Until Forever (Complete)

By LeeleeKez

388K 32.2K 2.5K

Bailey Robinson's orders were simple; get rid of the letter and get back to work. When Bailey begins a corre... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One

Chapter Thirty Two

7.4K 754 51
By LeeleeKez

Several times through the journey from the Wellington estate to the Williams' estate, Elizabeth doubted her decision to go home with her father. She was nervous and unsure of what she was doing but Ethan didn't seem to notice as he ushered her out of the building and into the carriage. Once settled in the carriage, Elizabeth had been fully convinced that Ethan would go back into the building to inform Lord Wellington or Frederick of her decision to leave, but Ethan had done the opposite; he had simply climbed into the carriage and they had begun their journey home.

Elizabeth was unsure of her decision for two reasons; Bailey and Gretchen. Trapped in the Wellington estate was Bailey. She hadn't bothered to tell him goodbye and she regretted it. She missed him dearly and was torn between wanting to be with him and wanting to be away from Frederick.

Then, there was Gretchen. The last conversation Elizabeth had with Gretchen had been terrible to say the least and she wasn't sure if she wanted to face Gretchen just yet. Everything in her wanted to fall into Gretchen's arms and weep against her shoulder, but there was a part of her that wanted to hold back from the woman who lied to her all her life.

When Ethan helped her down from the carriage, she was fully expecting Gretchen to appear but she didn't.

Elizabeth made her way through the castle, turning once in a while to return the warm smiles being directed her way by the servants. She easily found her bed chamber and settled quietly on her comfortable bed, realizing just then, how dearly she had missed being home.

She leaned back against the bed and was about to close her eyes when she heard the door opening. Heaving a breath, she rose to a sitting position, fully expecting to see Gretchen even if she doubted she was ready to face her.

“Elizabeth!” Sammy's silver eyes lighted up and his face broke into a bright smile as he practically ran to where she sat on the bed and threw his small frame into her arms.

Grinning, she wrapped her arms around him and planted a kiss on his head. “I missed you too, Sammy.” She smiled, fighting the desire to cry as she held the seven year old in her arms. It was the feeling of being at home with her family, in an environment where she wasn't being starved of love.

“Father said you were home!” Sammy settled into her lap. “Then I told him Mother wasn't feeling well and he left me all alone in the hall way.” He frowned, folding his arms across his chest.

Elizabeth felt her heart drop at the mention of Gretchen being ill. “Mother's sick?”

Samuel nodded solemnly. “I think it is the baby. Mother has been unhappy since her belly started growing. You wouldn't know because you have been away. At first, I thought Mother had simply had too much to eat but her belly wouldn't stop growing and it has made her sad. I think it's also due to the fact that her dresses look silly on her...” Samuel seemed to be lost in his thoughts as he rambled on.

Gretchen was pregnant? Elizabeth thought, feeling confused. It was only a few weeks since she last saw Gretchen, how did she get pregnant within such a short time? Unless she had been pregnant for much longer than Elizabeth and Samuel knew.

Samuel rambled for most part of the morning and when he got bored, he sprang to his feet and left Elizabeth all by herself in her room where she tried and failed to keep her mind from wandering to Gretchen.

A few hours later, there was a soft knock on Elizabeth's door. She opened her eyes, realizing for the first time that she must have dozed off. She pushed herself to her feet and strolled to the door where she pulled it open and was informed that lunch was served. With a nod of her head and a whispered 'thank you', she dismissed the maid.

The dining room stood empty. Elizabeth made her way inside and placed herself on a seat she assumed to be hers since she began eating by herself at the age of three; a seat that was right next to Gretchen's. A few minutes passed before Samuel made his way into the room with his head bowed. Elizabeth didn't have to look too closely to realize his face was covered in mud. She also knew that if Samuel came to lunch looking dirty, then Gretchen's illness must have been bad enough to deter her from enforcing that Samuel take a bath and not appear in the dining room looking like a pig.

The food was served with neither Gretchen nor Ethan showing up for it. Worried to say the least, Elizabeth could hardly convince herself to eat. She quickly placed her cutlery on the table and mumbled some instructions to Samuel to clean himself up; instructions that were met with a sour look from Samuel, and hurriedly made her way to her parent's bed chamber.

“Father?” Elizabeth pushed the door open, not bothering to knock. Ethan was seated on the bed side when she entered and immediately rose to his feet at the sight of her. He covered the distance between them. “Is everything alright?” She asked, peeking to see the still figure that laid on the bed.

Ethan shook his head and ran a hand through his black, curly hair. “Your mother was having a conversation with a maid outside and fainted.”

Elizabeth gawked.

Ethan nodded. “It was a bad fall and...” His voice trembled. Elizabeth placed a hand on his shoulder in a bid to reassure him. She could see how much Ethan loved Gretchen just by looking at him. “She's pregnant.” Ethan whispered.

“Sammy told me.” She sighed. “I'm so sorry Papa.” She pulled him close and wrapped her arms around him. “I'm certain Mother will be fine and you need not worry.”

“Send word to the Wellington estate, informing them of your decision to leave. I only just realized that I hadn't bothered to inform Lord Wellington.”

Elizabeth forced a smile. “I will handle it and I will have your lunch brought to your bed chamber.”

“Thank you, Sugar.” He kissed her cheek and pulled away.

As Elizabeth walked away from Ethan that afternoon, she felt guilt for Gretchen's condition settle on her; it was all her fault that Gretchen was lying in a critical condition. She didn't know how she knew this, but she knew.

~ ~

“Lord Williams sent word that Elizabeth will no longer be returning to the estate, my Lord.” Bailey stood beside Gary's bed, where Gary laid barely able to move. “I have also sent for a Physician.”

Gary would have argued with Bailey but he didn't know if he had the energy to argue. As the hours progressed, so did his strength. At first, Gary tried to blame it on his illness. But, the longer he thought about it, the more convinced he was that it didn't have anything to do with this illness that was eating at him slowly. Finally, his suspicions were confirmed.

“I need you to do me a favor, Bailey.” He said, feeling extremely weak.

Bailey knelt beside him and too his hands. “Anything, my Lord.”

Gary's gaze lingered on Bailey for a while longer. He searched the young man's face, allowing his eyes to study every feature. It was then, as Gary perused Bailey's face so closely, that he finally saw it; he saw Edward in the boy. He might have doubted it in the past, but now he was fully convinced that Bailey was his grandson. A smile settled on Gary's face; he had a grandson he could finally be proud of.

Reaching forward, he placed his trembling hand on Bailey's cheek. “When all of this is sorted out, I want you to come back here.” He sighed, finding it increasingly difficult to breathe. “My grandfather bought this land with his sweat and blood, it mustn't be sold.” Bailey seemed extremely confused but didn't say a word to that effect. “Find a note in the drawer, it's addressed to Lord Bartholomew Drew. I want you to take it to his estate, and hand it to him. Then, you shall find Elizabeth Williams and tell her exactly how you feel about her.”

Bailey's mouth hung open.

“I know, Bailey. I might be old, but I'm not stupid. Frederick is undeserving of Elizabeth and I have watched you take a beating for her. You shall leave for Lord Drew's estate tonight.”

“My Lord, I do not think it wise to leave your side when you are obviously in need of my service. I will pass your message across to Lord Drew, through a servant...”

“I want you to leave, right now.” Gary said, mustering the energy to make his instruction sound like a command. “You shall not return until Lord Drew has done everything written in that note. Now, leave.” Gary unclasped Bailey's hand from around his.

Bailey rose to his feet and bowed slightly. “Yes, my Lord.”

Gary watched Bailey leave the room as tears made its way down his own face. He felt his organs shutting down, his intestines seeming to tangle in his stomach in a painful knot. He felt his lungs struggle to receive oxygen. He felt his eyelids flutter and his body break out in sweat.

He was dying. He had known he was dying simply because he had been aware for three days that Chloe had been poisoning him. Gary had noticed and could have rejected the tea laced with poison that was always offered to him every noon time. Yet, he had found himself accepting it, willingly conceding to his own death. He would die, anyway; sooner or later. Chloe had just helped to hasten it, believing herself to be his heir.

A broad smile settled on Gary's face as his eyelids pulled shut; Chloe was in for a big surprise.

Copyright © 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.



Thanks for reading guys! I cannot tell you how much you mean to me, really! *muahhhh!

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