University of Konoha (Modern...

By Christina19256

37.1K 938 215

Asami is new to the University of Konoha. She's quick to make friends with Naruto and his friends and the Aka... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 25

1.3K 43 38
By Christina19256

"Are you ready Asami?"

I took one last check in the mirror beforen I turned to Kurenai who was standing by our room door.

"Yeah, let's go."

She opened the door and I followed her out. The boys were waiting in the hotel lobby already so Kurenai and I were on our way out to meet them. We stepped into the elevator and it started down to the main floor.

Kurenai was smiling gently when she asked me, "Are you excited?"

I shrugged my shoulders and gave her a half smile back. "Yeah, but I'm also really nervous."

Normally, balls weren't a big deal to me. This one shouldn't have been any different but for some reason my stomach was filled with butterflies. I reached up to make sure my bun and hair pin were still in place. It was also weird for me to worry so much about my appearance. I felt a hand catch my right wrist and tug it gently down from my head.

"Don't worry so much. You look great."

"Thanks Kurenai."

She was quite stunning herself with her full length cream gown and pearl jewelry. She left her long hair down and it shone even more beautifully against the cream dress.

The elevator dinged as we arrived at our floor. Kurenai stepped through the doors as soon as they opened. The elevator was in a hallway off the main lobby so I couldn't see the guys yet. I hesitated in the elevator for a second. I could tell when Kurenai met up with the others for she seemed to be getting a lot of compliments. I took a deep breath and did a quick shake of my hands to calm my nerves. Calm down, you're not even at the ball yet. These are your friends, why are you getting all worked up? I took one more deep breath and my nerves calmed down somewhat. I stepped out of the elevator and turned the corner into the lobby. I spotted the PAL's standing loosely in a group and chatting. As soon as they spotted me however, all eyes were on me and it went silent. Suddenly, I heard Asuma chuckle. I looked towards him to see he had his arm wrapped around Kurenai's shoulders. Kurenai had her arm wrapped around his waist with her head on his shoulder. Asuma had a big smile on his face and Kurenai had a twinkle in her eye. They looked all the world like two kids whose plan came through.

"Wow Asami, you look..." Iruka paused as if at a loss for words, "stunning."

I had to say they looked pretty amazing too. The guys were wearing matching black tuxedos. They looked like famous actors or noblemen. I noticed that Kakashi was still wearing his mask, Guy's bow was crooked, and Obito's hair was a little unkempt. I smiled a little. Well almost.

"Asami, we're going to have to be your bodyguards just to keep all the guys off you," Yamato murmured.

"Do not worry Asami! I will make sure to keep the wolves at bay! You can trust me to keep you safe!"

I was a little concerned at how serious Guy looked when he said this. I walked over to him and reached up to fix his bow. "How about this? If someone is bothering me, I'll let you know and you can come rescue me. How does that sound?" I finished fixing his bow and beamed up at him.

"O-okay." Guy stuttered.

"I don't think I've heard Guy stutter before," I heard Kakashi murmur.

I walked over to Obito and reached up on my tip toes to fix his hair. When I was done, he gave me a sheepish smile. I turned back to the others. "I think we're all set. How are we going to get there?"

Iruka answered my question. "The hosts of the ball sent a limo over just for us. In fact, it's already waiting for us." He pointed out the main doors to a sleek black limousine idling in the driveway.

"Well, what are we waiting for then?" I questioned. "Let's go!"


The ball was being hosted at Kirigakure's only Grand Ballroom. I was surprised at how lavish the event seemed to be for the men and women that were entering the building were all dressed beautifully. When the limo pulled up to the front entrance, I stepped out to be greeted by the sounds of classical music floating through the air and the gentle murmurings of a crowd of people. Memories resurfaced as I remembered the many such similar events I attended to as a young girl. Kurenai handed the formal invitation to the man guarding the door and he gave it a quick glance before he waved us inside. As we stepped through the doors, the scene lay out before us.

The ballroom was beautiful with huge sparkling chandeliers and gilded ceilings. The walls were covered with a beautiful cream wallpaper inlaid with gold scrollwork. There was a stage on the opposite side of the room that was framed by thick velvet curtains held back by gold rope. The area in front of the stage seemed to be left open for dancing, and I spotted several couples already occupying the floor. Next to the stage on the left, a small orchestra was playing, revealing the source of the music. The ballroom was quite large with the sides of the room interspersed with cloth covered tables to sit at. At the far right side of the room, I noticed a long table that held refreshments and different plates of food. Wait staff floated around the space with trays of champagne or appetizers. It was truly an extravagant affair designed to mirror the grande balls of the old days.

"Well, it looks like you guys made it."

I turned to the sound of the voice and recognized two familiar figures.

"Darui, Cee!" I exclaimed.

"Glad to see you remembered our names," Darui smiled as he said this.

"Well of course."

Cee walked closer to me and held out his hand. Without even thinking about it, I placed my hand in his. He bowed low and kissed the back of my hand. He stood back up but kept a hold of my hand. "I would say my prediction is right but I don't think the word lovely does you justice."

I smiled demurely. "Surely you are just flattering me."

"Not at all. I would even say that you are the most beautiful woman here."

"Alright, that's enough smooth talking."

I looked up just in time to see Kakashi grab my hand and pull it from Cee's grasp. Kakashi gave him a cold glare but Cee seemed unfazed by it.

"Hey guys, there's some people I think you should meet." Darui addressed us.

I was glad for the distraction. "Who are they?"

"Let's just say they're important people."

The PAL's followed after Darui and Cee tagged along behind the group. I was so focused on not losing Darui in the crowd that I almost didn't realize where we were heading. Don't tell me he meant those people!

Sure enough he went exactly where I feared he was going. My eyes widened in surpise at the easy familiarity in which he addressed the group.

"Raikage, Mizukage, and Kazekage. I would like to introduce to you the PAL's volunteer group from Konoha which we've heard so much about."

I gave them a curtsy and said, "It's an honor to meet you."

"Oh you're so cute," the Mizukage giggled as she spoke, "there's no need to be so formal dear. Tell me, what is your name?"

"Asami Kanashe."

"Oh! You're the niece of Saito Kanashe! Your uncle has told me so much about you!"

I blinked in surprise. "You know my uncle?"

"Oh yes, we're long time friends."

Funny, my uncle never mentioned that he was friends with the Mizukage.

"Feel free to call me Mei dear."

"Don't you think you're being a bit informal Mizukage?" The man to her left spoke.

"Oh don't be such a spoilsport Raikage. She's practically family to me."

"You must have a large family if you include somone after your first meeting." This time it was the man to her right that spoke. When I took a good look at him for the first time, I found him eerily familiar. That red hair, that deep voice. Even the facial features. Why does he look so familiar?

"At least she's friendly with her family. Say Rasa, how are your children?" There was a challenge in the Raikage's eyes as he asked the Kazekage his question.

"They are doing well Ay. They seem to be happy in Konoha." His voice was calm and cool as he ignored the Raikage's bait.

Asuma stepped forward and looked at the Kazekage. "I saw your son Gaara the other day. He's made a lot of friends in Konoha." Asuma reached out and put a hand on my shoulder. "Asami's a friend of his as well."

He's Gaara's dad?! I turned back to the Kazekage with new eyes and the resemblance was obvious. How could I not have seen it before? Course I wasn't expecting the Kazekage to be his dad. I wonder why Gaara or his siblings never mentioned him. Could it be related to the Raikage's comment earlier?

The Kazekage's dark eyes focused on my face. "Yes, Baki has told me that Asami's name has come up a few times." He seemed to be searching for something as he analyzed me. Although I felt a bit intimidated, I stood my ground and stared at him right back. The staredown seemed to last for several seconds. Then he raised an eyebrow before he broke eyecontact and turned back towards the other Kages. "If you will excuse me Raikage, Mizukage. There are some other guests I must attend to." He didn't give them a chance to respond before he slipped away into the crowd.

The Raikage chuckled and turned to me. "Well done Asami. Not many can stand their ground against the Kazekage."

"Beautiful, tough, and I bet sharp too. I might have to go to Konoha just to get to know you better." Cee had suddenly appeared by the Raikage's side and was smiling at me.

I felt a presence move almost protectively next to me. "Surely, as the Raikage's assistant, that wouldn't be allowed." Obito's voice was acidic as he glared at Cee.

"I don't know. The Hidden Cloud village and the Hidden Leaf village don't have the best relations." Cee turned to the Raikage. "What do you think Raikage? I could be a diplomat in the Hidden Leaf village and work on strengthening the villages relationship."

Raikage frowned at Cee. "While the idea holds some merit, I didn't think you liked politics much Cee."

Iruka stepped forward. "It's a great idea Cee but I don't think you need to leave your village for that. It's not like the two villages are at war."

"I think the Hidden Mist village should be a part of these strengthening of relationships," Mei interjected.

Soon the conversation turned into a political discussion between the PAL's and the Kages. Finding myself lost on the topic, I strayed to the back of the group. I wasn't standing there long when I felt a tug on my hand. I looked over to see Darui giving me a small smile. He spoke softly. "Can I have a dance with you?"

My lips turned upward into a grin as I gave him a nod. I loved to dance. He held onto my hand as he lead me towards the dance floor. As we were walking away I heard someone shout, "Hey wait!"

I just managed to hear the Mizukage respond with, "Oh let them be."

When we got on the dance floor, Darui and I settled into the correct positions; my left hand on his shoulder, his right hand on my hip, our other hands joined together. Darui led me into a waltz and I smoothly fell into step. Since I had done many dances before, I didn't need to think about the steps.

"I wouldn't take half the things Cee says seriously. He's a bit of a flirt."

I smiled sarcastically. "You don't say."

Darui chuckled. "Yes, well he seems to be especially trying to gain your attention. Too bad for him though, he's late to the party."

I gave him a confused glance. "What do you mean?"

"Take a look behind me. I can guarantee you that at least half of your friends hate me right now."

I did as he instructed and peeked back at the PAL's. I just saw Kakashi, Obito, Yamato, and Iruka but it did look like they were wearing varying expressions of anger and disappointment. They certainly weren't hiding the fact that they were watching us closely. I saw a girl go up to Iruka and gesture towards the dance floor. It seemed like she was asking him to dance but he quickly shook his head and said something back to her. The girl looked disappointed and walked away. I turned back to Darui with confusion in my heart. Were they mad at Darui because he was dancing with me? Is that why they weren't dancing with other girls? Could it be that they like me as more than a friend? I shook my head as my mind automatically rejected that idea. I had never been popular or well liked in the past. I doubt that that's changed now. It's awfully egotistical of me to even think that.

"You've had your heart broken, haven't you?"

I was startled out of my train of thought at the comment. I looked back up at Darui's face.

"Why do you say that?"

"I can see that you're doubting the idea of being liked. So much so that you refuse to see the evidence before you."

I bit my lip and looked down at the floor. Maybe he was right. Maybe my heart was too broken to accept that anyone could ever love me. I felt my eyes begin to water. Before they could spill over, I felt a finger push my chin up.

"It's alright you know. We all have our scars. But people aren't any less beautiful because they have them." Darui's eyes were gentle as he gave me a friendly smile. I smiled back, grateful for his kindness.

"Thank you Darui."

"Asami, are you alright?" A voice asked.

Darui and I stopped our dancing to see that Yamato was on the dance floor next to us and he was looking at me in concern. I nodded and wiped away the stray tears.

"I'm alright. Darui was just helping me."

Yamato looked doubtful at Darui. Darui let me go and took a step back. "Well I think I've taken enough of your attention Asami. I hope you have a good rest of your evening."

"Thanks again Darui. For everything."

Darui gave me a smile and a nod before he disappeared into the crowd.

Yamato seemed to suddenly become shy and he cleared his throat. "Asami would you.... do you..."

I gave him an encouraging smile. "I don't think I've had enough dancing yet. Would you dance with me Yamato?"

He seemed relieved and we got into our dancing positions. As he took the first step, his pace was a bit awkward. He wasn't as good a dancer as Darui but I was comfortable with him and that was enough. We managed to settle into our own pace and I let my mind wander as I lost myself to the dance. His voice caught my attention.


"I asked if you were doing ok."

"Oh, yeah I'm fine."

It was silent for several seconds before he spoke again. "You seem to be comfortable in this environment."

"What do you mean?"

"You're so graceful and charming. You dance well and you're not intimidated by people of power." He shrugged. "You seem to be used to this world and enjoy it. It's almost like you're a different person."

I stumbled a bit. "Do I really?"

He shrugged again and averted his gaze.

"Yamato, please know that I'm still Asami Kanashe. I would still prefer to casually hang out with my friends than attend fancy ballroom parties. Yes, there's a part of me that enjoys this. It's part of how I was raised. But please don't think that I expect you guys to change. I love the PAL's for who they are now."

Yamato seemed relieved at my statement. "That's good to hear. I was afraid that you were going to choose this lifestyle and leave us all behind."

I shook my head. "Not at all."

Our dancing came to an end with the music. But instead of another song being played, we heard a voice through a microphone.

"I hope you all are enjoying your evening ladies and gentleman. I just wanted to thank you all for donating to the World Hunger organization and for being with us this evening. I would like to announce that we managed to raise 100 million dollars this year."

The crowd cheered and clapped.

"But there is a special group of people that I would like to mention. They're a group of 8 students based out of a small college. And yet they managed to use their brains and their resources to collect 10 million dollars. Please welcome up here from the University of Konoha, the PAL's!"

The crowd cheered and clapped again but this time I felt eyes on me instead of the announcer. I spotted the rest of the group moving through the crowd and heading towards the stage. I grabbed Yamato's hand and pulled him along behind me. We made it to the stage with the others and we all walked up. The announcer was holding a bouquet of flowers and I saw Kurenai take them as she walked towards the microphone. The announcer moved aside and Kurenai began to speak. "Thank you all for your cheers and congratulations. I'm glad that we could be part of such an important organization and help put an end to world hunger. I would just like to say that in PAL's, we're like a family. We wouldn't have been able to raise so much if we didn't have the great dedication of every single member. I know I'm really happy when I say, I'm grateful for every single member of my family."

When the crowd started clapping, I was one of the loudest to clap and one of the last ones to stop clapping. After a few more words, we went back down and the ball continued on.

The ball went late into the night. I danced with all of my friends, and I was surprised by how many people I didn't know asked me to dance with them. There were only a couple of people that bothered me, and Guy was quick to scare them off. At the end of the night, I was exhausted but happy. We piled into the limo at the end. It was a short ride to the hotel, but I kept yawning the entire time. As I got out of the limo, I stumbled a little. Kakashi caught me. "Why don't K carry you the rest of the way."

I shook my head. "No, I'm ok. I can walk on my own." Another yawn took me over.

"You're barely awake as it is. If you try to walk on those heels, you'll fall for sure."

I nodded sleepily and whispered, "Ok, you win."

Kakashi swept me up bridal style and continued to carry me into the hotel.

I heard Asuma say, "I think I'll follow Kakashi's lead."

There was a small squeak and I looked over Kakashi's shoulder to see that Asuma had picked up Kurenai bridal style. I saw Kurenai's face turn red. "Asuma! I don't need to be carried!"

Asuma chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "Just indulge me will you?"

Kurenai's face went even more red but she looked secretly pleased.

Guy suddenly seemed to get pumped. "Let's make this a competition! Whoever gets to the top wins!" He looked around at who was left. He suddenly thrust his arms out. "Obito, come here. I'll carry you."

Obito's face went deathly pale. "No way in hell."

"Iruka? Yamato?"

They were quick to shake their heads. I laughed. "Too bad we don't have another girl for you Guy."

"Don't encourage him Asami," Kakashi chastised.

I stuck my tongue out at him and went quiet. When we made it upstairs, Kurenai and I were set down in front of our shared hotel room door. "Goodnight ladies," Asuma said.

I opened the door and Kurenai and I went inside. When I closed the door behind me, I gave Kurenai a big grin. "That was a lot of fun."

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