
By MuvaNeshia

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Read and find out my loves More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New Cover?
Chapter 33
Happy Friday
Imagines: Celebrity Edition
Tales Of Samiya

Chapter 32

4.5K 127 4
By MuvaNeshia

Armani p.o.v

After waking up from our sleep me and Roman took a shower.

"Baby what do you want to eat for Dinner tonight?" I asked putting on some bra and panties.

"Anything I really don't care what it is as long as you cook it. " He said putting on some basketball shorts. Nodding my head I walked out the room door heading to the kitchen walking past the living room I damn near had a heart attack and screamed when a brick flew in and landed on my floor.

Walking over to it I picked it up and saw a note was on it.

"Baby what was that noise you alright?" Roman said running down the note. Ignoring him I read the note.

This was just a little warning to you and yours before we do more damage. Tell your nigga I want my motherfucking money and I want it soon.


Them initials sounded to familiar. Then it pop up it was that TK nigga at the mall.

"Roman what the fuck is nigga talking about? You know what fuck all that you better find him before I do this butch bust my motherfucking window." I said pacing to calm myself down.

"Baby ya ex stole some of his shit and said I did it. I'll get ya windows fix alright?" He said but I wasn't trying to hear all that.

"No fuck that I want THAT nigga to fix my shit and imma charge him extra cause he a whole bitch. Stink add wanna be who the fuck still throws bricks through a window Lil bitch I should throw one on his head and dick. Scary ass couldn't even come to you as a man wanna come fuck with me stupid bitch. " I said making myself angrier. Roman grabbed me and wrap his arms around me.

"Baby calm down alright imma get this window fix real quick anhd you gonna pack a over night bag and come spend the night at my place okay?" He said but I shook my head cause no nigga was gonna scare me out my own house.

"No baby I don't feel comfortable leaving my house can we just stay here?" I asked he sighed but nodded his head.

"Imma call the somebody to fix the window and after that we can chill for the rest of the day. " He said he then kissed my head and walk to the kitchen I guess to call his people for the window.

Sitting on the couch I put my hand on my head and sighed really loud. I don't think this TK nigga understand that when my hand reach him I'm going to beat the shit out of him. Trinity poor bitch don't know that the ass whooping she got the first won't compare to the one I'm going to give her. Let me find out something happen to Jasmine and Jamya imma have to kill somebody. I know my brother and sister are good because the only person who know about them are my Ex.


After the man finished with the window me and Roman sat back and chilled for majority of the day. Now I was hungry and decided to start on dinner but it was a little early being that it's past 5.

"Baby what do you want to eat? " I asked Roman.

"Can we have Spaghetti?" He asked I said yeah and proceeded to take all the ingredients. Hooking my phone up to the speaker and hitting shuffle the first song that came on was Bryson Tiller x Rain On Me. (A/N: Y'all don't understand how bad I love this song.)

"Just rain on me, I'll rain on you" I sung with the song. This song is so beautiful.

When the song change I started to get hype when I heard Rake It Up and started to dance.

"I tell all my hoes rake it up break it down back it up." I said while dancing.

When the food I made Roman plate which had spaghetti and them stink ass garlic bread. Mines just having spaghetti.

"Roman come get the food while I grab our drinks." I said grabbing two bottles of Sprite. Roman came and grabbed the plates and I was behind him with the drinks.

Sitting down on the couch I grabbed the remote and turn it on HBO to see Forrest Gump was on and got mad excited this was my movie.

Eating I got so into the movie I didn't realize that Roman was eating off my plate until I was going in for another scoop and look down and saw I had no more food.

"Roman my food. " I said looking at him I mugged him when he started to laugh. Lil bitch.

"Baby I'm sorry I'll go fix you some more." Greedy bitch ate all his food and mine. Grabbing his plate and mine he put them into the kitchen.

"No I don't want anymore I wanted the one on my plate. " I said.

"Welp don't know what to tell you." Roman said coming back in with another plate. Thinking it was for me he sat down and began to dig in. Wow.

"What you said you didn't want none. " He said. Rolling my eyes I snatch the fork out his hand and began to dig in. Going in for another scoop I stop when I heard my phone ringing.

Looking at the name I quickly picked seeing it was Jasmine.

Me: Hey girly.

I frowned when I heard her crying in the back ground.

Me:Jasmine what the fuck what's wrong why are you crying.

When is said that Roman sat up focusing on me.

Jasmine😍👭: I put Jamya down for her nap and when I went to check up on her cause she usually up at this time ready to be fed and I look in her crib and she wasn't in her crib I looked up and down in this fucking house and she's not in here I called Don cause I sent him out to get some groceries for dinner thinking that he may have took her with him and he said no and said he's on his way back now. Mani somebody took my baby.

Me: Me and Roman are on our way alright just hang and stay by the phone incase somebody call okay.

Jasmine😍👭: I can't my baby she must be so scared hungry and confuse on what's going on. If something happens to my baby I don't think I'll survive it.

Me: Don't speak like that okay we are going to find her and she'll be okay so I'll see you in 10 okay I love you.

Hanging up when I heard her say she love me back.

"Roman somebody got my niece if we don't find her by 12 tonight I'm fucking this whole state up no lie. " I said once we rushed into the car speeding off to Don and Jasmine house praying nothing happens to Jamya.

Hey hey. Vote, comment and enjoy. Peace✌✌

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