After Shock (#2 - Semper Fi S...

By caffrey1974

38.2K 1K 115

Amanda Vickers is a Detective for Grubbs County Sheriff’s Department in Grubbs County, GA. She is widowed, ha... More

After Shock
5 Years Later
Who said going to California was fun?
Unbreakable Bond
Closer to the Truth
Preparing to Face the Enemy
Fraction of A Second
Heaven's Role
Fear Has a New Name
Light at the End of the Tunnel
Planning a Wedding and maybe a Funeral
Grace and the End
Happy Beginning

What Next?

1.7K 57 10
By caffrey1974

De-boarding the airplane in Kansas City, Rob waited for his contact to pick him up. He had a backpack and his computer. He didn’t think this would take too terribly long. All he had to do was get the children on the plane and he would be in the clear.

As he finished the last thought, his connection pulled up in a very nice car. The trunk popped up seemingly on its own. He threw his bag in and slammed it shut, and climbed into the front seat. “It’s great to see you again! This should be easy. Do you have the information?”

“Yes, it’s all there. This is like taking candy from a baby! Except, maybe we’ll be giving it to one instead. They have a bodyguard. Also, there’s been a new development. Two others arrived with her, but then left. I didn’t follow the truck they were in.”

Rob butted in. “I know about them. He was injured in the car fire, and left the hospital a couple of days after that. They can be easily taken care of. They’re obviously a couple. Take one out, and the other will crumble, and it won’t matter which one I pick off. They’re both cops. They know how to shoot and are more vigilant than most people. She’s a detective and has worked undercover. She had a hand in disabling a serial killer about a year ago to include being a stand-in. She was kidnapped, and gave the guy what for. She’s tough. He has some high-level secret squirrel security detail in D.C. His boss came to California when he was injured. He’s that valuable.”

“The bodyguard is a Hispanic guy. He’s not very tall, but he’s massive and ready for any and everything coming his way. He’s a former Marine. You’ve got your hands full. Get those three out of the way, and the family will be easy. You can probably subdue Alyssa and her mom easily. The dad may be a bit of a struggle, but you can handle him. He’s not much older than me, so he has some fight in him. I don’t want anyone dead, okay? But, if you have to resort to it, casualties are just that: casualties.”

Rob nodded but didn’t say anything else. They seemed to drive forever. After a pit stop, they went on to their destination.

“You’ll find everything you need at the house: identification, birth certificates, and passports all with fake names, if that becomes necessary, explosives, weapons, ammunition, duct tape, rope, zip ties, and plenty of food. I’m heading back day after tomorrow unless you need me here longer. I have to get Millie out of jail. She’s going to be livid and probably screaming like a banshee.” He laughed. “Can you imagine that miserable woman sitting in an orange jumper in a jail cell? On second thought, she can simmer there for a little while longer. It will do her some good.”

Rob laughed at the image of Millie incarcerated. He didn’t like her all that much, but she paid well. Obviously, the man driving was really in charge of everything. Millie was the face, Rob and Allen were the muscles, and he was the major decision maker, and everyone knew it; everyone but Alyssa. She’d know soon enough. Rob closed his eyes for the last half of the drive. He could care less about the scenery. He had a job to do: take the children, get them on the plane, and leave. Everything else was mere icing on the cake.


Millie was fuming! How dare he leave her here while he’s off in Kansas? Yes, it was part of the plan, but he was really taking this to a new level, and she’d make him pay when he got her out!

She thought about her surrender. She really had felt remorse right then, but it all played out perfectly. Alyssa had let her guard down, and she’d let her guards go. She laughed at that. Alyssa would get her due.


The hardest thing Amanda had done in the last few days was going to the guest room the night before. She told herself it was the right thing to do, until they were married, and stayed awake staring at the ceiling for hours afterwards.

She brushed her teeth, showered, dressed, and put her hair in a low ponytail before she walked out to breakfast. She was up early, but was still the last one awake. The Reinhardt’s were early risers. Martin and Paul were at the table discussing something important. Lorraine was in the kitchen alternating between frying bacon and buttering toast.

“Good morning! I hope you rested well.” Lorraine’s greeting was too enthusiastic for six thirty in the morning!

“Thank you. I rested as well as one could expect.” She looked at Paul and his face shared the same sleepless-night expression. She smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss. “What do you need done, Lorraine?” Amanda found that helping someone else always contributed to lifting her own mood.

“I’m about done here. If you don’t mind, I need the juice poured into glasses, and the coffee, cream and sugar set out on the table.” Lorraine was thankful for the assistance.

“No problem. Glad to help.” In no time they were seated with Paul and Martin. Martin bowed his head and asked the blessing, ending it with, “and we thank you for answering our prayers by giving Paul the precious gift of Amanda. We know we will be blessed to have her in our lives, as well. Amen.” Amanda wanted to cry. They were incredible. She hadn’t thought about them being her future in-laws until now, but she was thankful for them, too. Paul squeezed her hand, as was their family custom to hold hands during the prayer, a little tighter when his dad finished.

After a few minutes at the table, Amanda informed Paul of the agenda for the day. “I need to be at Alyssa’s by eight. I want to survey the neighborhood for unusual cars, passersby, and other general things. I know it’s a small town, but that gut feeling of ‘this isn’t over’ just won’t leave me alone. I also want to talk with Mig and maybe Ryan. I’m not sure I trust him. In California, he was all cuddles and sweetness to Alyssa, but I sensed a change in him when we came back here. I’m not saying he’s working for Allen and Millie, but I just don’t want to take any chances, ya know?”

“I know. I will go over to his house, if you want, while you are doing the other checks. Find out if Mig noticed anything or anyone suspicious. And be careful. We have a wedding to plan!” He smiled before eating another piece of bacon.

Amanda put a fake pout on her face. “What? We’re not eloping tonight?” She busted out laughing!

“If that’s what you really want, I’ll be on my way to the courthouse posthaste!” She started laughing even more. “I’m very serious, Mandy!” He wiggled his eyebrows, contradicting his last sentence.

“I know. That’s what makes it so funny!” She doubled over laughing, even though she was the only one who saw the humor in it!

Martin interrupted, “I have connections. We could have a license and the judge or minister of your choice in a matter of hours.”

“Dad, Mom, we’ll be right back.” Paul took her hand and led her outside to the side of the house so they wouldn’t be seen. “I’m asking you seriously. Is that what you want? You know I’m ready. I love you, and I don’t care if we have a big bash black tie event or a minister in mom’s living room.”

Amanda couldn’t catch her breath. He was seriously considering this. More so, she couldn’t believe she was contemplating it. “I want you to have the wedding of your dreams, Paul. I’ve had mine. I don’t mind a simple affair. Honestly, if I am your wife at the end of the ceremony, I will be the happiest girl in the world.”

“Then let’s do it. I am not a man of worth and am not into dressing up for fifteen minutes in front of the preacher. I think weddings are overrated.”

“I tell you what, Paul. Let me have two days to get a pretty dress and call my mom to tell her. She’ll be thrilled. I also need to ask for time off for my honeymoon,” she giggled. Giggled? Amanda was giddy, and the thought of actually being married to Paul sent her spirit soaring.

The look in her eye at the mention of their honeymoon drove him insane. Paul cupped her cheek with one hand, gently pressed her back against the brick wall of the house, and leaned in with one arm above her head on the wall for support. But, instead of kissing her, he started nibbling her earlobe, sending her heart rate to the sky. He made a trail of caressing kisses from her jaw to her temple, across her forehead to her other temple, and down to the hollow spot between the earlobe and the jaw. Amanda felt like she was melting. A sultry groan escaped her throat and her arms seemed to have a mind of their own as they went under his arms and held onto his back, pulling him closer than before. As his lips found her neck and continued the journey to her throat, her body involuntarily arched to meet his, her head leaning back to give him better access to her neck. Finally, their lips met. Without breaking contact, Paul moved them gently to the grass, positioning himself to one side. “Paul,” she whispered between kisses.

“Mm: yes love.” More kisses.

“We have to...” Amanda was past words.

“I know. Just let me kiss you for a little while longer first.” He was back to kissing behind her earlobe, and Amanda’s eyes closed from the inebriating connection. Her mind was unable to think coherent thoughts.

Lorraine’s voice pierced the air between them, shattering the cherished moments they’d just shared. “Paul! You have a call. It’s Max.”

He groaned. “We’ll finish this; soon. I mean really finish this.” He gave her one more intimate kiss, pulling her lip between his teeth gently. “Soon. I love you!” He helped her up and they both smoothed themselves, feeling like teenagers caught instead of adults sharing a private moment. She repositioned her ponytail, and dusted off her jeans as Paul did the same.

He took the phone from his mother and answered. “Maaax! You have an uncanny knack for interrupting some very fantastic kisses. You’d better have a good reason.” He heard Max burst into laughter.

“You’re on speaker phone, Paul! And I do have a very good reason for calling. Now I have two. One is harassing you, and the other is information you need for your case.”

Paul said, “It had better be really good then. But, before you say anything, I wanted to tell the whole team that Amanda and I are getting married.” Cheers and laughter, along with a comment or two saying it was about time he found a good woman. “Possibly in the next couple of days.” Again, congratulations and a few more teases. “Thanks guys. Now, what’s up?”

Amanda walked in and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind him while he spoke with Max.

Lorraine recognized the blush on Amanda’s face, and just smiled. She knew Paul wouldn’t go beyond where he should, but she was glad they were happy. A girl needs her man to prove he’s not just words sometimes. Being alone outside can do more for a romance than eating dinner out or going to a movie. “You’d really like her, mom,” Lorraine said looking at the photo of Eudora while dusting around the pictures on the shelf.

“Listen, Paul, Sight Unseen has been keeping track of Robert Larson, the guy doing all the dirty work for Millie McDonald. He boarded a plane for Kansas. There’s more to this than we know. Josh called me and we talked a good little while. The Sight Unseen team will be on the way to KCMO today. Keep a close eye on the kids. I don’t have a good feeling about this at all. My gut says Mr. Larson is going to try to take them.”

“Thanks for the head’s up. We were heading over in a little while to do some surveillance and talk to Mig about anything he may have seen or heard.”

“That’s a good plan, Paul. Congratulations, again, my friend. Despite all the teasing, we are all really happy for both of you. Take care of her. She’s one of mine by default.”

“Thanks Max. I plan on taking very good care of her.” He squeezed her hand that was still holding his waist.

 “Before he hangs up, I have to talk to him,” she said with urgency. “Paul, do you mind if I walk outside to say what I need to say?”

“Of course I don’t mind. I will be right here when you finish.” He kissed her with Max on the other end.

“What’s up, doll face? How are you? That’s a dumb question. I guess you’re doing pretty well. Hey, I am so happy for you.”

“Max. I wanted to ask you to come out and escort me down the aisle. I am also calling Joe. I want both of you with me when I marry Paul; kind of like my old life merging into my new one, ya know?”

“You’re like a daughter to me, and if Joe can get there, we’ll both be honored to do so. Do you want me to call him for you?”

“No. I will call him as soon as I can. Thanks. This means so much to me.”

“No problem at all. Take care, Amanda, and thanks for doing this mission. I know it hasn’t been easy for you.”

“Do you need to talk to Paul again?”

“Nope. See you soon. Bye.”

“Bye Max!”

Amanda walked back in and handed Paul’s phone back to him. She accepted the cup of coffee from Lorraine and sat at the table again. She decided to ask Alyssa if she’d like to go shopping with her later for a dress. She didn’t want to wear white again, but wasn’t sure what she wanted. She was happy in blue jeans and a t-shirt as long as Paul was there. She also had to call her mom, and then the Semper Fi team. Even if they weren’t able to get here, she wanted them to know. She would call Natasha first, and ask her to tell the rest of the team.

Amanda informed Paul of her morning plans. “I’m about ready to head over to Alyssa’s. I want to get there a few minutes before eight just to see who leaves for work and who doesn’t. Then, I may have her go with me shopping. Mig should be okay to stay with her mom and the kids.”

“That sounds good. I’ll head to Ryan’s and we’ll meet you ladies for lunch at the mall.”

“Okay,” Amanda said with a kiss. “See you then. Call me if plans change.” She stepped outside and started walking towards what she thought was the right street.

“Mandy, where are you going?”

“A-Alyssa’s?” She said sheepishly, upset with herself for not knowing the way.

“Amanda, it’s the other way, sweetheart. On second thought, I’ll walk with you.” The idea of walking together made Amanda smile even wider, her embarrassment causing her face to turn very pink.


Just a few blocks later, Amanda and Paul stopped at the home of the Clarks. A quick kiss said goodbye, and she walked to the door as Paul turned around to head to Ryan’s house.

Amanda rang the bell, and Mig answered. “Good morning. How was your trip?” He showed Amanda in, and they stood in the foyer for a moment.

“It was great, thanks. Is everyone still sleeping?”

“No. The kids are asleep I think, but the adults are all awake.” Mig explained. Just then, a squeal came from a room towards the back of the house. “I guess Laramie is awake now. Let’s go to the kitchen. That’s where the others are.”

“Before we go in there, I need to ask you a question. It’s about what’s been going on. Have you noticed anything or anyone out of place or suspicious?”

“Not really. Only one car completely sticks out around here. Everyone drives a truck except for this one guy, who drives an Astor Martin convertible. That car is sweet! Anyway, he looks like he’s straight out of Beverly Hills.”

“Have you had any weird calls or mail?” She wondered about the strange driver with his too-expensive car.

“No. It’s been decently quiet; at least as quiet as one expects with two toddlers in the house.” He laughed. “One day, I want a family like that. They’re precious.”

“God will send her when it’s time.” Amanda smiled.

“Yes, I know he will.” Mig said a silent prayer.

“I’m concerned about the fancy car driver. That doesn’t sit well with me. The rest of your team will be here late tonight, probably. We need to beef up the security, especially the kids. I have a hunch, and I’m not the only one thinking it, that someone’s going to try to take them.” Every time she thought about someone kidnapping those precious children, her gut would turn. They were the innocents in this whole fiasco. She’d lay her life down to keep them where they belong.

“Well, if I have to sleep in front of the door, or under the window to keep them safe, I will do it. I’m surprised he hasn’t tried it before, if that’s our guy.”

“Maybe they’re waiting for the right time. Or, maybe they were waiting for us to get here. It’s not much of a blow unless she’s here to witness their kidnapping. That makes me want to punch someone. Should we say anything or wait until they’re all here?”

Marie walked in at the end of that sentence. “Say anything about what? What’s going on? By the looks on your faces, it’s not a good thing. I’d appreciate you telling me now so I am prepared.”

Ed walked in before Mandy or Mig could speak. “Prepared for what? What’s going on?”

Alyssa came in and said, “What’s wrong? Everyone looks so serious. Good morning, Mandy. Is there something I need to be concerned about?”

Mig and Mandy both took a deep breath at the same time and Mig motioned for the living room couch. “Please, have a seat. This may be a bit unsettling, and we don’t need Marie fainting again.” He smiled at Marie, silently begging for forgiveness. “Josh and Max have been in touch with Paul, and Amanda, and have some news.”

“Well?” Marie demanded. She looked to be getting a little unnerved by this news being drawn out.

Amanda gave the information. “There was a man doing all of the grunt work for Millie. Apparently he boarded a plane for Kansas today.” Alyssa’s face drained of color, and Marie didn’t look to be in better condition. Ed, on the other hand, looked fighting mad. “We have the team coming from California. We’ll be ready! We’re not going to let anything happen to you or the children, okay?”

“Why? I just want to live and take care of my kids in peace. This is insanity.” She wasn’t crying or distraught, just baffled by the happenings involving her children.

“We have several options, Alyssa. We have a contact in Georgia ready to take you and the kids in, and they’re both former Marines with combat time in their resumes. We also have a contact here on the Sheriff’s or Police Department. He is a friend of Paul’s and a fourth degree black belt. I will ask Paul to give him a visit.” The phone rang, interrupting Amanda’s train of thought.

“Hello?” Ed answered, protecting his women.

“You can run. You can hide. You can fly to the moon. We will find you and we will not be deterred. Surrender the children!” The unknown caller disconnected. Ed wanted to throw the phone across the room.

“That’s it! I’m getting ready to go ballistic on that guy!” Ed was more upset and angry than before the call. Having served in Vietnam on two different tours, he knew about combat, and it was completely different then from today’s world. He came home to angry people who didn’t appreciate his sacrifice or service, and he’d come to terms with that. He’d seen too many men come home in body bags, and more wounded and broken men since his return. “I’m not going to stand by while this crazy family takes my grandkids and makes my beautiful daughter cry. When does the rest of Mig’s team arrive?”

“We don’t know. Paul’s boss in D.C. called him this morning and said they’d be here today. I’m waiting on the call. I am going to call Max myself and find out if our team from Georgia can come up here. A few of the women have babies, but the guys might be able to come. Terry and Matt would probably stay there if you decided to send the children. You’ll have the equivalent of a baseball team, a really large one at that, on your side and they’re tough! These guys have all been to combat. I know them personally. They were deployed with my late husband, Dan. I trust them with, and they have saved, my life. If they’re not able to make it, we’ve still got your back. No one is going to take them or you on my watch, okay?” Amanda reached over and hugged Alyssa.

A knock sounded on the door. Mig jumped up faster than Ed, who was right behind him, and Amanda went with him. She’d not brought a gun with her, she suddenly realized. The idea that Mig hadn’t ever met Paul, and only had met Ryan briefly, crossed her mind. “Someone I don’t know is at the door.” He stepped aside and let Ed look through the peephole.

Ed recognized and opened the door for Paul. “Hi! Good to see you again.” Amanda, who was right behind Ed, reached for his hand.

“What’s going on?” He asked, taking in the forlorn expressions of Alyssa and Marie.

“A threatening call was made a few minutes ago.” Ed explained, and added: “They’re getting a fight if they come for my grandchildren. I’m a combat vet and have a gun in the closet. I’m ready!” Alyssa didn’t look as confident as her father that moment.

“Paul: You said you have a friend on the department. Would you mind giving him a call? I’m going to call Max and see if anyone from the team can make it up here. We’re going to need the support and fast. Where’s Ryan?”  Amanda asked. She wanted this case to be over. It seemed there was always another assailant waiting after the last one surrendered. Amanda’s goal for this mission was that no one else would get hurt.

“He’s at work. I stopped and talked to him before he left. I’ll fill you in later.” She didn’t like Paul’s strained expression when he said that. Something was not lining up, and Amanda wasn’t sure she wanted to hear any more bad news.

Marie stood, and walked to the kitchen where the kids were eating breakfast, and returned with coffee and a tray full of mugs. Alyssa dashed to the kitchen for sugar and cream, brought those out, and then went back to clean up the kids and take Laramie out of the high chair.

“I don’t want the kids going anywhere,” Alyssa decided after the kids were free. They quickly found blocks to throw around and build with. “I just want them here. No more separation. That was complete torment.”

“They did okay here while you were gone, but I agree with you, Alyssa. These babies don’t need to be away from you anymore.” Marie was firm in backing of Alyssa’s wishes.

Amanda swiftly changed the subject. “We’ll do what we can. Ed, Mig: do you two think you can handle the kids for about three hours? I need Marie and Alyssa’s female expertise on something.” Ed and Mig nodded in agreement. “The team should be here within a few hours. I left a voice message for Josh to find our location. If three huge guys come to the door, get Mig. He will be able to identify them. In fact, if you let Mig answer all calls and the door, the kids should be decently safe. See you in a while. Thank you!”


Paul stayed with the men and the kids for a little longer then went back to his childhood home to make some phone calls.

His first was to Max. He needed to get some team members if possible. “Sorry, Paul, but they’re just all busy right now. We’re at full capacity right now. I know the Semper Fi team is just a group of folks who like to help others, but they have lives, too. As for Jeff and Leroy, they have a foreign detail right now that is of highest importance, and by Presidential appointment. They are busy. They’ll be on this assignment for a while. If you’d been here, you would be too. But, all things considered, I’d say you’re right where you need to be. God has His reasons.” Max let out a chuckle. “I hope the Sight Unseen team will be of some help to you. Josh called a little over half an hour ago to let me know they’d landed. He should be calling you soon.”

“He called a few minutes after I left the Clark’s house. I left a voice message with the address so they could program the G.P.S. to get here. Thanks for everything, Max. I’ll be in touch.” Paul didn’t tell Max about the conversation with Ryan this morning. That was unsettling at best. Paul was almost suspicious, once again, of Ryan’s involvement in the case. He almost knew more about it then Paul, Alyssa, and Amanda did. For someone who’d been in Kansas until they were ready to send the kids to her mom, he was highly informed. He knew Ryan couldn’t actually harm Alyssa, but now he had his doubts as to whether or not Ryan could be an informer. Paul would have to keep a close eye on Ryan. The last thing he wanted was for Alyssa to be hurt again. She deserved a good man; one that would love her and her kids without resorting to violence.


Marie, Alyssa and Amanda arrived at the mall before Amanda even told them why.

“So, what’s so important that you needed ladies’ expertise?” Alyssa demanded.

“Well, Paul and I are getting married, and...” Marie and Alyssa were hugging and congratulating her before she could finish her sentence.

When they were finished oohing and ahhing over the news Amanda just gave them, Marie realized Amanda hadn’t finished. “Go on, Amanda, dear. Finish what you were trying to say.”

“We might be getting married as soon as the next few days. Wait! And, I need help finding a dress. I haven’t worn a dress since my last wedding, and I don’t want anything that fancy again. I want a simple, elegant, maybe semi-formal dress, but it doesn’t have to be white.”

“I have the perfect thing in mind, if you will let me sort of take lead. We can go to Dillard’s. They have beautiful gowns, dresses, and all sorts of different outfits. We could even find you a little something for your honeymoon if you want!” Amanda blushed a bit at the thought of what happened this morning when she said honeymoon to Paul. “Sorry, didn’t mean to embarrass you, Amanda.” Marie said.

“I have been married before. It’s not like I don’t know what to expect, but I guess it’s been so long since he died, I’m nervous about the wedding night now. Silly of me, isn’t it?” Amanda was blushing like a sixteen year old girl.

“It will be fine! If you love him the rest will just come naturally. Alyssa doesn’t know this, but I was married before I married her father. He was an abusive man and didn’t respect me as a woman. He literally took what he wanted when he wanted it. So, after seven years, I finally had enough and left. When I married Ed, I was as nervous as if I’d never been married. He was the kindest man ever, and, well, the rest is history, I suppose. I hope Alyssa finds a man who will be good to her and the kids.”

“Wow, Mom, I didn’t know. That gives me hope. Now let’s go find a knock-out dress for your wedding!” Alyssa brought the mood back up and took Amanda’s hand, almost running into the store. They laughed like teenagers. Marie followed, shaking her head, glad to know they were having fun. They both needed a fun day right about now. The atmosphere around the home had been morose at best the last day or so, and the news Paul brought today wasn’t helping change it.


So, they were shopping in the mall. That’s not like that lady bodyguard to let her guard down. Well, that made his job easier. He dialed his phone. “Yeah. Mom, Grannie and the lady defender are shopping at the mall. Boyfriend guard is at his parents’ house. Defenses are down. This may be a good time to strike.” He disconnected the call.


Paul headed back over to Ed and Marie’s house to check on things. He saw that suspicious, expensive car, and picked up his speed. Banging on the door, Paul waited for an answer, praying they were okay. He tried the knob, and the door swung open.

“ED! MIG! Are you here? HELLOOOO??? Somebody say something! ED! MIG!” Paul ran through the house, thankful he’d spent years hanging out here with Alyssa and Jordan, her older brother. He went through the three bedrooms, checked the bathrooms, and the room over the garage. They were nowhere to be found. The playground. They loved the playground. Paul checked one more time throughout the home, and passed through the garage to check for Ed’s car. It was there.

He ran as fast as he could towards the Jungle Gym, the name of the playground. He hadn’t passed them so he knew they hadn’t returned home. He made it in less than five minutes, thankful that he was in good shape. He took a quick look around. A double stroller was parked near the restroom. Two moms with small children watched them in the sandbox. A dad pushed a baby in the baby swings while a slightly older child was in an open swing next to him. A multitude of older children played on the playground. He took a moment to walk the track around it, hoping to see Ed and Mig. He decided to check the restroom.

Walking into the men’s room, Paul spotted both men slumped on the floor. He checked for pulses. “Good. They’re alive.” Ed had blood dripping from the back of his head, and Mig had a bruised cheek, a black eye, and a fat lip. Paul suspected that if Mig took his shirt off, he’d have multiple lacerations and more bruising there. He walked outside, swore under his breath, and dialed 911.

“Two men have been attacked at the Jungle Gym, and a subsequent kidnapping. I’ll be standing outside the restroom. Yes, that’s where I found them. Both are injured severely. One has blood coming from the back of his head. Get here, stat!” The operator took down necessary information and before Paul hung up, he heard sirens. Now he had to find the kids.

The Astor Martin drove past, and Paul watched as it slowly surveyed the playground. Who was he looking for? Paul wanted to follow but had to settle for observing until the ambulance arrived. He didn’t have to wait long. An ambulance, followed by a squad car, pulled into the parking lot near the restrooms. Paul flagged them down. The Astor Martin sped off.

“Are you the one who called in the two injured persons?” The ambulance driver asked. Paul nodded and showed all three of the E.M.T. personnel to where Mig and Ed were. He went back outside after giving the necessary details. He wanted to talk to the Police.

“Ryan? I didn’t know you were a Police Officer.” That explained so much. “I have a license plate number for the Astor. It’s MDLFCRS. A man close to the same age as Ed was driving. He had salt and pepper hair, small framed, angular jaw, wearing a golf shirt, hat, and sunglasses. The kids are missing, Ryan. I bet if we follow that car, we’ll find them. He was driving down Mulberry as I was going back there. I checked the house; no one was there.”

“I’ll get a patrol to locate the address associated with that plate. It’s unusual, but people here love to personalize their plates.” Ryan walked to his patrol car to run the number. He was back in three minutes. “You’re not going to believe this. I couldn’t make it up if I tried. The plates are registered to Roger Allen McDonald. He lives on Elderberry Lane. I sent a patrol there already. We should hear from them shortly.”

“Thanks, Ryan. Can you contact John Houghton for me? He’s a friend of mine. We’re going to need his help getting the kids back, and protecting Alyssa. I have a few phone calls to make.”

“After you’re finished with those, I need an official statement from you. You’re the closest thing to an eye witness I have.”

“Sure thing. Be back in a few.” Paul dialed Max. After five minutes, they hung up and he swallowed the bile rising in his throat before he called Amanda.

“Hi, Mandy, it’s Paul. Um, listen, I need you to bring the ladies to the hospital.”

Amanda was not used to Paul sounding so upset or lost. Normally he exuded confidence. “Okay. Can I ask why?”

“I’ll explain everything when you get here. Just hurry!” With a quick “I love you” they said their goodbyes.

His last call was to Josh. “Hey, there’s been an attack. Someone beat Mig and Ed up pretty bad and took the kids. My guess is there was more than one man. I would hate to see them, though. I know Mig and Ed are both prior service. I’m sure they put up a fight, or they wouldn’t have been knocked unconscious. Ryan is a police officer here, and he traced our suspicious car to none other than Allen’s dad. He has an address here. He’s been working on this for a long while. Listen, I know you’re almost here, but I may need you to turn around and go back to the airport. If they’ve taken the kids, they will try to get them out of the State. Alert the authorities and have them meet you there.”

After ingesting all of that information, Josh simply said, “Okay, will do.”

“Thanks. We’re going to get these guys, if we can ever figure out how many there are. I appreciate all of your help in this.”

“No problem, Paul. I’ll call if we have any developments on this side.” They hung up.

Paul walked over to Ryan, who was on the phone, but hung up rather quickly when he approached the squad car. He gave his detailed report. “I’m headed to the hospital. Catch you later.”

“I’ll meet you there as soon as I hear from my other patrol.”

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