2nd chances (Scorose)

By mickik23

47K 1.4K 971

Does rose give Scorpius a 2nd chance? Why does he need one in the first place? Read this story to find out! (: More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Last chapter

Chapter 10

1.2K 44 16
By mickik23

"Scor," I warned, as Professor Lofting's nostrils flared as she walked past.

Lily gaped open mouthed at the pair of us, as Scorpius leapt to his feet and ran to sit at the Ravenclaw table. Professor Lofting swooped down on him and relaxed somewhat as Scorpius fed her some excuse.

She nodded, her greying hair swaying slightly, and walked up the aisle between the tables to take her seat on the staff table.

He winked at me before turning away to talk to his house mates.

"What is going on with you?" Lily whispered to me.

"Nothing," I replied, looking at her out of the corner of my eyes.

"Sure looks like something," she muttered with raised eyebrows like she doubted me.

I sighed in annoyance but tried to forget about it and concentrate on dodging Hugo's crumpled sheets of parchment he threw in my direction as he continuously attempted to write a letter before deciding that whatever he was writing was no good.

"Who are you writing to?" I asked, completely dumbfounded because Hugo never wrote to anyone. He didn't know anyone to write to, except for family, but since we saw most of them so often, he didn't bother with writing letters for them. It was left to me to update Mum and Dad on his news.

"Nobody," Hugo said shiftily.

"Oh..." Intrigued, I pretended to turn to talk to Al who was sat on my other side, then summoned his current sheet of parchment with accio, snorting slightly as he leapt upwards, his hands flailing for the paper shooting towards me. "Scorpius? What in the name of Merlin are you writing to Scor for?"

I had a distinctly bad feeling settling in the bottom of my stomach.

"No reason, just a friendly message really," Hugh mumbled.

"Oh? Friendly? When you say friendly, just what words were you thinking of writing?"

"Possibly something along the lines of 'Stay away from my sister you son of a bludger!' Friendly enough?" He answered with a fake smile.

"Hugo! Don't you dare send that! Scorpius has done nothing wrong," I whispered harshly, not wanting the entire student body to overhear my personal life.

Hugo glared daggers at me and threw down his quill to cross his arms. "Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." With that, he stood up and left, storming away from my shocked expression. Hugo could always be a bit immature, but he was usually so calm. The only times I had seen him throw a tantrum were when Dad accidentally broke his first broom by trying it out (proving too heavy for it) and after the Christmas party.

James stared after him before turning to look worriedly at me. "What'd you say to him?"

"Mind your own business," I snapped.

"Sorry," James replied in tones that sounded equally mean.

As the time for our first period drew nearer, Scorpius returned to the Gryffindor table and sat down beside me again.

"Ready for potions?"

"I guess," I replied wearily.

"What's up?" Scorpius asked, sounding concerned.

"Oh, nothing. I just had an argument with Hugo, that's all."

"Let me guess: it was about me."

Unwillingly, I nodded. "How did you know?"

Scorpius gave a sly smile before his fingertips traced over his cheekbone, muttering, "Well his fist was pretty vocal about his dislike for me..."

"Right, I forgot about that. Don't worry he's just being an idiot."

"Rose, Hugo's not being an idiot - he's just looking out for you."

"I don't need him to look out for me; I can look after myself," I replied grumpily as we descended the stairs down to Potions, trailing after Dom and Al.

Scorpius raised his eyebrows, most likely thinking about my disastrous duel with Veronica, but said nothing to dispute my claim.

That potions lesson we worked in pairs to concoct our own poisons and antidotes. The poison was simple enough. Professor Slughorn had already set out the ingredients we were able to use, and we just had to throw them together. The antidote, however, was a whole lot more complicated. While I stirred our antidote and followed the textbook's instructions to the letter, Scorpius amused himself by flicking the unused Wiggenweld roots across the desk at me. He snickered and glanced around the room as if searching for an invisible bird every time I looked at him, only making me laugh too.

"Scorpius, seriously, I'm trying to concentrate," I said through chuckles. "Do you want me to poison you?"

"That's why we have the antidote, Rose," Scorpius replied cheekily.

"Not if the antidote isn't right because someone was distracting me!"

"Rose, even if you didn't get the antidote right, the poison wouldn't kill me. This is Professor Slughorn we're talking about - he won't give me anything that bad! I bet it's just something to induce sleep or hysteria."

"Fine, if that's what you think, Scor, you can make the potion and I'll flick stuff at you," I countered. "Then we can really see if you're better at Potions than me."

"You're on," he grinned, holding out his hand for me to shake.

I took it, and gasped as a jolt of electricity ran through me.

"Gotcha!" Scorpius crowed, punching the air and then showing me the small round device taped to his hand. It was one of Uncle George's products, adapted from a Muggle practical joke so that it would still work in Hogwarts.

I slapped him in the back of the head as we switched places, and began flicking the heads of the green caterpillar-like creatures at him. Scorpius didn't even flinch as I fired four in quick succession: one hitting him on the neck, one on the chin, one falling flat and one nailing him in the center of his forehead.

"It's going to take more than that, Weasley," he teased.

Feeling bold, I shuffled my stool closer to him and leaned into his side, before briefly leaning up to breathe over his ear.

The hand Scorpius was using to stir the antidote froze and he turned to look incredulously at me; his eyes bulging uncontrollably.

I snickered and moved back to my original position. "Yeah, you're so invincible, Scor."

I thought he'd come back with some witty remark, instead Scorpius looked openly at me and honestly said, "Well played, Rose," with a hint of respect.

The rest of the lesson passed without incident, although Scorpius and I continued to laugh, so much so that our potion became an unusable blob of slime that wouldn't have cured anybody.

"I'm disappointed in you two," Professor Slughorn said at the end of the lesson as everyone else packed up. "I think it's best if I separate you next lesson. You'll both be getting additional homework. I want you to write an essay on how to avoid such mistakes when brewing poisons and antidotes. I expected excellent things from you this year - both the top of my class last year; but now..." Talking to himself he walked away and checked that the buttons on his waistcoat were still done up over his rather large stomach.

"That was totally your fault," I hissed at Scorpius, though I couldn't help smiling at him.

"Was not! You didn't have to switch places with me, Rose! The antidote was going perfectly while you were mixing it."

"Was too!" I argued.

Scorpius and I continued to playfully blame each other until Dom came in-between us.

"If you don't shut up and leave the classroom, we'll never get any lunch!"

Al smirked at me, looking highly amused, while Scorpius and I blushed and hurried to pick up our things. We followed Dom and Al up to the Great Hall and Scorpius whispered, "It was still your fault."

I laughed, breaking off mid giggle as Dom whirled around with cold eyes.

"I'll see you later" scorpius said, setting me off again.

Dom shot me a look but said nothing. I knew I would be in for another interrogation as soon as we were alone. I was busy trying to think of a way to squirm out of it when Roxanne came flying down the stairs into the Entrance Hall as we came up from the Dungeons, knocking Al off his feet.

"Roxie!" He groaned from the floor.


"Why can't you move at a normal speed..." Al mumbled as Roxanne helped him to his feet.

"Sorry," she repeated. "I was just excited-"

"-We could see that," Dom interrupted in her usual sarcastic manner.

"Because they've put up the first Hogsmeade date in the Common Room!" Roxie continued, oblivious to Dom's aside comments.

"Oh! When is it?" I asked, eager to get back to the Three Broomsticks and have a butterbeer. I could even arrange to meet Victoire there. I hadn't seen her in ages. She'd been on her honeymoon in the Bahamas with Teddy all summer, so the last time I'd seen her was the Easter before.

"The 24th," Roxie shouted over her shoulder as she rushed into the Hall to tell everyone else.

"That's only next week," Dom smiled, and I thought she must be keen to catch up with her newly married sister too.

"I know! Victoire is going to have so much to tell us, I bet! I wonder what the Bahamas is like..."

"Sand filled beaches, warm sun all day..." Dom murmured, her eyes turning into a glassy stare as she went into a daydream.

"Girls," Al muttered to himself, leaving Scorpius with me and Dom as we excitably chatted about Victoire's news.

"Rose...c-could I...er...talk to you for a minute?" Scorpius asked, glancing nervously at Dom.

I nodded and Dom looked between us, waiting for one of us to talk.

"Er...in private?" He asked hopefully.

"Sure," I replied, smiling encouragingly at him.

Still Scorpius said nothing and as I gazed at him I noticed his eyes were directed over my shoulder. Following his stare, I found myself looking as Dom who leaned forwards with her face turned away from us as though she were pricking one of her ears.

"Erm, Dom?" I said, reminding her to leave.

"Oh, sorry, were you asking me to leave?" She asked in an over-the-top voice.

"Yes," Scorpius replied stiffly, not at all fooled by her attempts to cover her eavesdropping.

"I'll just go then...see you later, Rosie."

I turned away from her retreating figure to find Scorpius watching me closely.

"Er, Scor, will you say something...you're making me nervous," I explained, feeling my palms begin to sweat.

"Will you come to Hogsmeade with me?"

"Sorry?" I asked, sure I had misheard him. We had after all agreed to stay friends and it sounded an awful lot like Scorpius was asking me on a date.

"It's just my Mum wants me to get new dress robes before Christmas because Grandfather is coming to stay, but the last time I bought my own she went mental because they were - and I quote - 'too plain.' I seriously need your help..." He trailed off and looked hopefully at me.

"Oh, of course I will," I replied. I could understand why Scorpius would want help choosing robes if his grandfather was going to be there. Lucius Malfoy was renowned for his strict, traditional values and tastes.

"Thanks," Scorpius said, sounding immensely relieved and looking as if a weight had been lifted off him.

I nodded and followed him through into the Great Hall, barely sitting down and eating a sandwich before the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and stepped backwards over the bench, following Lily out of the Hall and up the stairs to Arithmancy.

I was totally bored. We were seated at individual desks and Scorpius was across the room from me, so there wasn't even any chance of talking to him. Everything Professor Vector was teaching us, I already knew from reading the introduction in my textbook. So instead of listening to the lecture, I began writing to Victoire to make sure she came to Hogsmeade.

~Dear Vic,

You'd love what I'm doing right now. I'm in Professor Vector's Arithmancy class and I'm not paying attention! I'm sure Uncle Bill wouldn't be proud about me following your example though.

How was the honeymoon? You'll have to show me some pictures! The wedding was such an amazing day, and I'm really happy for you and Teddy. Dom and I are so excited to hear from you. We've got a Hogsmeade weekend coming up - the 24th - do you think you could meet us for a butterbeer? We've got so much to tell you!

Hope to see you soon,


There, I thought, that ought to do. I rolled the scrap of parchment up and then shoved it up my cloak sleeve, catching sight of Scorpius amused face as I did so.

"What?" I mouthed at him.

He shook his head, unable to answer due to his silent laughter.

I rolled my eyes and returned my attention to Professor Vector who was still going through the introduction to the subject.

Finally the lesson ended and I headed to the library to start working on Professor Slughorn's essay. Scorpius followed me and did the same, making jokes and scribbling in the margins of his book, as we hurried to get the work finished before dinner ended. We arrived at the Great Hall, after running flat out, just in time to watch the plates disappear down into the kitchens where the house elves would clean them.

"Darn!" I said.

"Come on. We'll just go to the kitchens and ask for something."

Scorpius led the way to the portrait which, if properly manipulated (by tickling the pear) would swing open to allow admittance to the Hogwarts kitchens. The moment we put a foot through the doorway, house elves crowded around us, bowing low in their school uniform.

We didn't have house elves at home - my mother wouldn't allow it. If she had, it would have been highly hypocritical given that she was the driving force behind the reforms to the wizarding laws regarding other sentient beings. Now, all house elves, were paid and allowed to take holidays whenever they wanted to. But at Hogwarts, despite these changes to their lives, the house elves still believed they should neither be seen nor heard, so I was a bit taken aback when I came face to face with them.

"We is at your service, sir and ma'am," one of them squeaked.

Scorpius looked expectantly at me, and I hesitantly asked for a bowl of soup. The castle had been beginning to grow cold, and I desperately wanted something to warm me up. The house elves brought me and Scorpius a bowl each of vegetable soup, with fresh bread to dip in. Another scurried over with two cups of pumpkin juice and yet another brought over a chair for each of us.

Scorpius and I talked with the house elves while we ate, and when we were done, they escorted us to the door, filling our hands with sweets.

As soon as the portrait closed, Scorpius was ripping into his Bertie Botts box. "Ooh, toast!" He held the box out to me and I took one, popping it into my mouth without pausing to examine it. As I chewed and swallowed, I was aware of the strong taste and started choking, stooping over to rest my hands on my knees as I coughed.

Scorpius clapped me on the back, trying to clear my airway, thinking the sweet was stuck in my throat.

"Pepper," I croaked as I stood up. "Urgh!" Wiping my hand on the back of my mouth, I grabbed another sweet, needing to take away the disgusting taste left in my mouth. It wasn't much better. The green bean I had picked up was grass flavoured.

Scorpius reached into the box and held out a red bean for me. "Try this one."

I took it and chewed one end before sighing. "Strawberry," I confirmed, eating the rest. "I'll never understand how they sell so many boxes. I mean, no-one's going to want to buy a box again after they've had something really disgusting, are they? James had a blood flavored one once." I shuddered at the memory.

"Blood?" Scorpius asked in horror. Then in an offhand voice, he continued, "Well at least they're accounting for vampires..."

I chuckled and moved away from the portrait.

"I should really get going. I've got Gobstones," I muttered.

"Yeah, I've got Quidditch Training," Scorpius said, standing and moving a few steps in the opposite direction. "I'll see you tomorrow, Rose."

"Night, Scorpius," I answered.

I navigated my way back through the castle up to the Fourth Floor and caught sight of the light on in the unused classroom we usually claimed for our meetings.

As I entered, I began, "Sorry I'm late, guys-" I stopped in shock. Not only were my fellow Gobstones members in the room, but Scorpius was there too. "Scor... I thought you had... quidditch..." I mumbled, marvelling at how he had even managed to arrive before me.

"Cancelled 'cause of the weather," he replied, beaming.

"What? We trained in sleet last year! You're such a wimp."

"Yeah well, we'll beat Gryffindor anyway now that you're not playing," he retorted light-heartedly.

"Maybe I'm coaching Lily to take my place," I hinted, though of course I hadn't done anything of the sort.

Scorpius raised his eyebrows. He knew I wasn't coaching Lily because he knew my timetable and what days I had rounds because I had to do them with him.

I stared back at him, my eyes wide as if daring him to challenge my claim, until Sienna (one of the Ravenclaw third years) coughed impatiently. "Can you move please?" she asked politely, trying to get the book behind us.

"Yeah sure!" scorpius said as he stared at her rump as she walked away.

"Scorpius what was that? I asked. "What was what?" he said blushing. "Don't act like I didn't notice" you said slyly.

Blinking, I started chalking the circles onto the floor and getting the school's old Gobstones sets from one of the cupboards. Then I organized everyone into teams, putting people into groups of three and then putting two groups of three together for a match. That way, meant I didn't have to do a lot except referee as I walked around the room and offered advice to some of the younger and newer members.

As the newest member Scorpius required a lot of my time, but every time I tried to help him, he would distract me by asking me a question about something irrelevant to Gobstones. By the end of the session, I was tired and irritable, my voice growing hoarse from talking for so long.

Scorpius stayed to help me pack up whilst everyone else left, which was only fair seeing as we were the latest to arrive.

"This evening was really fun," Scorpius remarked, sounding surprised. "I always imagined Gobstones to be really boring and for nerdy people - not that you're a nerd, Rose - but I really enjoyed it. I think I'll come again next week..."

"No, I ban you from Gobstones, Scor, unless you stop distracting me!"


A/N: I would really, really appreciate some comments! I was a bit unsure about this chapter, so it would be nice to know what you guys think! I haven't been able to write with all these tests 😓 but hey, I guess if I want to go to 9th grade then I will have to take them.

I am starting a new story it is called Piper's World check it out 😄

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