Krestena's Third Year: Prison...

By BiancaEvans2

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Join Krestena's third year at Hogwarts with her friends and family. Her father has escaped Azkaban and her go... More

Minister and Missing
Diagon Alley With Harry
Dementor Train
Hufflepuff Quidditch Team
Tea Leaves
Insulted Hippogriff
Boggart in the Wardrobe
Family Reunion
Slashed Portrait
Grim Defeat
Harry Sneaks into Hogsmeade
Two Firebolts
Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw
The Map
Finally, we Won!
2 Dogs, a Cat and Rat
The Marauders Tale
Peter Pettigrew
Werewolf and Dementors
Time Turner
Train Post

New Arrivals

1.3K 36 8
By BiancaEvans2

Krestena's POV

I was in the bookshop looking for a book to read and stumbled upon an old child book. It was 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard'. Uncle Remus used to tell me the stories in it when he didn't tell me stories of his past. I always liked the story with the cackling stump. "Reading child stories" someone says behind me and I turn to see Cedric. I smile broadly and tackle him into a hug, which he returns.

"Cedric, I'm so glad your here" I say pulling away. "I really need to talk to you about my dad" I tell him in a whisper.

"How you coping with his escape?" he asks softly.

"I'm glad he's free, but sad he is being hunted and what will happen if he were caught. But can I tell you something? Promise to tell no one?" I ask him and he nods his head. "He's sent me a few letters and says we'll be reunited soon. I saw him last year on my birthday in Azkaban, he was chained to a chair. I just want him to be able to me and be free" I tell him.

"Your dad's smart, but please be careful and know you always have a friend in me" Cedric assures me. "I have to go finish shopping, but can we sit together on the train?" he asks and I nod my head. He gives me one final hug before leaving and I buy the child's book. Once done I go to the ice-cream shop to see Harry talking to Hermione and Ron.

"Hermione!" I squeal hugging her tightly as she shouted my name also. I then shakes Ron's hand before we all head back to the Leaky Cauldron. Where I hugged Fred and George while Percy greeted Harry with a hand shake. Fred and George start to imitate him as English business men. Until their mother told them to cut it out and she greeted Harry then me with a warm tight hug.

"So you're here for the rest of the summer?" Harry asks confused. Which ends tomorrow as we are returning to Hogwarts.

"Yes dear and we'll be taking ministry cars to the train station. You're going with us Krestena" Mrs Weasley explains.

"What about my uncle?" I ask her confused.

"He has a task to do for his new job, but promises to meet you at the station" Mr Weasley assures me. "Now let's all sit down and have dinner" he states. I sit in between Ginny and Hermione, we all start to catch up. We decided to have a sleep over in my room after dinner. We made sure we were all packed as we are returning to school tomorrow.

I was walking back from the loo when I saw Harry outside Percy and Ron's door. Percy looks very upset and so does Ron. "What's wrong?" I ask Harry as he walks over to me.

"Percy has lost his head boy badge and Ron left Scabbers rat tonic downstairs in the bar. Will you come with me?" he asks and I nod my head. As we drew nearer we heard the voices of two people arguing. Harry and I realize that it is Mr & Mrs Weasley.

"Makes no sense not to tell him, Krestena already knows" Mr Weasley states. "Harry has the right to know just as much as Krestena. I tried to tell Fudge, but he insists on treating Harry like a child" he explains.

"Arthur the truth would terrify him, I'm surprised Krestena is so calm" Mrs Weasley tells her husband. "Do you really want Harry to go back to school with this hanging over him? He's happy not knowing" she states.

"I don't want to make him miserable, I want him to be on guard. Like I'm sure Krestena is" Mr Weasley tells her. "You know what Harry and Ron are like always wondering off, last year they ended up in the forbidden forest. They mustn't do that this year" he states. "When I think about what could of happen the night he ran away from home. Lucky the knight bus picked him up or I bet he would of been dead before the ministry found him" he says.

"But he's not dead, so what's the point..." Mrs Weasley tries to say.

"Molly, they say Sirius Black is mad" Mr Weasley states and I look down annoyed trying not to cry. "He was clever enough to escape Azkaban, which is suppose to be impossible" he tells her. "It's been a month and no matter what Fudge tells the Daily Prophet, we are no where near close to catching Black. Then when he first escaped" he tells her and I smile, knowing my dad is safe.

"But both Harry and Krestena will be perfectly safe at Hogwarts" Mrs Weasley assures him.

"If Black can break out of Azkaban, he can break into Hogwarts" Mr Weasley tells her.

"But no one's really sure Black is after Harry" Mrs Weasley says to be cut off by a loud thump.

"I've told you, Fudge went to Azkaban the night Black escaped and the guards told him. Black talked in his sleep, repeating the same words over and over again. He's at Hogwarts" Mr Weasley states. "He is deranged and wants Harry dead" he tells and I storm away from the bar. When I reach my room I slam the door shut trying to stop my tears.

"Krestena are you ok?" Ginny asks as Hermione guides me to a bed. I just shake my head and they wrap their arms around me. There was a knock at the door and Ginny goes to answer it.

"Sweety are you ok?" Mrs Weasley asks me.

"I'm fine, just what to be alone" I tell her. "I know I said we'd have a sleep over, but I just don't feel like one anymore. Sorry guys" I tell Hermione and Ginny.

"It's ok Krestena, I'll wake you tomorrow at eight" Hermione tells me. I give her and Ginny a hug, before they leave with Mrs Weasley. Snowy lands on my shoulder and I stroke her feathers gently.

"Why can't they understand or consider he's innocent? I just want my dad" I tell her and she nudges me gently. "Thanks girl, I'll see you in the morning" I say smiling gently. I go to sleep straight away and have a nightmare of my dad being caught. I woke up at three in the morning because of it and didn't want to go back to sleep. So I light a few candles and take out the story book I had brought then start to read it.


Picture above of the cover of the book Krestena brought from the bookshop.

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