Chapter 17

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Sky opened the door to her room in response to a knock. She gasped, grabbed Arthur by his uniform and hauled him into the room before shutting the door. "What are you doing? What if someone saw you!"

"Relax, I was very careful. No one saw me."

"How on earth did you find me?" she asked.

He grinned. "Trust me, nothing seems to be a secret around this place. The second you entered the castle, everyone seemed to know the baron was entertaining none other than the crown princess of Eliria. After that, it was rather easy to charm one of the serving girls into letting slip where you were staying."

She giggled. "Seducing the maids, are you?"

"I did what I had to to find you so I could let you know what I've found out."

She ushered him to a seat and took one herself across from him. "Have you found Codey?"

"Yes and no," he answered.

"What does that mean?"

"It means, I know where he's being kept, but I haven't actually confirmed he's there."


"According to what I found out from one of the guards in the dungeon, Campbell has a separate set of cells under his throne room. It's only accessible through that room and besides himself, only his personal guards are allowed down there. Since I'm definitely not part of his guard, I need to find a way to get down there without being discovered."

She chewed her bottom lip. "I think I know a way, but no one is going to like it."


"I got this idea during dinner he was quite interested in discovering the identity of the stable boy he believes I'm infatuated with."

Arthur's eyebrows rose. "How on earth did he discover you even had a relationship with Codey?"

"Edwin, he let it slip during dinner, when pressed he told Campbell he didn't know the boy's name. Perhaps we should let his name drop and see where it gets me."

Arthur scowled. "You're right, I don't like it. That's a dangerous idea. It could end with the both of you quite dead. It also doesn't tell me how to get you out once he's tossed you in the dungeon beside Codey."

"We don't know that he'd do that. He might simply tell me he has found my stable boy and lead Codey out to stand before me. Maybe then we can get him out of here."

"Us and what army? His men aren't knights, they're mercenaries and they have very little in the way of honor. We're more likely to wind up dead than free," he pointed out.

She opened her mouth to speak, but was stopped when someone knocked on the door. She sent him a frightened look before rising and calling out to whomever was on the other side of the door. "Who is it?"

"It's Campbell, Princess, might I have a word before you retire?" he called through the door.

Arthur rose and glanced about the room. "What do I do?" he hissed in a whisper.

She took his hand and hauled him to the closet, pulled open the door and shoved him inside. "Stay here and remain quiet, I'll get rid of him as quickly as possible." She shut the door on any protests he might have made. After smoothing down her skirts with nervous, shaking hands, she went and pulled the door open. "Good evening, Baron."

"Please, I told you to call me Campbell. May I come in for a moment?"

She stepped back and waved him into the room. "Of course, what can I do for you?"

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