hasn't budged even an inch in his seat. Reading a book, Joe could be mistaken for a fellow scholar. Even more reason for Audrey to like him, with all his muscular form and LA tanned skin.

As I walk out of the office, I stop to talk to some of my co-workers, courtesy of being co-workers, it's essential, apparently, to know of each other's plan for the weekend. Ahhh, I have missed a working life.

"Hey, Laura, you have any plans for this weekend?" and here goes my turn.

"No, I don't. But I would enjoy it if it's spent inside." I reply.

Out the corner of my eye, I watch the exchange glances between Joe and Audrey, well Audrey mostly. She stands close by him and asks him something. He replies with a smile. Aw, these two are so cute.

"Wait, I thought you're going out of town this weekend?" Morris says, snapping me out of my thoughts and I direct my attention toward him.

"I have plans?" I ask, being caught off guard, "I don't think so."

"You sure? Mr. Martinez contacted me and asked me if it would be ok if you couldn't make it to work on Monday." He says.

Of course, Andrew would go behind my back and start plan himself. This man doesn't have any rein, he does what he wants. Pursing my lips, I show my displeasure. I make sure to teach him how not to do that. Oh, how I would enjoy it immensely.

"Oh, yeah. That. I totally forgot it's this week. Thought I would appreciate it if you don't your consent to Andrew next time. If there's anything needed, I'll talk to you myself." I reply.

"How can I ignore him? His voice is terrifying, I admit," he says, laughing nervously. Oh, tell me about it.

When we walk outside, the sun has begun setting already, portraying a beautiful hazy orange color. The weather nowadays is hot. Too damn hot. I can't wait for August to finish and then hit the beach. Smiling inwardly, I remember last year's experience, when Alice, Ella and I went to the beach and Ella spent the next week wailing over her sunburns. The good thing is my skin tone is not as white as hers. It may come to be a pain in the ass when deciding the perfect foundation for my skin.

Sliding into the car Andrew has apparently sent, I find the man whom I promised to be acquainted. Joe sits next to him and we pull out and dart straight to the traffic. Nice.

"Hey, I didn't get introduced to you. I'm Laura," I introduce myself the moment the car stops at a red light.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Derek, but they call me De. It's a pleasure to work for you," he says with a faint professional smile.

"And you. But I would be delighted if you call me, Laura. I hate formality," I wrinkle my nose,

"She really does. Don't even argue with her," Joe says before De can open his mouth and say something. Joe and I spent a good fifteen minutes on the way to work talking about that. Of course, he finally gave in. I'm the boss!

Ok, too much confidence. Now we know who the real boss is.

When I get home, I open the door to find Andrew sitting behind his laptop. He's early today. Not knowing if I should be happy or freakishly mad at him for arranging a weekend without telling me, I stand with my back to the closed door.

"So, you're taking me away for the weekend and you failed you to tell me this," I exclaim and watch as his eyes literally get round.

"Before you say anything, I am taking you want it or not and I'm not sorry for I did," he says cockily.

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