The Elites

By -effervescence_

2.1M 60.8K 49K

After flying overseas to enroll in a prestigious boarding school, Blake Graham assumes that she can finally c... More

cast & aesthetics
(1) number two
(3) brûler
(4) homecoming
(5) convergence
(6) cavalier
(7) fête
(8) remède
(9) parisian afternoons
(10) blonde boys
(11) doodles
(12) reine
(13) garçons
(14) étudier
(15) dream
(16) when in rome
(17) la via veneziana
(18) grand canal
(19) fountain
(20) new york, new york
(21) lise
(22) the plaza
(23) breakfast in brooklyn
(24) cars & jets
(25) dance
(26) three
(27) debut
(28) premier amour
(29) ellington
(30) blâmer
(31) three days
(32) the morning of
(33) premier rendez-vous
(34) great escape
(35) jouer
(36) piscine
(37) reprimand
(38) contracts & costumes
(39) fin de la lune
(40) sunroom
(41) london
christmas tweets
(42) lumières de londres
(43) an ellington affair
(44) polo
(44.5) merry birthgiving
(45) ciel de nuit
(46) days of january
(47) idiocy & injuries
(48) poison ivy
(49) semaine de la mode
(50) vérité
(51) bon anniversaire
spring grams
(52) kairosclerosis
(53) robes & regret
(54) liberosis
final note

(2) chocolat chaud

61K 1.5K 1.5K
By -effervescence_

Updated note: for all the French used, Blake does translate the phrases through her actions, words, and sometimes she directly translates it. Just not immediately. If you read carefully you'll find it- and I promise you're not missing out on anything if you can't understand it!

The rest of lunch proceeded smoothly. A few questions directly to my face here and there about why I was here, but that was expected. The Academy usually didn't accept students coming after Freshman year, and considering it was the start of Junior year, everyone was curious. But obviously I was a special case and it was easier than breathing to get accepted. All I had to do was drop my name, and bam, my dorm was ready.

There were some rumors and whispers on why I was here, and I didn't care for them really. I just eavesdropped and tried not to laugh at the absurd ideas.

"I heard she was sleeping with her professor and the headmaster caught her giving him a blowjob!"

"Well Tommy said that she had to leave because someone hired a hit man on her father!"

"She was actually dating someone from the mafia, but he broke up with her, so she tried killing him! Don't mess with her! She's vicious!"

"I heard she was dating Parker, and he broke up with her, so she ran away!"

"That's dumb! Why would that even happen? She's like way hotter than Parker. Also that's too lowkey to just leave the country! It was probably her dad! We all know all her dad cares about is his reputation and getting money! Even though he's the richest man in the world, he wants more and doesn't care about her. I actually feel bad."

That one stung.

But thankfully, Sarah pulled me away, walking me to the courtyard for our free period. "I love the courtyard. It's like a little solitude away from everyone else." She sighed happily.

"I get that, I wish they had one of these back in New York. My refuge was a little clearing in Central Park."

"Really? I've always wanted to see Central Park!"

"You should totally go, it's lovely." I encouraged her with a small smile as we walked through the large courtyard. "If you ever go to New York call me and I'll tell you where to go. I know some good spots."

"That would be amazing. Same for you if you ever go to Liverpool."

I chuckled, "For sure, I would love to go to Liverpool. I've barely explored England. Only London for a four hour layover."

Sarah let out an overexaggerated gasp, "Oh no, that is terrible! That's it, we can't be friends."

"I apologize, let me just go grab my jet and visit Liverpool real quick!"

We both dissolved into smiles and giggles as we skipped around the courtyard, getting weird looks from our actions. It made sense, two presumably classy and somewhat famous socialites skipping around a courtyard is bound to get odd looks I guess.

"Well enough about England, what class do you have next? I have a free period so I'm not sure what to do..." I trailed off, hoping she had a free period also.

"Damn I wish, but I have religious studies next. But maybe we can hang after classes are over? Do you fancy getting dinner? I know this great Indian restaurant in town... or if you don't like Indian maybe Italian? Or maybe Thai! Oh uhm- maybe American? Or--" she blabbered

"Sarah!" I cut her off, "I am literally down for anything. You can choose, don't worry, I'm not too picky," I laughed

"Alrighty then," She smiled brightly "It's a date! Want to meet at five? Or is that too early beca-"

"Five is perfect! See you!"

I walked away from the Indian girl, making my way back to my dorm. I was already exhausted, even though the school day was only half done. We can just chalk it up to jet-lag.

The school was similar to a castle, in a lot of ways. Hell, it was a castle. Cambridge sat atop a hill surrounded by trees, overlooking Lake Neuchâtel. It was really beautiful, and the crisp air beat New York's skyline. I was already in love with this country.

My free period was about to commence, but I didn't really want to go back to my dorm because I had a feeling I would fall asleep once I made sight with my bed. Coffee sounded amazing right about now. I also wanted to go explore the town a little, so I quickly turned around and went in the directions of the main office so I could sign out. Before I singed out, I dialed my driver, who my father hired to chauffeur me around during my time here.

The school let us leave the campus during our free hours, as long as we would sign out. So we would have to show our ID's, get our schedule looked up and verified that we weren't skipping, then get the all clear. It was a process, but it made sense since we were getting one of the highest quality educations in the world.

After I was finally signed out, I left to go to the student parking lot, where various expensive and sleek sport cars sat. A Bugatti here, a Lambo there, and a very bright red Porsche in almost every row. I was betting almost every student had more than two cars in this lot. My car was yet to be delivered, so I was stuck with my driver, who had to report everything back to my father. Buzzkill.

As I daydreamed about getting my brand new Aston Martin back here, my driver pulled up to the curb.

We drove through the roads in an awkward silence, finally stopping at a coffee shop. I bid my driver goodbye, and entered the café.

"Bonjour bienvenue! Que désirez-vous?" A woman behind the counter welcomed me with a wide smile, asking what I'd like to order.

"Bounjour, Je voudrais un café au lait, merci." I gave her my order, giving her a slight smile back.

I proceeded to pay, and take a seat. The place was charming and smelt strongly of coffee. Not many people were here, probably because of the slightly expensive menu prices, but I saw some businessmen and buisnesswomen typing away on their laptops.

My coffee was delivered to me minutes later, and before I took a sip I heard my name being called from the line.

"Do you know French? I need a little help..." Nico signaled to the barista, who was smiling at the both of us.

"Yeah, of course. What do you want?"

"Uhm, a hot chocolate,"

"You got it," I grinned, turning to the barista and giving his order. "Il aimerait un chocolat chaud s'il vous plaît,"

"D'accord! Est il ton petit ami? Vous êtes tous deux très beaux," she grinned even wider signaling between the both of us.

My eyes immediately widened "Non! Nous sommes amis. Merci beaucoup," I gave her a small smile awkward after thanking her, still shaking my head.

"Oh! Désolée!" she apologized, but I quickly waved her off.

Nico payed then followed me. "What was that all about?" He asked with a slight frown.

"Oh she just asked if we were dating, and then I told her we're just friends. Oh, she also said we were beautiful" I sat back in my seat taking a sip of my coffee.

"I see. Glad to get my ego boosted though... Well thanks for helping me, you are a lifesaver," he scratched the back of his neck smiling at me.

"You're welcome, but quick question. How do you not know French? I mean you live in Switzerland?"

"Oh, usually Luca or Clark are my translators, so I never need help. The only reason I didn't have them was I left earlier without them. I wanted to drive my car... They actually should b--"

The bell on the door rang signaling someones entrance. "Bonjour!"

"Oh fuck..." I muttered under my breath as I spotted the two undeniably tall boys who had just entered.

"Don't worry Blake, Luca's got him on a tight leash right now. You're safe from Clarks claws,"

"Well he's not safe from my claws..." I muttered under my breath, hoping Nico didn't hear me. The slight chuckle that escaped from his mouth indicated that he did, indeed, hear what I said.

"Clark! Luca! Over here!" Nico called out to the two tall boys

Clark turned his head to look at Nico, and by the immediate scowl that marred his face, he had realized I was here also. Clark immediately bent his head towards Luca and started discussing something, in what seemed, a heated matter. Luca, god bless his soul, responded with a sharper glare towards Clark. Luca seemed to have won that discussion, because the two boys walked towards the table Nico and I were currently occupying.

"Hello Blake, fancy seeing you here," Luca greeted politely, the bored look he had on slightly ebbing away.

"Yeah considering that we frequent this place," Clark started rolling his eyes, "she's probably stalking us, since she's such a crazy bi--"

"Clark," Nico was the one to interrupt him this time.

"Oh it's fine Nico, I'm a big girl, I can handle Clarkwell on my own, but thanks." I smiled at him.

"You're still calling me Clarkwell?" He frowned, the word Clarkwell fell off his tongue dripping in clear disdain. "I hate when you call me that and I hate y--"

"Luca et Clark?" A loud voice cut through our bickering. The smiley barista had interrupted us so she could drop off their drinks.

"Merci," Clark smirked to her, immediately turning on his nauseating "charm". Immediately the girl started to blush, and babble in French, clearly excited that someone like Clark was giving her attention.

I can't be in denial and say Clark was ugly, because he wasn't. His strong jaw, high cheekbones, and defined face was just the beginning when it came to his looks. Add his dark brown hair that was almost always swept up, his clean shaven face, and his full pink pouty lips, was what gave him the air of aristocracy that he clearly had. But arguably his best feature, was behind those thick dark lashes, lush dark green eyes that even I thought seemed to sparkle, was the essence of true beauty. If you opened up a dictionary and looked up the word gorgeous, a picture of Clark's eyes would probably be there. He was all that. But I would never give him the pleasure and tell him that.

Suddenly my foggy mind cleared up, and those traitorous thoughts flew away. I suddenly looked away from where I was gazing to see Luca staring at the drink he was holding in both hands, while Nico was fiddling with his phone. Looking slightly up I met the dark green gaze of the devil himself, who had a smug smirk on his face. He knew I was staring at him. That's not embarrassing at all.

Now if this was stereotypical, me the protagonist, would get all blush-y and start to stutter, but I'm not cliché, so I did something a little different. I met his gaze with a confident stare, and gave him a smile of my own. He doesn't deserve the knowledge or satisfaction. When I met his gaze with my own steely eyes, his smirk just widened.

"A little bit distracted there, for a minute, huh Blakely?" His stupid voice with that stupid accent, cut through the tension.

"Just for a quick second Clark," I quickly fired back. He was just giving me that stupid smirk he seemed to always have. "You know how I drift off, right?"

"No, not really. You see Blake I think you were staring a bit? It seemed to have piqued my interest though, so mind telling us what you were looking at?"

Shit. I have to keep my cool. I'm not sure how, but I need a comeback before I get compromised. I can't just say I was appreciating the art, because that jackass's head will inflate like, twenty times, from me complimenting him.

"Were you, dare I say, staring at me? Wow Princess I am so flattered,"

"Okay, so you got me. But, I mean your face is fine and all, but you may want to put a bag over your personality. It's a little ugly," I artificially smiled at him. Immediately Nico began to chuckle, and ever so brooding Luca, began to smirk.

"Mon amour, you say such sweet things to me,'' Ellington didn't even seem slightly fazed about what I just said. I mean after like ten years, you seem to get used to it.

"Only the best for you, ma chérie," I winked at him while I picked up my phone. It had been about forty-five minutes since I got here, and I had about half an hour left until sixth block ended. I should head back, but I also want to quickly pop in the boutique next door so I could buy an outfit for tonight. "Well, I can't say this wasn't fun, but I gotta leave. Bye Nico and Luca," I nodded at each boy, picking up my backpack, and slinging it over my shoulders. "Oh Ellington?" I quickly added.

The brunette boy looked up from his phone, to meet his gaze with mine, "Yes?"

"Fuck you!" I spoke to him in an over-exaggerated British accent to imitate him. As quick as lightning, I left the shop and entered the boutique.

Damn I shouldn't have done the accent, that might've offended Nico. Don't overthink it, Blake. I could've sworn I heard Nico chuckle as I ran out of the café. Just focus on choosing an outfit for tonight, dress to impress Sa- oh fuck my life.

That giant poster of the blue eyed-blonde haired woman followed me whenever I moved throughout the boutique, it brought me a sense of familiarity and comfort for the first time since I had arrived. Maybe a little panic and homesickness. But maybe it was a sign that everything was going to be alright. Because as my mom stared down at me, a sense of calm washed over me.

Short filler for the next chapter, hope it was good!

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