Queen Thorn (complete)

By TeresaSullivan427

162K 4K 1.3K

Rose was driven from court, because of the treatment she received from Dimitri and Lissa. But what happened t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 11

4.2K 99 29
By TeresaSullivan427

He laughed, "if it is all right with your mama, then I promise you that I will do my absolute best. But your Auntie Roza is an amazing woman and I imagine that she has tricks up her sleeve that I could never even imagine. But I will teach you all that I know. "

She smiled a big smile and said, "ok." Then she dove for him too, Dimitri wound up with his nephew on his shoulders and a niece in each arm.

I got Vika, Sonja and Karo to take some pictures while Dimitri and the kids weren't paying attention. Then the four of them posed for a few, it was all so completely adorable. I saw Dimitri's eyes shine with unshed tears of happiness.

Later we all sat around the family room talking and watching the children play for a few hours. I had sent some of my guardians to the nearest toy store. And had them to buy the kids the latest video game system and all of the age appropriate games along with controllers and whatever else they thought would be needed. I had absolutely no clue because I knew nothing about video games. But I got Eddie, Chris and Adrian to text them a list.

Suddenly Dimitri asked me, "So, you loved me from the very first moment that you saw me huh?"

I couldn't look at him because I was too embarrassed. He put a finger under my chin and raised my eyes to his. "Don't be embarrassed milaya moya. I have loved you from the very first moment that ever I saw you too." Then he kissed me lovingly. (my dearest)

We all sat around talking and telling stories until I was suddenly pulled to my Aunt Tati's office.


"Your majesty, Lady Natasha Ozera is here to see you."

'Oh lord, here we go,' she thought, 'I hope you are watching this Rose.'

"Show her in please." Guardian Steele showed Tasha into my aunt's office.

"Your majesty." Tasha said as she bowed.

"How may I help you today Lady Ozera?"

"I came to you in the hopes that you would have Guardian Dimitri Belikov assigned as my guardian. I know that he is no longer Princess Dragomir's guardian. So, I had hoped that he could be mine. I know that he has wanted to be my guardian for years but he was assigned to Lissa and he would not break his vow so he did not ask to be reassigned."

"Well Lady Ozera, I am sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but Guardian Belikov has already been reassigned. He has already given his vow of protection too Princess Ivashkov, and she has accepted. And as you know, once that happens one or both of them has to ask for him to be reassigned."

"Could you possibly convince the princess to break the vow?"

"Why would I do that?" Aunt Tati was getting impatient with both Lissa and Tasha. A normal person could ALMOST hear it in her voice, I on the other hand am not normal, so I COULD hear it in her voice. She was getting FARRRR beyond frustrated with the both of them. And she had absolutely no intentions of reassigning Dimitri to ANYONE else. Ever.

"Dimitri and I are involved, and it would be easier on us if he were to be my guardian. I am sure that the princess could find someone else to be her guardian."

"I am afraid that I cannot do that Lady Ozera. Princess Ivashkov needs Guardian Belikov more than anyone else does, she needs the best of the best and Guardian Belikov is that."

"Why would she need him?"

"Because Princess Ivashkov is to be crowned our new queen in a few days. And as I said, as the queen she needs the best protection the guardian ranks have to offer. You would not want our future queens' safety at risk now would you Lady Ozera?

"No, no of course not your majesty. But is there not someone other than my Dimka that can protect her?"

"As I said Lady Ozera, as queen, PRINCESS Ivashkov deserves the best. And the best guardian pair in the world would have been Guardians Dimitri Belikov and Rose Hathaway. But since she had to leave court, Dimitri is the best that there is, other than Rose. I have seen recordings of the two of them fighting, and they were magnificent together. Such a shame that they couldn't  stay together and fight together. It is terrible that he was lied to and given false information about who was responsible for his being restored into a dhampir. I imagine that if he knew that it was Rose that saved him, that he would be VERY VERY VERY appreciative towards her. But I digress, back to the reason that you are here, since you are suddenly feeling in the need of guardians I will assign you some. The head of your guardians will be Guardian Ethan Moore, and I will have Hans Croft assign you three more before the coronation. He has already assigned Princess Dragomir four guardians. She said that she didn't feel as safe with her one new guardian as she did with Guardian Belikov. Which I don't doubt, after Dimitri had time to heal mentally and emotionally from what happened to him. I would have both he and Rose assigned as two of my very own personal guardians, and of course as a pair. Anytime that you saw one of them the other would always be right by their side. And who knows, maybe something would have progressed between them and they would have become the perfect partners at work and in life. Maybe they could have even become the first married guardian pair in our history. So anyway, we assigned Princess Dragomir three more guardians to help protect her and we will do the same for you. That way, you just like Princess Dragomir, will feel safe enough to travel outside the wards for as long and as far as you would like." 

It took everything that I had in me not to bust out laughing at not only Aunt Tati and the way that she was 'playing matchmaker' for Dimitri and I. But also at the fact that she was doing her dead level best to twist that knife in Tasha's gut just a little bit harder and deeper. As well as the look on that suka Tasha's face. It was all just so yeblya hysterical that my sides hurt with trying to hold my laughter in. (bitch, fucking)

With tight lips, caused by her anger, jealousy and frustration Tasha spoke again. "Thank you, your majesty. But I do not wish to put a strain on our guardian numbers. If I could just get Guardian Belikov, I would feel safer than with all four of the other guardians put together."

"No, Lady Ozera. Guardian Belikov is quite happy where he is. And this lie about the two of you being involved, don't even bother Princess Dragomir tried the exact same excuse. And she was punished with one hundred and forty hours of volunteer work in the hospital a month, for the next six months. And for your lie, you will receive the same amount of time, only you will work in the guardian cafeteria, washing dishes and mopping floors. I don't like being lied to Tasha, and I will not ever have Dimitri Belikov assigned to anyone other than my niece. Your guardians will meet you at your apartment in the morning. But as I hear it, Guardian Ethan Moore already spends most nights at your apartment anyway. So, that should not be a big change for either one of you. Now, is there anything else that you would like to discuss with me?"

"No, your majesty." I could see that Tasha was severally pissed off, but oh well too bad for her.

"Good, then see yourself out."

"Yes, your majesty."

As Tasha walked out I heard Aunt Tati telling me, "you better hold on to that boy Rosemarie, he is in VERY high demand." Then she laughed.


I jumped up and started pacing around the room, I just could not believe they were both stupid enough to use that very same lie. Well, yeah, I actually could believe it, it just stunned me that they were both that fucking stupid. I guess Lissa didn't tell Tasha that she had already tried that lie.

"Aman Tanrim, ben o orospu sinir inanamiyorum. kimin o teyze Tatikullanicisinin ofise yürümek ve bir şey talep olduğunu düşünüyorum. Ona sonra gitmek ve onun omuzlarinin kapali ona lanet kafasini vurmak gerek." (Oh, my God, I can't believe the nerve of that bitch. Who does she think she is, to walk into Aunt Tati's office, and demand anything. I ought to go after her, and knock her fucking head off of her shoulders.)


We all watched as Roza jumped up off the sofa and started pacing the room frantically flinging her arms around and cursing in Turkish. I was just thankful that the children didn't understand what she was saying, at least not yet. 

That was just one of the bad things about everyone speaking the same languages. Not that I didn't want the children to be bilingual or even multilingual. But they definitely did not need to know what Roza had just said. So, one of three things needed to happen. One, none of the children that are already in or become a part of our circle, need to learn Turkish. Which is very doubtful with so many people around them speaking it. Two, we all need to stop cursing. Or three, those of us that do curse, myself included, need to learn a language that the children never will.

Knowing, that I was the only one who could truly calm her when she got like this. I stood up, stepped into her path and grabbed her by her shoulders putting a stop to her frantic pacing.

"Roza, what happened?"

"Tasha." She spewed venomously. I knew that the two of them HATED each other, that was no secret to anyone who knew or had ever been around either of them. But for the sake of lyubov' moya, I had to find out what happened. (my love)

"What did she do this time, lyubov' moya?" (my love)

"She went to Aunt Tati's office and wanted you to be made her guardian. When Aunt Tati told her that you had already made your vow to me, she asked her to convince me to break it. Can you believe that bok?" (shit)

"Unfortunately, yes, I can. What else did she say?"

"That you have wanted to be her guardian for years, but you would not ask for reassignment because you had given your vow to Lissa. Which, she apparently doesn't know that you didn't ever actually do. Unless you did it after I left."

"I didn't. I was supposed to do it when I first found the two of you, like I did for you at the airstrip. But the moment that I saw you, I knew that I wouldn't ever be able to bring myself to do it."

I saw that lovesick smile pull at her lips when she heard my words. I loved the fact that I could make her happy enough that she would smile like that. I wish that I had allowed myself to do it more while we were back at the academy but there was no way of changing the past.

"Then she said that the two of you have been involved for years."

"Another lie on her part. I promise you Roza, there has never been anything between the two of us except a very distant friendship."

"I know, Comrade, I know. It is just so frustrating that every time that we turn around one of those two fahişe, is trying to get their claws into you." (whores)

"Calm down dorogaya moya. No one, and I mean no one, will ever take either of us from the other ever again. Now, what else happened?" (my darling)

"Aunt Tati told Tasha that she knew that she was lying, she also told her that she knew about her and Ethan. She said that Tasha's new guardians would meet her at her apartment in the morning. And that the way that she'd heard it, that would not be a big change for her and Ethan." 

Everyone started laughing. 

"And then she told Tasha, that she had seen a recording of us fighting and that we were magnificent together. She told her that if I had not had to leave court that she would have had us made her personal guardians. She went on and on and on and told her how good we are together and that she thought that we could have become the first married guardian pair in history. She was doing her best to dig at Tasha as much as she could by saying things about us being not only guarding partners but also life partners and eventually partners in marriage. It just went on and on. It was so funny seeing the look on Tasha's face, by the time that she left Aunt Tati's office, she hated Aunt Tati. It was hysterical."

"It sure sounds like it, I wish that I could have seen it."

The next thing I knew she grabbed my hand and showed me what had happened in Tatiana's office. And she was right, it had been yeblya hysterical. I wish that we had a recording of it so that we could watch it again and again and again. (fucking)

"Me too, me too." Adrian and Christian both said, wanting to see what happened.

So, Roza got everyone to link hands and showed everyone what happened. After it was all over Christian, Adrian and Eddie were rolling in the floor holding their stomachs, tears flowing down their faces and laughing like lunatics'.  Ones who had escaped an insane asylum somewhere.

A little later lyubov' moya continued, even though we had all just seen what happened. "Anyway, for lying Aunt Tati sentenced Tasha to one hundred and forty hours a month working in the guardian cafeteria. So, for the next six months Tasha is going to be washing dishes, sweeping and mopping floors. Aunt Tati also suggested that with four guardians. Tasha, would be safe enough to leave court as soon as she wanted to. Go as far as she wanted to and to stay gone as long as she wanted." (my love)

Again, laughter filled the room.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"You mean other than her calling you 'my Dimka'?" She sneered, through her clenched jaws and gritted teeth. 

"Just the usual whining, bitching, complaining, moaning and groaning from Tasha."

She turned and looked at Christian. "Chris, I am sorry, but I just want to choke the very life out of her."

"Hey, no need to apologize to me. By the way that she has always acted towards you I don't blame you, not one little bit. I don't know if you saw it or not, but the moment that you two meet. She started looking at you like you were evil incarnate. Like the devil she wanted dead."

"Yes, I saw that. But Dimitri didn't, and they were supposed to be friends, so I didn't tell him." She answered his question.

Now that I knew what the real Natasha Ozera was truly like. This information didn't shock me like I wish that it did.

"Well, at least we will have spies on her and that Dragomir orospu soon." She fumed. (bitch)

"That is true, I have already told the men working for us to be at Vasilisa's place early in the morning. So, I need to tell the others to be at Tasha's too." Abe told my Roza.

I ran my hands up and down her arms to calm her. Soon her breathing evened back out and the tension in her body dissipated.


"Thank you, baba. I don't know what I would ever do without you." (daddy)

"What have I already told you about that kizim?" (my daughter)

I smiled at him and hoped and prayed that he was right. 

"Why does she keep calling you 'my Dimka'?" I whined into Dimitri's chest.

"Because she is ignorantly hoping that one day that dream will come true. But we all know that it won't. Anyone who knows the two of you, that has seen the two of you together like this, knows that it won't." Mia answered matter of factly.

"Does it bother you when I call you my Roza?"

I giggled, I couldn't believe it, I freaking giggled. Apparently, that was a shock to everyone else as well, because they all laughed at me. Well, all except for Dimitri that is.

"Depends on what you mean by bother me. If you mean in a bad way, then no it does not."

"Oh really? Then how does it bother you?" He whispered in my ear.

"It makes me want you to do delicious and naughty things to me."

"Oh really? What kinds of delicious and naughty things exactly?"

I reached up and lay my hands on each side of his face and stared deeply into his eyes as I sent him pictures of the lust charm and the cabin.

"Ohhh, thoooose kinds of delicious and naughty thing."

I could not help it, that made me laugh, and the way he said it sent chills all over my body. God, that sexy as hell man has no clue what he does to me.

Shaking my head as another shiver of desire rolled through my body I tried hard to reign in my wandering lustful thoughts.

Trying to redirect my mind I asked, "so, ladies did you all get your dresses picked out?" 

They all affirmed that they did.

"Sonja, Karo what about the girls?" I asked as Dimitri and I sat back down.

"Yes, we found them each two adorable little dresses and a tux for Paul. He is going to look like a mini Dimka."

"He already does, or at least from the pictures that you showed me he does."

I laughed at the memory of Dimitri in dresses and marrying Karo and Sonja's dolls.

"What pictures did you all show her?!"

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