Not Princess Material

By Carter-n-Kaer

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From the moment of Skyletts Constantine's birth, her family knew she was going to be nothing like her brother... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 20

75 14 4
By Carter-n-Kaer

Things seemed to have gone from worse to as bad as they could get. Skylette attempted to leave the following morning after she'd seen Codey. Arthur rubbed a hand over his face. Campbell had cooed and patted her hand, attempting to sound sympathetic. A snort escaped him as he remembered the scene at the breakfast table when she announced her imminent departure. It had taken everything he had to remain hidden and not leap out to strangle the Baron. Keeping himself hidden was important, but in that moment it didn't seem to matter much.

"We will be taking our leave this afternoon. I think it's time we continued Edwin and Piper's tour of the countryside," Sky told Campbell.

The Baron's lips pursed as if he'd just sucked a lemon. "Really, my dear, are you certain that's such a good idea? Look at you, you look as if you haven't gotten any sleep at all! I mean, really, after the shock you've just received ..." he trailed away, waving a hand airily around before sighing deeply. "I think the Prince and Princess would agree with me your health is much more important than any wedding tour." His gaze went to Edwin and Piper as if awaiting their almost certain agreement.

What could they do after his little speech? To disagree would make them out to be uncaring of Skylette's welfare. They both nodded, their smiles stiff and slightly disapproving of his tactics.

"You see, now, you'll stay and rest up before you start getting any silly notions of riding off. You're safe here. I swear it. If the Prince and Princess wish to continue without you I'll see to it they have guides to take them around and show them the sights."

Edwin nodded though it was stiff. "That's very nice of you, Baron, but we'll remain to be certain Sky is all right. After all, she has received quite an upset."

Campbell clapped his hands in delight. "It's settled then, you'll remain."

From the looks on the faces of his guests, it wasn't remotely settled, but he didn't seem to notice as he picked up his fork and dug into his food. He smacked his lips in delight as he ate.

Skylette stared down at her plate for several quiet minutes before excusing herself without eating a single bite.

Arthur groaned and downed half his tankard of ale. It was a complete disaster. Codey was still locked somewhere in that blasted dungeon and he had no clue how to get to him. He was certain he was still down there. There wasn't any doubt in his mind he was there. He didn't believe the Baron for a second when he sighed, shook his head sadly and told Skylette Codey and his lady love had left Kingsley.

Then there was the worry he would be discovered slinking about the Baron's residence any day now and tossed down there beside his friend, he was walking one hell of a fine line pretending to be one of Campbell's men.

He waved to the serving woman who had replaced Piper. She wasn't as pretty, but she was sweet and eager to please. "Yes, sir?"

"More ale, please." He waved the empty tankard at her.

"Yes, of course." She hurried off to refill his cup.

"You look as if you're in need of a friend."

Arthur glanced up with a frown. "Probably not a good idea, my friends tend to end up in bad places. You should move along," he told the man standing beside his table.

The man chuckled as he took a seat. "That sounds as if it's a good story." He glanced around the room with a frown. "Where's the other lad?"

Arthur's hand went from the table to rest on his sword. "I beg your pardon?"

The man's hands rested on the table. He appeared relaxed and from what Arthur could see he carried no weapon, but looks could be deceiving. His eyes went over the man, assessing what he saw. Perhaps slightly past middle-aged, whatever he did with his life it was hard work. Packed muscles on his upper body, hands were work-roughened. Lots of scars there as well. His hair was black as a starless night, eyes a deep brown. When he'd been standing beside the table it wasn't easy to tell his height his shoulders were slightly rounded as if he were used to standing stooped over a workbench.

"Done looking me over?" he asked with a small chuckle.

Arthur frowned. "Who are you and what do you want from me?"

"Where's the boy with the sword?"

Arthur's fingers curled around the grip of his sword. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

The man sat forward, arms folded in front of him on the table. "I wrapped the hilt for him in Aspary, my name is Tannon Bloxam. I am assuming it is because he didn't want it recognized once you reached Kingsley. How exactly did he come by Ronan's sword?"

Arthur's hand remained near his sword. It didn't matter if the man was the one who wrapped the sword for Codey, he could still be an enemy. "It was his father's sword before it was given to him by the King."

Tannon scratched at his jawline. "Impossible, Ronan's boy died in the raid."

Arthur sat back, his hand came to rest again on his sword. "That is what the King let everyone believe. It was safer for Codey if no one knew he survived. The King wasn't entirely convinced those who attacked Kingsley wouldn't come back for him."

Tannon nodded slowly. "Good assumption, especially when that bastard Campbell and his mother arrived to take over."

"As interesting as this conversation is, why are you here? I doubt it's out of simple interest in my friend's sword."

Tannon chuckled and sat back. "No, it isn't. I fled Kingsley soon after Campbell and his mother arrived with their band of mercenaries in tow. It was quite obvious those who were still loyal to Ronan were not welcome. Their men began slaughtering anyone who spoke out against the Bastard Baron."

"You're from Kingsley?"

"I was the former Baron's tanner. Worked for him. I saw him and that sword damn near every day how do you think I recognized it?"

Arthur placed both his hands on the table. "Why would you follow us here?"

A smile spread across the man's face. "I know the location of all the surviving knights who fled Kingsley that are still loyal to the old Baron."

"And this helps us how?"

"After you passed through the village I sent each one a message asking them to meet me. They'll be arriving soon. My son is camped a day's ride outside Kingsley waiting for them. I didn't know who your friend was, but if he was riding here to toss that bastard Campbell out on his rump we were going to be here to assist."

Arthur sat forward and when he spoke he dropped his voice low so only Tannon could hear him. "We have a small issue. Campbell has captured Codey. He's holding him in the dungeon's and I can't get to him. He's built special cells only he and his personal guard can access. I've managed to get inside and I have a soldier's uniform, but I can't get near those special cells."

"I'll have a dozen and a half men with me. I'm certain we can formulate a plan to free him."

"There's another problem," he added.

Tannon's brows rose. "Another problem?"

"Princess Skylette is also there. As well as Prince Edwin and his bride."

"Hold it, the Princess is being held as well? And I thought Prince Edwin was her betrothed?"

"She's not in the dungeon, but Campbell is certainly keeping her there against her will. Doing it as politely as possible, but trust me when I say she'd rather leave. Prince Edwin and Skylette were never betrothed, though I'm sure her father wished it was so. Edwin was here searching for his lost love, Piper. Skylette was helping, apparently." He waved a hand in the air. "That isn't the point, they remain in danger as long as Campbell has access to them."

"Indeed. He isn't to be trusted. If you can continue to slip in and out of the keep and watch the Baron that will help us. We can meet again in a couple weeks and I'll let you know how many of the knights have arrived. If you can help remove the royals from beneath Campbell's nose that would help immensely."

"I'll do my best, but I have a feeling the man has Skylette exactly where he wants her. He seemed reluctant to allow her to leave his sight when she professed her desire to depart." Arthur grimaced as he remembered Campbell's behavior. Sugary sweet on the surface, but he'd seen the anger in the man's eyes.

Tannon rose. "Two weeks. Until then." He turned without another word and strode out of the little inn.

Arthur sat back in his seat. With knights to back him up, he might have a chance. They would still be woefully outnumbered. There was no telling how many would die in the effort to free Codey, but it might be the only chance he had to retrieve his friend from certain death.


Piper wrung her hands together as she watched Skylette. "You can't do this."

"What choice do I have?"

"I don't know! Something besides entertaining this man's delusions!"

Sky rose with a sigh. There was nothing inside her that desired dining with Campbell alone, but he had yet to agree to allow her to leave. Edwin and Piper both refused to leave her here alone. She felt she had little choice but to entertain whatever pipe dream the man was cooking up inside that head of his. She took Piper's hands in hers. "I don't see another way to convince him to allow me to leave. The man seems hell-bent on believing I'm too depressed to go anywhere. I need to convince him otherwise."

"I don't think that's possible. He'll believe whatever he wants to believe. He has his own agenda, Sky. I don't know what it is, but Edwin thinks we should ignore him and simply insist on leaving. It's too dangerous to remain here."

She released a sigh. "And what do you think he'll do if we insist on leaving?"

Piper made a frustrated sound. "Nothing! He can't do anything! He would have to deal with your father and Edwin's if he did!"

"I'm sorry, but I don't agree with that. He seems desperate enough to act without thinking. You and Edwin are free to leave. He's made that clear enough. If Edwin is worried, then go."

"We won't leave you here!"

Sky shrugged as she crossed to the door. "Then do not complain about whatever actions I see fit to take." She left the room, ignoring Piper's string of curse's that followed her out the door. A small smile lifted the corners of her lips. Piper was going to be an interesting Queen someday.

Today, Campbell had invited her to dine with him alone for lunch. She agreed only because she decided it might give her an opportunity to convince him she was perfectly fine. It might also let him relax a bit and she could discover something about why he was doing this, keeping her here.

She swept into the dining room and he rose from where he was seated at the head of the table.

"Hello, Skylette. You look lovely as always."

She inclined her head. "Thank you."

He took her hand and placed a kiss across her knuckles. Lingering as he always did, before helping her into her chair. "I was pleased you agreed to dine with me today."

"I thought it was polite since you have been offering your wonderful hospitality to us."

He smiled though she noticed a small tick in the muscle of his left cheek. "I do it because I enjoy your company, Princess." He took his seat, settling in before he looked at her. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Much better now. Thank you."

He made a small sound that could have meant anything. "Princess ... Sky ... may I speak frankly?"

"Yes, of course."

A brilliant smile spread across his features. She ached because it reminded her a bit of Codey's happy, relaxed grin. He took her hand in his and the memory burst, fading quickly. This man was not Codey. His hands were soft, pampered. Not Codey's calloused, work-roughened hands.

"We've spent a good deal of time together and I find myself enchanted by your company. I was enraptured by your beauty the moment you stepped into my life. I truly wished for you and your stable boy to be reunited, now that things have soured ... well, I can't help but hope I might find a place in your life. By your side."

Her heart lurched. It squeezed painfully in her chest as everything inside her protested over the idea that this man would want to replace Codey in her life. Yet, what difference did it make? Codey wasn't a part of her world any longer. He'd made it clear what his choice was. She very slowly pulled her hand from his.

"Campbell, we barely know one another and as you've pointed out I've had a rather bad shock recently with the news Codey sprung on me." She softened the speech with a smile and a small pat to his hand. "I do enjoy your company as well, but I think I need some more time before I consider moving forward with my life. Especially considering any romantic connections."

A small smile appeared on his face. "I understand completely. We'll table the discussion for now then, shall we?"

"I would appreciate it. I'm not certain my heart could handle it at the moment. I would make one request of you though if you don't mind."

"Anything for you, my darling."

"I would like to escort Edwin and Piper back to my home so they can collect their things before returning to his kingdom. Once I've seen them back, I'll return and we can continue to get acquainted."

"Of course. Though I wish you would remain here. I still worry over your safety. I must confess, I heard about the attack at the castle during the ball. It worries me that you are wandering about the countryside without an escort. Perhaps I should send some of my men back with you."

"I appreciate it, Campbell. I think we'll be perfectly fine. After all, we made it this far."

"Yes, you did. If you have faith then I suppose I must as well." He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. "Let's eat and forget all of this, shall we?"

"Yes, of course." Yet, it wasn't so easy to forget everything they'd just discussed and concentrate on her food. Edwin and Piper wouldn't accept her decision, no matter her intentions.

She was going to have to deceive them and she wasn't certain she had it in her to do it.

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